The Complete Virtualmin / Webmin Setup on Debian 10

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in this video i aim to show you how to do a complete and full setup so this is not going to be a brief video i do ask for your patience and ask for you to bear with me as we get started so at this point i'm going to make the assumption that you know how to install software and that you've already installed oracle vm virtualbox and at this point what we need to do is to do a little bit of prep work and set up so if you come under here to file and preferences i've gone ahead and i've created some special destinations inside of my personal computer and on the d drive i've created a folder called vms and this is where all of my virtual machines are going to go and live this is not a default setup so again how i got here is when you first install it just go up to file and preferences and do a little organizational work okay it'll help save uh you to know where things are and also make it a little bit more easier to get to if you don't want to do this that's absolutely fine then just go ahead and follow along from this point forward so i'll also assume that you downloaded the iso or cd-rom image to install debian and so at this point what i'm going to do is come back up here to file and i'm going to come in here to where it says virtual media manager which is control d another way of getting to it is this uh bullet point list over here you click on it and you can get to media here now what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a optical disk so be careful because you almost you may do what i just almost did your all the actions are at the top but the focus of the actions are down here in these tabs so this takes action on floppy disks optical disks and hard disks so go ahead and choose optical disks and what we want to do is create or add one and i keep my isos in the default area so inside of here is where my debian ios or iso is rather and at this point what will happen is is when i go ahead and i add this to the to the list now this is available for me to assign to a drive on a virtual machine uh that'll make sense if it doesn't already in just a few moments so i'm going to switch back over here to the welcome area because this is where we manage and create virtual machines this area manages as sorry manages and creates media so we want to now go to the welcome area which is the lifeblood of the app which is where we're going to go ahead and create a virtual machine we're going to go ahead and choose new and at this point we're going to do deb10 for the name not dev 120 dev 10. and at this point it is a linux it is a debian 64-bit system and the vm is going to go into the vm folder and at this point i'm going to create a two gigabyte system so this is one gigabyte of ram i'm gonna add two gigabytes essentially doubling the number to two zero four eight and if my fingers would type and do as i say then this video will go a lot easier all right anyway uh with that being said now just choose the default here create choose the default here again create and you do want to dynamically allocate it versus fixed the what this does is it you specify essentially a ceiling on how big the disc should get but if you choose dynamically uh allocated it will build the size of the disc in real time up to the ceiling if you do fixed disk or fixed size which is a fixed disk what will happen is is that it will reserve that space immediately and eat up a bunch of unnecessary hard disk space so i always just set the ceiling and choose dynamic at this point i only technically need about 10 to 20 gigs so i'm going to put 20 gigabytes of disk space here and you can see that it automatically puts it into its own folder again on the d drive if you didn't make the changes it'll put it in its default location which is where it goes when you install it all right and so at this point i now have a basic machine so i am going to show you two changes now that you should make but keep in mind in reality and and this is if you're really ocd or anal like i am where you just don't want any errors going on and you want a perfect or clean install you really should have three i'll show you two and again i'll circle back to the third one so the first setting that you wanna do is you wanna well first you wanna click the machine and you wanna click on settings that'll get you into the settings window and the first thing that you wanna do is go to network you wanna change this from network address translation which is what nat stands for and i'm not going to get into it here because it has to do with networking but let's just use bridged and without going into a long-winded explanation on networking bridged essentially will just make the machine as if it's part of your generalized network if we do nat then it gets built into the special and isolated area where vms are and i don't want that to happen i just want another machine on my network so that we can make this accessible to the internet so the easiest and quickest way to do this is just choose bridged all right so with that being said i've got that set and i'm going to go into here and choose this ide controller under storage remember earlier when i was in the media manager i said this will make a little bit more sense well now that i've created the media all i have to do is choose or create a virtual optical disk and because we've already created it all i have to do is select it now i could have gone ahead and added it here as a shortcut and you may want to do that too but i do want to give you a little bit of understanding on virtual box manager by oracle and how to do different things so two ways of getting to the same place anyway we're going to choose the debian installer and at this point we're going to choose ok alright now before i close this window i'm going to show you the third option and it's under display and i'm going to leave this as default because as you notice this is a debian linux 64-bit system and i really wish virtualbox would make the change because this vm svga controller is bad it really should be vbox svga and i'm going to leave it at the default because i want to show you the error message i want to show you how to troubleshoot the error message and then i want you to google it and learn how to google it based on the error message which will basically tell you that the graphics controller is bad and that's the reason for the year but in any event this is the third change the third and final change needs to be v box svga okay again gonna leave it like this to show you what happens all right so with this being said my changes are made now sorry about that with the changes now being made all i need to do is to adjust i'm sorry to is to start the virtual machine sorry about that got distracted with my uh notification of my phone here and so with this being said uh it pulled up in my other screen and i have select a startup disk and so it's the only one i have so i'll just go ahead and choose start now i do have another screen off window but i can't drag it over right now because it's stuck all right so now that that's done i've got it here i'm going to go ahead and close this down let's rearrange some windows and i'm going to choose the graphical installer so we'll do this yep capture all right and arrow up arrow down choose graphical installer okay that should let my mouse work or start to work well try this again get it up here okay good that seems to be working yep all right and so at this point we're going to whip through this as fast as we can i will only discuss changes when it's necessary otherwise i'm just going to click the default and just go with it and not explain why okay so english united states american english hang out and wait it's detecting the cd-rom i'm gonna pause okay i've unpaused and now it's detecting the hard network anyway i'm going to pause intermittently so you're not watching paint dry because again this video is going to be really long i'm going to pause one more time okay now i'm being asked to choose a hostname all of that screen just did do dip dip you know did its thing and then it landed here so i didn't there wasn't anything that you missed other than just a bunch of automation okay so with that being said i now need to give it a hostname i'm going to choose web01 for my hostname and that being said let's choose continue the domain name is going to be for me it's going to be at home hosting dot com and choose continue now you'll replace this with your domain name and you can call the host name whatever you want i just chose web01 and with this being said i now need to choose a password i'm just going to use the insecure password of demo for the root account because this is a demo and choose continue and now i'm going to create a user not a root user just a regular user and i'm going to call him demo and i'm going to call the account demo and i'm going to use the password of demo again really really secure and hit enter or continue and now it's doing its thing and i'm going to pause one more time all right so we're going to unpause again here and now it's just talking about the clock so we'll just choose continue you'll need to pick whatever is in your region and so right now it's going to go ahead and pick up on the disks that i have here and at this point i'm just going to use the entire disk in guided all right so at this point i only have one disk provisioned which is fine continue and at this point i'm just going to choose all files in one partition recommended for new users and i'll go ahead and choose continue and at this point i'm going to finish participating yeah partitioning and change and write all the changes to the disk and at this point i do need to carefully read this here because if i don't i'm going to go into what's called an infinite loop and just continue to go through the installer and it's not going to help the message needs to be changed to yes to write the changes and continue otherwise it's going to take you through what you just went through again and again and again alright so with that being said this is going to take a few minutes i'm going to pause again and at this point that's finished up i land on this screen and all i have to do is go with the defaults i don't want to scan any other disks choose the united states you'll need to choose whatever is appropriate for you and choose continue for me the default and the suggestion is debian or i'm going to choose that continue i just hit continue on the proxy and now it's going ahead and configuring the apt manager and a bunch of other packet management software and i did a brief pause again and i landed on this screen and this is about the popularity contest it's essentially a survey and i'm just going to go ahead and choose no and with that being said i now land to this screen and because we are going to be creating a web server and a virtualmin installation which essentially is going to manage the server we don't want a desktop environment because if you go to amazon or you go to lenode or you go to any of the other operating vendors out there you're not going to get a desktop environment so you need to really be comfortable with ssh and command line and obviously you're going to need the standard system utilities and so the web server is unnecessary and the rest of this is just you know part of the desktop environment so in any event these are the two options that you want go ahead and choose continue and i'm gonna pause once again okay so now we are back again here and now it's asking about the grub bootloader which is something that you're going to need to put on here to tell it where your uh you know where your operating system is and where you're going to boot from and so the default is yes so just choose continue now here you need to read carefully because you're only going to have one choice if you followed along to this point and you do need to select it unfortunately the manual device you know it seems nonsensical to choose it if there's only one but in any event the installer forces you to pick the only item that you have to choose from and then click continue and that being said this will go ahead and load and i'll pause one more time and at this point the installation is done and for all intents and purposes we're going to go ahead and click continue and it's going to reboot the system and the message is going to flash on the screen up here in just a moment you'll see an error two lines that'll show up as an error and this is a result of that video and it showed up right there there are the errors i don't know if you saw that it said failed um and you went in there and see it so let's log in and let's take a closer look at that okay so to log in and look at these ears what we're going to do is we're going to do journal ctl dash b and then we're going to pipe this over to basically it's a it's another application and we're going to search for some text and the app is called grep and what we want to look for is asterix error and we don't see that let's just run the whole thing let's hit the end on the keyboard and if we scroll up we should see the errors in red and there they are okay so it's case sensitive i needed to look for error in caps so just to show you how this works that way you don't have to to do the whole thing there we go we'll just arrow up a couple times all right so that's what i meant to find so these are the two lines that we saw on the screen at boot time and the fix for this is to come over to here into the settings and change the display again from this to vbox i can't do it right now because the machines run it so i'm going to do shutdown it helps if i have focus so just choose shutdown now come over to here okay so it is shut down so in the display i'm going to change this to vbox svga choose ok and by the way guys these are modes so in here you can see the details on the machine this is the summary and here you can take snapshots of the disk as a matter of fact let's take one right now we'll do the first snapshot okay and what'll happen is if we screw something up from this point forward we can revert right back to this particular point in time snapshots are your best friend so go ahead and use them as much as you can alright so with that snapshot being taken and the changes being made we should be able to start this guy up again and here it comes and here is the selector for the grub let's go and no errors and we should get log in here's the blocks and there is our login okay excellent we've got that all set to get ready to go all right so root and demo we are in clear oh so just to show you this again if we now journal control dash b grep error with the proper case we don't get anything well we didn't get any errors earlier but anyway if you get errors at boot time just remember that journal control dash b for the boot log and that will get you what you're looking for and if you know that you're looking for a specific type of text in the error log then you can go ahead and throw that over to grep and search through that and only get what you need and not have to sort through the whole thing all right so now that this is all said and done what we need to do some preparatory work and clean up work and to do that what we need to do is to assign it a static ip because we're going to install virtualmin and it needs to have a static ip not a dhcpip all right so hopefully that makes sense to you if not just know this is something that you need to do and we'll go ahead and do that now i happen to know automatically that the ip address of is the ip address that i am going to assign statically now if i look at the ip address that i have assigned now which is a dhcp address i can see and i can't show you this while i'm recording i'll have to do it in post but if you look to the bottom where the flashing cursor is if you go about four lines up you'll see it starts with inet m192.168.254.63 cider24 slider is classless internet domain routing it's essentially a way of signing a subnet mask with a slash dot notation in any event the ip address is dhcp'd and this is a problem because we want the world to know where our web server is and if it's a moving target then we'll never know where it is so we have to make it stationary and that means the ip address can't move because what we're going to have to do is take our dhcp ip that we get from our internet service provider and we're going to use and we have used uh an application called direct update and some dynamic dns anyway that's not the subject for this course i do have another course about hosting at home on udemy uh you should go definitely go ahead and uh i think it's like 10 bucks or something it's 29.99 but for the most part you can find it on sale for like 10 or 11 bucks if you need a coupon just go ahead and reach out to me and i'll uh i'll get you one all right so in any event uh what we need to do is sign that assign that static ip and to clean up the screen because i hate clutter we'll go ahead and clean this up and now what i want to do is run an application like notepad in linux it's called nano and so i'm going to run nano by just typing in nano but i can pass it the file that i want to run nano in other words i can pass it the file that i want to open with nano so i can edit it and i happen to know that the file that we want to edit to change the dhcp address to the static ip is going to be located under the etc etc slash or yeah slash let's see i think it's a network and if you're not sure you can just type a part of it and hit tab like i just did and it'll auto complete and then from here i believe it's interfaces yep there we go so i typed in i n and i hit tab and it resolved now if there's multiple ones you may have to hit tab twice but anyway that's this is the linux thing and this isn't a linux course so i'm not going to go through each and every one of those so you'll just have to type it all out all right so nano etc network interfaces this is the file that we need to edit i'm going to hit enter and lo and behold now this is the file that we have just to let you know guys if you screw something up in this file and you want to undo and you're a windows person for example i want to undo that it's the alt key plus you which is what does the undo okay and read the helper text at the bottom lots of linux buffs are probably screaming at me right now saying why are you using nano you should use vi or vim or whatever and so that's fine nano is nice and quick and easy for what we're doing and for noobs it's really good because it has that helper text at the bottom of the screen and you're not going to get too too stuck or too stuck too fast all right highly important you need to type in auto okay and now what we need to do is auto the interface okay so the interface is listed right here which is the enp 0 s3 so we'll just type that in again enp 0s3 okay so that's key if we don't have this in then bad things are going to happen with the reboot and things won't automatically start the way that they need to so just know that this needs to be in there the next change that we need to do is where this thing says dhcp we need to get rid of that and type in static okay so with that being said we're going to drop down to a new line we're going to tab over and we're going to type an address this is the static ip address that we're going to assign to this machine which is 192. i showed you that earlier 168.254 dot 40 okay and so the next item actually i'm going to use the cider okay slider 24 okay so if you didn't use a slider you'd have to type in netmask and two five sorry 2.55 come on actually it's going to be that zero okay so netmask this right here all that typing you can use the shortcut of dash 24 okay just know that the the number below is signified with this slash 2 4. it has to do with the number of bits that are turned on and off and all that other stuff again not going to get into all of that in this course so we're going to use the cider so i won't need to use the netmask all right the same the next thing i need to do is add a network so the network is basically going to be where is the network and where does it start at so it's okay so we go from one and then we go all the way up to 255 with that slash 24 slider that doesn't make sense don't worry about it just type in exactly what i'm telling you to type in here and on the next one we want to put in broadcast and on a class c again if none of this makes sense don't worry about it on a class c network this uh broadcast is going to be all right we're almost done here we need a gateway which is where is my router where is my modem and so that is going to be 192.168. and i do need to preference or disclaim let me finish uh typing here because i can't talk and type at the same time for some reason the gateway and all these ip addresses you're going to have to make sure that number one the static ip address that you're assigning is available to you okay i said i wasn't going to do this but i do have to give you at least a little bit of explanation all right so i am going to log into my windstream router here and the other thing that i want to highlight is under this advanced setup and we want to go over here to lan ip settings okay so this is my lan ip and my dhcp settings these are the dhcp this is the dhcp server that assigns ip addresses to what's on my network all right so here i have this opportunity to set the ip address values okay so i'm not assigning anything from one all the way up to 50. now this machine that i'm recording this video on is 50. so i chose 40 for the virtual machine that i'm creating for or in this video and the top the very ceiling of what it's going to issue out is 200 so there's roughly about uh 150 149 ips that are going to get assigned to devices on my network and i don't have 150 ish type of items on my home network i only have maybe 20 to 40 if that at best so i have manually configured this if you don't have anything like this in your router then what you want to do is go into dhcp reservations and pick the number so i picked you know the number that i just showed you in here which is the and i can make a manual reservation for that so select an ip address to associate with the mac address now that's the first thing i'll need to pick the mac address of this adapter and anyway that i'm going to leave up to you you'll have to go into virtualbox and and pick that up and and figure out what that's going to be and there's some other things you can do anyway because it's probably not going to be something that everybody needs to do only a handful of you very select most of you will be able to just set a range okay and i just suggest giving you a buffer of at least 10 ips that you can play with because you only need one for this video okay so anyway with that being said knowing that you have a safe and static ip address whatever this is going to be set it to that if your ip address is right and that's the gateway address your network is going to be the broadcast is still going to be the same as what i've got here the ip address is going to change 192.168.0. whatever wherever you have that range the gateway is going to be 192.1680.1 so in any event all of this is going to change all right so the last and final item that you need is something called dns name servers and it's pluralized because you can add more than one ip address so first thing i'm going to do is add the loopback or local127.0.0.1 if you're not sure what that is don't worry about it just type it exactly as i have it here and then go ahead and type in the name of the gateway which is your router because it also has a way of looking up information 192. 168.254.254. and i'm going to for good measure in case something that goes wrong with my isp i'm going to use google's dns which is or you can use the alternative variant of that of 8.4.4 okay and there's i think even one more so i'm going to leave these just like they are i'm going to save the file off okay so make note of all of the changes again what you want to use is address network broadcast gateway and dns hyphen name servers and you make sure you use this auto enps 0 s3 which should work for you if you're following the law and i you know identically to what i've got here so control x is going to exit but when i do it's going to ask me if i want to save the file and it says save yes i do want to save hit yes or y and then it says where do you want to save the changes to well because i specified etc network interfaces i'm editing the file already so it filled it in for me all i do is hit enter and now my changes are there i'm back to the command line and go ahead and clear this and if i type in ipadder for ip address you don't have to type in the whole name because if i hit tab you know these are the options address or add adder label so if you just do adder it knows that you're talking about the i p address and it pulls it up okay so you'll see that my i p address doesn't reflect what i just made the change to in order for you and you have to understand this about linux anytime an application starts it reads configuration files to know how it's supposed to do what it's supposed to do so if you make a change to a configuration file you either have to restart the service so that it can re-read the file or you have to restart the computer so that it can re-read whatever configuration change that you made so either way works do whatever is comfortable for you at this point you can just reboot the machine and it'll work for you otherwise you can do system ctl restart and what you want to restart is the networking okay nothing happens it just goes away and this is a good thing that means it should have worked so if i arrow up twice to get to the previous command i p address adder now i should see my 40 and again four lines up from the bottom where the flashing cursor is it says inet okay so this is great this is doing exactly what i needed to do now for the next remainder of this course i want to use ssh to log into this server i don't want to use this console which is just like me being in front of and physically on the computer that's what a console is it belongs to the machine on the machine whereas ssh is a remote way of connecting to this virtual machine or instance and that's how you would connect to most virtual machine and instances in the cloud at amazon at lynode or wherever else you're using and so you'll never have console level access typically with those guys unless they have a web interface that gives you console level access and some do so with that being said the next thing that we need to do if you want to log in with the root user and not use sudo you have to allow and make the changes to allow the root user to use ssh and just like we used nano i'm going to arrow up a couple of times where we run nano and we choose something very specifically to edit we're going to do the same thing for ssh and i happen to know that it's ssh something so i'm going to hit tab twice and you'll see the one that i want is actually sshd config it's on the far left of the three columns the second one down okay sshd underscore config so if i do ssh d underscore and then hit tab it finishes it out and if i hit enter i get to this file real simple change we need to scroll down to where it says authentication and that's where this is right here okay what we're looking for is this line right here perm root log or permit root login and so the thing to do here is this text that's in blue means that it's a comment it means nothing is in this configuration is going to take place as soon as i remove that pound symbol now all of a sudden i have a command that is going to take place and i want to remove what's on the tail end and simply just replace this with yes so i want to permit the root login yes that's essentially what i'm making a configuration okay plain english not too difficult and now i just need to get out of the file hit command or control rather x and i hit c i hit the wrong key so uh control x and it says save modified buffer and by the way a buffer is just means whatever you've got in memory and that's where it stores the live changes anyway tell it yes or why and then here's the file that auto populates just hit enter okay that being said all's good now if you remember earlier i have to restart ssh because it has to re-read this configuration file change all right so to do that i'm going to do system ctl restart we're not doing networking we're doing ssh okay that looks good now with that being said i should be able to use putty which is my trusty little thing over here and i'll type in and all of this is going to come off screen maybe it looks good but i'm not getting any connectivity so something is a foot let's find out what's going on so live troubleshooting so we're going to bring up the dos command prompt in windows and i'm going to ping the ip address ping 192.168. and i am getting a response back from the virtual machine so that's good let's ping my machine the windows machine from the linux virtual machine and we're going to do ping 192. 192. 168.254.50. and i'm getting connectivity there as well okay so i should i don't know why i wasn't able to connect one two one six eight i may have typed something wrong i didn't pay attention close enough 254.40 if you guys are looking at this video and saw me do a typo you're probably screaming you idiot um all right so apparently i did type something wrong in any event uh go ahead and click yes because it's uh i've never logged in and it's the key demo um nope root is the username passwords demo okay i am in i'm clearing this up so now i'm in in both places so i'm going to minimize this and now we're remoted in now the other reason to that i did this like this and you're maybe asking why didn't you use the console the console doesn't let you paste things in from the clipboard and so for the next video i'm going to go to virtualmin i'm going to go to download and install and what i want to do is i want to get this command right here this is going to download this installation script folder or file rather okay so i've got a copy to the clipboard with my cursor placed in here i'm going to now right click on the mouse which will paste it in and it didn't do as expected and that happens sometimes because of the way on how you select things all right so carefully choosing copy try this one more time right click okay it worked that time all right so with that being said what's going to happen is it's going to go out to the internet wget is a simple command that says get something from a url and in this case i specified a file and it's going to download it and it's going to put it right into my directory and it's a very small script file right so if i do ls which is like dir or directory listing on on windows ls is going to show me a list of the files there is my file now to run it remember how we use nano when we specified the file that we wanted to use with nano well this is an installation script so to run the installer or the the installation or the script application you simply have to put the path of where it exists that is in the bin folder and from there we forward slash sh so that is the application that we want to run and now what we want to pass into is the install dot sh file that is in my directory the current directory so i'm just going to tab out and it didn't work okay i just had to type one more letter and anyway i'm going to go ahead and click enter and again the reason for using putty to do the ssh is so that we can paste stuff in so that we don't have to type all of that in there and also there may be other reasons as you move forward to where this makes sense all right so the installer says this is only going to work on certain key important operating systems that they support they're basically what they refer to i think as primary in any event the first one that's up there is centos red hat linux because of the centas slash red hat ibm debacle that's going on right now where um basically they're killing off support as it used to be i wouldn't suggest doing anything other than debian right now or in boontu if that's a flavor that you're familiar with but in any event for following along with this video we're using debian 9 and i use it in production servers as well and haven't had a problem so i do like it in any event it says everything's fine nothing failed do i want to continue yes or no yes i want to continue so y and then hit enter and at this point it's going to be like watching paint dry so i am going to pause the video after a quick explanation there are three separate phases as you can see we just went into phase two the first phase is essentially looking and making sure that it can download everything that it needs it's setting up different things and repositories uh so that you can get it for the webmin and if you're not familiar with linux a repository is like an apple app store or the google play for android it's a way of going and getting applications for the operating system or for the device and in linux they use repos or repositories and when we did the installer of debian we told it as the central repository so we only set up the one and this is setting up something else so the nice thing about linux is you can point it to multiple stores essentially and a store just holds a bunch of software so most things are in the general default repository and for those that aren't all you have to do is add the repo to you know your linux installation or flavor and you'll be able to get the application for the first time as well as subsequent updates when you use the apt get app update the apt environment in debian in centos it's yum and of course there's changes to a lot of that all the time so in any event i'm not going to rattle on much longer i'm going to pause so this goes away this phase 2 is probably the longest but it'll finish phase 2 and then it goes through like 29 separate configuration installations in phase 3 and it takes about anywhere from three to fifteen minutes depending on the speed of your machine if you've got a really snow machine it might even take up to a half hour so just let it do its thing if it gets an error it'll tell you but for the most part it should run and be good as long as you've done everything that you've seen here you may have a unusual network card or some configuration anomaly on your machine that could cause a problem but for the most part i can't help you troubleshoot that because it's your machine in your environment but for the most part it should work for the majority of you with a handful of very few exceptions okay we're going to pause and we'll come back in just a few minutes okay guys we now have a full and complete installation i'm going to try to scroll up a little bit here and maybe i can make this window a little bit bigger okay so as you can see you've got phase one of three two of three and then you have the final phase three of three and there's 23 processes that need to fire off where it's configuring each of the services that is part of virtualmin and webmin and at this point it's giving you information saying that the website is now up and running and available and that i should be able to go to https web01 at forward slash this uh port number of ten thousand so i don't have any ports open for this right now and i'm gonna have to fix that so to fix that let's go over to the router and for my firewall or my router i need to be logged in so let's go ahead and do that and click on firewall again and click on port forwarding and let's go down to the bottom alright so i do have port 80 and 443 going to my main machine because on the main machine i have another course that i recorded it's about again 10 bucks on udemy and i have that running here in the house running on zamp and now what i want to do is to add this domain to that so i'm going to use this application called direct connect and i'm going to bring that over here and if you take my course you'll see about this particular piece of software as well as some others and what i need to do let's see this actually has an error let's view the last result let's uncheck that and let's unlock the account and its operation was successful all right so that fixed the root underlying root cause now let's go ahead and add a new one so now what we want to do is we want to update web001 and dot and let's move this off here let's take this domain host so this is all there as well all right now i have all of this information available online so i'm gonna have to switch over to my google domains which is where i've registered this again if all of this doesn't make sense don't worry about it i've covered it in the other course i do encourage you to go ahead and take that and let's see if i can remember where to go it's probably the easiest way of getting there yep manage my domains okay so essentially what i need to do is add a synthetic dns record to allow for dynamic ip so this will actually work from the real world and here's a synthetic record we'll add a dynamic dns we'll add web 01 [Music] conflicts with the existing webo okay i actually do have a web01 already now let's go ahead and delete this all right let's add it all right edit okay no don't want to edit twirl this open alright so here's what i need i need to get these credentials out of here to put into the other app so let's put this in here and guys by the way i am going to reset the credentials so if you're thinking about taking them go ahead they're not going to work and i need to put this password in here and with any lock okay good that's it all right so with that now being in i have no ip address i should be able to refresh this and i should have a web address okay let's see my synthetic record for web one now has a public ip and it's 66 134 it ends in so if i do my ip in google chrome 66 134 so that matches what's in here so i do know that that's good now i need to jump over to the port forwarding and i need to put which is what the virtual machine is and it's port number ten thousand so let's go back to the console and it is ten thousand yep here's the port right here so that's ten thousand copy copy copy copy most routers you don't have to do all that you specify it once or maybe twice alright so now i have the port opened up i have the domain name or the a record in this case a synthetic record with my dynamic uh configuration going on here and i should be able to to do this now guys if you're doing this at a real host provider all you need to do is go in and add a typical domain name right you just go into an add an a record and you would put in you know web01 and there's none of this hocus pocus right and you just put in the ip address to your server and it's done because it's a static ip it you know you use normal dns it's because i'm doing this at the house and i want to work moving forward i don't want to have to pay for hosting and that was the purpose of the course at hosting uh at home and uh anyway as a result of that i don't have to do that with this configuration so i should be able to grab this entire url out and select it and hit enter which should put it on the clipboard and it does and with any luck i'll get this error message now notice that this has this error now let me go back into the console or rather into here and it says you'll receive a security warning in your browser on your first visit okay and this is what this is now i'm using chrome to get around this just click advanced and say go there anyway it's telling you it's unsafe but i know it's safe because it's my box so i click on that and now i get to the webmin so if i type in root not rot root and i put in demo which is my password i am now inside of webmin and this is great now the thing is with a brand new fresh install of virtualmin is you need to run this post installation wizard and i'm not going to spend a tremendous amount of time but i do see other tutorials online where they kind of just blow through this and don't do a great job of explaining it and you're trying to learn so i get that and i'm going to try to give you as much information as i can at the same time i'm not going to try to draw it out so first thing you need is click next now this is the pre-loading of virtualmin libraries let's talk about minimum system requirements that i've experienced in the real world i don't care what virtualmin website says i can tell you from a person with experience with this software using real websites in a production environment what you should have minimal and what you should have if you can afford it what you should have minimum is two a two core processor and four gigabytes of ram assuming that you have that then the answer to that or the answer to this question is yes and run email lookup server also yes again apologize for the alarm the next item that you need to look at or consider is for this virtual machine i have one core that i have set up in virtualbox and i have in addition to the one core let's see let me go over here to details i've got where is my processor core it's probably staring me at me right in the face and for some reason i can't find it but i'll go to settings under system processor okay here we go one processor so i have one core and as far as memory goes on this machine i'm only dealing with two gigabytes of ram which is what i had set up uh to to be in the first place and of course that's listed right here under base memory all right so two gigs and one processor with that being said the proper answer for this then would be no don't load it run email lookup server also no okay next and of course if you have more processors more ram then obviously just use what i had recommended with the two processor four gigabyte of ram configuration all right the next one is enable virus scanning with clam av the answer to this for a small under processor i mean underpowered machine is no two processors and four gigabytes of ram this is going to be questionable at best okay so i would say this is safe to run if you're running maybe one or two domains and you get an average amount of mail if you get an insane amount of mail or you have a domain that's established with a lot of spam that comes in be extremely careful because it's gonna just constantly run and peg up your processor and gobble up your ram like there's no tomorrow so the question the answer to this question is not so clean just know that it's a pig and it will take up a chunk of a huge chunk of your system resources so i'm going to choose no because i'm underpowered and i don't need it for this demo but in a production environment with very very little domains or a low traffic type of site then you can choose yes all right so with that being said i'm going to choose next here all right run maria database server the answer is to both of these yes leave it as is in any of the production environments if you have a specific reason for needing postgres sql then go ahead and change this to yes i typically never use it most of the sites that i host are wordpress or just regular php sites all right we're going to choose next here and this is the randomized password for the mysql database please copy this down put it in a vault put it someplace aside this is your mysql password for you know the the root path for the root user okay so i'm not going to do that because i'm not going to need it for this video for the most part i can tell you leaving this as it is is just fine in fact i do recommend leaving it like this in almost every instance because mysql is a pig but it's also pretty good at understanding what needs to be done so just leave the default settings and you should be just fine with this okay and now it's asking for the primary name server so what i'm going to do is change this out to the regular url okay but there is a problem with this automatically and the problem is is that it's going to try to hit the server head on and if it tries to get a response from the server it's not going to pass because my port forwarding is porting port 80 and 443 to my xampp installation i'm going to need to quickly modify this to point it to the virtual machine on my particular instance because i need to get a response from virtualmin in order for this next check to pass and it's not going to pass based on the way that i'm currently configured and you're going to need to know your configuration exceptionally well because this is where a lot of people start pulling their hair out thinking they've done everything perfectly they've set it up the way that they needed to and apparently i was logged out when i tried to make that change so it complained i got to do it again i got one more log entry to change come on modem hurry up all right here we go modify this last one right here and with these changes now being made as soon as it flashes back i should be good to go with the wizard come on okay so now this should pass the test let's click next it did pass okay so if it didn't pass i would have received an error and if you get an error then you need to look at how you're configured okay so that being said the next and towards the next final question is you need to only store your hashed passwords now this means that you need to make sure you're writing your stuff down you're not going to be able to recover your password but you know i would err on the side of security rather than the side of convenience so i'm going to strongly recommend only stored hash passwords you can do whatever you want and whatever you're comfortable with because it's your server okay next here we go let's see virtualmin can create a default server i don't want to do anything default right now i'm going to show you that in the next and final video piece of this long-winded video already and that'll be the final piece i'll just choose next and at that point everything looks good i'll choose next to finish it up and now you need to run this recheck and refresh configuration this is a final check to see if everything's working as expected making sure you don't have any errors and that everything is well and good and it'll reload and restart everything and you will be good to go all right so with that being said i now have everything done i can return to the virtual server list and now i am at the default installation after the post configuration for virtualmin so a very quick whirlwind tour everything on the webmin tab has to do with servers and services that is inside in other words think of this webmin as your linux gui replacement if you're going to use the get the desktop this is where you would normally deal with it so all of your servers all of your services everything is in here under the webman tab okay including the system name rebooting the server all of that it's all in the webmin tab okay that's as much as i'm going into any of this i'm going to create a full paid course if i have enough responses from this free video that i'm posting here on udemy and i'm also going to post this on youtube and if you guys are interested in seeing more about uh the virtualmin webmin configuration and setup after this is all you know from this point forward let me know and i will create essentially a video course manual that will cover pretty much almost every facet or every area of this software for you all right and that being said now we're going to come over to the virtualmin side this has to do with plesk or a cpanel replacement this is what virtualmin is it's for virtual servers and again in the paid course i'll show you all about this but really what i want to show you right now is how to create your first virtual server and to do that i'm going to go ahead and pop into the domain name which i'm going to do as web 01 dot and let's see here web 01. what is it called at home all right now there's a reason and the method to my madness madness for this is because if you'll notice this site is not secure the ssl certificate is not secure and so to get it secure we need to assign an ssl so what i typically do is i create my first site as the website for the name of the server itself now you don't have to put anything on it because there won't be anything on it per se if you don't design anything for it but what this will allow you to do is allow you to create an ssl certificate that you can then bind to the virtualmin interface and you can use that so i'm just going to leave this all like it is i'm going to use demo as the administration password and with that being said let's see her server configuration all of this is good uh we'll just change the custom name to demo so we got demo and demo again under advanced options all of this is good now here's where you do want to change enable features you want to tick the tick box that says set up ssl website 2 and i'll just hit create server now what this will do is it'll go out and let's see here fail to create virtual server the specified administrator user already exists okay so it doesn't like this let's change this to automatic let's leave the password a demo create server okay looks like it's going to create a user of web01 because i already have a a user called demo in when we did the debian 10 operating system install okay so if you make that same mistake just leave it at its default like i just showed you here at the end and this is like watching paint dry and this usually doesn't take too long so i'm not going to pause the video it's pretty reasonably quick now you will lose connection because it's trying to set everything up and we essentially just set up the server with the same name as you know what we had here so you will have to basically refresh all of this and now you've got this error but we should be able to bypass this one more time and let's see here i don't have permission to access the source and the reason for that is is because i didn't use the port number that i need to use okay i'm still not secure which is fine all right so i have everything up and running good now as you can see i have my first virtual server which is web01 now this is uh you know essentially where i have the the website and there's really nothing there right now and what i need to do is come into the server configuration and drop down into ssl certificate and then from here i'm going to go over to let's encrypt now because i don't have my a records in dns outside of this dns in other words there's dns services inside of here but the dns for at home hosting is currently in the google domains and under this these a records i don't have them established so if i try to go ahead and just leave the default like it is it's going to come up with a bunch of errors and i know for a fact the only one i have configured is this first one so i'm only going to specify just this one domain and then i'm going to request the certificate i'm going to leave it at automatically renew every two months so i don't have to remember to do it and it said it was successful so again if you don't change this guys you're going to get an error unless you have all of those a records set up and this isn't at your house you're doing this say at you know a regular managed service provider and i could go through and use the application that i showed you earlier and set each one of these up and it would be fine but in all honesty i i don't need it that complicated and i don't need it to be functional in that regards all right so i have the ssl certificate created and it is installed i should be able to jump out of here and just go into the route and now all of a sudden uh well actually i know from experience if i just shut the browser down and go back into it one okay here we go this is now the front page it says web01 i have a proper certificate it is all working and now i can get to the website because you can't get to the website on the server because it's secure that it only will allow the ssl type of connection as you saw earlier it was forbidden if i remove the s it gives you it gives you or it gave an error and anyway because everything wasn't properly set up and configured you can add something to the hta access file that will redirect and force it into the ssl version of this and in any event for right now what i want to do is get into the secured version of it so that we don't have any more of these configuration anomalies okay so that looks good now i'll just go into that special port of 10 000 to get into the user login interface now here's what it looks like going in as the uh web 01 demo password okay so this is the think of this is like the client or the customer right so they don't have access to everything at the server level they still have a webmin tab and they still have a virtualmin tab but it's in scope to just that domain name they only have options that they should have that is scoped for them okay this is like the server side configurations if they wanted to change php and things of that nature the virtualmin side of things you know if you allow them to create multiple virtual servers they can have them here all of this is done their service configuration their ssl certificates things of that nature this is what you would give to your customer or your client if you were doing that sort of thing otherwise if you're just using it internally you can just simply log in and out with the default root username and password and i would suggest only using this in a very limited compassion fashion you need to make sure that you adhere to best practices and security as best as you can because uh if you don't obviously you'll get hacked and there'll be all kinds of problems and anyway you'll know what to do when you come up with that because what will happen is you're going to have a very bad day so take backups big big big time backups backups backups backups i can't even say that enough okay so we're going to log back in here with the demo username and password and you get taken to this really nice control panel so now i'm in here you know with god level root level access and i get everything that i need okay so this is all of the basic configuration and setup how to get your ssl going how to get it logged in properly how to install a property how to put debian in resolve any of the installation errors with that so this is a nice good clean install guys and you should be really proud of yourself because you made it through over an hour long free course that hopefully was beneficial to you that is it for this video again if you're interested in seeing a full-blown video tutorial from this point forward let me know and i'll get started on creating that paid course on udemy that's it for now my name is dave i am the owner of dave's wordpress and if you need any help with wordpress or virtual server hosting please reach out to me you can reach me at david t soden and my phone number is 404 855-1795 in the event that you would like to hire me please do not call me for technical support i cannot help you for free okay thank you very very much and that's it we'll see in the next one bye you
Channel: David Soden
Views: 1,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Virtualmin, Webmin, Debian
Id: Di68hw4hZuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 51sec (3951 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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