How To: Upload Flutter Apps To App Store & Google Play

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[Music] what's going on everybody welcome back to another episode of trey codes as always my name is trey hope and today is sunday beautiful day in atlanta and i figured it'd be a great day for recording so instead of going with the usual flutter packages thing for my videos i'm going to start a new series called how to and this will essentially be how i describe to do different things with your flutter apps so first video in this series i'm going to be describing how to actually upload your flutter apps to google play and the app store now google play is the market for android apps app store is the market for ios apps process is different in a few ways but very similar in a lot of ways so we're going to go ahead and go over some of those details that way you can actually start pushing some of your apps to the market so let's go ahead and jump into it [Music] three [Music] okay so we have visual studio code open and we are currently in our project uh i'll be using my lit pit project as an example for today so before we can actually upload to the app store we need to run a few commands in the terminal so the first one is flutter clean and this essentially cleans the build folder that way it's completely fresh and we can make sure that um the actual file we will be uploading to the app store is up to date so we run flutter clean cleans the workspace cool now we need to run the command that's actually going to build the file that we need to upload and that command is flutter build ios release now this might take a while um well it definitely will take a while so uh we're gonna go ahead and fast forward from this part all right so we have it built now as you can see down here it says xcode build done and that took about 381 seconds i'm gonna let you do the math on how long that took but now that we're ready we need to go ahead and open up xcode to go to the next steps so you can either open up xcode directly from the dock or you can just in here just right click and then hit open in xcode [Music] and then we just let this load up for a second has to load the project all right and so now what we need to do is we need to archive our product and essentially what that does is it creates a ipa file which is the file that we need to send to the app store so that way we can actually upload the app so to archive the uh the file we need to go to product at the top and then hit archive now this process takes a little while as well it has to go through all dependencies header files etc etc so it's going to take a little minute as well so i'm going to go ahead and fast forward from this part as well all right so we are now in the window for the archives which is called the organizer so once it's done i'm actually archiving this window automatically pops up but you can also navigate there directly by going to window and then organizing so now that we're here you can see that our ipa file which is right here um is version one point uh 1.1.5 and it doesn't have a status yet because we haven't done anything with it so what we want to do is go ahead and distribute the app so we click distribute app and there's four options um ad hoc is for like testing on specific devices um i've never done enterprise i believe i've done development maybe once but for this example we want to put our app um to the app store connect so we hit next and then we want to upload it not export it and then it's going to go ahead and prepare the archive [Music] then it's going to ask just some extra distribution options um you don't need to change anything here so just hit next and then we want to automatically manage the siding not uh automatically manage signing sorry we don't want to manually do that so go ahead and click next and this is the last window before we upload so as you can see these are all our dependencies in the app but that's not really important but as you can see here we can either go back or we hit upload and we're going to go ahead and hit upload so now another long process yet again so i'm going to go ahead and not waste your time i'm going to fast forward from this part again all right so we now have our ipa file actually uploaded but there's a few more steps that we have to complete on our end before we can actually submit the app for review so for now we're done with flutter we're done with xcode we can go ahead and head over to the app store connect so in here we have our app um we're currently on version 1.1.3 but the new app that we'll be submitting is for version 1.1.5 so there was a plus button right here i clicked that uh specified the ad version and now it brought me here so here is where you add some extra information as far as you know what you did new in the app screenshots uh and etc etc so most of the information is kind of tedious so i won't go too into detail about it just know that you have to complete the app information pricing and availability and then app privacy for your ad so the most important part of upload is to come down to the build section so the build is where we actually apply the ipa file to this new release so um keep in mind that it takes a little while for the processing to happen um maybe about 30 to 45 minutes after you submit it uh i've seen it done faster but sometimes it takes a little bit longer but essentially you just want to click this plus right here and you want to select the build that was just uh uploaded so we'll go right here hit done um then it'll ask if uh does your app use encryption no it does not then we'll hit done here all right so since i already have a app on the store all this information is filled but i'll go ahead and just select save all right and finally we can go ahead and hit submit for review all right it now says this version has been submitted for review and is now waiting for review so typically takes maybe one to three business days but pretty much you just gotta sit tight and wait and they'll let you know if it was approved or if it was denied because of some extra information you have to apply or there were some errors in your build so that's all you have to do on the ios end i'll show you how to upload for android in the next video [Music] all right so now that we have the ios submitted we can go ahead and demonstrate how to upload the android version of your app so the first things first all android apps require a file called a key store file they're called java key stores essentially these are repositories that act as certificates and private keys for the app and all android apps need this file in order to be signed and uploaded to the app store uh to google play i should say um i'll drop a link in the description exactly on how to generate that file but once you have it you'll just want to save it in a safe location i usually just put it in the directory wherever i'm doing my flutter development so i can access it easily once you have it generated you'll need to go into the android directory and then we want to create a file and the file is just going to be some information related to that keystore that we just generated and then the passwords and alias that we assigned when we generated as well we're going to need this when we go into the build.gradle file in our app directory under android so in here we actually need to make a call or make an instance rather of that key properties file so right here i'm going to create a new properties object call it keystore properties and we're going to get it from that file by calling this rootproject.file key properties if it's not well if it doesn't exist um then we don't do anything but of course it will exist so then we create a new file input stream with that file and now we can come down here and use it as an object to get those values so within signing configs this is essentially what is called when we uh go to build our apk file so the key alias is going to be that key alias that we assign here in key password store file and store password pretty simple stuff right here then down here in build types release we're just going to call signing configs dot release which is all this right here so uh there's some other things i i'm assuming there's one for debug and all that but you don't really need that whenever debugging but for release you'll want to have this structure and make sure that you call the key up top once you have that we can actually just go ahead and jump into building our apk file so as before we want to run flutter clean to make sure that everything is clean up to date you got a new version of flutter okay i'll have to check that out um so we'll let flutter clean run all right so now we just like before in ios but instead this time we're going to run flutter build apk release now as always this is going to take a little bit so i will see you in a few minutes all right so now we have the apk built as you can see here uh built in green so that's good for us so we're now done with flutter and visual studio code we can now go over to the google play console and this is where i have my lit pic project so this is the dashboard a bunch of information here related to the app what we want to do is go to the production section over here on the left [Music] and here as you can see the most recent version was 1.1.4 we want to go ahead and select create new release in the top right corner [Music] alright so now we want to go to upload and we want to look for that apk file now it's going to be located in the project in the build and app and outputs apk release at release apk so it's pretty pretty nested in there but once you know where it's at you'll figure it out every time so we'll go ahead and hit open all right so now we have it here um and then when you come down here it automatically pre-populates this release name to the version that we submitted and then in the release notes you just want to add uh the updates that were added so same thing as ios switch from demo mode to live mode all right click save and then we click uh review release all right so there's four warnings um nothing really major um it's usually related to like the apk being under a certain level or whatever but they're only warnings it's not going to prevent you from actually uploading it so now that everything looks like it's good we'll just click start rollout to production uh this release will be available to all users on google play in your chosen countries roll out all right so as you can see here it is now in review and that's all it is to it when uploading your app to the google play store so now you finally know how to upload some of your flutter apps to both the app store and google play hopefully this video was helpful you can actually start getting your apps a little bit more exposed to the world because that's pretty much the whole goal you may have in the first place um as always if this video was helpful please like comment subscribe and please reach out to me if there's any ideas that you want me to cover for your next video you know i can keep on ideas of my own but the goal of this channel is to make sure i'm teaching flutter the most efficient way to you all so i'll see you next time have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Trey Codes
Views: 548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: appstore, iphone, ios, app, flutter, upload, dart, googleplay, playstore, android, apple, apps, game, mobileapp, googleplaystore, mobile, games, mobilegames, google, tech, applewatch, download, gamer, mobileapps, technology, mobilegame, newapp, itunes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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