How to turn up the speed of a #central #heating #pump

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hi guys welcome along to today's video now i've been asked a simple question for us plumbers and that is how do i turn the speed of the central eating pump a bit faster if i want to get some more heat around or indeed make it a bit slower maybe it's a bit noisy and you think it might still do the job at a slower speed but be less noisy now central heating pumps are usually on the middle setting mid speed they usually have three speeds now this only refers to all of you with the older type central heating pump not the new fan dangled wizzy ones with the variable settings and so on so this is just for you with the old boys still ticking over out there uh i'll show you a few pumps i've just got pictures up on the screen because i've only got a couple of old pumps down the garage to show you that look a bit rubbish i thought i'd bring up some of the cheap ones that you normally get out there with the free speed settings are more like what you've probably got so let's go to the computer screen now first one up then old picture of the grandfath and these are the most common older ones about they are replaced by a much nicer one these days with all the wizzy wizzy controls on them as you probably all know with variable settings and everything else but this is the old-fashioned one that most people have got still running and here is the speed control here you can see it's set to three that's the three slashes there's two slashes in the middle and one on the end the one on the end is slow that's usually the same it's on middle one you want to give it an extra boost to get a bit more out of the system pump around a bit faster then twist it to three which is this one here okay so next we go to this one it's a while oh quite a common one as well and as you can see the speed setting here is red dial and once again little three dashes one two and three usually set to the middle of setting just tweak it up to three there and you're away okay let's go to the next ones and this one we're going to point is down here slightly let's get on the angle and this one is just a common circle a cheap copy of a pump uh not my advice to get one of these salt don't get me wrong but all i want to show you is the speed control which is on top of here and this is quite often the one as you can see there's three two and one they're usually set again onto slow speed medium high okay pretty simple eh gun force replacement again this one here harder to see because the the axis which is on top of that one so i can't actually get to show you it easily but there is my magnify up it's on top of there once again it's got one two and three slashes okay and that three is the fastest one is the slowest and we're going to one more and there's the speed set in there on that one turn it around there you can see it on there and once again the three slashes three two and one you want it on high speed set it on free i'm not going to give you any more because i think you've got the idea now exactly where that speed control is on your central heating right there you go then if you want to find where the speed setting is there it is and that's usually the same for most of all the older pumps are out there at the moment still running away still worrying but you'd like a little bit more efficiency out your system you want to know where to turn that out right well that's about it um now bits before i go a couple of you ladies out there said could you post an old picture of you up when you were younger i'd like to see what you look like well probably not a good idea but if you really insist i'll stick one up at the end of this video okay so you can see my ugly mug when i was younger okay right i only do this because it's you you know all my stuff derek and 33 thanks for watching guys bye
Channel: dereton33
Views: 47,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: central heating pumps, pump, heating pumps, central heating, plumbing, plumber
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 24sec (264 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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