How to Turn a Physical Book into a Searchable PDF

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if you do any type of research then you know digital books are absolutely fantastic for taking notes consolidating those notes and being able to find different sections or subjects very quickly through the search features and in this video we're going to look at how we can do the same thing with physical books by converting these physical books into searchable pdfs it's a very handy feature because i really like physical books sometimes i just pick those up at stores when i'm traveling or if i'm hearing about town and a lot of times there are certain materials that are only available in physical format but i want to have that search ability now i could go through this book and i could mark it up and i could put a bunch of flags on there but it still makes it difficult to navigate or look for specific things well i've created videos on this channel before using my czur scanner and i showed you how it could be a very useful tool in this video i'm going to specifically show you how we can create a searchable pdf using the csr czur scanner so i'm going to turn the overhead light on the scanner and i'm going to scan this book i'm not going to scan the entire book right now i'm just going to scan a little bit so let's have a look at how i can do that first i'm going to go into the scanner here so let's grab the scanner in the software and then i'm going to find the device you'll notice that i have the book cover here and you'll notice that i currently have it in the curved book format i'm going to take a shot of the book itself we'll just move the page elements to the side so now i have the front cover i have a foot pedal so the clicking you might hear is me actually using my foot to take that picture and then what i'll do is i'll take the dust jacket off because i may not want the dust jacket and it's going to be a little easier to scan without it so here i'll take the book but now what i'm going to do is put it into the curved book scanning mode and now i'm going to use these two little paddles i guess you would call them i have a right and i have a left one and that just allows me to hold the book flat and you'll see that in a moment so now that i have it as curved book let's go ahead and scan in a number of the pages and in this case here i'll go ahead and use the endorsements here i can do this quite quickly so we'll just do maybe the first chapter here so as you can see it's very quick to go in and scan the book i'm just flipping the pages touching the foot pedal and you can see that it's quickly scanning each of the pages here now as i go through and scan this book you're going to notice that i don't really take a lot of time to look at a lot of the book i'm just really trying to capture it and the scanner does a very good job with these books sometimes with some oversized books it's a little bit more involved to scan things so if you're scanning things like artwork or large format books you may have to scan just a section of the book but you can see a typical hardcover or a paperback book i'm able to go in very quickly and i'm able to scan the pages very very fast very rapidly so i'm just going to go in and i'm just going to scan the first chapter here so maybe a couple more into the second chapter so now i've scanned some of the book it wouldn't take me too long to scan the entire book but i'm going to set that aside so that we can show you how to create the searchable pdf so here in the software you can see that it's processing all of the pages that i scanned if i scroll up i can see how far i've made it you can see all of these pages are coming in nice and clean and those are going to be converted into that pdf format you'll also notice if i click on one of the pages that's been processed if i go here you'll notice that the yellow paddles do not appear you can actually see a little bit of an artifact of one of the paddles there because what it does is it removes those from the scan as best it can and i'm not going to be too fussy about that but i do need them to all process so that i can create that searchable pdf it took a few moments in order to process those pages but that's okay because i have a cup of coffee so i always have something to do while i'm waiting for something to process so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to create the searchable pdf and as a quick note just so that you're aware here in canada i have something called a fair use policy which means that from a copyright standpoint i'm permitted to take a digital copy of a book that i'm using for research purposes that i own so i have this book here i purchased the book i purchased the physical book i can make that this digital copy of the entire book for purposes of research and for backup and archival i would not be able to distribute this electronic copy that that would then be in violation of copyright but i can use it for research and such so let's go back to the software here so within the software what i'm going to do is now that i've scanned my book here i'm going to go in you'll see that all of the images are here and i'm going to click the little button to select all of them so you can see that they are all selected and then i'm going to go to searchable pdf underneath searchable pdf i'm going to choose english that's my language of preference and i'm going to make sure i have a high quality pdf it makes it just easier to read and i've got the space on my system so now i'm going to go in here you can see that there are other languages you can convert to as well so if you're doing any type of foreign research i have some books uh some myth books about mythology in germany but anyways we'll go here and now i'm going to give this a name so for this particular book it's called powerful teaching so i'll just put on my desktop for the purposes of this demo so i'll call this powerful teaching and we'll call it the scan for that so i have the powerful teaching scan and it's going to start initializing the engine and once again it's 42 pages that i scanned it goes fairly quickly through them but it does give me time to have a sip of my coffee so i sped that up for you a little bit had many sips of my coffee it takes a little while if you have a longer book to get that scan because it goes through looks at each of the pages and then it does uh optical character recognition on there to make it a searchable document so it'll combine everything together and then we'll be able to search this document so now i have the document i'm going to go into the document here and i don't have adobe acrobat installed on this computer so i could open it up in adobe acrobat obviously but i'm just going to open it up in the edge browser and that does give me this search option so a very common thing that i might want to look at is retrieval practice so maybe i want to look at this particular book look at where they have retrieval practice and i'll put in the entire term and you can see here that the term retrieval practice in the 44 odd pages or 42 pages i have here appears 19 times so now i'm able to go through and i'm able to look through the document i can see that it's in the table of contents i can go through and scroll through each time that it appears and this is a very quick way for me to go in and look for different subject areas based on retrieval practice and see what sort of information is in this book for doing different types of research on the concept i find this to be exceptionally useful and a great way for me to be able to do my research without having to flip through a book a whole bunch of times in order to find a specific term i'm able to create this searchable pdf from physical books if you enjoyed this video if you want to learn more about the cz url scanner i do have another video here on the channel where i go through some of the other features of it i'm always happy to make more comment down below if there's anything else you'd like to see around research methodologies around the ways that i can convert physical to digital in the ways that i have a research flow actually those are a lot of different topics maybe i should make some videos on all of them but anyways i do have a lot of videos here on the channel subscribe like share with colleagues and let me know what you think in the comments down below thank you so much for watching
Channel: Learning and Technology with Frank
Views: 92,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: edtech, education, frank bergdoll, learning and technology with Frank, czur scanner review, czur shine ultra pro, Document Scanner, Book Scanner, Overhead Webcam, Document Camera, Hadwriting to Text, OCR Scanner, Table Scanner, CZUR Ultra Shine Review, book scanner, top edtech tools for teachers, how to, book scanning, Scan to Microsoft Word, Scan to PDF, Scan Curved Books, create searchable pdf, ocr, how to make a pdf of a book, how to convert a book to a pdf, book pdf
Id: khqY9PXx29c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 07 2022
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