How to Use and Install Webmin to Control Linux

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in this video I'm going over webmin an essential tool for pretty much any system administrator out there that wants to manage a linux computer remotely or from just an external source so there's going to be two parts to this the very first part I'm going to show you the installation process and then in the second part I'm going to actually show you and give you an overview of what webmin is how to administer it how to use it it's extremely powerful a lot of servers I put up I do web mint on just because it's so easy to administer that server and modify and update it rebooted I mean you name it it's really pretty awesome the only time I don't use webmin is if it's a really underpowered server maybe only one processor allocated to that virtual instance and then I don't typically do it but a pretty beefy server I don't mind doing web min on just know that if you have like a one-off command line only SSH server that has one gig of memory and one CPU allocated to it that's probably not worth doing web min on that's just gonna be a horrible experience I recommend at least two to four hour CPUs and probably a minimum of about four gigs of memory before I even bother with webmin so that's kind of my requirements again those aren't really like have to you can install it on lesser machines it's just in my point why I mean it's practically nothing at that thing and usually those machines are only doing one thing so I never usually use web min for that but for the moment the purpose Linux boxes out there web min is very sufficient so let's get into installing and then we'll move on to how to actually use web min so let's install web min real fast the quick way to install it now you need to do in lamp stack ahead of time which is Linux Apache my sequel and PHP if you don't have an entire web server set up web men will not work web mins directed towards system administrators with that said we have a working Apache server a working PHP of working my sequel we're ready to install web men very first thing I see people do and it's a complete incorrect way to install web men is let's go to CD et Cie apt and from here a lot of people directly edit the sources.list file and if you look at my sources dot list file you'll notice it only has official Debian repositories it's very important your sources dot list file stays clean do not put crap in here it's a new mistake what I've made on stream Hindon videos I'm definitely coming back and said hey don't do this it's bad so I've gone back and fixed my issues with that so from here let's go into CD sources list D this is where you need to make the file and as you see I do have other repositories I have wine TeamViewer licorice let's I'm a custom Linux kernel Google Cloud SDK and then a basis dot list and if you look out of these you'll notice that there's only one line in each one of these which is how you want it you want to be able to easily come into your sources list and disable this if need be or you have a problem repository the reason why it's nice to break these apart is if there is an issue with this on the main repository instead of failing and hard doing a hard fail when you do your apt update it'll just fail on this one repository and then just keep going so kind of cool so let's make a web min repository so we're gonna Nano webmin dot list this will create the file once we do sudo nano webmin dot list and we paste this file right in this will actually be in the description down below if you want to copy paste from here ctrl o and output and exit and web mins ready to go let's go ahead and grab the GPG key next to do this we're going to do you get let's go ahead and go into the root directory alright from the root directory here we're gonna go ahead and grab I'm actually running as roots right now I don't recommend but since I'm doing a GPG key I like to put them all in the root directory so we're gonna paste this right here grab this key and then we simply apt key add Jake and with that this key is installed and we can now just do an apt update and you'll see the web man right there on the screen and obviously you haven't done an update in a while 332 packages for you but with that we should be able to actually install webmin so let's go apt install webmin with this it'll grab any dependencies it needs and install them alright web min is installed if you look right here at the output it says install complete you can now log in using your local host and this as your password so we can go ahead and pull up that if you have problems with SSL which is HTTPS you can go ahead and kill the SSL on the server and log directly in through port 80 obviously if this is a forward facing server I don't recommend doing this I recommend keeping SSL whenever possible but if it's just a local server that no one else has access to but you you can go ahead and kill SSL I'm gonna go ahead and pop over to e.t.c and show you how to do that so from etc' web min we are needing the modifier Nano the mini served comp file mini serve com you just come down to where it says SSL back out write it and then we simply system control restart webmin and this will restart the web min service now that we've had at the comp and now we can actually launch it to web min and do our configuration remember it's going to be root and then the root password to log in to web min or something that has sudo or root your normal user probably won't suffice for this what we need to do because this is a system administrator tool so with that I'm gonna jump over and log in to web min and I'll see you on that screen okay so let's go ahead and talk about web min as far as the actual once you get it installed loaded up this is my minecraft server right here I you can see a really awesome heads-up display you can see is it out of date running processes total memory virtual memory all these things just right at your fingertips uptime is about five hours because I just rebooted it after I installed what min and kind of configured it earlier today so with all this this is what you're looking at let's show some of the neat things recent logins is basically all the IP that have been logged into here so I usually hit this up just may verify that those are my IPS you know that's always a good idea just to kind of look at I'm not gonna click it here because I don't want to expose my personal IPS to you so with that you know this is just current disk space usage down here as well and if you don't wanna see him you can just click the little triangle here so with that let's go ahead and jump on the left side and we can jump into the actual navigation pane this portion I don't really mess with theming or anything like that all I do is click this for daylight and in night time obviously dark theme rules because who doesn't use a dark theme maybe your grandma but that's about it just sayin so with that webmin configuration you can do some actual configurations in here however most this I done already and I don't really like this particular screen some people like using it I don't particularly care for it but yeah for this portion of it I don't really use any of these sub menus so I'm not gonna go through them now system I do use quite often boot up and shutdown shows you what services are big loaded so are they starting that boot and are they running right now that's pretty awesome it's really nice just to kind of flip through here and go okay these are all the services that are running like failed to ban is a great great service and it is up and it is running and you know you can kind of just do some troubleshooting with just this screen which is awesome change passwords I you can guess what that does disk and network file systems obviously since this is VPS I don't have access to disk or network file system so I'm not gonna show you that running processes this is like a top command which is nice you can kind of see what is being used typically I come in here I say hey what's taking up the most memory obviously a Java scripts running hogging up 10 gigs and memory that is my minecraft boom that is obviously going crazy on this server and then you get some other stuff like failed to ban servers going so it gets attacked by a DDoS or something like that it'll be able to ban those users and then we got some other miscellaneous in here so kind of nice just to kind of see hey what is using all of the services and scheduled cron jobs this is pretty awesome for scheduling certain things that need to happen instead of having to do like a cron tab and manually edit in terminal you can actually come in here and do it all from the GUI software package updates this will actually show you doing refresh is the same as doing a PT update and then it'll say hey these packages are available and display them so let's see it's refreshing package contents and REE fetching it found no updates which I didn't expect that I updated like literally five hours ago but if it did it come into here and then you could simply either schedule the upgrade or do the upgrade right then and there now if you're searching for a specific package like let's say nano you could actually search for that then it would say hey nanos right here and then you can install it now obviously I've already installed Nano so you could actually click this and hit uninstall to uninstall Nano which is pretty awesome as well other thing in the systems tab that you'll constantly uses a system admin is the system logs it's so nice to come in here and go okay my cron job my schedule job didn't come in here you could actually come in here now it's actually not enabled so let's go ahead and activate that and all we do is click logging active yes and hit save from here cron will now be activated so anytime a cron job runs it'll log it and put it in this lug now the main logs you typically look at is this syslog and we could actually pull this up real fast and see what's kind of been going on in this log and you can see not too much has actually been happening some app armor errors here I don't even think I have a partner installed right now so probably need to clean that up install that but past app armor nothing really that sticks out in my brain out of that log and then also the mail dot log this is nice just to come in just because I didn't set up postfix yet on this server and if it's sending out a bunch of mail I need to know about it and this just kind of gives you a quick look there's really nothing in here that pops out at me so between those two logs there's not too much else I really go into on a daily basis unless there's something that kind of calls my attention to it like if I need to look at who's been logging in the authorization log is actually pretty good I'm not gonna click into that because it's gonna show my IPS and I don't want to display that for this video so with that that is pretty much the system tab so let's go ahead go down into servers servers are things and services that are currently running I have Apache installed postfix for email and then SSH so SSH obviously comes pretty much standard on any of these servers and really you can set up and do a lot of configuration in here which is neat and do access control and other things which is pretty awesome so let's go into others here we got command show which pulls up terminal which is kind of neat so you can do LS and let go CD go to the root device and you can kind of see everything setting up though kind of a neat little tool and it's also down here in your tray so you can go boom and pull up terminal from down here as well so pretty powerful stuff if you access through the web you can just do a command shell here file manager if you want like a GUI file manager this is actually very good you can get around as well and delete files upload files those types of things the one other command I also wanted to show on here is upload and download there's a lot of times I set up a server and I'm like oh crap there's a whole bunch of stuff I need to download and some of them are really sizable files like a gig or two gigs and what you can do is actually list the URLs in here say put in my home directory or wherever you might have them assign them to this user and then it goes ahead and downloads all those files and then you can come back in a couple hours and go oh sweet there's all my files from the W gets that this did and you're ready to rock so that's pretty cool especially when building a big project from source very handy networking you can do I don't really use bandwidth monitoring fail to ban intrusion detector set this up every single server without a doubt failed Abed is awesome I can't speak highly enough about it but you can get in here do some extra configurations Linux firewall obviously set this up anytime you launch of this right now I do a couple port passes for minecraft some HTTP stuff and then port 10000 which is web min and then my port 22 which on SSH I am very very paranoid about people hacking into SSH so I do tar pitting I do fail to ban I do a lot of things when it comes to SSH to try and lock that down and I'm gonna make a separate video about securing SSH because if you open up port 22 to the outside world and you don't do anything and just barely set up the firewall you're just asking for trouble you're just asking for it so definitely I can't emphasize enough secure port 22 and I'll do a future video about securing SSH as well under the hardware tab there's really nothing to note nice thing I like to do is get an assistant time and changing the timezone from here that's pretty epic because it's super easy to just do it from a drop-down and hit save and it changes the timezone across the server so much easier clustering I don't really use web moon in clustering unused modules you can actually click on these and install them directly if you wanted to like let's say I was gonna set up proxy server YZ and squid I could actually click here install it and download and install it through the apt and then configure it directly through this module configuration once installed it would actually come up into probably like servers at that point so it wouldn't be in unused modules and then you just simply click refresh modules and then it would refresh all these modules as well down here you can pin and unpin the navigation menu I already went over a day and night mode terminal again such a nice thing and then favorites you can actually put certain things you use all the time in your favorites menu and it would just pop up their theme configuration again I don't do any theming change your user and then simply sign out and that is webmin in a short period of time hopefully I can get this down under 20 minutes is my goal well let me know in the comments how I did so there you have it that was webmin installation and configuration I absolutely love this tool I don't know how he had lived without it a lot of times it's so nice just to have the heads up display the dashboard there it's just a sleek and sexy solution but with that said let me know what your thoughts are down in the comments what's your favorite part of web man what do you do that I missed and with that said a big shout out to my patrons without you I wouldn't be able to make these videos and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 35,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, install webmin, webmin, how to install and use webmin, linux, how to install webmin, how to install webmin on linux, webmin (software), how to install webmin on debian, how to install webmin with ssl on ubuntu server, how to install webmin with ssl on ubuntu 16.04 lts, install, how to install, how to use webmin, webmin tutorial, webmin install, webmin setup, how to setup webmin, setting up webmin, installing webmin, installing webmin on ubuntu
Id: 7QF0toTZLbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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