How to upcycle an old pallet to make a vertical herb garden or strawberry planter

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hi guys Chris at the ultimate cycler today we're gonna do another pellet repurposing project now I haven't done one for a long time I did one when I first started this channel on a compost bin or a raised garden bed and it was very well received so now we're going to use it do a quick upcycle of this pallet just a single pellet so if you find one with an odd number of boards we're actually going to take out every second board and we're going to make a vertical herb garden for a small courtyard or if you don't have a lot of room in your garden even if you've got a big garden they just really cool around the fence throw your hoobs grow strawberries whatever you like I'll show you how to do it so as I mentioned we're going to pull out every second board some of these pellets come apart very easily some put up a real fight so um I think we're just lucky with this one and then ours are pulling out well too if they stay in there we're going to have to take the now is here this pellets behaving itself I find they're worse if they've been wet for a while because then I always tend to go rusty and then they won't pull out of the Year the timber so one two is one more to go yeah doesn't really matter if these boards break because I've actually got plenty of others to use oh we could use other scrap timber now there's a couple of hours left in here take that one out and this one here so that's that part of the job done spin the pellet over and put a couple of boards back on okay so we've got the pellet tipped over I've picked out the best two boards out of the three that we took off and all we need to do now is to line them up with the boards on the other side and basically just attach them so I've saved some of the bitter nails so I pulled out I like to reuse in hours if I can and the other thing I'm going to do is drill the ends because this pellet timber is very prone to splitting at the ends so I usually do a new holes and it just helps the boards being attached more firmly so we'll hammer if you know is in there isn't really precise carpentry just a matter of getting them getting them straight and lined up with the other side so we'll speed this up a bit so a bit of time and I'll do it with other one as well are you shimmering this up and there we have it it's taking shape almost ready all we have to do now is to the one board we didn't use before just happens to fit snugly in the cavity there it's actually pretty much the same width as the as the rails so I'll cut this I'll get two sections out of this I'll have to find some other boards for the other ones but basically all you do is put a floor in each section and jobs done we can set it up okay we've cut this board it should tap in here nicely beautiful snug fit and we'll just put a few nails here and that will give that a floor will do the same for the other side and will continue to do the rest of the pellet and then all we need to do is fill it with dirt so here's our finished herb garden as you can see I just basically put a floor in each of the cavities very simple carpentry project you don't need to be overly experienced and it's come up really well it gives us a fair area to fill with do it so that's going to make good little garden beds you can line them if you wish to certainly the timber will last longer if you do line them with a plastic or some sort of garden matting but I don't bother and you know what these these pellets are free or if you can't find them for free in your local area you're really not trying hard enough you could use a scrap timber to put the floors in and I see no reason to so add plastic to something that is pretty well environmentally sound and I think really unnecessary so this thing will last for quite a few years just as it is and if I just flick around here here's one I made about 18 months ago and I've now got strawberries growing in this one I planted these about a month ago previous to these strawberries we had herbs in this we had fennel and parsley and I think a little weird rosemary and that grew happily for 12 months or so and then I dug it out recently and as I said a bit a month ago up with these strawberries in there just um runners that have kicked off from their story patch and they've all kicked on nicely unfortunately it's got we're into the winter months here and they've kind of be dormant I was hoping to show you beautiful lush strawberry plants with nice big red strawberries hanging over the swords but that's probably not going to happen till spring now if you want to see that in a few months check out my facebook age the ultimate recycler and I'll post a photo on there so there you go a great little project all I've done is set it on bricks just to keep it out of the dirt and I've just put some screws through the Gulf noise door in from the other side to hold it on the fence and it makes a nice secure beautiful little vertical garden that can be a feature in a courtyard or just to break up your plain boring convinced so I hope you've enjoyed that project don't doesn't get much simpler if you can't make that in about half an hour and if you can't find your materials for free as I said you're really not trying hard enough so I hope you enjoyed it please subscribe to my channel if you like my projects give me some ideas and I'm happy to develop more items for you and we'll see where we go thanks for watching bye
Channel: The Ultimate Recycler
Views: 163,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pallet upcycle, vertical herb garden, Strawberry planter
Id: _cebEieLDlY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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