How to BYPASS iCLOUD LOCK on a MACBOOK or any OS Device

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welcome back everyone Tech five here and today's video is going to focus on how to bypass the iCloud lock on a macbook and here I will show that I am logged in completely on into my apply D and also that the iCloud drive is turned on and find my Mac is turned on everything is turned on completely now there's a few steps to this process and it takes about an hour because it takes a while to load but to get started I will first log out of my macbook to show you guys that there is a password on it I'm logged in as myself and when I type in a random password or use the fingerprint it will show you that I cannot enter and that's because I have my own personal password on it so we're gonna shut down we're gonna do command R hold that when your computer is restarting and that will take you to the boot OS window from here you're gonna get a window saying Mac OS recovery and for that we're gonna click erase Mac and here's the thing when you click Next you can't click that button what you have to do is click erase me I mean erase Mac and then you're gonna confirm to erase Mac and it's going to do the whole process now if you don't want to erase Mac I will show you later in the video that there's a simpler process to do this but if you bought a MacBook from eBay Craigslist close up or whatever app and it came with iCloud lock you need to do this now when everything boots up you need to login to your Wi-Fi and it's going to take a little bit time of to load and every single step is going to be a loading process constant load takes total like I said about one hour or so so once it finishes loading you're going to get a window first you're gonna get an Apple logo that's going to take you to the loading again but then you get this window with language and it's this is your basic setup process I choose your language in my case English and then it's going to examine volumes and then it's going to take you to the window saying activate Mac and like I said load and load and load choose your place in my case United States click continue skip the keyboard choose your Wi-Fi now you have to log in to your Wi-Fi once again why don't ask me that I don't know why Apple decided to make people log in twice and once you're connected to the Wi-Fi just follow the simple process and it's going to ask you to sign in with your Apple ID now you don't know the Apple ID so what you're going to do is click setup later now here you're gonna create a username and password I'll just do one two three four five and then continue and now you created a new account on the MacBook even though there was an iCloud lock previously and then skipped through the rest of the menu Ceri and I'll set it up later because I want to do the whole process right now and then fingerprint don't activate that just continue through skip that continue choose your team light or dark and then shoot on display does not matter and here it's going to set up your Mac and after that there you go you're completely logged in now let me show you another variation so command R again let's say you are not deleting your information of the Mac so then you would get Mac OS utilities you go to utilities and you go to terminal and then in the terminal here's the important thing there is a one specific way to type a command and the command is reset password if you misspelled reset password nothing is going to happen you just got in same command not found if you type and reset password with a space it's going to tell you command not found so you have to type reset password all together and when you do that take a look at the window in the back it automatically pops up with reset password remember I just set a password one two three four five so now it's asking me to reset a password so if you just forgot the password and you don't have an iCloud lock this is the way to reset the password if you did forget that cloud lock you have to do the video from the beginning very easy and it said how easy it is to reset apple's password even though they advertise the most secure thing blah blah blah in the world that's it hopefully you enjoyed this video guys hopefully it works for you if this video helped you and you bought an you know Mac from ebay or anywhere like that give me a thumbs up and the comment below if this video did help now go to my channel tag five on YouTube and I'm the first one usually there and subscribe to my channel cuz that helps a lot as well and thank you guys for watching and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Techaton's Crypto Talk
Views: 393,700
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: icloud lock, macbook pro icloud lock, imac icloud lock, macbook icloud lock, how to remove icloud lock, how to bypass icloud lock, remove icloud lock, removing icloud lock, resetting macbook, resseting macbook pro, how to remove icloud lock of a macbook, icloud lock on mac, mac icloud lock removal, how to bypass icloud lock on mac, icloud lock on my macbook, cant log in to my macbook, bypass iphone 4s, checkrain bypass
Id: DVB9Fcr4S-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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