I Survived 100 Scary Challenges

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you're about to see our five scariest videos but watch till the end cuz I have proof that this house is actually haunted does a Luigi board actually work I mean IGI not Luigi are there any Spirits here say it like you mean it okay okay are there any Spirits here it ain't moving nothing N I never believe in this stuff so I do not think this is going to work did you just move yeah that was me sorry okay is there anyone here looking for anything all right you want to get out of the attic now it's kind H yeah it's really hot in here this one's false we have the next 50 hours to bust 50 scary mess is it true that all clowns are scary no matter what they look like run go go where do I go oh my gosh please don't touch me we a nice Crown okay we're going to see if Bigfoot is actually real first off I just want to say I don't believe in this guy so I think he's a complete phony so if I see him I'm going to kick him in the nuts commit to the bit bro bet is that you no it's probably Cedric is that you bro all oh oh that's okay this is you're that's completely fake that that is completely fake if you don't get out of my face I'm going to kick you in the nuts I swear I'll kick you in the nuts he's running away I guess he understands English oh I'm going to kick you in the nuts I'm going to kick him in the nuts does the killer always call from inside the house hello who is this uh the guy that's going to kill you where are you I'm in your house all right let's get this over with he's right behind me if I hide under the bed he can't find me right [Applause] nove me you sure you want me to say it what bro just say it just say I don't want that Juju on me bro that's I mean nothing's going to happen my say it before it happen okay sorry Bloody Mary Bloody Mary Bloody Mary did you just fart is that what happens when you say Bloody Mary you fart a line of salt will keep a demon away from you let's try it this is our doorway right here going to make sure it's some thick salt no cracks within the salt just going to use this whole container we're just going to make sure that oh my gosh you can't step past the salt your [Applause] salt oh my God it died does Charlie Charlie actually work Charlie Charlie are you there Charlie Charlie do you have blue hair I don't think it works camera shy it is 2:59 at 3:00 a.m. everyone knows that's when it's demon hour it's witching hour that's when all the scary stuff happens so we're going to see if we can go outside and find anything 3:00 a.m. all right let's go oh bro 3:00 a.m. things do happen okay all right so what we looking for here boys so yeah know I'm just looking along the woods man I don't see nothing out here bro bro something stuned up right here oh snap it's a frog it's an unspeakable in the making okay so we found a frog at 3:00 a.m. that's nice what is that you want to go back inside what is that you want to gock what get in get get in get boys you don't get to come in playing a scary game without sound won't make it scary first I'm going to play it wish sound and see if I get scared bro don't mess up I'm trying my best bro oh that was so close thank goodness for this unspeakable mouse pad this is going to be hard bro you're literally touching now let's try it with no sound I'm almost through Challenge three yeah that wasn't scary no no it wasn't bad at all yes that's true if you fall asleep with a body part off the bed will monsters grab it I don't really know if I believe this one cuz I checked under the bed and there was nothing there it's currently about midnight right now yeah I don't um hello monsters all right I guess this one's false I'm just going to go to sleep does hiding under a blanket actually protect you from Monsters you can't hurt me you can't hurt me I am is bad luck to spill salt why you feeling bro luck spiders hide in your shoe to kill you let's find out oh my gosh check your shoes or you'll die too if you pour water on a witch does it die it burn it Bur a a it burns he's still alive technically so I'm going to say it's false do painting eyes move do they look at you are paintings real doesn't seem real to me bro do you know what day it is it is Friday the 13th bad things happen when it's Friday the 13th what do you mean bad things happen bad things happen watch yourself bro you're toast what's wrong with it bro it's smoking bro that is not not too long I only had a timer for a minute how is it already burnt I don't like Friday the 13th it's true we're going to test if monsters can actually hide in the shadows so right here we have a bunch of dark curtains I'm just going to scan across and see if we see anything what is that do you see that curtain moving right there wait over there oh right there who's that I'm going to kill you I'mma get you just you wait I found him our next myth is our abandoned places actually haunted there's an abandoned shed on the property that we lowkey never really go to cuz it's really scary we're going to see if we can find anything is this it oh yeah it's right there it's right there brother all right check this out this shed right here has been on the property for a long time huge cobwebs in it super sketchy it's just like sitting in the woods I've only been in there once so let's check it out ooh that's a big big spider dude there's so many spiders in there oh my gosh dude the amount of spider webs I see 14 spiders right now it's definitely terrifying but it's really quiet I don't think there's anything here I think it's false abandoned places aren't really haunting does your car actually stall when you're being chased my keys my keys my keys my keys my keys come on turn on oh it's on it didn't actually stall see you later have a nice day scary looking thing bye we're going to see if anything sketchy happens other than getting bit by a snake by swimming around at midnight so let's uh swim down here a little bit I mean it's pretty chill bro it's just kind of scary cuz Dark Water at night is just kind of sketch but it's not bad you know you good yeah I could have swim with those shoes on bro Nathan Nathan I got you bro that's not a joke I got you bro can't be joking around like that video number two was a little creepy we had a purple guy chase us around big and fluffy this guy does not like milkshakes but I think we ended up bro what the heck we just got the Grimace Shake happy birthday Grimace happy birthday Grim yeah let's try it all right here we go oh that's disgusting oh what the heck you for real what what you're cra it's not dude it's not even that good no bro run no bro Ain't No Way ain't no freaking way this Cy actually came guys you left me oh snap I can't see it's a good day boys you know what you always got to be positive James you good I ran the wrong way brother you left me yo yo be honest though that that yo I'm telling you this thing kind of it's busing dude no this is mine bro you can give me a sip bro no no I'm good what was that I don't know but I'm I'm trying not to stay there for long brother this man's under a canoe all right good luck brother oh this is sketchy should I hide right there I'm trying to get to the dock right now guys you don't understand how dark it is out here I want to get under there but I'm a little spooky from spiders right now so I don't really want to go under there oh there's a spider crawling on my leg I am legitimately terrified I'm up in the tree right now got The High Ground should be able to see everyone I got no sight of Grimace but I got my shake no that's a no-o I can't hide there that's too obvious I got to find somewhere else yeah I think I'm just going to hide right here who goes there it's me oh I'm going to hide Ro here yo I heard someone under the deck over there oh I'm gone I'm terrified right now I don't get like scared scared I get like happy scared so I'm like I'm happy but like deep down I'm like peeing myself right now I just saw a CRI I just saw a CRI he where you going why are you running so fast yo I'm going to try to give Nathan away with my flashlight Gabe I don't have any to gas he's right there where GIS GIS he's right there you can't he he's right there he's right there he's a chicken nugget he ain't got no ears look I got him I got him I got him James he's right [Applause] there he's right there [Music] oh [Music] hey pretty boy you want some shake you want some Grimace juice I don't know why you're laughing he's coming straight for you yo where's the zip line yo the zip Line's gone yo you got to be tripping me it's on the other side oh uh my goodness bye-bye Nathan I'm sorry I think that if I hear a scream on the other side of the island house I'm going to try to get up and move because I am in a really vulnerable spot right now if he comes on the deack I have nowhere to go he's absolutely going to check my near this canoe and I have nowhere to run he can't see me can't see okay I need to get down from here oh my gosh he can't see he can't see me he can't see me he can't see me he's going to come I don't want to die up here I don't I'm already [Applause] no all right boys I think we're going to make a move wish me luck TR it's really hot I have to get out here immediately hold on I got to pee I'm more than halfway done maybe he already checked the canoe which means he won't be expecting it if I go back I'm starting to get a tummy ache from this this smoothie I just got to somehow make my way back to the canu oh my God yo I thought I was done for I was under a canoe you were under the canoe I was under the canoe for like 10 minutes I'm going underneath the traffic cone that's a good idea that's where I'm going that's where I'm good luck brother back under the Cano right here home home sweet [Music] home those are definitely foot those are gous footsteps those hey Grimace I like your shake okay I think we're good if yall thought that last video was scary this next video has my favorite characters in it today we're playing Five Nights at Freddy's in real life go go go oh no this is not good I don't know where to go dude the floor is so slippery I'm slipping around like a banana peel bro oh my gosh that was a whole chicken so here's the deal I got to find four key cards that are blue just like my unspeakable shirt we're looking for U ID cards I'm red cuz my shirt's red oh that's green okay well I don't need green what happed out a little bit that was a chicken chicken I need my employee card so I can get out of here oh yo chill chill chill chill chill oh no this place doesn't like me I'm too tall for this place bro no way no way yeah put it right there that's good right where should I go sus I almost ran into that table okay this is sus bro I don't know where chica is yo we're literally in a giant playground right now are you kidding me I got you I got you I got you y there's chica oh no oh no oh no I got to go where am I going where am I going oh no it's a dead end oh no hi you can't give me you'll never give me chica I'm hey help me help me darly boys I need you to leave a like on this video this is lowkey sketch I'm so scared right now I know you're plan chica it's not going to work yo what's up bro bro I got that drip cut yo you already got two land have you seen any blue ones bro hold on chica's right there Chica the chick chica is uh right there bro no I'm out I'm run run run run go James I got stuck in the SL I don't know where she went but I'm lowkey terrified no my oh my gosh no got to go got to go got to go this is closed by myself did I also mention that we only have 30 minutes to find all of these lanyards oh no no no no no I just hit my head so hard oh my gosh where are the ID cards hold on [Music] suspicious oh my God no no no no no hide hide hide hide hide oh my gosh that hurts so bad oh there's a side right oh snap I play this game I'm fast boy slippery oh snap I got to go get my land go go go go go wait where are these ID cards what is this James's cuz it's green I thought you were green no I'm blue oh I'm col oh snap oh snap oh snap so I got one of James's security cards but I still haven't found one of mine bro are you kidding me there's a chicken got to go got to go got to go go speed I've never been here before there's probably one in here this's be honest has to oh absolutely not absolutely not absolutely not absolutely not oops I'm going go this way is there anything in here I don't see one in here well that's lame thought I was going to get my first one all right bro I need to start looking harder for these look there's a red one right up there who's red oh it's gay shh we won't tell them what is this yo I found a camera do you think we can hack into these wait I saw a way up where was it it was over here yeah there it is no it's not a way up I got Bamboozled oh is this a bounce house I think I'm a little f for this Bounce House Oh wrong way we went up the slide ow my head y watch out Gabe watch out Gabe watch out oh snap I'm in physical pain my ankle hurts what is this little staircase oh no chica's up here bro absolutely not right here we go that was so slow I'm disappointed yo have you seen any lers you haven't found a single one no have you I haven't found a single one I found one of James's though look oh can I play oh I can't play I don't have money on me right now bro this is insanely hard and we only have 20 minutes left me and Gabe have not found a single lanyard wait oh I found one a bro is that mine yeah yeah we got a blue security card let's go boys three more to find anything in here no man they are hidden good anything down here hey Batman sorry I'm really paranoid right now you got anything for me you got in here K okay watch out I saw chica up here what you mean I don't see a chica be careful bro oh yo this is cheeky oh is that one that is cheeky is that mine yes no I found another you got to find some of mine to make up for this this isn't fair that's another security card boys I just feel like something a lanyard should be over here oh my gosh it's not over search somewhere else anything hanging up here all right I'm putting this one around my head uh you might want to run what do you mean why do I want to run oh absolutely not absolutely not about that big brain maybe it was in the room where they started at but hold oh is this a boat nope we're running we're running we're running that's that Sun Moon guy I don't even know his name I trying to mess with that guy I need to find James to give him his green landard oh snap we got we're going down yo James I got something for you yo are we did we just become friends I thought we were already friends lanyard come on oh I found one finally one lanyard for me three more to go this is a piece cake hey hey hey hey you're going to have to watch the footage yo give me that give me that where did you get this I found it when I came up here oh my gosh yo boys that's three security cards let's go same I got three too chica ain't catching this bro look at this drip she going to have to tackle me full force I going down easy one more card baby one more card let's go Nathan naan There's a Moon There's a Moon there's no sun I haven't heard James in a while okay I didn't go up here okay I think I'm good oh my God it's dog water it's a Dollar Tree headset oh my gosh where's the moon I just saw that Moon somewhere I don't know where it went though it was just a dream it was just a dream it was just a dream I only have one one I mean three more all I don't know if you guys and girls know this yet but when I get like hurt or scared I like laugh not a very good coping mechanism but you know it brings me joy somehow there's some bins here and nothing in the bins well you got one for me huh Mr octopus nope okay there's a few areas I haven't been to inside this massive playground we're going into the dark again wish me luck yo I am going to get tacos for dinner next week this is sus yo James James yo homie went all the way to the the other side Nathan help me are you good grab my phone I ran the mo wait how many you got bro yo what's up I still only have one there you go you see any red ones yo look come here come here come here what's up what's up yo there's a red one are you joking come there's right here all right I got to leave he's bringing too much attention to himself there's a red lanyard right here these security cards will unlock the door so we can exit and Escape out of here cuz this place is sketch bro this slide is fast come on Gabe hurry hurry hurry hurry why are you being so sus it's right up there it's right up there you see it oh snap yeah I got you I got you yo you got it you got it is there more up here no that's it have you seen any blues just the two I found for you oh thanks bro he found two for you yeah and you found one dude I didn't find a single one by myself you found one and you found one by yourself no I'm bad bro I'm dog water coming coming okay go go go go go oh it's coming it's oh go just jump the fence he just jumped the fence there's got to be something here yo these hiding spots are good oh it's chica chica's cornering James oh no oh no bro yo chill I'm just trying to find my final key card I'm a Tik Tock star you can't hurt me hey Gabe come here I found a red one why you always talking suspicious don't chicken out what do you mean chicken out come here Gabe what do you want there's a chicken right there yeah I know I see him he's a big boy I've eaten chicken for dinner the past 2 days oh s that's a fast chicken I can tell it's so slippery bro it's so slippery bro he's coming went after me yo I'm cornered up here there's two ways I can exit right now I think the difficulty has increased boys why is this thing so smart you're just an animatronic this is the only way to go I think I cut my leg I'm I need medic medic bro chill look you fast but you ain't fast enough yeah go the other way cuz then I'm just going to slide down yo hang on stay right there stay right there is this unspeakable games s chicken that's a big chicken that's yo look at that it's all the games on our website www.pe.com if you want to play fun games that are completely free go to our website you can even get some merch what go bro go go go behind you right there I help to okay boys we have 10 minutes to find this key card if we can't find these key cards in 10 minutes then I'm literally going to be locked in here oh hello hi how's it going yo I got fresh socks on right now I'm slipping all over the place you got Bamboozled I'm sorry James you're on your own I got to find these R cards oh snap oh snap oh snap I'm scared I don't know where chica is oh I hear someone screaming down there we're being trapped I haven't been in this area I'm going to close the gate all right Gate's closed okay endurance baby endurance cardio yo he's right behind me he's right behind me run it's behind you what do you mean oh it is behind you go go go it's coming it's quick it's fast boy it's fast but it ain't fast enough we quicker okay bro I've already been this way like five times so I'm pretty sure my stuff is not here yo is that chica is that chica down there what am I going to do oh they're about to Corner me I have to go down the slide the Moon is coming absolutely not oh my gosh teeter totter nothing nothing in the teer totter where's my last T at po it in there oh no what you going to do oh no I missed the moon I missed the moon she down right past me bro you guys see what color that is cuz it's not red oh how do I get that off Jordan I'll pay you in v-bucks if you know where the last green one is some at the bottom of the stairs at the bottom of the stairs at the bottom of the uh SL slide stairs S I want those viewb by the end of the night yeah yeah I got you bro you can't climb up the slide you're not good enough you're dog water oh chica's coming oh no oh no bro I might be dead chica's right there no no no no no no no I found another blue yo boys I need help hurry no I've gotten all of your ID card I'm not going to help y I just took out chica yo boys help please yo James get them away from bro you're on your own what you mean I'm on my own what do you mean I found three of his you know what he's right I am on my own I haven't found a single lanyard I can't believe I D out on a slide I need to catch my breath Gabe I haven't found any of yours I'm sorry brother dude I haven't seen any except for blue is there one in here you see this bro you see this you see this color cuz it's not red bro hide that somewh don't let him find it we got to work as a team all right bro I have not found any of yours Gabe I know it's so dark in here in this place is like a maze oh you going that way yeah I guess I'll go this way ow my head my head oh oh snap I pressed that and it scared me I'm a goofball yo I think I'm good I just need one more lanyard bro Gone With The Flash I don't think I've been at the top top oh I have been up here I've been in that slide I've been there I've Been Everywhere bro so where have I not been there's a little red slide there I haven't been there before I think I know there aan just told me there's 5 minutes left and I can't find my last lanyard the moon the Sun the shine of stars I think I find one more security card but there's only 5 minutes left I got this so I finally made it to the red slide and I don't see L here oh wow this slide is steep y That's pretty fast wait I have an idea what if I try to find James or Gabe and maybe they found one of my security cards oh this slide is oh wow oh no oh chica's right there oh chica's right there I'm scared bro I'm just hiding from chica right now look don't move a muscle dude I had to have missed one in this area okay find this I missed it so I have three of mine and one of Nathan's I only need one more is that Moon yeah I see you Moon keep twinkling over there I found my light right oh my gosh oh my gosh my go okay I think I'm good she's not looking she's not looking she's not looking I got the light look look at that that's so creepy need find I need get out of here see boys in the next challenge psych I'm still here yo is this James yo what's up bro o hey hey do you know where the exit is yeah it's right there you see the exit signs yeah it's right there see you later wait you got all your key cards oh that's not good okay James got all his key cards so that means it's just me and Gabe exit that way God oh no it's child safety I'll just climb over it yo G yo I have one of your ID cards wait you got one of my security cards bro that's the final one woo I only need one more have you seen it no I haven't seen it bro I'm sorry but I'm getting out of here and you found three of my cards by the way so thank you bro thank you bro good luck with chica fre real estate oh hey James what's up bro oh hey bro did you not grab an ice cream when you left there's an ice cream bro there's a whole machine yo I'm going back for the ice cream oh there is ice cream oh what do I want what do I want definitely got to go for the Ice Cream Sandwich duh oh there's chica run run we're safe bro which one you got oh it's twins I think I'm the only one left in here and it's dark and it's scary and I want to get out of here so let's find that last D Card ow oh big toe Holy Moly guaca Moly okay oh oh Jesus you got the last ID card huh I'm just trying to escape I'm not trying to hurt you but now you've made it personal let's do it give me that IDE these are some of our best moments that didn't make it into the top five cameraman is uh always invisible right yeah it's a good trick thanks coming go go go go go oh get this thing started get this thing I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying I'm holding the back I'm holding the back oh it's on it's on I'm holding is the back door locked I'm holding it oh you ready you ready I can't get into GE moving you can't get into GE I'm going I'm going I'm going I think we're good oh my gosh bro I'm out of breath I think my last tape is inside I think I need to go back inside cuz I can't find anything outside we're go in together what's that right there by the fire pit oh is that a green tape yeah I think it is oh let's go green tape baby I'm going inside oh snap oh snap oh snap shut the door shut the door shut the door why is there not a door handle there's not a door handle close the close it CL it hold it hold it what do you mean hold it oh it's open oh it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming oh bro are you serious he got he got it got G scared hyy oh my B crazy okay okay okay what yo this is go okay go one step at a time what was that that I don't I don't want to turn around lights on don't move is it what is it it's dog water it's dog water oh she's raising her hand I see it I see it okay go I'm going to jump bro I can't jump I got broken knee bro she like H those lights I feel the hand BR bro you better keep that door open you better fling that door open as soon as it turns I think I made itop watching you took too long bro you ready for the next video not at all bro you better be ready because it's the next video is pretty creepy so good luck today we're playing poppy play time in real [Applause] life I be my D wait maybe it was fake oh my God it was not fake so this is how this video works each person has to find four VHS tapes and then escape a tiny City if Huggy wuggy finds US you're dead you're out of the video once we find our tapes this is how we escape through departures so apparently this dude's name is Huggy wuggy and I am the color orange today my color is yellow I'm wearing a yellow unspeakable shirt my tapes are red I'm looking for a silver VHS tape so I'm going to be trying to find green silver silver smell it out smell it out oh snap already found one we are good I'm got to put in my backpack yeah got it there are motion detectors in here so when you walk into a building hugy W's going to know this is Chase's chape I'm hiding it ain't winning this game why I bet you people have already found their tape why did I run so hard I can't run so I'm going sabotage if you turn on all those have you found a tape have you no they said they were easy to find I know they're not I was told that they'd like be in the open I didn't see anything dude this is actually so scary right now wait that's somebody's tape hey I found a yellow tape oh that's mine give me my tape oh my god oh he's right there he's right there give me my tape I got a tape I got a tape so much screaming is somebody already caught why did I just help him find a tap he said there's yours there's yours wait no no no I think that's my wife that's Brianna's yay I found my first tape where is my stuff that's a yellow one that is not my color two tapes boys bro you got two tapes two tapes yo thank you my guy I'm not trying to help you jeez I already got my second tape I haven't found anything Preston have you found no wait no this is Preston's it's kind of dark in here oh that's a blue wo what is this wa I found yours here there's another one I found yours you found M it's like we're married a green one I found a green one okay snag that real quick put that in my backpack yep all right we have two out of four we're doing pretty good okay anytime you enter a room the lights turn on so you have to be in and out silver oh my gosh wait have you found your tapes I found two of your tapes wait where are they I'm not tell go what you scare me and then you do this to me look Go Get It Go Get It Go in the theater okay this place is kind of creepy I'm not even going to lie is this a theator yo I found one of your tapes Preston wait wait what you found one of mine yeah I'm not giving it to you though there's a tape Preston Preston are you Red yeah I'm R there's a tape right here for you are you kidding me yeah look right there oh dude wait what I don't want to go over there why what if he's behind the curtain he might be behind the curtain I don't trust you just heard him oh gosh I'm scared I'm Gally scared what color is I tape again Jordan there's a near me girl on on edge I'm on edge guys anything in here nope nothing I have half of mine already Chase have you found any no James said he found two of mine but he won't back back back back fudge I have bad vibes right now oh no he's gone where'd he go he went that way wait wait wait wait Frank don't get in the open I don't see anything I just heard something okay I hate this I there's literally no one back there you're being a baaby it's right there bro just go get it dude if somebody's back there there's no one back there scar terrible idea what the heck no I already have two out of my four oh really yeah I'm doing pretty good that you no I'm I'm blue I have zero chance of winning this game I'm [Music] sabotaging I just sabotage the blue tape why are you guys finding I literally had three out of my floor what what's your color I feel like to help you you hiding one back here yeah oh I see one this the scariest thing I've ever seen he's coming Bri if he comes we're trapped in here yes we are he's coming he's coming he's wait is he not over there I'm confused bro everyone's scared this is like a horror movie oh there he is there he is Yellow Tape Yellow Tape need you guys to do a favor and click that subscribe button for more videos like this on the channel I haven't found one tape chase this is ridiculous you're a goner have you seen any green tapes I've seen nothing I saw a silver one there's a green one to the left over there okay I saw a silver one on you the firefighter thing I think wait really what about orange there was one in there is this a dentist's office hey who's blue hey bro yeah you're welcome what color are you I'm yellow so I oh so have I okay nice I got you bro I won't hide your taste you don't hide mine right there go through the door yeah reine to us no are you tricking us no why would I try and sabotage you guys there's a lot of reasons Gabe why he's coming this way he's coming this way go he's coming this way I have all of my tapes what can you help me yes of course 1 second can I help you guys I already found all four of mine yeah check it no way no way check it you only have three yeah there's only three in there who took it you took it illegal wait it's safe hucky woki doesn't like avocados confirmed no no no no I don't want anything to do with you chase I found one I found one there we go boom three more to go he just walked away oh he's going up to bre run all we can run run run okay James told me there was a green tape over here somewhere James was like did you sabotage any of my tapes and I said no oh did you savage did you see me when I grabbed Bree tape out of her bag and put in a track what are you doing Bri I feel like your bad luck Huggy wuggy likes blondes I found all four of my tapes I told you he's attracted to BL oh no no no he's over there oh he's running he's actually running oh jeez oh God okay Cedric scared me Jordan you're my eyes and ears brother I'm trying I don't see bro I saw Prest behind you and I was scared for myud I legit screamed y there's a green tape right there yo Gabe what I got you bro oh snap put it in my bag I got you bro put it oh can we see that that is mine oh he's right there he's right there it's all good we can run around he can't get us hi I'm going to take a speed potion oh he way back he knows English that's scary this is so creepy I know you can't parkour oh snap bro shoes run run R he parkour he parkour a I'm going to help him out just a little bit I literally just need one more tape Yellow Tape Yellow Tape Yellow Tape Yellow Tape there's not any yellow tapes in here I also don't know where Mr Huggy wuggy went not going to lie I might pee my pants unspeakable shall wind just so you know hey maybe they put my tape in the gym because I'm so buff nope okay yo is that a bank yo I'm scared to go in here I got to watch bro you going to watch me yeah I got to watch cuz this is the only watch there's a vault back there I don't see any tapes in here did you take my other tape I swear James took my other tape James is acting very sussy Baka right now grab his backpack give me my tape what give me Mye look you check you can search me out good why do you have a yellow why do you two different colored ones because Nathan has one of mine oh you guys are screwed hey talk about a jump scare I got to get to the other side of that oh it's right there oh the lights are turning on and off oh this sus creepy you got in there oh oo okay so look at this there's a vault right right here Solid Gold Bar C James you said mine was around the fireplace no I did not yes you did was that Gab it was gab I hate Gabe who took my tape I I told you I don't know who took your tape I don't believe him he's lying to me did you take your tape yeah it's in the trash okay oh why did all the lights turn off can use those lights again is that tape no it's not tape let's go this I'm in danger we're going this way we're going this way Jordan aren't you cripp yeah I'm to but cetch up I'm not dying um also Poppy's coming this direction right now don't lie to me no he's not is he actually Preston pron run I'm going going to Stand My Ground I'm not scared of you okay I'm scared of you is he running I hate this we has no idea no tapes I don't see any tapes oh they're running what are they speed walking I don't see any tapes everything's locked okay I'm going to leave you bye you're leaving me I'm scared G what color why you speed walking I'm green I I got you a tape no way oh let's go I got me a tape wait wait how many you got I have three well now I have three I only need one more tap y thanks J he's coming he's coming now oh no he is behind me oh my gosh hey right there what silver right there I got you bro I got you bro get out of here go go oh my gosh no my you can hide in your place I did not like that oh this is not the best hiding spot Gabe what where's my tape what do you mean you took my tape I didn't why would I take your tape you took it where did everybody go where' everybody go I hi hi died flashlight you goof PR's just walking around so casually oh I see him I see him he passed he went that where's my tapes why is it not here in the 7-Eleven I have three tapes right now I only need one more to escape I know who has your other tape by the way it rhymes with yames br oh no he literally just ran he just ran right by us is he gone is he gone he's right there he's right there oh my shoes untied you want to tie shoes there's no time for that please pleas oh he's fine okay yeah we're good thank you Gabe yeah no problem bro there you go all good dud thank you yeah how many tipes are you we three I need one more oh my God he's coming this guys we only have 30 minutes and I literally can't tell if somebody stole mine for some reason I feel like James stole my last tape I don't know where it is I wonder if he found his tape in here oh look at that his tape is right there I'm going to steal it I'm going to steal his tape I don't like how he's walking are you okay do you have to poop I think I'm going to run he's fast boy oh my gosh oh my gosh no no no no no I'm trying to tell where that scream is coming from if you ever see a yellow tape bring it to me cuz I got you this oh I give you a taste you silly goose I got you bro thank you he's right around the corner oh he's coming he's coming he's coming I haven't heard anybody for so long I just need one more tap oh is he there he's there he's there he's there there oh no oh no he's over there he's over there wait somebody tape is in here I find her the blue isn't tell them oh there he goes short he's over there um hey I'll give you a tape if you let me run yeah promise okay fine here just take it take it take it I think you got chase you going be my pants that's Preston who's blue are you blue what I'm green what do you blue I found your last tape come here you found a tape yeah for you where's it at in the sink oh you're right oh my gosh is that your last one no this is my second one oh my gosh I still need to find one more number two this is a nice car oh it's open I don't see any tapes in there why are you running he's back there he's back there I I a't scared bring it out hug [Music] you suspense FL yeah he's right there such a great oh wait he's not there Chase's backpack is on the ground I think that means Chase has been caught by poppy oh my gosh that's so sad oh no he's right there he's right there he's right there hey buddy hey buddy how's it going I want the hug try to come out he just walked right past uh I think Bri's running from Huggy wuggy can we talk about I haven't seen Chas Cas in a really long time I haven't checked the middle too much ooh green light oh don't turn around don't turn around please don't turn around oh I found Chase's backpack oh look at all these tapes all right no yellow tapes in there I haven't checked the middle too much so it's time to check the middle there's so many places to look like literally there's a bike store I feel unsafe James is walking this way now so I feel like the coast is clear also where's my husb I haven't seen Preston in a really long time are you blue Cedric who is blue was it James this looks like a tape this looks like a good spot for a green tape if poppy showed up right here I'd be trapped in here alone and out immediately no tape I need to get to the middle but that's like the worst part to be I wasn't ready for this training course it's like a bunker in here I'm going towards poppy why am I doing that I know where Breeze tapes at it's in that trash can cuz James put it there that's just a little r i don't see any yellow tapes in here but this place is kind of creepy I'm not going to give it to her that's too easy so I'm going to hide it let's see if she finds it another blue tape who is blue this is the second blue tape I've managed to find they're screaming watch the door oh you're green you're green I this side Vault on top of the VA no way I swear I swear I was in the vault what up Gabe what happened here uh Chase died oh Chase didn't hit the Gog oh Gog that's brutal so have you seen a green tape anywhere I haven't seen any I haven't seen a single tape like period have you seen orange no I haven't seen Orange did we lose Chase oh my gosh Chase is gone y where's my yellow tape bro oh dude oh did someone else die my tape oh he stole your tape BR what a Savage okay I'm going to go in the vaat what up I was told my last tape was in [Music] here no poy you do this to me poy messed up you can't sacrifice me to Poppy we're done oh my God I found all my tapes you have all your tapes all my tapes so that means you get to escape and I'm stuck here yo remember that one time you didn't visit me in the hospital yeah okay so far Preston is dead Chase is dead Bri found all your tapes and James found all your tapes that means it's just me and Gabe no survivors I'm a true YouTuber I try to survive everyone's soul but if I see Huggy wuggy fuzzy I'm run I haven't seen Huggy wuggy in a while I'm like actually terrified oh he's at the end of the hallway okay okay okay need to look fast in this area he is coming for me right now I Mr uh ugy wug I need to hide I'm going to hide somewhere I'm going to hide somewhere I'm in the fire truck right now he's in the ambulance he's in the fire truck no no no we out here kid we got our feet what I found my last CH yo yo you know what's happened yours in the denis's office what I took it out your backpack could put me in trash no you did not yes it's time to escape if I don't make it past poppy though you put me in the safest spot in the whole place the safest the safest spot is that a pun no it's a vault not a safe D he has a good point I'm the richest man in the world see all my drip I'm dripping yeah wait can you show me hey come on man let me in that's just that's just sus hey out here pe's out I got to go to the airport where's point so if Preston and Nathan can find their tapes and Gabe hopefully we're good think we've only lost Chase are we going to Tokyo today Mumbai Dallas we're already there silly yay feels good freedom freedom freedom freed him fre him no I got it did you even get off for your tapes Gabe I don't trust you they locked me in a safe they were going to sacrifice me to Huggy wuggy I don't trust you what do you mean don't trust me 1 2 three we have a fair winner Chase is a traitor he lured me into the Vault I know he was creepy sacrif he laughed at me really creepily I think he got converted I guess I'm just going to wait at the counter for someone to uh let me get a ticket I found Nathan's last tape Boom Boom Boom Boom die yes boom here's my color boom I heard an unspeakable di I grabbed his last tape and then got three of Prestons The Winner Circle are we the only winners yeah everyone else died you guys asked for it the haunted footage I have it on my phone but before I show it to you guys I want to let you know that we were filming a video really late at night every single person was upstairs but it was not windy at all and we heard a noise downstairs check this out so this is one of the doors downstairs in the house and it opens and you can see dust literally come out of the door and then the door closes itself I kid you I cannot make this up we've seen a lot of scary things things happen here at the island house but this tops the cake a door opening and closing and seeing a misty figure come out you guys probably don't believe me but I have nothing to hide that was 100% real this is our last video our scariest video I got we walk through a haunted house and the last one to survive wins honestly who knows what's going to happen to the losers they might be eaten alive this is by far the creepiest video I've ever filmed on my channel so leave a like on this video so I don't pee my pants click that red subscribe button if you guys love scary stuff and want to see it more on the channel let's see who's going to be the last one to leave the haunted house so do youall like keep your eyes open when you're blindfolded or do you close them I think I keep my eyes closed actually they're open right now like when I open them they're open disorientated when I keep them open where are we going I don't know I don't know all I know is I got this GoPro on my head and I can't see are we in a cop car right now ow who knocked is that a fence oh yeah we're in a cop car for you knock on something there's a fence right here are we going to Disneyland I think we're going to the candy shop something tells me we're not going to a candy shop I would love some handy right now maybe we're going to get you a haircut cuz you need one you need a haircut you're the one who needs what you mean I need a haircut you need the haircut yo I'm as beautiful as Ariel are we like reversing right now yo oh wo that messed me up I was like okay what just happened you think we're going to go to another petting zoo I want to go to a petting zoo I don't know that alpaco is weird but then again it's also like midnight so like I don't think petting zoos are open my bedtime yeah it's midnight it's really late I was about to do my um my face lotion and then this happened wait so you remember what happened to you no I don't know what I was doing I think I was on my computer what color shirt are you wearing I don't know what I'm wearing but it better be unspeakable merch what am I wait is it soft oh it's soft softest merch in the game yes like hypothetically speaking if I wasn't an unspeakable merch like kick me out of the video bro I know like for real like I don't even want to be wearing a shirt if I I'm like not scared right now cuz like I'm repping the merch so like it doesn't it protects you it protects me and I feel protected whole yo if wherever we're going as a clown I'm out dude I got a pee already I just drank a bottle of water yo what if we get that one clown we had at our house for that Carnival dude I'm running out threw a banana at my face I'm out I'm not remember what happened to the hot dogs that ain't the vibe y he threw peanuts ketchup on him was it that hardcore I don't remember dude he shoved a banana running I was dodging I was laughing that's all I remember can you just teleport us oh yeah let me just do a quick uh Slash TP unspeakable James Gabe to the nether yo we're off road right now I can feel it y we're like down going down a back road right now offro dude if I find a clown on this back road wherever we are right now just St chill your Bump wait we stopped oh what do we got here oh no what does that sound did you hear that what does that sound so like where's the door lock oh wait who opened their door I don't know I was going to click the lock button theget what doing I'm unbuckled oh no oh no I can't see where you guys going where do I go there still water is there a chicken nugget I got a camera I'm recing this's mine all this is going on on YouTube www.pe.com get your merch step right up hey who's the first one to die where's the chicken nuggets no yeah that's what I'm yo are we at Don we your fear nuggets oh there you're kind CL you like chicken nuggets underneath this Mas people do you eat burgers some I think you should go vegetarian I heard it's like good for you or something no B see it's like Halloween night already you're ready for a little torture I'm ready what's up dude where are you I don't know I'm right here I'm right I'm back here is this you yeah here dude like five people hi me they don't have chicken nuggets bro I know that's what I'm saying I thought we were at die the chicken nuggets oh godo what the it's a bright light step right up boys he's the first one to die yeah wait I don't want to go [Music] first is this stud alive why is he here bananas No No Bananas you're at my house house you're not supp to come here you live here I live here it's not good my friends are really mean go go go go first do you have any chicken nuggets in here hey Mama which one's your favorite let's get the one in the back yeah get the one in the back what's your name little boy [Applause] they playing in the head is this what it means to wake up on the wrong side of that [Applause] www pill fight how will we all play hide and seek got went through the clothes bro chill bro sorry BR you want to take this one bro it's not looking too good happy you came I opened this it e why do you look like that I'm leaving bro that was rude you waiting for babies scar little baby it look like stomy head all right you you hit this bro why do I [Applause] my leg oh bro I'm so scared right now are we going forward or backwards oh oh no heck no bro oh dude it's Pennywise Bro it's Penny wise no not with the redon what he's com it for you bro you just stepped on my shoelace bro yo she didn't have shoes on that's dirty yo she's got a Minecraft helmet on bro she got a Minecraft helmet on go why do I have to go first do you want to be my friend yeah I friend me on Facebook we're all good why don't you want be with me she angry she angry that's AIG watch out for this ow ow chill yo it fell off that's our weapon that's our weapon got that yeah's going come after us now yeah don't look around the corner why don't look around the corner what's around the corner just don't no you don't want to see you don't want to see trust me no bro no that's creepy yo he got a whole like flamethrower in his head he literally got like a flame so uh let's lock arms lock lock all right come on come on you go first what yeah you got the camera all right all right this is a bad idea do I see my alarm pits swe yo why does it get creepier creepier he knows your name he's coming after you not us W storage area that's sanitary all all all why you got to tie your shoe you stepped on my shoel I told you to get velcro shoes use well no I forgot how to do that oh God W oh that is definitely electricity bro look at the bro what's up that oh dude that's a mirror no that a a mirror that's a mirror no you're tripping oh yeah yeah that's not a mirror that's not a mirror I don't remember waking up looking like that I mean that girl told me I was ug you can go first bro okay good luck with that one did we go in no no one's helping bro push wish for help howy hey how you doing your face is kind of missing something a little bit so are you like our um our like chauffeur yeah you don't really say much yeah yo this is the coolest elevator ever like a roller coaster yeah yeah boy [Applause] [Music] did you notice he didn't even move yeah I'm just glad we have flash move now he mov now the do is expecting you yo hey you haven't had a doctor's appointment in a while good job just like an okay okay she needs a doctor yo she got she got a [Music] osteoporosis that's not how physics works this is what happens when I have to wake up at 700 a.m. like this is how I feel when you die in Minecraft and this is me when I lose in Roblox yo Simon what are youing doing just keep walking just keep walking all right listen just run through this car just run just run all right ready go we got to go [Applause] together go look around that corner look around that corner I still haven't seen any chicken nuggets there's a girl playing with a do in there I got goosebumps just now I'm going guys if you don't click that subscribe button we might not make it out of here yeah I don't think we are hi I like Teddy he wants you to say hi to Dr T can you say hi to him for me he what's up bro doctor oh yo he was alive he was alive what's up they prep you for surgery yeah I'm I'm yeah yeah oh good good good good good I will yeah everyone's got Ted yo where do I get a teddy bear from that's what I'm saying y I like your cut yo he drank too many bangs this is the situation when you don't help soone yeah you you just act like you didn't see what do you guys want to go first now yeah have a good time did we make a wrong turn we go jop y what's up yeah you're not you're not welcome I'm going to close that door yeah you can just you're not you can just you can just stay out there bro you are not invited to the party oh hey dude it's an empty hallway for once you think that what you mean it's empty tell the giant B we we got to get low we got to get l oh we have to crawl are you kidding me oh no stay close Gabriel y we good oh yo I just hit legs bro I feel that bro we good bro we going a now yo there spider nah bro I'm good I'm good someone can take that first place spot I'm good it's a long hallway and there's someone at the there's no one there what you mean there's no one there I swear what you mean there was just someone there no there's not bro bro there was just someone standing there yo there's like actual spider oh you go first no I'm not going down this hallway first no you go you go you go you go it's pitch black oh it's literally pitch black I don't like Corners it's funny cuz I saw someone run this way yeah someone did bro for the door y if you don't have like chicken nuggets you can't come maybe she wants like an autograph like Photo you want an autograph www speak Nathan you turned into a girl I know she's like she take my spot here come on jump in my arms jump in my arms why there there yeah come on go all right is there something that's going yeah let's go let's go I got this feet is battering no use my feet oh wait wasn't she just done there she really got the SL TV wait why we just went up there's like a big spider down there yo it gets like really dark yo I can't even see at the end fun in the dark well we got a big light so like we're good yo why am I first get get in front you started going I went through the Y that's a cockroach dude why didn't we bring Minecraft SW help you she said no [Music] no don't fight it it's a mob dude you dodged my high five all I'm saying is is like once we get out of here I'm definitely getting some chicken nuggets W what was that dude I don't know it's the final boss like No Cap there's like a big hole in the wall oh yo y piggy back rides a long dark hallway yo lasers it's time to rap what's down here uh Darkness he look more cockroaches look up James yo you want to see something cool bro watch this flying all right go go go go hey yo the elevator guys here yo you left us behind you're supposed to be our guide let's take a bet here which one do you think's going to pop open the least amount of leaves on I'm going to go that back one over there gab yeah yeah one of the coffins is going to open I mean if they're dead they can't open all right well we got one Robin I love you there's more coffins bro all right let's like keep moving cuz I'm like about to pee myself why are you not in front fine I'll be in front I've been in front got him yo this oh yo what's up bro all right bro chill bro everyone needs a chicken nugget in their life and today is the day we need chicken nuggets do you hear a party on the other side of this fence yo I'm hearing a party I'm hoping there's Kool-Aid cuz I'm thirsty D that thing's GI enormous it's a big old can I that no I don't want to it I don't want that thing came out so far go Goa me why you want to go this way keep going yes sir oh hey yo that's how my laugh H what's up let just might start making sheep noises oh this dude alive in America that means he got chicken nuggets yeah I got no chicken nuggets I think he wants her chicken nuggets I say we just power through the rest of it like yeah let's go w w you going to make me run straight into that trap over there bro yeah honestly are you like with them this is epic yo she said wait hold on yeah you have a side quest for us me your soul I can get these one sa give me than I warned you that's it for you can you tell us where the chicken nuggets are this dude pretty big that's a nice Hammer yo I think that's the path bro what's up back off yo like whatever's going on here yo yo yo behind you yeah more comfortable if you sit down he's high fiveing F all right good yo now he went the high five you don't get the high five no more bro you left us hanging so yo like No Cap whatever is in here is Je jeames they just jeames bro they literally just took him yo are you good okay okay okay okay okay okay okay yeah that was a nice one I didn't expect that should stand there prob you know just coner for your safety oh yeah you got that that's good getting creepy up in here bro fast crawling man is that boat horn I don't know noise means it's bad news for you fellas I guess we got a replacement for James oh dude that's an alien wait where's our James oh we got two jameses now I guess y you should ride that tric I just want some chicken nuggets look I'm just looking for some nuggets all right all I I all we chill we chill yeah um he didn't really tell us for chicken nuggets are though yo what is that yo you pretty talented with the whole balancing thing oh oh y the let pass yo parkour yeah I know that's pretty excuse me I'm looking for nuggets thank you all right something tells me one of these is going to poke yeah one of these is probably going to wow hey I'm good thank you okay I I chcken [Applause] are going to have fun with you yo this is clowns this is clowns bro yeah this is clowns go first I've been going first the whole time where do you think you're going you have your chicken we're on the hunt for chicken nuggets yeah we're trying to find some nuggies it's a carnival yeah give him that high five try your luck Kitty I'm good thank you I don't have any I don't have yeah come KY I'm sweating yeah what's going on at this point I'm just so conf can I do it I want to do it can I do it yeah welcome what are you doing H what's up guys what's up are you having a good time so far I'm having a great time oh that's great keep going all right come on let's go okay Lely I scar you come walk with me right this come on where you going where you going walk by yourself my love oh are you excited all right all right we're good yo this is like trippy oh scare you n you a't [Applause] scary yo what up yeah all right guys I'm the last one uh M to my side yo what the flip is this oh yo that's legit yo nice hide and seek costume bro I'm always looking for good hide-and-seek costumes so if you ever want to like paint me like that hit me up okay oh I Like You Pretty Boy I'm so pretty yeah thank you yeah what up I'm from YouTube oh what's up it's that elevator dude welcome to my house boy take care of you where's the chicken nugget sorry I didn't tell the light light be darker all right all right all right I get it I get it I get it bro are you serious wa that's nice what they're so happy I want to be happy with them yeah I you say you can stop like that this is my house to do that I just want to be happy [Applause] creep creep subscribe
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 4,347,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: yco4si3Rh78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 36sec (4356 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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