How to Use a PDF Planner in OneNote

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um i just wanted to do a quick little video to show you how i import and use um pdf planners in onenote so i'm on a mac um so i'm not sure if um you're on a different um platform it would look different for you so right here is my planner section and in my planner section i have a bunch of blank pages that i like to use a lot but right here i've imported the 2021 dated horizontal from uh dpc digitals um so right now i'll show you how i how you can do that so that you can make up your own uh planner the thing i like a lot about this is that if there's certain layouts for different planners i can use different layouts while using the same notebook in onenote so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to add another page so that i can import another notebook and i'm going to go to insert right here and i'm going to go to print out so that's going to bring me to my um wherever you keep things or you can find it over here so i keep everything in digital notebooks and planners and let's see which one should i import [Music] um i will import the i think i have a horizontal in there so let's do a portrait so then you just hit insert and you wait patiently for it to upload and go into your onenote this is the longest part and once it's done inserting you're going to see every single page you don't have to do any flipping you just have to scroll through to find the pages that you want of course it's taking longer than normal just because okay so there we are so it's already in and you can see it's right here um and it'll go right down to the bottom because it's a big long document so you can just scroll up so i'm going to use this sidebar here so it's faster so as you can see every single page is uploaded so there's the cover the templates now these links don't work now so you kind of have to scroll through and find out which ones you like i'll go past all the dividers the nice thing is when you exit this page it will stay where you left it you won't have to keep scrolling um every single time you open this okay so now we're into the templates which is usually where i find things that i'm going to want to use so usually i scroll through till um okay let's here's a weekly template right so let's say i want to use this one in my planner this week i am going to right click and copy it and that's it then i'm going to go to my week this week so let's say it's january and it's january 4th i already have this one imported but i can scroll down and then i'm just going to hit paste and there it is so in order to be able to use this page i'm just moving it over a little bit so it's even um the only other thing that you have to do is right click again and set picture as background once that is done you'll be able to use it like a regular planner and you can move your text around you can put your habits in here you can move everything around etc so this is how i do things and then i set up for the entire year even here on the journal i imported the january journal and i put in my journal prompts from the fitness group and i'll use this this notebook as my journal for january and then you can add any sections um that you want to use so for example i have my gaming planner right here um and i use her slim animal crossing planner for that and i just add a new page every week so i imported the blank uh planner and then i just copy and paste my pages as i need them um i hope that helps you guys if you have any questions let me know
Channel: Kari Girardin
Views: 44,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ovEpPQOeEUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 13sec (313 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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