How to Move WordPress from Local Server to Live Website (Easy Step by Step Tutorial)

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there may be many reasons why you have your website hosted locally whether it be testing new features or if you want to fully design your website locally before hosting it live on the web now if you're ready to move your website from your local host to your live web host keep watching because i'll show you how to do that in a few easy steps if you think about it on a basic level a website just consists of files and folders right so all we're going to be doing is packing up the files and folders on a local server and moving it onto a web host and unpacking it onto that web host so what we're going to be doing is installing a plugin onto a local website and we're going to be exporting a backup file of our website and then unpacking it onto our web host onto our new wordpress website and if you're new to the channel i'm yaz from brainstorm force and we're the team behind the most popular wordpress theme out there astra and we create content about our latest product updates as well as tutorials for beginners and non-coders so if you don't want to miss out on any of that content make sure you subscribe down below and turn on notifications alright here we are on the computer and before we get started i just want to go through a little bit of a checklist to make sure you have everything you need before we start this tutorial and the first thing obviously you need is your local website that you want to move on to your live web host for this demonstration i've created this demo website by installing a brand new install of wordpress onto my locally hosted website and i'm using local by flywheel to set that up i'll leave a link for that in the description below if you guys want to learn how to host a website locally on your own machine please let me know in the comments down below and we'll look into making a video tutorial about that for you guys and for this website i've gone ahead and installed the astro theme onto a brand new install of wordpress and astro comes with all these amazing pre-built starter templates that you can install at a click of a button just like this amazing catering themed template and all these features all these buttons menus all the really cool widgets all come with astra at a click of a button if you're interested in checking that out i'll leave a link in the description below and the second thing you'll need is a domain name and then from there you'll also need a hosting plan and wordpress installed on that domain but a hosting provider we recommend is siteground siteground provides a range of different plans to suit any budget and they're really reliable and they have amazing support and it's really easy to install wordpress on siteground once you have your domain name and hosting plan set up i'll leave a link for siteground in the description below as well so here are the two plugins that we're going to be using so the one i like to use is called all-in-one wp migration you might have seen me use this plugin in other tutorials as well such as moving your website from one host to the other i'll leave a link in the top right of your screen or in the description below and this plugin is really simple to use and it works really well and one thing to note with wp all-in-one migration is that you're only allowed to back up a maximum of 300 megabytes with the free version of this plugin anything more than that you'll need to pay for the premium version but i've got you covered for that as well if your website is larger than 300 megabytes you can go ahead and use this alternative plugin here called backup and migration wp vivid this is a free plugin and you can do the exact same steps with this if you have any questions please let me know in the comments below but in this tutorial we'll be using wp all-in-one migration this is just because it works really well and i'm sure it's going to be more than enough for most beginner level users all right so now we're going to go into our wordpress dashboard of our local website okay here we are now on the dashboard of our local website and we're going to go ahead and install the wp all-in-one migration plugin so to do that we're going to go in the bottom left of the menu here and go to plugins and go to add new and on the right hand side where it has a search plugins we're going to type in wp all in one migration even typing in wp all in one the first one you see here that's the one we want to install we're going to press install now and once it's installed you can press activate awesome so the plugin is now installed and you'll notice on the left hand side here you have a menu for this plugin as well we're going to go over here and press export awesome so now we're gonna just gonna click here export to and we're gonna export to file but it also gives you options to export into any cloud storage option that you prefer including dropbox google drive and more but in this case we're just gonna export to a file so we're going to click that here so now it's going to pack up all the content on our website including databases the content everything it's going to make it into one small little file as you can see here it says 6279 content files and it's currently 22 complete now it's exporting the database so you can see now that the backup file is ready to download and it's 146 megabytes i'm just going to download that now and once that's downloaded we're going to close this if you'd like to you can go ahead and remove this plugin now you can just go into plugins and remove the plugin now deactivate and remove the plugin if you don't want to use that anymore on your local website and now i'm going to go onto my live web hosted wordpress website and as you can see here it's a clean brand new install of wordpress i'm going to do the same thing i'm going to go into plugins add new i'm going to search for wp all in one and it's this one again right here we're going to press install now you can activate it once again on the left hand side we see the menu but this time what we're going to do is go and press import so all we do now is we're going to drag the backup file that we created and we're going to upload it onto a live wordpress website just like this so you can drag it and drop it here or you can open it and browse for the file as well and you can see that it started to upload everything and now it's done just gonna wait for it to process now it's preparing to import it's checking everything it's going to do everything for you now this warning indicates that everything on a live website will be overwritten by the content and database everything from the backup file from a local website we're going to press proceed and if you have content that you want to keep on your live website make sure you create a backup you can use the exact same plugin to do so and keep that aside before restoring a backup from a local machine onto this live website and there you have it your site has been imported successfully it tells you two different steps here save permalink structure and you can also review the plugin if you'd like once you click this save permalink structure it should open up a new tab and it's going to ask us to log in once all that's done because now we've copied our local wordpress website onto the live web host so we're going to be using the login credentials for our local website on our live website now so make sure you keep that in handy we're going to press log in and once you log in it will take you into your permalinks settings page permalinks are basically the url structure of your pages and blog posts so you can choose the one that you prefer out of the options here but most seos do prefer post name as it contains the name of the page in the url and as you can see here this is the one that's pre-selected just as it was on our local site and we'll just scroll down to the bottom and press save changes and we refresh that and you can see already that the dashboard has changed quite a lot and has already brought in all the plugins we had installed on our local website so this is the live website we see here and you can see by the domain name as well this is live website and over here this is a local website you can see here it says dot local so we're going to go ahead onto our live website we're going to go into we're going to go and visit our website and to have a look at what it looks like and there you have it we've successfully migrated a website from a local machine onto a live web host everything that we had on a local machine is currently there on a live web host as is perfectly and after your migration is complete i really recommend that you go ahead and audit your website to make sure everything is in order if you have any contact forms booking plugins or e-commerce on your website it's always a good idea to test the integrations on your website to make sure everything's working as it should just one thing to note is that if you have any premium templates that require a license key you might have to go and reactivate that license key through your plugins menu just like this one here and when i was working on the local version of this website i had this premium template activated with its license code but now that we've imported onto the live web host we need to activate this license once again it's really easy to do so you just have to paste your license code in here and activate all the ones that you need to and that's it that's all you have to do to move your website from local to live if you had any questions please let me know in the comments down below and i'll be more than happy to help you out and that's it for today's tutorial before you click away make sure you subscribe by clicking on the logo over here or you can watch even more of our wordpress tutorials by clicking on this playlist here thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Brainstorm Force
Views: 155,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to move wordpress from local server to live site, move wordpress site from localhost to live server, Move wordpress from local to live, WordPress Website Local to Live Step by Step tutorial, Migrate WordPress Website from Local Server to Live, transfer wordpress from localhost to server, WordPress Migration Tutorial, WP All in One Migration tutorial, WP Vivid backup plugin, Move WordPress Website using WP All in ONE Migration Plugin, migrate wordpress, move wordpress
Id: 0_HeL-fKXho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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