How to update Flutter Version to Latest in Android Studio | Upgrade flutter project SDK

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hi everyone so in this video I'll be showing  you how to update your flutter version so   here you can see currently I'm having here  flutter 3.7.5 so now I will show you how you   can update it easily just go to tools and here  you'll be having flutter just click on flutter upgrade so here you can see it says upgrading  flutter to 3.16.0 from 3.7.5 which is my current   version so that's it and here you can see it  says some of the licenses are not accepted so   just basically run this command so just copy  this go to terminal and just run this command   now and just click on y for all yeah now we are  good and now if I just go and check the flutter   version so here you can see I'm having 3.16.0  and the earlier version was 3.7 something so I   hope you would have found this video useful do  check the playlist of my channel I have done   a lot of videos in programming as well as AI  check them out subscribe me thanks for watching
Channel: United Top Tech
Views: 7,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: update flutter, update flutter sdk android studio, update flutter version, update flutter project, upgrade flutter sdk version, upgrade flutter project to 3.0, upgrade flutter version, flutter update version, flutter tutorial, flutter app development, flutter development
Id: gkpRR-5Gf8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 7sec (67 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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