How to Turn Sprues into Kill Team Gallowdark Terrain

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hi guys so do you have lots of sprues just sitting around in your boxes your drawers cupboards well anywhere ready well stick around and I'll show you how you can turn these into some into the darks or space Hulk walls columns and other bits and pieces okay guys let's get into it so since making the Warhammer 40K chess set and the the assembling all the kill teams I've recently got I've got lots of sprues which is pretty cool so all you need for this is obviously your Snips some glue and a scalpel just to help sort of clean up the screws afterwards and then what I generally do is obviously the sprues have a whole variety of weird looking bits in the middle I like to cut the middle bit out just to keep the outer edge of the sprue as obviously this has some nice long straight sort of bits um some of the spools you get will have lots of straight bits in the middle uh but generally the first thing I normally do is cut out the middle and keep the edge and then yeah say cutting these all down into sort of smaller lengths and you can see there is lots and lots of nice straight edges which is pretty cool so these obviously need tidying up and what we basically do is we cut off all the nibbly knobbly bits so that's anything that's protruding off the sprue we cut off I do keep all these bits though because I put these into a jar fill it full of acetone and then I turn that into sprue goo which is really good as using as a filler or making things um so I have recently or in the past I have made panels out of sprue goo so yeah guys go check out some of my older videos and you'll be able to see all the things that I've made so far with sprues bits are off but I want it to be a bit a little bit cleaner as these will be glued next to each other and that's why I'm using the scalpel just a sort of scrape along it to um yeah make them a lot smoother and easier to glue just so things don't get stuck to my desk or make too much of a mess using the the greaseproof paper there as obviously well nothing really sticks to that so yeah there's a case of getting the the sprues then we'll cut the same length and glue them together as you can see obviously they are different sort of thicknesses on one side or the other so it's okay so gluing one together then getting the next one flipping it over and then gluing that in so they interlocked really nice this is obviously where depending on how much time you take the uh there'll be like a little bit of a gap or no Gap depends on how much time you take on cleaning the screws up um yeah obviously the one I've gone for I've gone for fairly quick and easy uh because obviously this is into the darks or space Hulk terrain so it can look a little bit or bad and worn obviously I want these little panels to interlock into the the subtle Center columns so I'm going to have sort of one sprue uh that's going to be longer than the others well I'm actually going to end up with three Spruce longer than the other um just so this way it's like having tabs on the end of the panels as they'll then interlock into the columns uh and make things so they don't obviously fall over so that's a couple of panels made now on to making say that the columns that are going to go in between and make everything so well help stand things up so again I've got loads of sprues here um it's all glued together but say as I want to interlock um the panels into these I'm going to leave a little Gap but I'm going to use some sprues just to obviously keep everything sort of well together really then using the panel as a kind of a reference I can work out where I need to put some more of these sort of like little cross members inside the um inside the column again just for a bit more support strength and it'll lock in a lot nicer and a lot tighter because I'll have these ones nice and close so it's almost like you kind of get into a little production line here making several sort of parts at the same time and yes they obviously I use normal glue here I'll use a combination normal glue and the cement glue just because obviously one's quicker and one's slower um and yeah making little sort of top caps anything for it and yeah it also goes together nice and well so this can be used for the into the dark sort of terrain stuff or any kind of obstacles terrain you might want to make for any sort of Warhammer or even kill teams so otherwise you want to cut out the door because this is this is going to be for like The Kill team sort of wall um so I'm using one of these little drill bits that normally comes with a Dremel uh I don't know where the dremel's gone but I've got all the bits uh but this is obviously a bit old because I try to persevere with this and it took forever to try and cut fruit um obviously when I do these kind of things I do wear masks guys as obviously the dust from the the plastic well it isn't good for you so yeah as you can see I kind of go up in the end and I use my my scalpel so I actually scored around it um I probably went around quite a few times so it did take quite a while to actually cut this door out probably longer than it took to do anything else uh but obviously good old perseverance and yeah there you go so I made kind of hinges uh but obviously it's not going to be hinged I had thought about using magnets um but it kind of like sort of stays in place as is which is pretty cool and then it's just a case of obviously adding bits and pieces to the walls and the columns just to make them look more well more like they've been on the spaceship really so I'm using these little knobby bits and these are going to be the lights um so that's a good thing so this this is fully made with sprues there's nothing else used here it's just booze um I possibly could have made this safe from sprugu because the panels would then have been a lot sort of smoother flatter uh and would probably look better I know a lot of people don't use acetone and make sprigu so that's why I thought I'd make this one purely with the sprues just being cut up um cut up and then used obviously however you want really just to say it's going to like decorate the pieces and to obviously add a few orbits of texture and a few things that's all going on really so the other good thing with these sprues is because they are quite soft plastic um it is easy to sort of well scrape them so you can turn these kind of like squarish sort of screws into well into round sprues uh well not necessarily round uh but you kind of know what I mean so yeah sort of scraping down and twisting the screw as we go kind of makes it into more of a tube looking sort of thing and again it's the usual sort of thing the more time you take the the neater and smarter you can make things look um so I'm just doing this as an example I'm not making a full sort of board with this uh mainly because obviously I 3D printed one which I absolutely love and adore um I just wanted to show what you can do with sprues rather than sort of leaving them in the drawers in the boxes or even throwing them away this is a great way to obviously recycle the things and get some use out of them and I say obviously this is a hobby so I appreciate not everyone will want to do this because it will take quite some time uh but yeah you just make a few panels here and there and before you know you'll have a full amount and obviously it's not cost you anything so the other thing obviously with the spruce you can make thin wires so just holding above a little tea light there obviously careful not to sort of set the thing on fire and then yeah once it starts to sort of soften up you can slowly pull it apart and you get some nice thin wires out screws again I am wearing a mask for this um just because obviously you can't really see any smoke coming off but there may be fumes um there so yeah health and safety guys wear masks where appropriate and then we can just glue those wires down and then yeah onto the fun bit of the painting and as usual I primed mine in black and the reason really for this is the fact I've got loads of black um spray cans as I bought quite a lot as it was cheaper than buying them singly so yeah good old uh primed in black and then I'm making mine a bit of a um well a bit of a rust bucket looking thing so I'm going to start off with doing some dry brushing with some silver and then some dry brushing with some copper as this just makes it look sort of more metallic and a little bit shiny but obviously I don't want this to be too shiny because I say this is going to be a rust bucket so I'm then going over and using green stuff while dipping inks I'm using radiant orange uh again obviously this has got a nice sort of it says it's orange we've got a nice sort of orangey Brown sort of color to it so instantly gives it a bit of a rust sort of look and then once that's dry you can just go around and sort of adds a bit of color into a few bits and pieces here and there so I also got the yellow light done well yellow funny enough and obviously doing the um all the wiring I'm doing mine in red just to sort of help it stand out a little bit more and let me also you need the good old warning Hazard bits somewhere on this and so yeah I'm using the sort of thin masking tape there and yeah just sort of dab in the yellow just says not too even then looks a little bit sort of uh well worn battered and all the rest of it and as I want this so that's to be sort of like say a rust bucket I'm going to add loads more sort of Rusty sort of looking texture um to the bottom parts so I'm using a variety of Browns uh starting off with a darker one then I'm going to use some lighter Browns and then I'll end up using a bit of orange on it and then I'm going to use something I've never really used before and that's weathering powder um I actually bought these I bought this about a month or two ago for a different project but I didn't actually start it in the end so yeah I've got two different types of weathering powder um and yes I've never used these before I've had a few like watched a few videos and it does just seem to be a case of dabbing it here and there um and obviously shaking the excess off and then spraying it uh with sort of like clear varnish just sort of keep it in place and yeah I really loving how obviously these things look these are definitely nice and weathered and it all goes really well together so it's obviously on the uh the space Hulk board that comes with the into the dark um kill team and here's my custom custodes with but yeah changeable arms just like can obviously give them swords and shields or the big old spiky bit and yeah I think it worked out really well so a nice cheap way of doing things because obviously you are just recycling something um yeah it does take a little bit of time again it's all about the hobby uh it was obviously fun to make things so yeah one thing I did quickly notice that I hadn't done any sort of glow around the light bulbs um so doing a bit of dry brushing with some white first just so when I go over with the yellow some areas are going to be brighter than others and then obviously sort of fading it away from there and yeah so this is done um a simple little paint job obviously you guys do whatever kind of paint job use or prefer but yeah it just shows you you can take all those lovely unwanted sprues and turn them into something um or something more usable which is pretty cool hope you enjoyed the video guys and you've sort of got something out of this on how to turn all those unwanted Spruce into well some terrain pieces that um you can certainly can sort of use which would be pretty awesome yeah let me know in the comments guys what you thought of this video what you might want to see me make next uh whether it's things out of sprues or just general painting don't forget it's a video just here click on that and go see more of what I do obviously all my Social Links are here um if you want to become a patron like these lovely people here to help support the channel yeah that'd be great as well and also chaos cards uh link just below uh go and click on them and currently if you use the discount code kill team you'll get five percent off any order over 30 pound on their miniature range which would be pretty cool so go check them out guys okay well thanks for watching you guys all take care and I'll see in the next one bye for now
Channel: Miniature Hobbyist
Views: 32,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, games workshop, warhammer40k kitbashing, 40k scratch build, casting parts, Making Warhammer 40k Parts, Watch how I make, melting sprues, 40k, Warhammer 40k Sprues, Watch how I turn Warhammer 40k sprues, warhammer 40k sprues, dissolving sprues, sprues, necromunda, modular terrain, thunderhawk, sprue, sprue goo, space marines, warhammer kitbash, into the dark, kill team, gallowdark terrain
Id: Hx-m31CkLCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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