[2021] Hantek DSO2000 complete review ⭐ 2C10 / 2C15 / 2D10 / 2D15 ⭐ Awesome oscilloscope

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[Music] [Music] hey there i'm ubu from techcorner tv and i would like to begin by thanking you for being here with me and today i have for you one of the oscilloscopes with more review requests i'm talking about the 2d 10 oscilloscope from hand tech the 2 series is untech response for entry level low cost oscilloscope and it is presented with two versions with or without just function generator where in both versions you can have the 100 or 150 megahertz option as i told you before this oscilloscope is one of the oscilloscopes with more review requests and after the unboxing and first impressions i made on the mailbag the channel i can see why that is the oscilloscope for entry level oscilloscope is packed to its features i didn't notice anything missing in it so this review might be a little longer since i will show you everything but i will not waste any more time and let's jump into it [Music] [Music] okay let's start by showing you uh the device uh the model i have here it is the dso 2d10 this is upgradable to 100 mega 150 megahertz this is the 100 megahertz model on the left we have here a mechanical on off button the usb socket for upgrade and save waveforms and something else we have also function keys here on the left on the right of the screen the screen is 7 inches yeah it's it's okay we have the channel output here we have also an external trigger it's also used this this connector for the function generator and we have also a signal generator for the prop compensation in this area we have the function generator control and in this area we have the trigger control horizontal control with the horizontal menu and vertical control with the matte menu and channel menu also we have here the functions zone with the utility the cursors display control save and recall of waveforms measure and acquire we have also the auto set and the run stop button what is not so normal in this range of oscilloscopes the low entry oscilloscopes it's the single button fni rsi 1014 d doesn't have it neither the sds 1102 from owen so yeah that's a plus also we have here something that it's also some extra features we have the factory reset button here or default setup yeah something like that we have the help button the it has a built-in help system so you can check what the buttons do and you have the save to sp button and this one it's very interesting it's the decodes function so yes it has a decoder in it also very nice pack of features for starters uh let me show you the back in the back we have the usb connector for connecting to the pc and also the power socket the universal power socket we have a handle also and we have to fit in the front to give that inclination for better working in the package we have well since i'm here in europe we have the european uh power plug with the universal connector um oh yeah we have also a usb type a to type the cable for connecting to the pc we have a cd with software i i didn't see yet what is in the cd we will see that in this review and okay we have a cd with software a certification card well quality assurance and everything else we have a package list and about this we are going to talk a bit more in a moment and also uh cards i believe that we have here something to fill and send to them and stuff like that so this is the documentation i believe that the manual the user manual should be inside the cd but one of the stupid things of this oscilloscope is it only comes with one probe it's a normal pro nothing special here it's a low quality probe but you cannot expect much on this oscilloscope it's a very low price for what you get and they send you only one pro but this is nuts this is the pp80 sorry it should be the pp 150 let me open and see what we have here and yeah it's the pp 150 it's not focusing but it doesn't matter it has this uh alligator uh clip it's not very good yeah but okay again you are buying a low cost oscilloscope so you have to understand this stuff uh it comes already with the red ring in it i don't know why we have a yellow and green channel and it has this already in it it wasn't me that put the ring there and yeah a small manual for the probe and the stupid part is you have only one probe but they give you two of these cables with clips alligator clips or crocodile clips in the end bnc two crocodile i have two of these and why two of these instead of another probe it's completely yeah i don't know what they are thinking uh i i think this is one for the channel and the other for the function generator but it doesn't make sense really it should have a second probe it will be much more useful and maybe a connection cable from bnc to bnc it will be much more useful and yeah that's it let's connect this and see what we can do with it okay i have here the oscilloscope ready to power on let's start it it has a mechanical button i think i i said that before we have here the usb for data saving and for upgrades it has a very nice touch with this uh light in the keys it's it's it's very good we can read the text the camera does not capture this correctly but yeah it's a very nice detail this colored keys and let me take this out okay okay let's start by explaining a bit of what's going on here uh this is a seven inch screen with some information on the top like the trigger the trigger modes we have here the horizontal time scale right now it's 500 microseconds we have the [Music] the samples per second right now it's 500 okay samples per second the memory depth this is the horizontal offset dislocation and you have also here the trigger offset this location when you move the trigger that will update okay the trigger line if you see it's moving on the bottom we have uh the channel one information the dc it's the coupling mode of channel one the voltage the amplitude of the signal channel two and also the voltage over here we have the information about the signal generator i know that on the screen this seems to be blue but on reality this is a dark gray color when we power the wave generator it will be a red almost pink color okay so uh we have here a set of function keys the f0 it's like the manual on menu of button and you have the f6 is like the page change button so on reality you can use five function keys we have also let me show you a knob a multi-selection knob okay so these buttons are clickable and we have here some functions that we can use those will center the signals and this one will start the the dual view of the signal where you can see the memory depth and everything else uh let me connect here the signals i have already on the signal generator okay i have a square wave and also a sine wave for testing and we have here the fast action keys as they call it also with this one one note we have the single key and this key is not available on the oscilloscopes normally around this low entry range for example the fni rsi of niski 1014d doesn't have a single king neither sts-1102 or sts-1104 it's the four-channels version of the o1 oscilloscope doesn't have this either so yeah it's a nice touch on the other end the single mode it's not available on the trigger manual you can only use it here but that's that's okay no problem on there one thing this this going back a bit on the screen this is a seven inch screen as i i think i told you but it has a very nice contrast uh the colors were were very well selected this yellow and this bright green uh create a nice contrast and all everything is almost perfect the only thing is this key should be yellow and it's orange but if you see the see the the ring around the channel one it's yellow the this is yellow all the information around and i will show you the measure in a bit it's all yellow it's very consistent it's very well synced it sees it seems that there is some experience in development here and everything is square a coherent and concise yeah i like a lot of this okay passing to the menus i will go like this showing the functions we have the fast action keys here with the save and recall we to save you just go here and you can for example you can save as a picture and picture invert if you want press save and you have to insert your disk to save okay but if we do a waveform let me check like yeah you can save it away from internally on the memory and just press recall go to a form the waveform number is number one you press recall and he recalls and put the oscilloscope on stop mode okay so you you can save and recall waves image and stuff like that let's see the utility menu you have several language uh available a lot of language inclusive portuguese that is my natural language poland portuguese here it is and let me go to english again spanish okay we have english we have sound if you want to okay as you can see uh let me turn this off we have a key for updates but you have to have the usb key there you can insert some measures to check if the signal pass or fail the well the parameters that you specify in this this section i will not go any further doesn't right now seems important you have here also the system info and with the the firmware version that is a very nice detail so you can know the firmware that you are using the normal calibration you also have a front panel self-test to test everything in the panel you can press the keys to see if they are working and for example this one is not clickable but those are okay you can press every key to see if it is working as it should to exit just press three times here okay and turn any knob to cycle through the lids okay to test the leds if they are working okay and if you to exit also test the screen to see if there is the pixels or something like that and we are back so and for last we have the legal information this is the the normal stuff if you have a license open source license you have to include the the do the legal stuff okay so now let me before going to acquire cursors or measures we have here the display menu with vectors or dots if you want the intensity of the line okay it takes a while to show but i think that you can see on the screen that it's almost done yeah okay have also the grids options with points in the back uh with lines and without anything just the cross to divide the screen i prefer with points okay you have here the light of the grid of the the background and the light of the screen i have this on a very low light because of if we if it is too bright the camera will not capture the colors it should be okay so 15 or something like that it's good for recording yeah so and the persist mode it's useful it will drag some lines across the screen okay so let's see the measure modes in the measure mode you have a ton of measurements as you can see we have frequency minus minus max dt cycle and so on really a lot of information you on this you can choose the channel okay it will be need to have this information uh selectable like this okay you can see up to four values you can add in down here the what you want to see okay you can change the channel for selection let's see type right now you are selecting from channel 2 it will be a green as i told you before yellow it's channel one green it's channel two and this is all across the system it's it's the the thoughts of this let me see uh if you select many things it will disappear on the left side the selection okay so let's put this on channel one we have we have also a digital voltmeter and let me uh activate this for channel one it will tell you the rms voltage i think uh no to the rms it has to be like this okay it will tell you the rms voltage if you select here you can to have the ac rms voltage dc rms voltage and also just dc okay this is the normal and it will tell you the voltage and also the frequency of the signal you can turn this on uh for both signals if you take this out of the screen it will be on the end of the screen it's a nice touch it's a nice touch okay and that's it for the voltmeter we have also statistics it will appear without background let's see count rms mean max average current here and you can clear all just by pressing this key okay on page two on page two you have all measures off the settings and the gate it's another it's a lot of some measures that you can also take with this option after the measures you have the cursors on cursors you have manual menu and track menu you see here two points for tracking if you move the line the points will updates as you can see let me just do it like this and if you do the ax bx with tracking you can see the points moving and all the information is updated here i don't know if you are noticing this little box it's where the tracking is being done and all the information is being updated as you move of course you can do it manually like this both lines at the same time or just press just locate the first line press this knob okay you have the first line set take the second line to the place okay set and right now you can move and everything between the lines will be displayed here okay the same for x vertical okay so [Music] you can choose where you want to signal your signal to go first line it's okay here the second will go no it will go here and yeah you can move and also you can do tracking as we did before okay so yeah it seems simple to operate the cursors and finally we have the acquisition you can do extension in real time or ich time i don't know it's not documented in the us in the manuals if you have several modes normal average peak and high resolution as normally and the maximum depth uh it can go into up to four mega for acquisition is this i think this part is all done let's go to the trigger menu you have the first trigger key here also uh in the trigger menu you have several types a lot of types as you can see edge video slope over time window pattern interval under amp warts lin can spi and i i see so yeah a lot of modes available okay well it seems to persist is on i don't know why okay so the source can be channel one channel two external line so let's stay on channel while we have a rising slope falling or either okay auto normal or single but single you can only use the key but that's okay the fifty percent key and old off okay so for here it's done we have also the horizontal menu that where you can use the i t or x y or roll modes roll modes will allow you to show the signal let me like one second one second it will show you the signal uh variating on roll mode but this has to be a very low timestamp and let's put this on x y let me just do a small adjustment here on the signal so we can have some animation and we have to take this to what is it it's faster let me just i don't know well did i just freeze this it seems i did whoa what's going on here yeah it froze okay let's pour this on again whoa i managed to freeze this let's just this start again it's initially okay we should have some signal here auto set okay let's put this on xy modes and yeah it's not working what what is going on here we have roll modes okay okay this is good we have a signal that is moving and that's perfect because we want to to change this to uh this is a huge bug i'm i'm recording this the second time uh the first time i recorded it was in portuguese and i did not have any issues but well it's not froze like the last time but it's not displaying the the circle that should be start working here what what's a set i think there is uh let me see uh we have the persist mode it stayed on i don't know why and i think this is creating a problem here with the xy modes yeah exactly so if you have the persist modes on it will give you uh bad results uh okay let's do this up and center and this should be a circle i don't know why it isn't we should have a circle on the screen i don't have any okay a sine wave it was not a sine wave so here it is our circle we cannot have a circle with the square wave our our sine wave rotating it works quite fast uh on the other two oscilloscopes that i tested before this was a little slower to work i have to say the performance of this device it's quite good okay let's get out of these modes and let's do it auto set again when we do auto set we have several options we can select auto range and single period multi-period it will it will do an adjustment here okay autorange okay enable and return let me just put the signal a little bit a square wave and we are back to the normal okay the last menu that i have for you other than the waveform it's the map menu so in the map menu we have the i i will go to the fft in a moment we have the plus channel plus minus uh times and divided and also the fft uh signal on this we can select the source as usually okay and you have the center the span the reference level also the scale the vertical units it can be db or vr vrms and the window type hamming blackman bartlett rectangle this one it's cool let's open this a bit so only we can show also the signals behind this okay or not auto scale of the signal and you on the page two you have the uh sorry fetch one we were on the page too okay that's it for fft it seems fast to to respond well not a high-end oscilloscope fast but yeah acceptable you can work with this seems okay quite pleased with this yeah okay let's take this out of the screen and map menu off so the final uh before that on here in the center we have also uh default set setup it will bring the oscilloscope for default values it's not like a factory default but it will set the oscilloscope with a range of values that will take you to a safe place if you messed the mess ups with well with the settings you have also uh something interesting that it's not normally present on these low-end oscilloscopes i think it's the health key you just press the key you want to know what it is and the system will tell you what it's for okay so every key has a help okay and that is cool if you are starting for example first trigger button the triggers need first of generated and yeah it's cool it's cool as a horizontal button and yeah let me just take this out i didn't show you the button well i'll show you before but you you can have a zoom uh on the signal okay can move in the memory and you can see this piece of memory zoomed down here okay as you can see this is the all memory and this is the part that you are watching okay back to the buttons on the top you have here a button to save to usb i don't have any usb there so it will not and you have here a very nice feature it's the decoding for decoding you have words lin can spi or iic and you have here the label you can choose which channel you are decoding the eagle level high low the position of the label you can change this position if you want to okay right now it's worth it's on the bottom but you can position on the screen where you want and yes you have also the custom bulb rate the bodybot user and yeah let's put this again on zero i'll change this and now yeah and the parity none other even the database five five six or seven five six seven or eight and monitor or sync the code okay let me just okay default as you can see the default just set everything to default state and here only one thing missing it's the bursts and wave generator let me just disconnect this channel and take this cable to the wave generator output okay the wave general generator output right now it's arbitrary let's put this on a sine wave uh one kilohertz amplitudes yeah it seems okay no modulation right now but we can put some modulation am fm okay it doesn't have the fs key or psk but anyway this is awesome for this price and yeah return no modulation impedance yeah it seems okay so this is being generated by the internal uh wave or function generator we can change the signal let me just count here to the we can open the amplitude let's let's open up to [Music] okay the amplitude of the generated signal it can go up to seven volts okay and we have also a fine amplitude that will change with a more detailed uh precision instead of just go and that's a decimal house we have also offsets and yeah and i should say that the fni rsi of nistri is also has a function generator but it's fixed to two point volts 2.5 volts and you cannot change the amplitude so this is a big uh extra to be honest this one it's a function a real function generator the other one only creates some signals you cannot change any parameters but here you can change a lot of parameters you have offset amplitudes the frequency and yeah you even have the impedance dirty cycle on square waves yeah you have modulation also this is really really really nice okay let's put this fm for example am square wave and ramp we have the yeah it's awesome just awesome um i don't know i'm really impressed with this okay you have also the bursts uh with the number of cycles let's put this in infinite the count okay and the trigger so yeah this is the burst menu it's another function you have here well i should say now that i will connect this to the pc and let's see how this works with the software but until now i'm really really pleased with this purchase and i don't know if i i'm gonna give give away this or not because it is a really nice unit i have here i'm quite impressed with it and yeah yeah very nice it's a bargain for the price to be honest i liked a lot of the owen and i still love the owen the easiest to work it's the fni rsi of nisli but this one it's the most complete of the tree and yeah i think it takes every good point of the other two and yeah quite impressed okay let's see this on the pc i will do a conclusion in the end okay guys i have the software here on the screen as you can see the signal is a bit pixelized the way this works is by coming here as you can see in the image the run stop button always blinking what he does is captures the data runs a little bit more and captures again the data and so on and gives you this animation well it's not perfect but see it seems to work uh it works better than the software from the one sd s 1102 and fni rsi 1014d doesn't even have this kind of solution so i think this one does the job yeah yeah totally uh you have here the acquire menu with the you can even have for example the let me see okay i've let's mess the values up let me just put this back again and we can have a x y mode almost there yeah okay so we have a circle on xy mode and we can have all of these at the same time and even with the fft also on and we have cursors if you if you want to uh the counter the xy setting uh acquire mode yeah it's quite complete [Music] i you can drag the signal to one place or the other let me just to make this a little bit faster to take this off and also the ym xy modes and yeah it does the job to be honest well you cannot ask more than this for the price you are paying for this oscilloscope you have everything quality might not be top-notch but it's good it's good it's usable and yeah this seems quite interesting to change the for example the amplitude you have a drop down you can change the voltage that you want for example one volt two volts the coupling is selected here and you have also the attenuator here for channel one channel two you have here the matte channel the matte functions uh if you want dots on the screen or vector we have here well a bug you cannot see the the functions that are below this the the fields that is uh well it's a pity because we cannot use this as it it is supposed to and yeah the trigger menu i don't know setup trigger okay you have here a very complete trigger manual it's it is easy to work than on the oscilloscope because you on the oscilloscope you have two pages while here you have everything on one page and you just need to set up what you want to and yeah it seems really really cool this trigger setup and you can also do here the trigger normal or normal or auto the single trigger and you have the channel on channel 2 and external for for the edge trigger okay you have the right slope [Music] the false slope or either and also the cursors are here you can move the cursors easily you have the values here on the bottom you can see there on the monitor of the oscilloscope it will not appear so this is then at the software level not on the other level on the on the oscilloscope and yeah this seems nice okay put one here and take the other one to here and you have there the values all the values it's a simple software it's not very efficient but it does the job if you want to take some pictures of of a save image normal apple you can you can save an image yeah it will give you some options okay application locus you have several profiles for look in the application you just have chinese or english and yeah that's it let me show you a waveform creator that is also uh supplied with the the oscilloscope okay this one is the waveform editor uh oav editor as they call it it's a arbiter arbitrary function generator wave editor so what does this means is that you can draw your own well waveform as you wish okay you can do whatever you want in the waveform and then go here and take a look on the oscilloscope let me just change the cable okay i will connect here to the oscilloscope okay as you can see and right now we are going to save and um what happened here this should be with the new waveform i just did it on okay my bad okay we just send to osb1 you choose arbitrary one and as you can see here on the oscilloscope image our waveform is on the screen it's pretty easy to to draw a waveform let's take this as an example and with the pencil or whatever we can do the alterations that we want to okay okay let's send this to the oscilloscope again and we have a new waveform on the oscilloscope so this is pretty neat and yeah i don't believe my rigel i don't know i'm talking but i didn't install all the software from the rigel but i don't know if they have this software and this is pretty neat to create arbitrary waveforms okay let's wrap this up i will now say what i think about this oscilloscope and let's end this video because it's already a bit long and now it's that time that you ask hugo what the hell are you doing here what do you think about this device yeah what i could say to you is what the hell man what a awesome oscilloscope yeah this is uh a device that i bought it was not offered for review i bought this device i paid myself and i could say that this one is the one of the most complete oscilloscopes low entry oscilloscopes of course i'm not talking about middle range or high range oscilloscopes for these low-cost entry-level oscilloscopes it's the most complete oscilloscope and also with it seems to have better performance for example on fft it seems to be faster and also on xy modes and yeah it was a really really good experience i have to thank you all that recommended me to to get one of these and to do a review on it because yes it is a awesome unit totally recommendable and i will do a compare a comparison video between this one the 1014d of fni rsi and owen sds 1104 because i have the zero four nor not the zero two with the two channels but the the features are the same i will do a video very soon one week or so yeah it is amazing and i ha i really thank you all of you that recommend them this recommended this device and i paid in euros about 193 euros for this this is the 2d 10 it has of course the wave generator you can buy for more or less 150 heroes uh the the model uh without the function generator it's about the same price that the sds 1102 and about the same price of the fnixi the 10 14d but definitely has the function generator the great difference about the function generated in between these two units is this as for example you can change the amplitude you have modulation you can change the offset you can well you can do anything like on a real function generator well this is a real function generator but a dedicated function generator and it is pretty amazing another thing that you have here as i told you before none of the other two oscilloscopes that i talked before have the single button it seems non-important detail but it can be quite annoying if you need to work with a single a lot to go to the menu and activate single trigger and everything else and this is a nice detail another nice detail is the decode the digital decode function where you can use it to debug communications on wart spi iic [Music] lean well several of uh protocols it is very complete it has a lot of trigger modes and yeah i'm really uh amazed with this for a low entry oscilloscope hand tech really wants to grab a lot of the market they already had oscilloscopes with a low price but this one beats everything really and i'm quite impressed quite impressed with this again this is not a sponsored video i paid this and this is total impartial opinion not that the ones that were offered for if you aren't but yeah so yeah that's it i will have a video comparing this as i told you and i will do a second video where i will open this do a little teardown and also uh answer your questions about this device so if you have questions that you want to to me to answer leave it on the comments area because i will answer you and put it on the new video a follow-up video of this review if this video was useful to you please give a thumbs up hit that like button and if you didn't already please consider subscribing and if you do don't forget to hit that bell so you can be the first one to be notified every time i launch a new video that's it for today i hope to see you on my next video and probably will be something with this and fn iron i don't know something cool for sure so thank you for staying until the end and i hope to see you in my next video cheers
Channel: TechCornerTV Electronics, Projects & Tutorials
Views: 3,674
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: techcorner.tv, techcornertv, tech corner tv, tech corner, techcorner, eletronics workbench, eletronics lab, eletronics, eletronics tutorials, hantek, 2c10, 2c15, 2d10, 2d15, dso2000, dso2c10, dso2c15, dso2d10, dso2d15, oscilloscope
Id: 2xRvbORAahM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 54sec (3294 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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