Flutter Tutorial - How To Publish Flutter App On Play Store [2023] Build, Release & Deploy App

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congratulations you have finished developing your flutter app and now i will help you to build release and publish your flutter app to the google play store whereas i will show you step by step the whole process from scratch to finally release your android app to the public we will follow three simple steps of the official flutter guide for publishing your flutter app feel free to jump to the right sections and timestamps if needed first of all we will make your flutter app ready for the upload and release we will set your app icon app name and uniq application id secondly we will upload and publish your first flutter app to the play store and lastly i will show you how you can save a lot of time by publishing all upcoming app versions automatically to the play store with the help of fast lane ci and cd tool with this you can push your app updates every time to github and it will then automatically build release and publish your app to the play store let's follow the official flutter guide to build and release our flutter app to the google play store the first step is to add an app icon therefore go to google and type android icon generator and then i take you the first link to generate a new icon within the section clip art you can select another icon so i take this icon and then i download this zip file alternatively you can click on image choose then your app logo and open it change here the padding like you want for example you remove the whole padding and then you can also click here on download zip next open this downloaded zip file and here inside you will see this logo which you drag then inside of the assets folder within your flutter project let's also give it here a different name so i call it app logo png go back to the official guide and here you see this package flutter launcher icons and this package we will use to generate our app icon therefore copy here this code go back to your flutter project to the pop spec jammer file within this file you should see here the dev dependency so paste it here inside and here you can also remove the depth dependencies because they are already inside and make also sure that the spacing here is correct let's also copy this true flag and put it here inside and within the image path you need to point to your app logo therefore make also sure that you put here the correct name inside that you have defined before here within this assets folder finally go back to your flutter launcher icons package and here to the section run the package and then you can also copy here these two commands then go to the command line or terminal and go to the flutter project location so this is here the location of this flutter project and then paste here the commands inside in my case i have transferred it to a single command so i execute here the command flatter clean then this flutter pubget and lastly also this command from this package press enter and after some time it should say that it has successfully generated our launcher icons in case you get here this error could not find flutter launcher icons package then simply go to your popsback jumble file and make sure that you save this file and then run this command again next we want to use the package rename to set a new app name for our app and also to change our bundle id or our application id simply scroll here a bit down and then copy here this installation command go back to the terminal and paste it here inside and then this package should be activated and secondly go back to your browser and we scroll here down to this command pop global run rename you can simply copy it and paste it here inside and i also modify it a bit so that i change here the app name and then i define here my new app name for my app press enter and then it should say here that the android app name changed successfully to this new name and secondly we can use this package to define for our app a unique application id and each app in the play store must have a unique application id therefore copy here this command and go back to your terminal and here to create a unique application id you need to define your reverse domain so in my case my domain is johannesmaker.com and i put it in reversed order inside and secondly you can then choose here a project name for your application and since your domain is unique in the whole world your application id which is here this id is then also unique simply press enter and then it should say that also here the android bundle id changed successfully to our new id after this run your flutter app and then you should see that we have a new app name and a new app icon with the first step completed we can go over to the second step to build and release our app to the play store therefore go here back to the guide to the section signing the app first of all go to your android folder and here i create then within this android folder a new file key properties and within this file we need to define then the keystore password which is needed for signing our application therefore i go here to this section and then i copy here the code and paste it inside and here within the store password and key password you can then define a random password which you should keep secret so you should not share it with other people next scroll again within your browser a bit up to the section create an upload key and now you need to copy here the right command for your operating system mac linux or windows so in my case i take here this command for mac and linux and then go to your command line or terminal and paste this command inside and after you press enter it will ask for a keystore password so simply take here the same password that you have also put inside of this file and this is really important so put here the same password inside and press enter and then you need to re-enter the password to paste it again inside and click enter now you can define the certificate information of your application so in my case i simply press here every time enter and at the end right here yes to confirm here your selection and press enter after this go to the location of your keystore file that was generated so i'm here right now inside which is here this upload keystore file and then move this file inside of your android app folder and lastly you need to go here back to this android folder and here to this key properties file and then you need to make sure that you put here the right location of this upload keystore file inside so i basically go here then to the pass app and upload keystore file and this is exactly where we have pasted our file before insight one important thing to notice about this key tool command that we used before if you face here this issue key store password was incorrect if you don't know this keystore password anymore then you simply can go to your home location of your computer and then you need to remove your all of these jks files and simply remove it after this go back to your terminal and write this command again and now you can follow here the steps like before you can enter here your password and also generate your keystore file now that we have created our upload keystore we need to sign our application with this keystore file and create an app bundle but before we can do this we need to go here all the way down and we need to follow then the section configure signing in gradle first of all we need to go to the location android app build gradle file so go to your flutter project into the android app and build gradle file and then copy here this code on the right side and go here then to the section android and before it you need to paste it inside and also make sure that you remove here then this android part of what you have pasted here inside and also making the spacing correct so align it here to the left side then you need to go back to your browser and here you scroll then to the second section and then you need to copy not this one you need to copy here the second code so copy here this code go back to your build gradle file and scroll here all the way down until you see here the spill types make sure that you select here everything also here the space at the beginning and paste it then inside and then go back to your terminal and make sure that you are within the terminal inside of the root folder of your flutter project that you have here in the background then type the command flutter clean and press enter and this will remove previous builds in case you have created already a build before and secondly you need to run this command flutter build app bundle and this will create an assigned app build that we need to upload later to the play store and here within this location this app build was then saved so simply go inside of your flutter project and then go exactly here to this build folder app outputs bundle release and here you should see then your app bundle that was generated later we need this file therefore make sure that you keep this folder open in the background but before we upload this file we also need to go here back to our flutter project inside of this git ignore file and here inside you see by default this key properties inside and we also want to add then this upload keystore that we have generated before and which we have placed inside of our app folder and this is really important that you have here these both files inside of your android git ignore file otherwise if people get access to your keys and your key store then they can also upload a new app version to the play store and can overwrite your app version that you have uploaded next i show you the whole process to upload an app to the play store let's get started by creating a google play developer account which is needed to deploy a flutter project to the play store on android first of all you need to go to this url which is going to the google play console here you need to sign in first of all to your google account and then you click on create a new developer account to create a developer account you need to define a developer name which is normally your company name next you need to put here an email address inside for your phone number you need to enter first of all the country code and then your phone number and lastly you need to confirm your both checkboxes and with these you agree to the google developer agreement and terms of service then you click on create account and pay and now you will be asked to pay with a credit card a fee of 25 dollars and it is important to notice that you cannot use a debit card you need mandatory a credit card after you have entered your credit number and also your address you can click here on this button by and then it should say here that the developer account was created and you can click on this button go to play console and with this we have created our google play developer account and we can create here later our first application for android simply click on the button create app enter your app name that should be displayed within the google play website choose your default language i take here us then decide if you have an app or if you have a game developed so in my case it's a normal app it's also in this case free important to notice here is if you have selected free then you cannot go to the paid section later scroll down and here you confirm then the developer program and also the us export laws and then you can click here create app next we need to define our play store listing page so this is how it should look like later so we can upload some screenshots and also our app logo to this website to define these information go within your app page here down to the store presence and select main store listing here you can give it then a short description and also a longer description up to 4 000 characters so explain here this text in detail because the user will later read this text and then he will decide if you want to install your app or not next you can scroll here down to the graphics section here you need to upload then your app icon so simply drag it here inside and this app logo which you upload here needs to have a size of 512 by 512 pixels and you can upload here a png or you can also upload a jpeg next you need to upload here a feature graphic which is then some graphic that you create to feature your app also make sure that the image that you have uploaded has here these dimensions next you can also add here a promotion video for your app so i put here some link inside and then you can go to the phone section to upload some phone screenshots these screenshots you can simply create within your emulator so open your up your app and then you go to the page which you want to have as a screenshot and click here on this symbol and then he creates you a screenshot for you in my case i have already created here some screenshots and i can simply drag them here then inside make sure that you upload here at least two screenshots which is mandatory and you can maximum upload here eight screenshots the screenshots that you upload here needs to be in a format of sixteen by nine or nine by six as an aspect ratio after this if you like you can also add here specific screenshots for your devices such as for the tablets so here you can upload some screenshots and here also and lastly click here then on save to submit your changes after this go to the store presence and here you go to the store settings choose here your app category so in my case i take here for example education you can also add here some text so that other people can find then your application so you can search here for some text and then you can select here some so that your application can be better found by search engines and other people after this scroll here a bit down enter your email address and optionally you can also add here your website and phone number and all of these information will be then displayed on your google play page then click again on save next you can choose a track where you want to upload your app to so we take later production because then it is released to the public however if you want to test your app then you can also take these other tracks for example internal testing closed beta and open beta testing to go to these different tracks simply go here all the way up and then you can choose your testing and here you see then open testing closed testing and internal testing and if you click then here you can create here every time a new release also if you go to internal testing you also see here this great new release and if you go to close testing then you need to go first of all to this track to this alpha track and then you also can create a new release in our case we want to make our app public therefore we go here to the track production and here you can then also create a new release so we create here now this new release by clicking on this button after this click here on continue and here you need to upload then your app bundle that we have generated before after this upload is finished the other fields here below will be filled automatically so the upload has finished you can go here down and you also can add here some release notes and these are later displayed on your google store page click on save and then click on review release and here you will see some errors because we need to fill more information so click here on production go to countries and regions click here on add countries regions and here you can then select all the countries where your app would be available and you can also deselect here some countries then click on add countries regions and click here on add next we need to scroll here all the way down within this list and go to the section app content and here we need to supply then some more information about our app therefore click here on the first one privacy policy and here you need to add then a link to the privacy policy and you also need to add this link within your app itself therefore you can google for a privacy policy generator or you can also go to this link here to actually get here some privacy policy that you can use for your website therefore i click here on this edit button and i select here the whole privacy policy and copy it after this i go to my github account and here i create a new repository and then give it here some repository name and the most important thing is that you need to put it to public so you cannot put it to private because otherwise no one can access your privacy policy after this go here down and create the repository then click here on create a new file call it privacy policy md and then paste here your content inside that you have copied before here inside you need to define then first of all your email address and also scroll here all the way up where you also can then replace each of these information with your company name let's quickly replace here all of these information with your company name or your app name and after you are done you can then scroll here all the way down and click here on commit new file then you can click here on this file itself and you see that our privacy policy is now hosted here within this location and you can copy then here this link and paste it here then inside alternatively you can host this privacy policy also on your own website and then you can simply take here this link of your own website or you can also put it to sites google and create your own site simply take then this url and also paste it here inside in case you want to have it on your website after this click here on save and then you can click here on app content to go back then you need to click here on ads do your app contain ads if yes then select here yes otherwise select no so in my case the app doesn't contain any ads and therefore i select here no and this will be also later displayed on the google page itself click on save and after this go here back to the app content choosier then app access and here you need to define your login credentials in case some parts of your app are restricted so in case you have a login to your application then you need to click here on all or some functionality is restricted and then you need to add here some instructions with the password and also username so that the google team can then sign into your application and review your app in my case all the app is accessible and there is no login functionality therefore i can click here on all functionality is available and then i click on save next go again back to the app content and then go to the content ratings click on this button start questionnaire supply here your email address select here then your app category so in my case it's educational and then click here on next choose here the answers that apply to your application so in my case it's every time no however make sure that you answer here all the questions correctly to your app and then click on save and then click on next here you see then an overview of your calculated app rating on the world which is also displayed on the play store listing page click on the submit button to agree to this rating and then click here on app content to go back to the selection now choose target audience and content here you need to choose then the target age of your app so in my case i take here simply everything and then i click on next and now in case you have selected also an age under 13 then you have your special restrictions and you need to click then on ok and here you need to fill them the second and third step in case you have selected an age under 13 otherwise you will end up at the fourth step answer then here the questions related to your app and after this click then on next and click again on next if you like to join the family program choose your yes otherwise i select here no and click on next and lastly click on save then go here back to the app content click here on news app in case your app is a news app then you need to select yes otherwise you select no and click on save if you go now back to the app content you will see that you have completed all of these steps and now we can roll out our app to the play store therefore go here back to the track where you have created your release so in my case i have created it here within the production and then click here on edit release and now you can click here on review release all the errors should be gone and then you can click here on start rollout to production and click here on rollout to submit your selection google will now manually review your app that you have submitted which can take up to 48 hours and once it is approved it will be then listed within the google play store simply click here on all apps and here you can then see the status of your app so our app is still in the review process and this can then take some time until it is reviewed by google so all in all you have learned how to build release and publish your app to the play store click here on this next video to learn how to automatically publish all the upcoming app versions to the play store so you can push conveniently your app to github and then it will be automatically build release and publish your application to the play store
Channel: HeyFlutter․com
Views: 237,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: android app store, deploying app, deploying flutter app, deploying to playstore, flutter, flutter android release, flutter playstore, flutter tutorial, how to build a flutter app, play store publishing, production flutter app, programming, publish android app, publishing a flutter app, publishing an app, releasing app, build release deploy app, flutter release, flutter publish app to play store, how to publish flutter app on play store, flutter publish app on play store
Id: g0GNuoCOtaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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