How to use an oscilloscope / What is an oscilloscope / Oscilloscope tutorial

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T T T hey youtube is welcome to the session where we haven't game to you have a little tutorial on how to use an oscilloscope an now I want to do you passed before we get into doing he needs to learn how to use is a Skype is perhaps just explain a little bit about what it's used for and how it works now so the one well it's trying to illustrate this is and how it actually takes measurements and how what a brilliant little device that is and if you can imagine this piece a paper as you can see there's little dots in the piece of paper now let's pretend that's a particular measurement bandy at a point in time a cat and and we pretend we taking these even with a multimeter if we kinda look back to see you there you go I've got another particular measurement being taken there's another one being taken another one being taken yet another and another and another at if we join all those measurements %ah as an oscilloscope that's what you get is although his measurements being chased overtime and in essence that's exactly how the old analog and oscilloscopes work the hat measurement which kind and they use those old cafe CRT cheap scatter rate sheeps and it'd also the beam all the trace as it would call as it got a signal and because if your persistence of vision you I it would ashey drawl trace and join the dots will join the individual measurements across the screen and that's in essence how the original oscilloscopes works worked although it's all see different stay with digital ones they just had the signal mousy plotted on a digital display bill in essence what highlights the cuban missile it's got is is a time machine it in it really is a time machine it allows you to see something over a period of time something that's your normal multimeter cont'd in this is your multimeter if you can picture this is the ice cream your multimeter not a single slather a little slut window to look at a pic particular measurement and if that measurement happens to be changing can NEC instantaneous value of x management changing a multimeter is great if you go to a value which is reasonably constant and not changing much overtime cousin you can see it instantaneously but if you've got a mission that's changing over time I E an electronic signal that doesn't help you what you need to do is brought in the window see see the whole picture over a period of time and that's exactly what this Eliska us it's a time machine for electronics specialists that a close look okay so we have our Cisco find out and switched on and we've got a signal that's coming through on it and we've got all these knobs and buttons not happy so what ru it does all this mean more the bits on the display and how do we use a the buttons and knobs to actually and play with a signal so we can understand more about it well let's have a look at some theory an AE but if the diagram and then we'll get back to you and in practice actually turning the knob on on this has got to see how that works right so let's just cover of Waterloo 3c am on the display and how that actual display works for us now then be too worried about the economy images what I've got on this display will cover that's in a moment but less just this will kind of look at the matrix of lines on this telescope display not for me the probably the first two French ain't important thing as I mentioned in the slot time machine or so the Skype is the fact that's you can represent time by this by the and horizontal line all the x-axis going along here so on this seller Skype to make it easy to understand your time base with a timescale they've broken at into little segments and these unwanted this scale however he is all see one of the things that you can it adjust with the knobs and buttons on your so let's go not generally as a scopes they can be broken update to its size the matrix conduct so I've got a matrix here of 10 by 10 s instead divisions and that's how to call them so there's ten divisions gang optimist ten divisions I going along their horizontal line cap now that's not an issue time pace and when you say it's your oscilloscope you can see it what that time by should be all it can be automatically selected for you of secret you might not know the best time frame to view as: a signal and as I've highlighted up to an example I'm gonna show you each other's little squares is that division and so for instance on your so the scope you may have it said to you a setting all am 500 microseconds and that is that is a representation up each all those little sec there's little segments now if you gots it do you happen to have a set at $500 microseconds then an essential full-scale reading and when I say full-scale your whole time by secchi showing in that scream would work out to be I'll see ten times at which would be five milliseconds special horizontal x-axis and then we get to the BRIT School axis or the y-axis which is an indication all the signal level all in for the most part on the sill scuff said is the voltage the voltage level of your signal and again it's divided up into you individual little divisions and each of those you can set with a knob and today's particular value and in the example that we can't have a look at week each of those divisions is set to one bolt one bolt pair division which means the whole screen shows a total value of happens to be ten times as divisions which would be equal to 10 volts celeste is something to understand is that your your y axis or your your vertical axis is the signal level in a voltage level and Joe x-axis is your time okay so this quick to show you what that looks like on an actual oscilloscope itself with the signal and again before we get into that what I want to show is of serious importance. component to the oscilloscope is the actual pro and a safe is not interest in this video and and again you need if you want to show interest in this video then you need to rate it with a thumbs up and I'll follow up with her another video we get into kind of setting this Ascutney more more advanced features but you oscilloscope probe is we gonna pick up your signal and this is a list of patents have two channels I'm just using one channel which means we can actually view two signals at the same time your private which it connects on to you the signal you're measuring and then you have another lead which is an in essence the ground lead for the signal so I've got these connected to a reference signal which you can use to calibrate and your probes with what have you but it makes a nice easy sample signal on the actual Skype itself so what I want to represent is what you've just chatted about is that whole matrix that she have on your display my sis got is a 10 by 10 as I recall is days 8 divisions I going up pretty representing the signal level or the voltage and then mine has far more across the the time access essay which I really likes allows me if I've got a slow sync them signal I can I've got more time to actually view the signal and as you can see here on the display it's Shane the actual time third division along the x-axis as 500 microseconds and we've got a square wave represented here and the you can see a says channel one and it's got one one bolt and that isn't this is one bolt who division each one of these so that is a X shows exactly the breakdown of the display so let's move on to the next bit scientists have it look at the potentially the types of signals which you can have coming in on your cell a Skype and how potentially that they would be represented and this of course you there are thousands times a signal that you can get to view but let's have a look at a few now the one I want to point out was something which a digital multimeter can represent very nicely is a signal and is certain voltage level that stays the same and on oscilloscope that's still a signal but it's going to be represented by a straight line as this red line represents here say O level stays the same it's not changing over time it's just going to be a straight line if you had to connect you all a your Cisco up to let's say if you could connect up to mains electricity safely an and you're looking at the signal of the AC you'd see a sinusoidal way appearing on your Skype so be something I've been going positive and then coming down negative now something else to highlight is edgy have a common middle line on your cell is Cup which in essence route represents your comments 0 fault line Sir Bob will be positive below would be negative but it's also a relative because you can make adjustments to pull a signal into your your friend move you within the display and then make measurements so it you don't necessarily have to worry about that being I am the negative or your the zero line because you couldn't count the divisions when you want to take and measurements on a signal but this would all see represents like an I'll train team or sinusoidal I S signal that's coming up and down we have came greenup got showing a square wave pattern which might be a digital outputs from some kinda device it could be and a signal from a a pulse width modulated device like a a solar charge controller which is sending a square wave pulse width modulation to actually charge something then I V share what i'm saying is you could let's say we hope this up to thank pastor that was charging overtime and as you connected the capacity had a battery or by will power supply attached if the sexual time by slower not or even if things are happening fast you might see a signal like this where the voltages initially on a charge voltage is initially let on York pastor and then his last start holding up overtime and that would pass be the trestle the signal representation you would actually get on the screen in that case right side is gone and disconnect to the probes from the conduct test signal and iconic connect connected them to a 9-volt battery and if we have a closer look at the display in this case you can see I don't have a signal on the display because I haven't posted yet what a patent to go and find the signal and the problem is that that the the voltage from the battery as set the level of the signal that split out to the display and there's no indication that on mine oscilloscope you got this little arrow which at points that the signal might be sitting higher up so this is where it leads into two things is me showing you what that signal looks like and then using the batons or knobs to actually bring signals interview so what I'm doing now I'm using the vertical position back room which will discuss now to bring that signal down so that we can have a look at it and as I showed you on that's at diagram this is what a at I multimeter would perfectly represents as a reading if you put it across at Battery two straight line because the values not changing says some PS straight race across the screen now as I bring it down what I want you to you what you see is the on CNN's a bowls position and it's showing negative because in essence the am zero point is being moved down because I'm adjusting the vertical scale save up put it on where the 0 used to be you can see and actually shows a reading of minus seven points something bolts and that in essence is the reading of the battery it's just over seven balls and a week I i've made the adjustment to actually bring into the so let's have a quick close look acts as someone the adjustment you can do on a oscilloscope rights so once we have a signal which and we in putting into Osisko we probably want to go and have a close look at it and play around on the screen and the reason for doing is that you you probably either want to take measurements of the signal to understand and the voltage or have a look at if there's any noise on a signal what had he and bill to do that get a closer look and play around with the signal we have certain knobs weaken it just the parameters of what we seeing on the screen and that signal to make it easier to analyze so goes to I want it just means that basic adjustments that we have on on an oscilloscope so the one the first knob and which actually saw me playing with their is a political position NOP and that is per channel so each channel if you have several signals coming into your soul a Skype each of those I'm channels will have its own vertical position knob and what that allows you to do is merely without changing the scale of the signal is to position it up or down because depending what scale you sets for your soul a Skype it might be out to the range of the display said she saw a hat that signal and from battery I had to put it down side was in range of the display and of the measurement values which I were pre-selected said I could see it and that said vertical position not very very simple to use it can get confusing sometimes when you have a signal a mixed city catches me often when a signal is outlive you need to know whether it's at the top to the bottom you just knew just you can see it but they all show you there's a often up or discussed so disgusting we haven't automatic baton which will automatically pull a signal interview so that you can make your adjustments from there if you're a little too lost then you have and no which changes you a horizontal position and again that goes for all channels so that you can move your signaler around on the horizontal kinda time axis and so that you can view a certain part of it your signal may not be symmetrical at may not be and I square wave and you might want to see a particular part ovett all and we'll get down to the scale you may have changed the scale of the signal and you're only seeing a small party you signal and you need pullbacks interview and that's what that horror horizontal position all allows you to do the next thing then is the voltage scaling this is wat kinda gets more interesting so this is where I mention you can adjust your balls per division so each one the squares you turn you turn that knob and you can change adjust that scale and in essence what that does it's like a zoom feature so it's allying you a closer view over a particular parts that the signal send essence it lets as an example the sinus alway if you change the scale at which you doing this you could in essence zoom in senate only the top part of the signal was was in the display see had a zoom view and that is by literally changing both the the voltage scale and he even the time base and that's the next not is your time base an actual seconds per division of Si O no x-axis you can change the amount of time that you want displayed in your script scream so do you need more time to see more the signal or do you want to just it for less time CC'ing a smaller parts at the the signal in essence already me to just to fill in to show whole period of the way a complete cycle of away and that's what that allows you to do then another interesting and importance adjustment is your trigger position an actual position as something with my demonstrate now you can adjust that so that it basically state gives you a stable view of your signal coming in your signal might not necessarily be a clean one which is being displayed in the same position of your display the whole time and that can be rather difficult to evaluate and have a look at a signal if you want to keep it live if it's jetting around and moving around so what your trigger dies is you then set a level which you want your scope I to capture that signal and it suggests it down on your current voltage division you you move your trigger downs con up the middle points for your signal and the on other variables which I'm not going to hear we can have it edge triggered all all leading edge all lacking edge triggered or what have you but you set that trigger point certain essence to waive is formed hopefully and a constant view see get a nice stable view I'll be aware that isn't moving around all over the place and that should trigger position and that guys for all channels and that you'll see is something that you just on the side here to the middle of your way so let's have a look at those little bits and pieces by to the first thing I'm going to demonstrate as we look at the signal here is the if you can notes even know this is a stable wave and that's coming in from the kinda that the signal source on the and oscilloscope its jumping around a little bit but now you can have a signal really jump around a lot more than that so there's a a trigger points which can be set and to stabilize and if you set in the right place it paldon stable I S the way it's over here on this is so let's get there's a battle over here or not I should say which it turned out as you can see on the display there's a line which thing comes down as I move back down so the trigger point is right in the signal you can see how you get a nice stable way for on the oscilloscope then if we look at the positioning and I can all see move the signal down I'm a wants to have that signal down and in the display at a middle point because that's where I want to take some readings and that's where this vertical position of then helps me move it I could move it so that'd it sits nicely on on these divisions I can't make measurements you do you have the facility again and it would be something I can show you in the a second or more advanced and tutorial on oscilloscopes where you've got tools to help you make measurements but what you can do is position your signal with this in in place that you can easily Council part easily take measurements of your signal so I could put it up online I will put up on my baseline and weekend and we know that we've got one bowl third division and week out the divisions 123 we know then that out the ass signal hi to the signal is in essence at three bolts we can also see from the timescale Andrew here we may have this is where we end up playing with the horizontal baton is to position the wave to you think it into your a a position which is easier for us to do you and on the horizontal scale to make measurements so you can put it exactly on the divisions and we know that how r our time the division is 500 I microseconds so if we want to understand that period and appeared is a cyclone one-way form so from starts here there's one to divisions before we get a complete cycle of the way from let's say I A a lacking age to another lagging age and two times your 500 microseconds will be one millisecond so that period of the sink signal is one millisecond and that can be deduced from literally doing that measurement on the display their rights and now you may want to have a closer look at the signal and then we can refer to you a new horizontal ask and which is your time base we can use a knotted adjust the time bias said you keep an eye on the at time scale at the moment of 500 microseconds over here as i turn the snob you gonna see that's gonna change so I'm in essence decreasing the amount of time that was showing in the screen and then in essence zooming in on the signal said he see as I just that I can then get a closer look at that signal as we go in and as I but listen to the the time frame on the screen likewise I can do the upset if I get back to where we were 500 I can increase the amount of time that we we sinker division or right across the screen and then I can see more the signal so as you gotta out it may just look like a lot of noise but that's the beauty of RCA having an oscilloscope you can then have a closer look at a signal and see how it's made up on what's going on on your input signal so that's your and your time base you can adjust and obviously you got short vertical scale or your voltage scare which you can adjust on on the nobody here and as I did just that I can adjust it so that I'm showing to all a division you can see that adjustment here and in essence as you can see and its acting like and that zoom function say if I i signal with with a I'd be get and voltage level I could upset just set to put into to the display that way and again I can take it back up so that's and I can see in essence zoom in and and crates and get a different view of the actual way and it just or signals of different bearing voltage signals voltage levels that come in to display right so before in this tutorial what I'd do xoxo to show you again one of my favorite things which I like using hence the scope formats for showing a measurement overtime up let's say something like a hybrid all souped pastor being charged up so I've got mine variable power supply said with a voltage on a current setting which I'm going to apply it to at the pastor and I want to see overtime what's that buildup is like now the oscilloscope is in a kinda scan mode is not being triggered by a high-frequency signal coming in a sec got my time base said to one second per division so I can show quite a few seconds you can actually see this can go across how slowly goes across and I've got it said 21 one bolt so my I'm my references said to the zero line says it can see I'm just we just under one bolts of charge in the pass to karaoke if I can change the time-based on the a.m. scope you can actually see if I change it up to you hoffa second pair division hot scans foster and about change it like they have got it 2.5 seconds per division it go slower so I'm not gonna switch on the my am they'll pass apply and this slowly applying a voltage to you back that pastor and you can see what's happening a great deal in the amount of time that online on on the screen but it by going it's a reduced that time to let's say 10 seconds to division then all kinda slow representation of what's happening on that on the charge stems that high-risk pastor now time-lapse this so that it we're not showing up too much time doing it but you'll get an idea of what you can do by just changing those making those adjustments I you can fit you can set the parameters for your display for the signal that you're trying to view at ultimately what you doing with those adjustments says you can see not much I couldn't represent much because my balls per division was was not really fine enough to see the climb in the Charente rate on their so what we gonna do you i mean a change that scale to something that small fine so that I we can have a better representation what's happening now because I change that scale I need to just the signal but key downside I get into the screen again so I can see what's going on i'm open at the house I get it down to the the baseline I'm gets to remove the charge from a pastor and then we'll start again my case %uh from you something that charge from the pastor and as you can see about the trace and shit representing the currents that voltage level in the pastor a mess something a little bit high so I'm gonna and I just sat down said I get it to the center line so I've got more room for movement as it charges up and as you can see I i've adjusted the volts per division 2 200 million volts this time saw I should in theory I've got a far more sense to have been far more granular and scale on the why skeletal the multiscale Sasha so stock see things building as I apply at the charge from the variable at Step all the variable power supply so let's just switch that on and see what happens and there you go you can see quite clearly see a better representation what's happening as a charge is actually building up neck pastor and by making those adjustments on the beer snobs to change the scale means I get a better view or what's happening overtime set up to make more sense to so there you go changes now down to two hundred million volts per division and again it just allows you that's a granularity text you see what's happening with i signal in this class it's also very slow low-frequency signal and but having that capability of those adjustments then you can change the parameters to suit your signal and what you want to see from your signal so they would have actually just switched off the I'm charge from the variable power supply you can see it actually show there's a nice linear progression of growth of charge in week pastor and as I switched it off you can see the sudden drop and then the slow discharge over there ok and the last thing I thought I just leave you with this is to show you another feature which we can explore for that and and in the next series on this is capturing a signal and so for analysis if something's happening very quickly you may want to capture their little impulse a little signal and then analyze it so what I've got is %uh got a lot a stack passover lot smaller value it's only 10 micro farad have got hooked up to my available power supply so with that rather noisy signal from the past five think and such a trigger point so I can catch a piece of that signal watchin able to do you use once you've actually captured that signal as you can then go and change your time by its annual your fault her division said you can go and have a closer look at that captured signal and share depends on the amount of buffer storage that your oscilloscope has and there's little graphic representation at the top as to what you can do or how much of the way the got that you can go and play with it and have a closer look at that signal okay so I hope you can somebody from that exercise its recipes for learning curve for me as I don't make much use to the Selous Scouts I'm kinda be my piece along the way as well and if you if someone happens notice if i made any mistakes or a reason that please post a comment because then all you than a ten thousand pick up on the eyes as said if you do want see more in the series in the way all know you want to a in this series is by writing the videos with a thumbs up and then I'll jump into something more a features and functionality of missus cut because they it's a really our lives and it's a really useful tool site thanks very much watching do subscribe if you enjoy this series had I'll catch the next one years T
Channel: mjlorton
Views: 1,080,468
Rating: 4.9344473 out of 5
Keywords: How, to, use, an, oscilloscope, What, is, electronics, fault, finding, troubleshooting, trouble, shooting, diagnosis, radio, waves, signal, generator, time, machine, graphic, representation, voltmeter, show, me, how-to, supercapacitor, super, capacitor, hybrid, cap, electricity, measurment, beginners, lesson, for, dummies, tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2012
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