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do you guys have any idea what we're doing today let me let me see oh before this video starts i need you guys to click that subscribe button and slap the bell to never miss another video granny baldi's basics version yo guys welcome back to another video i hope you guys are having a wonderful day about a week ago we played granny and i figured granny was was not enough we had to modify granny into baldi's basics granny edition so granny actually looks like baldy which is just wonderful so let's open the door let's see if granny is out oh it looks like granny has already explored a room or should i say oh there she is oh my gosh go go go go go go go go go go go go go go okay all right you flipping got me day number two okay i want you guys to leave a like if you think i can survive it till the end now let's put a little bit of a twist to this we have more than just baldi's basics in here i have to leave this house i know but look if we click on this i modded the game so i'm mod in the game we're gonna do some fun things now there's certain things you can do like can't attack and party eyes i'm not sure what that is we'll turn on party eyes that seems cool unlimited ammo i can also kill granny clone granny i can also make a big granny so we're gonna turn that on and we're gonna see what that does there's now a giant granny i don't know how big giant granny is it kind of seems terrifying but we'll have to see granny let me out please granny let me out please let me out oh oh i see a giant bat is that wait can giant granny not open the door can you not open the door okay all right hold on all right i'll turn big granny off okay just turn big granny off oh big granny's opening the door i mean small granny's opening the door oh there she is okay all right wait let's change it to big granny big granny didn't change they're the same size why are you walking towards me there's no way you know i'm in here i was hidden under here before you even don't you dare don't you you walk away what are you doing why are you just standing there well you want to have the steering game i'm ready yeah that's what i thought granny that's what i thought i turned big granny on why why are you no big granny here hold on wait where's your party eyes i want to see your party eyes i turned big granny on again hopefully it works i really want to see big granny oh she's downstairs oh i just saw her her head went through the top of the ceiling oh oh that's terrifying all right we're gonna try to sneak around here we're gonna try to go on downstairs oh granny look at all the the wallpapers i think it's so cool i love all the wallpaper oh i i hate that guy the detention guy okay we're gonna try to run real quick oh go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go oh my gosh it's in the way really it perfectly stacked up in the way are you serious how do i move this stuff excuse me excuse me thank you thank you all right making oh my gosh it's shy granny oh flip oh she's huge oh she's literally huge i can't open it i can't open it it doesn't let me oh there's giant granny oh my gosh granny i'm stuck behind the door i'm stuck i know you see me and you're absolutely massive and i'm wedged between the door and you're so large that you can't get me granny i'm gonna have to ask you i'm just gonna i mean i could kill you real quick that's honestly pretty cool i'm not gonna do it because i gotta figure out how to get out of this okay can i close the door oh i just closed the door oh you're so oh my gosh your head goes through the ceiling wait you can't even hit me because you're so big oh never mind so you can hit me okay all right granny i underestimated i'm sorry i'm sorry dang number three i underestimated giant granny but we're actually going to try to beat this with giant baldi's basics granny we'll try our best okay um granny's very large so it's a little bit harder for us for her to hit us but that doesn't mean that she's still super quick oh great i want to see how big you are hold on i got to see this i got to see this oh my gosh oh flip i forgot this door's locked oh flip i don't know can she come up here she's literally massive oh she can she can this is going to kill me oh well oh well oh well i knew it was going to kill me i don't know what i was thinking i was just i just there's there wasn't really many other places i could go let's be honest all right day number four giant granny has chased me um and let's try to enable another modification to giant granny item spawner i'm not sure what that is let me try that what is that oh snap you can spawn the like stuff like the exit key and everything i can clone granny oh my gosh i can turn on ant-man mode what is giant one i'm not sure what that is does that being me a giant oh flip i can't see anything i think i just made myself a giant okay i'm gonna turn that off can attack flash walk slash crouch i'll turn that on i guess oh oh no oh my gosh i'm like super fast okay we can try this we can try this giant granny where you at oh my gosh i'm like too fast i can't even control myself oh oh flip no why am i not running i'm stuck i'm stuck what was i stuck on when you mod granny it gets a little glitchy i apologize all right well this is day five this is my last chance to escape granny don't laugh at me i will do it i will do it i will do it i will do it i will do it i will do it okay all right uh let's turn on let's turn on flash mode because that was pretty fun let's be honest i feel like i'm so quick that it's actually going to mess me up and make me bad oh my gosh oh flip oh flip oh no wait is that the floor's lava down there no it's the floor's lava oh my gosh i'm so quick it's so hard to control i don't know what off does oh it's a lava room look at that it turns the whole room into lava that's pretty legit oh snap i got a shotgun shotgun is loaded all right granny where are you at i'm running at like 100 miles per hour so you got to come out here sometime granny granny granny granny granny i know you're somewhere here oh there you are there you are oh yeah okay all right all right all right all right oh flip i'm just getting stuck in everything i can't even walk i'm legit can you walk don't i need a key for this oh my gosh okay turn it off i turned off the flash thing i couldn't do it it's way too fast what is this a piece of a painting okay i will sure i'll take a piece of a painting is granny back yet oh flip oh flip if i if granny's back i'm just going to panic and do kill what's in here hello nothing i guess well let's try to have some fun when granny does come back we're gonna turn off the big granny i'm gonna turn on an item spotter and i'm gonna give me the playhouse key i guess let me drop this okay how do i get the playhouse key oh flip oh flip oh flip kill granny oh no no i was in the middle of trying to mod something granny oh granny doesn't understand she needs some chick-fil-a sauce in her life i hope that didn't bust granny thank you for being baldi's basics you were you were the best you were the best i i'm just glad i didn't have to solve okay i'm just glad i didn't have to solve math problems with you that's all that's that's all i that's all i'm glad for all right day number one we've messed around with granny a little bit but now let's actually mess with the mod settings hardcore even if we are going to cheat to beat the game i just want to try it i want to see what it's like so we will open this up and i think what we're going gonna do is we're gonna make ourself invisible and i wanna try to walk up to granny and see what happens so granny also wait i wanna turn on the party eyes okay party eyes are on okay so here's granny come on granny apparently i'm invisible i don't know if that means granny can't kill me what are you are you having trouble opening door let me help you oh i'm legit invisible she can't even see me wait come here i want to see your party eyes she has rainbow flashing lights oh that's legit okay so i'm literally invisible so that's one thing you can do is you can make yourself invisible another thing is i can turn it off oh and then i can turn on can't attack which means she can come up to me she could see me but she can't actually attack me another thing is the flash mode we saw that the giant mode i can make myself a giant look how tall i am oh my gosh that's so cool look how huge i am compared to granny what if i walk upstairs my my head just goes through the ceiling oh that's so legit all right i will turn off giant mode um unlimited ammo you guys know what that is you get unlimited ammo if you do the item spawner now there's a couple other things where you can do big granny tiny granny which i'm not gonna show you guys so there's there's tiny granny and there's clone granny and there's ant-man which i can make myself really small i can make granny really small and i can clone granny and make thousands of her but the reason i'm not showing you guys that is because i want to save that for another video which i will be doing next week but that's only if you guys leave a lot of likes and a lot of support on this video so if you want to see that where i clone granny and make hundreds of her and make her all like tiny ant-man uh then let me know by leaving a like on this video because i think that'll be ridiculous the item spawner is pretty simple you can basically just spawn anything in so i can spawn in the screwdriver just drop the screwdriver right there granny get out of my face i know you can see me here i'm gonna make myself invisible so you don't follow me so if i walk over here i can pretty much spawn in anything uh the d-pad lock code which you can pick that up and then you have a hammer pliers weapon key the car key you can spawn in all item which i'm not really sure what that is it doesn't really spawn in all the items i can grab this stuff i can use it just like normal so it's pretty sick to do that there's teddy as well so that is pretty sick so modded granny is pretty sick i i personally like it i don't really like the item spawner or the can attack or anything because that's just kind of like ruins the point of the game i love the whole baldies basics theme and i love the tiny granny the big granny the clones the party eyes the giants i think that is so so cool if you guys want to see a part two on this where i mess around with the tiny granny and the big granny and clone all the grannies then let me know by leaving a like on this video and guys with that being said i want to thank you all so much for watching this video if you guys leave a lot of likes and a lot of support then next week i will upload um a video where i'm messing around with a tiny granny and all that stuff i might do it even sooner but guys thank you all so much for watching i hope you guys have a safe and fantastic rest of your day again my name is unspeakable and i'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 2,088,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft
Id: f3p3lkjQFxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 02 2018
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