How To Turn Around ANY SITUATION! | Law of Assumption | Neville Goddard

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yo what's up you guys today i'm going to share with you a powerful neville goddard story that'll get you to believe that you can manifest anything you desire no matter what your situation is so if you feel like the world or life's against you because of how you look or how much money you got then yo you definitely want to hear this story especially because it's based on what neville goddard considers to be one of the greatest revelations of all time lazudus in his lecture called sound investments neville talks a lot about a guy named jimmy fuller because of the amazing things he was able to achieve easily including making a fortune as the story goes neville shared jimmy's rags to riches story with his audience even though he didn't have all the details and after he shared it dozens of people tried to convince neville that jimmy made his fortune simply because he had great capital and neville couldn't affirm nor deny their bold assertions so neville went straight to the source and spoke with jimmy to get the full details you see jimmy said it all started several years prior when he turned on the radio and some guy who was doing a lecture was promoting and praising neville like crazy saying that listening to neville is a must so jimmy was like i gotta go hear this neville guy and he did he heard neville speak and he really enjoyed it ned neville announced that he was going to speak the following night but that it was two dollars here's the thing jimmy only had 54 dollars left 54 bucks that's it and he had a wife and a little boy and they couldn't leave the child alone since he was still too small they'd have to get a sitter but they went to every talk that neville gave anyway one night they couldn't pay the sitter they just didn't have it but they took their last 54 dollars and spent it on going to the meetings kind of feel bad for the sitter three years later unfortunately jimmy admitted that he still can improve neville's theory because of his quote unquote problem and what was his problem well according to jimmy the problem was the color of his skin he was a dark-skinned guy and because of the color of his skin he believed that all the marks and stripes were against them yet neville tried convincing him that it was only in his mind that these stripes were placed that his acceptance of that as a restriction made it a restriction did you get that and if he would just drop it by non-acceptance by complete indifference to the color of his skin guess what neville says that he could accomplish his dream how by accepting it now by accepting it now simple as that let me backtrack a bit in last week's video i talked about the time when neville's wife heard a very distinct voice speaking to her as she was waking up from a deep sleep do you remember what the voice said to her now neville considers this to be one of the greatest revelations of all time so pay attention the voice said these words ready you must stop spending your thoughts your time and your money everything in life must be an investment i'll say it again you must stop spending your thoughts your time and your money for everything in life must be an investment in other words every moment you have you're either spending or you're investing it's like this your thoughts neville says are the coins of heaven it's the money of heaven you can choose to be positive and invest in what you want or you can spend and be negative and accept what you don't want the choice is yours here's the thing though what you do right now folks really matters it really matters why because what you spend or invest in will create your future everything proceeds out of your own consciousness it must be made manifest it's the law is this making sense now going back to jimmy fuller don't worry i was going to leave him with a sad ending here's what happened neville said that within the last year of him sharing this message jimmy fuller listened by complete acceptance investing his moment investing his now turn the year into a net profit of 250 000 dollars oh he didn't have one penny when he started okay remember the 54 bucks was spent on going to the meetings he didn't raise large capital as a lot of people assumed ah dude he invested something better something more powerful he invested god's coin which is time so instead of spending his thought which everyone has and spending his time which everyone has without any physical money he knew that thought was money and so he invested his thought in the now knowing that it was an investment that it would advance into his future which it did good for him jimmy told neville that everything he touched turned to gold for real and even his kids learned how to manifest what they want because he knew the working of the law which was that complete acceptance of the state in consciousness must be externalized then it went on and on telling neville all the awesome things that happened to him by the mere acceptance of this law but most importantly check this out he said he completely forgotten the so-called pigment of his skin that he's blessed beyond all men because of his color he was proud of it finally another boom for that all right real talk what about you can you relate to jimmy fuller have you placed certain restrictions on yourself for whatever reason if so don't stop those are all in your mind those are all in your mind you have a choice right now to spend and to waste your thoughts time and money accepting limitations or you can invest those things and achieve the quote-unquote impossible what's it going to be ask yourself and imagine what would it be like if it were true that i'm now the person i want to be how would i feel right now how would i feel and then in response to that question will come a feeling a feeling that corresponds to that end right learn to think from that end okay learn to think from it and then here's what's going to happen neville says that when you devote every single moment of time to positive thinking to constructive thinking not accepting anything you hear that doesn't contribute to the fulfillment of your desire reason may deny it your senses may deny it but since you've invested those things will become real within your world and you will get what you believe yeah alrighty guys don't forget to hit that like and subscribe button and the bell right next to it to be notified on my next video i pump these out every single week so you don't want to miss them if you're listening via podcast i'd really appreciate a review it gets more people to discover my work and of course i've spread this message and yo don't forget to register for my free online training that will seriously help you to start manifesting the life you really want right now so check it out links in description like i always say more is coming until next time peace [Music] you
Channel: Joshua Tongol
Views: 26,989
Rating: 4.9843259 out of 5
Keywords: joshua tongol, law of attraction success, manifesting techniques, manifest what you want, feeling is the secret, neville goddard, Law of attraction, how to manifest, neville goddard techniques, manifestation, live in the end, world is you pushed out, everything is you pushed out, revision neville goddard, neville goddard affirmations, neville goddard specific person, everyone is you pushed out, neville goddard meditation, sats neville goddard, loa, mirror technique, manifesting
Id: 03IXCcNK9xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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