How to Unlock Macbook Pro Password | Unlock Any Version of Macbook | 2018 | Tutorial 😍😍😍

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okay guys here I have my MacBook which is one of the latest models it's got the touch bar over here and my video is going to be today about how to unlock your MacBook or your OSX account if in case you forget the password I do why I'm making this video because I wanted to show you guys so that no doubts are left that it can't be done on any other version of Mac or any other version of the hardware I'm running the latest OS which is the High Sierra this is my laptop and let's go ahead and I'm gonna show you if you get locked out of your MacBook what should you do it's first of all I'm going to go and I'm going to lock it so we are over here right now at this screen and exampled you can't get into it because there's no password so technically it won't let you in so the only ways that you have to run a few commands in in the terminal in the command line so I'm gonna show you that just follow the video carefully and hopefully you'll be up and running with your Mac ok so first what you need to do is you need to turn off your computer before the computer shuts down you have to press command + S so yeah after some time you'll see just don't let the keys go and you'll see the sort of screen all the script will start running and it'll bring you into a very different interface all you have to do is you just have to wait for a few seconds and then you can let go of the keys after you reach the stage just press ENTER once and twice so that it comes to the localhost root so guys once you reach up this screen all you have to do is you have to type in a command they're just three commands which you have to type in technically what's gonna happen is that we are going to set up a new account on top of our existing account so first of all you have to try mount and a space - u W space slash and then you hit enter and then what you can do is you can even type LS space the users and if you hit enter so these are the users on the computer so it showed you the users have got guests I've got shade and I've got my own now because moment NZ is the main account it's the administrator account not lots of people might be thinking that how would you be able to unlock a password for an administrator well through this way you can do it very easily so then what you have to do is you have to type in apples setup done and all you have to do is you have to press ENTER then the next command and then hit enter that's it guys you're good to go now what's gonna happen is the computers gonna literally restart so guys at this stage your computer would shut down and then you have to press the power button once you hit the power button you'll be presented with the Apple logo but this time the boot sequence will be quite different so don't worry you haven't lost your data and all you have to do is you have to create an account and then you have to go inside and then you can change the password for that account and you can access it so here we go guys I'm gonna select my language because this is like setting up a brand new account on your macbook which will override the existing account we're at the desktop now now the thing is that on the desktop you won't be able to access anything in the documents or something like that I'll just head to the system preferences and show you guys in the user accounts so in the user accounts you can see that if I authenticate it and I open up this lock and here we go guys here we have our admin and we here we have our original account which is connected to the iCloud and everything so all you have to do is you have to unlock it from here from system preferences going to admin and click reset password you will come up with this screen now this is new password verify and password hint what this is basically saying is make a new password it's not asking you for your old password which is the whole idea behind this exercise so if it's gonna ask you for your old password obviously you don't know your own password and I'm just gonna go ahead and I'm gonna create a new password for for this area and as soon as I hate change lover test and now I can lock on the new password I see guys I have just log on with the new password this is not my real password but I have literally logged on with my new password this is just for testing purposes would create a lot of issues in terms of your syncing if you using onedrive and cloud and so on but I'm just gonna set it up later on so that's not a big issue you guys can do that your mailbox will stop working you have to put in your passwords again that that's pretty much it you can start accessing your all your documents and so on another thing is I'm just gonna go ahead over here and show you guys I'm gonna delete this test account because I don't need it this was a quick and short tutorial to show you guys that you can access and unlock your macbook if your if your documents are stuck and you've forgotten the password for the admin account there is absolutely no issues you can go ahead you can access it why a different admin account as Ivy as I've shown you and then you go into your main account you love what until you go into your main account and that's it so guys I hope that you found this video helpful and informative if you did give it a thumbs up and do live your questions in the comment section below don't forget to subscribe and I'll get back to you thanks for watching guys bye for now
Channel: MOMINNZ
Views: 287,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to unlock your macbook, unlock macbook with a forgotten password, macbook password unlock, how to unlock your iphone, how to unlock a stolen iphone, how to unlock osx, osx unlock, macbook unlock, macbook admin account unlock, macbook forgotten password, unlock, password, passcode, macbook, reset, reset password, imac, desktop, macbook air, tutorial, mac mini, iphone, computer, mac pro, apple macbook, mac os (operating system), unboxtherapy, iphone x, unlock mac os x without password
Id: b16Hv5hwdko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 18 2018
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