How to use a stencil for Beginners- 10 Easy Techniques for Using Stencils | Stencil Tips

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[Music] hi everyone its Karen here and today I'm going to be talking about stencils I love stencils and these are 10 ways that I love using stencils 10 different techniques there's so many out there but these are my 10 most used or most favorite techniques to use and there's so many different stencils that you can create so many different patterns with them and it's just really a fun way to add texture and color to your projects and that 3d effect and just really have fun and create with mixed-media so you can see that I have denny different many different manufacturers this one is like Prima marketing I have the crafters workshop there is Keyser crafts Tim Holtz which is this one there is delusions and there's so many companies that create stencils and it's just really fun to use and I just want to show you some of the ways that I like using the stencils and this is as I said not all the ways there is to use them but it's just really fun and I'm just like it started with my first technique I'm just gonna put these stencils aside for my first technique I just use this is a prima stencil it's called a woven and I'm just using pieces of watercolor paper or white paper just to show you the techniques I'm gonna be using light paste or modeling paste but you can excuse me for this technique you can use any different thick kind of medium so it couldn't be paste modeling paste it can be heavy gesso like this one it could be like 3d gel like something that is really thick it could be heavy body acrylic paint anything that is really thick that will not run under the gesso for this technique you want it to be thick enough that when you're adding it on top of the gem on top of the stencil you will get a really nice embossed look so this is a really great way of using a stencil this way and it creates a really nice pattern in the back and I love this pattern and I'm going to show you how it looks so I just lift it up and then you go you have a really nice detailed and bossed pattern with this piece then you can add color in it you could spray on top of it once it's dry you could do this for any thick material that is not too liquidy and runs underneath your stencil because you want it at that perfect image so that's my first technique for my second technique I want to use some sprays and this is really fun to use this is the crafters workshop stencil it's like a chicken wire stencil and I just thought to use this for this technique I'm going to apply some color bloom spray I just grabbed this closest one's that any spray would work I just want to just show you how it does so um best ways to do it a little from a little bit further so you get that kind of a spray on top of your on your paper and it still creates that really nice effect and this will definitely run so as you can see wherever there is more ink it will runs under the stencil and whenever it's um let's think it actually creates a pattern and you can definitely overlap different colors and different stencils so for example you could use a different kind of stencil to create another pattern so I could take for example this dilutions one just it's best oh if we dry first so I dry this a little bit just to make sure and then you could create another pattern on top with a different color and this will just they'll both be together so that's what I like about this that you can create different patterns using just sprays and it's just really nice it kind of gives it that distressed look and it's a really fun technique to use so that's for number two [Music] for this next technique I'm going to use gelatos but you could really use any medium that it use any medium that reacts with water because it's a reverse removed technique I don't know how to call it you don't have a name for it and it's one of those techniques I use a lot it's really fun to use and the first thing I'm going to do is just cover this paper with a little bit of the ink of the gelato ink it's it works best if you use it on a smooth surface the smoother the surface is the easier it will work but it does work on many different surfaces as well so here is I'm just adding some of this color first and then it's gonna add some of the purple I just want to show the effect doesn't have to be perfect I just want to show how nice this effect is on fun things and this would work well with any water color any people let's say you put water color on something and it reacts still reactive with water or the water soluble oil pastels from free maps or anything like this that reacts with water will work perfect for this technique so I'm going to put this on top and then I'm just gonna grab our very nice wet white and what I'm going to do is I'm gonna start robbing above the areas where the stencil and what it does is that it removes some of the ink from the areas where the stencil is open and it creates a really nice pattern in the background so I really love this technique because it comes out really really nice so you can see there you go so it's a really nice fun technique to use this refers and in our reverse stencil technique so in a way and I love this stencil this crowd this is the crafters workshop stencil it's the wrap stones I think oh I have to get the name I will probably link all the names below in the description area of the YouTube video for the next technique we're just going to I'm going to just use ink it doesn't really matter which type of ink you use you can use this dress oxide or distress think you could use dyeing you can use archival ink you can use this one chalk ink so it doesn't really matter the technique works the same way and you could use the ink directly on the stencil so for example you could go ahead and use this and just dab it on top and create that pattern okay but what you can also do so I'm just gonna use this corner to just show you that and this is how it turns out so it turns out really nicely and you can really do that technique easily with just a dauber with just the ink or you could take a dollar from any type any type of sponge one and you could just use it to create a pattern in the background and you could mix different colors on this I just took green just to show the idea of how it works and any type of ink will work for this any different type of ink it doesn't really matter which one and it creates a perfect a perfect pattern and I see here I just want to finish it up so you could always go back and match it up exactly the nice thing about this is that you could really match it up and finish up the edges so in this case I didn't have the edge so you could just move it a little bit and just finish up here and then you have the rest of the pattern so that's another fun way to use a stencil very simple way and it's really fun to create really nice pattern in the background another fun way of adding using a stencil is with paint and as I said if it's a really heavy body paint you could just put it directly with a palette knife or that silicone brush but if you have a lick more liquidy kind of paint then it's easier to use something like a sponge applicator or just any sponge you could use one like from the dollar store and it's just really easy to you basically just can dab things with the paint on top so for example this is the heavy body once I want to try both of them so you want to be careful right with the paint you don't want to have too much on your on your sponge because you want to make sure that it doesn't run underneath you want to create that pattern without having to run it underneath so you could go like this or you to dab and that works just as well and for the other one we're gonna try a little bit of a liquidy more of a liquidy paint just wanna put a little bit on here on my mat and this is a really great math I don't know it's a Ken Oliver mat I bought and it's a really big mat that it covers my whole table and it's just really great because it's really easy to clean so I'm quite excited about this mat that I recently got so and just as I said everything is linked in the description area below so if you want to get one like this it's really fun and it's really easy to use so as you can see I'm trying not to have my sponge too liquidy so it works well when I'm applying it I might have not used such a good pattern for this stencil but it should still work and because it's so liquidy I'm just trying to be careful I'm dabbing it carefully around to make sure that it doesn't run underneath and it might still run and that's okay but if you want to really be like perfect with it then you have to you have to make sure that you that you are don't put apply a lot of it on so there you go it didn't come out as much i didn't use such a good pattern for this i should have used a better pattern i want to just maybe show you again with a better pattern as you can see though with this you see the thicker one works better than the thinner in terms of like how it ran underneath so let's go back to these two these circle ones from the illusions just to show you what i mean it's in this i'm gonna soak up my sponge and i'm going to press and just show you and you can also wrap around you can also use it as a rub over here see this is working much better you could rub it and you're gonna see how well it comes so this makes the two colors kind of mixed together and it was really nice because you can get this really nice pattern there you go so now it's a much better so you could use paint like this so the sick one you could definitely use straight but if it's a thin one like what I just did it's best if you use it with a sponge to dull [Music] from an ethically next technique I'm going to use my gel plate and this is a really fun technique to do with stencils as well so I'm just going to again grab one of my stencils I want to grab one that has a good pattern like something like the rocks here just to show you how it works so I'm going to add a little in this again works with many different things I'm gonna have a little bit of oops of the heavy body one but I'm also going to use a little bit of the liquid one so it's really good that is the nice thing about the gel places you can use any type of paint for this oops okay so [Music] there we go okay there we go so the nice thing hold on I want to wipe this off okay so when you put this on the nice thing is that you can get two images out of this so for example you can first get the image of the actual stencil when you're pressing so I hold on I think there was not enough ink there so I'm just going to move it around a little bit there we go so you get good that's stenciled image you want to add some more over here so there we go so you can get that stenciled image through the fit through the through this through the paper but also you could remove this and use another paper to actually get the ghost image or the reverse image of this so that's what's really nice about the gel plate you can create lots of different images using there you go so you see I got the reverse image and it's a just as beautiful as the other one and the last thing is that you could use the actual stencil to stamp with it and this is an extra guess technique here but you could use the stencil and I mean you have to act fast because you don't want this to kind of dry up and yeah it doesn't work as well once it's dry so you have to kind of work really hard to make sure that does maybe I should have done this first as it didn't really work as well but you could what I'm trying to say let me put this back on see if I can press on it a little bit more and have that wetness come on so yes so there we go so now when I go and press here the actual image will come on so not as good as the other one but pretty much if you had more paint it would definitely work well another thing is just making sure that you're clean your stencils really well so that's a really important thing I'm not very good at cleaning stencils but I just recently did a video and I will link that as well on how to clean stencils if you are not good at cleaning things asthma as well as I am I mean as I am because I don't think stencils as well so as long as you're doing it right after they come it cleans really well so there we go that's the next technique [Music] the next technique is quite simple is just basically using the stencil to create marks with either a pencil or a marker or anything like that and you could really you know going between the lines and create this kind of really nice doodling you know add it to certain areas so that's really fun to do and you could like use the stencils to just basically have that outline so so for example you can do something like this and you have this outline or you could go into things like a circle for example and create little circles and there's different different templates of circles squares and things like that so I've done this before where I just basically go around with the stencil and create nice little Mark's and these actually after can be colored in so you could do anything you could use any of these stencils that I had to kind of be color to color in with some watercolor or with crayons or with pencil crayons so basically you know the possibilities are endless and you could create bubbles you could get any different type of pattern depending on the stencils that you have the other technique that I want to use is I want to show how to do embossing on with a stencil and this is at a crafters workshops stencil it's called a mini sweet piece and the other one with the pebbles it's called mini pebbles tide so that I went to look up the name of that other stencil so what you can do is you can either use the dabber but if you don't have that then you can reduce one of the sponge applicators and basically just dab on top and then you can create this really nice pattern in the background using some embossing ink so once you have it all done then you go into this is just a gold Ranger princess gold embossing powder that I just put in a container so it's easier to apply and it has like a little spoon inside so basically you just go and you okay and there you have it I think I had a little bit of a wetness there but basically you can emboss you can emboss it on oh I just made a mess here as well and that happens with embossing so I will just clean it up sorry about that and then all I have to do is just basically heat emboss this so you can just apply heat to it and you see that color changing of course like an embossing powder it's changing to gold and I forgot because this was my second tryout of doing this because the first time this the first stencil you want to spend so that has like a good pattern on it and I tried it with a different stencil and it didn't work because the ink wasn't going through so you want to have a big pattern to be able to get this embossing powder on so I'd actually forgot to put the powder before the embossing but if you put that on you will not get these extra effects of embossing mistakes on the outside but this is a really nice technique and I always like showing that mistakes happen and that's okay and it just really works really well that way so this is a really good way of using your stencils in a different way completely and also making it you know another fun technique so I'm gonna heat set this I want a heat set this but it's going to slow for the camera so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna heat set this off-screen so here it is all set and embossed and it looks really really shiny and really nice I did make a mistake here was wet from before from from I don't know if it was water and other ink and I think I put my fingers in here but if you don't look if you actually look just at the top here it looks like a really nice than bossed area and I think I'm just going to cut this bottom part off because it just looks really nice when it's perfect and you don't want to have all that other nonsense there so you could use this for a card you could embossed it that way and this is a really fun and neat technique and just remember to use the powder which I'd forgot to use the next technique it's actually two techniques in one so this is technique 9 and 10 for the last ones and it's using a larger stencil something like this like the elephant from Donna downy doesn't have to be this one but the cool thing about this one is that some stencils no no or not only census but they're also masks so what's nice about them that you can use them both the inside or the outside and many different stencils come this way and you can see they're attached but you can detach them and basically use them in two different ways so I want to show you both techniques the first one is going to be using the mask and the second one is using the actual stencil and I have another stencil underneath that is from the Kai's egg from Kaiser crafts and this is the only stencil that I'm using that it's a 12 by 12 for this thing I use a lot of 12 by 12 stencils on my layout and for canvases but today for the purpose of my of my actual video I wanted to I needed like smaller stencils like the 6x6 ones it was easier for me to use the smaller ones for the small techniques so that was why I did that sorry I just want to step tomorrow so today I'm gonna use this one for the last one stencils come in many different sizes and this is just one of the sizes that I have twelve by twelve and this is I think probably an 8 by 8 and it's a really cool stencil I'm just gonna show it's called good luck elephants okay so hold on and I want to show the first technique I won't be using this then so I'll be just using the mask and what I'm going to do is this is already a paper that I had already used with a jelly plate doesn't have to be done with a jelly plate but this is the nice thing about it that you could do something like this so I'm going to put the stencil here and what it's going to do is it's going to act as a mask and I'm going to add paint on top of it to cover up the rest the mask it I'm gonna use some black paint just to show you the contrast that you don't have to use a black paint you can use any different any paint at all it could be heavy or no so just going to just get a little bit of this on my on my lid and then I'm going to just you can dab or you can just how do you call this they're moving circles but I'm just for the purpose of this it's easier if I dab it around so you want to be just careful you don't lift the stencil you could use a temporary adhesive but I didn't do that I just went ahead and did this and just it's easier when it's like you know when it's at the top when the elephant doesn't have like you know the small legs kind of lifts up so that's why you have to be careful with those ones but if you're doing it at the top it's not a problem so there you go careful here with the tail so what it doesn't mean you could cover the whole thing in black but what it does is that it masked it and then you have the pattern of the elephant right inside this black area and you can go back let's say you didn't you feel like you were missing some spots like for example I did here at the nose I go back and I cover that as well so you could go ahead after it once you're done with this you can go ahead and cover the whole thing and you'll have that really nice pattern inside so you could use your jelly plate like you did before with the stencils and create there's a really nice page and then after that you can mask it using the some type of masking stencil so that's for that for that technique now I'm going to get going with the second technique for this last technique I'm going to use the actual stencil and not the mask and I'm going to double up stencils I was going to use my the scrip stencil that you saw before but I decided instead to use this one because I realized that the scrip stencil would not give the effect that I wanted I need to make sure that this stencil is covers everything and it's the other one there scrip stencil did not cover the whole elephant the way I wanted it you do need a bigger of a stencil distance so that I have here is prima and it's 8 i think it's an 8 and a half 7 and a half by 9 I'm not sure the size but it fits perfectly in here I you could use a 12 by 12 but I wanted to use something that is available on the market so this is the one that I chose because I can link it below I didn't want to use I've used stencils in the past where they are not available and then people can't purchase them and buy them and they get upset so I want to make sure that I have this so I wanted to make sure that it covers everything in size and that's why of the reasons what I did this I'm going to use a little bit of tape so just hold this together just do two stencils together just to make sure that they don't move and the nice thing about this technique is that you could do anything with this you could use ink with it you could use I mean all the other techniques that I've done so far you can actually use for this technique because you could use ink you can use paint you could use paste you could use anything and it will just create a really nice pattern inside this elephant so you do need a bigger stencil that is going to be kind of the shape of the of the image and then you need something underneath to create a really nice texture I'm going to go and take some white paste and I'm going to start basically applying it all around to create the shape of the élysée the nice thing about this is you can go after with the mask or even with the stencil and create an outline around the elephant or mask it backwards like I did before and just use it and use something darker to contrast it you could use color for this and I'm not using colors because I could actually go ahead and spray it after if I wanted to I just wanted to see how it looks with the 3d effect but again you could use paint for this you could use the ink so all of it works so this is a really fun technique to create that really nice elephant shaped it could be any shape that you have as a stencil would work as well and you want to just be able to take all the excess off so always take the excess off okay and now you basically remove everything carefully and you should have a really nice elephant so there you go once this is dry which I'm going to dry right now you could go ahead and outline it with with the same stance so I could have outlined it to begin with but I decided that I am just going to first add the the pattern on it so I'm gonna dry this and come back to show you what I mean okay once the image image is dry I could use it a mask and just outline the elephant around or you did the Knik I did before which is masking with paint that I could just use basically a marker so I'm just using this stampers big Brush benefit that's what I had handy and just basically go around and Mark the elephant you could use the actual stencil as well and Boop's and outline it and I don't waste be careful don't make mistakes I mean I make a mistakes because I'm going quickly because I don't want to waste time showing how I highlight it and you could actually take after some watercolors and just paint inside the elephant so that's the nice thing about it so this is a really fun technique I was like leaving the most intricate in tikrit intricate techniques to the end so that works well that way and I'm just going to finish the top of the elephant which is much easier I just find it legs a little bit and the trunk a little bit more I'm really harder to do it just because they move here are the tasks and I just posed pink you don't have to choose pink I mean I'm just I just want to show that you can do it you can do it with the outline and there you go and then you have the actual elephant you could take some watercolor paint and just basically color it inside you could spray it you could do anything I mean you could use go with the spray and you could go back with let's say you want to actually have the outline again you could go back with this excuse me I never had to sneeze in the middle of a show and in the middle of a video so that you can just go back put this on and then spray and you kind of have it contain as much as you can and that works as well I mean it might run underneath so you once might want to put it from further up but that's okay you could always mask it again oh it didn't look you see how nice and then you can create your own pattern to your own colors and that's a really fun technique that way okay so here are the two elephants that I created that was technique number nine and ten and using the masks and the double stencil so I really had fun and showing you all my favorite techniques with stencils ten favorite techniques there's so many other techniques that you can do and variations of my technique for the first one right that I use them the light pastes or modeling paste you could use texture paste you can use crackle paste you could use basically anything and it paint anything that is thick enough to create this embossed kind of look and then week you could use of course phrase which is what I used in this one I love using this reverse technique of using some medium that is reacts with water and then using baby wipes to kind of remove the excess of course any type of ink will work with this so definitely try with this in terms of like patterns making patterns with pains and sponges so that's a really fun way of doing it as well and one of my favorite techniques is using the gel plate and that's really fun to do as well so these are like the gel plates and the ghost images of it my favorite one I'm gonna put on top because I really like it and of course you can do just use the stencil just as outlines with some pencil or do some embossing techniques and that's really fun to do so I really had fun creating all of these and just remember and I'm a very big rule of cleaning your stencils I'm not the best at doing this but if you didn't clean your sense those after using all these techniques then go ahead and watch my video about how to clean stencils and what's the best product to clean them all and thank you so much for watching if you like my video please hit the like button subscribe to my channel and please share these with your friends so other people can learn the some techniques with stencils and if you have any other stencils ideas please share them with me in the comment area I really love like listening to all the different comments that people put and you know if you do know some really cool technique with stencils I'd love to hear about it so I can try it in my work and thanks so much bye you
Channel: Keren Tamir
Views: 287,837
Rating: 4.7991505 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, begginer tutorial, how to, how to use a stencil, stencil, stencil techniques, mixed media, art, visual art, scrapbooking, mixed media collage, texutre, pattern, stencil painting
Id: pEygQdnZpn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 59sec (2039 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2017
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