How To Upload WordPress Website To cPanel From Localhost [Fastest Method]

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hello guys in this video we are going to upload a wordpress website from our local host to a domain and this is the easiest method to get your wordpress website into a live domain i already made a webpro website in my localhost so we are going to upload that into a domain so let's get into the video before that please make sure to subscribe to this channel to get useful videos every week this is the wordpress website we created in our localhost here you can see the website address starting with localhost so we are going to make this website live into this domain for that we have to open our wordpress directory in our local server this is the wordpress files so first we have to click view and tick this hidden items so we have to copy the dot ht access files with this okay after opening the files if you can't see this dot http access file click view and tick the hidden items and it will visible here and ctrl a for select all and click r2r key or you can send to compressed folder here you have to select sip and click ok ok now you have to upload this folder into the domain open your cpanel and click file manager go to your public underscore html folder and click upload i will make it bigger click upload and open that folder and drag and drop the file here the file is uploaded and here we can't see the file right now so click reload so it will visible right now and right click and extract and extract files okay we have everything here now we can remove this zip file we don't need that now we have to go our localhost phpmyadmin and find the database this is my database and click export and click go okay we got downloaded that database and now we have to create a database in our cpanel click mysql database wizard under the database section and name something here i'm going to youtube vp creating the same username and generating a password i copy that password giving all privileges so now we created our database and database user and assigned privileges to that so now we have to modify our config file come back to file manager and find the wp config.php and right click and edit here you can see the database name database username and password here we have to paste our copied password and our database name and database username save it okay now come back to cpanel now find phpmyadmin under database section here we can see the database we created click that so now we have to import our exporter database in my case that is ytwp.sql you can simply drag this and drop here or you can click import and choose file choose file and select the sql file y key wp dot sql and click go okay it's successfully imported so click stretcher and open the wp underscore options table here we can see the site url and home linked to our localhost so we have to change this to the domain your case you can add your domain name remove the ending backslash and change this to now both values are our new domain so just refresh the website and you will able to see the website is live in the new domain so this is the easiest method you can host your wordpress website into a dummy hope you like this video if you like this video please give a like and subscribe to this channel to get more useful videos like this and we'll see you in the next one thank you you
Channel: Ajith Jojo
Views: 6,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XWgA9QTbckk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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