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and what i want to do real quick is show you how to essentially turn a pdf into a qr code maybe you're a small business and you don't want to pay monthly for hosting a menu or something like that i'm gonna show you a way for you to turn a pdf into a qr code so first you're gonna go to and create a new repository so github is essentially a site where you can host and upload upload bios and mostly this is used for coding and software engineering so i already have a repository but you could create a new one and basically name it whatever you want so i'll call my pdf faker and you give it a description description whatever you want so first thing first i'm going to go to a site where i could create a pdf um i'm gonna use canva because i like this site so i'm gonna make like a flyer something like that um and try to upload it so let's say i wanted a flyer for an art show or something i'm gonna download it save it as a pdf um i'm gonna put it as pd example i can't spell example download save it as a pdf we're going to be software engineers today so save my file as a pdf i'm going to go back to github and i'm going to upload this file so just uploading my pdf and i'm going to commit the changes all that means is that i just uploaded the file so what i'm gonna do is click on this and i'm gonna grab the route uh the url pointing to the pdf so that's step one next we're gonna do a little coding here don't be too afraid um there's nothing too crazy i'm going to now uh add a file and i'm going to create a new file i'm going to call this one index.html this is basically a html file um that allows us to create websites so that'll open and close tag i'm going to do a href equals this and all i'm doing is just pointing to my pdf and just so i know what where this is i'm going to put it inside [Music] some tags so that i know that it's the link to the pdf so i'll be like click here for event info okay so this is as simple as a site that i could think and create so what i did is just commit the code so now if i click this we have our html tag our p and a link to our pdf and if we want to view it so you can see what it looks like uh no i'm not even gonna do that okay so now we we did most of the hard part that the scary part the coding part now we're gonna go to this app called netlify i'm gonna provide a link to this in the description so first things first is gonna be like create a new site um we're gonna link our github account i'm already linked so what it's gonna do is look for my code i'm gonna type in pdf and search for the project for you it should automatically come up but for me um i'm gonna click the project that i made i'm gonna we're gonna do it off the main branch um we don't have to worry about any of this and what i did now is just create a site uh based off of the little some code that we wrote inside of that file so now if i click this i have a live site and now if i click this link oh crap uh i didn't think this through let's go back let's go back i think i need to i need to link it um i think i just need to link it to example dot pdf so at any time i make changes to this file is going to automatically update in the code here so i just made new changes and the site has been updated so let me preview it again i'm gonna make sure so the changes i just made have just updated on the file so now if i go now it should link oh it should link to the pdf huh it hasn't updated yet ah i need to publish sorry this shouldn't be as complicated as it is okay so now if i go back to this our new site it should now link to the pdf so now that we have our pdf okay awesome so now all you have to do is take your pdf and go to one of these pdf uploader sites i like the qr code generator and let me just refresh and now all you need to do is type in the url and shorten it if you choose so now if i save this um i can't pull event qr code now i have a qr code that i could use at an event um this is a fast and easy way if you don't have a site and you just want to make something live create it and go live and all you have to do now is if you want to make changes to the pdf is go into your github account uh say say for example you're a small business and you [Music] want to make changes to your menu all you would have to do is go back to the repository that you just made switch out the pdf you could delete it switch it out make sure it's the name same name here that you have here and your new pdf should be able to be um uploaded um yeah this is just a small hack that i thought about so that you don't have to pay excessively for um pdf uh you know these paid pdf providers and then make sure after you make changes you come back after you make pay changes and commit them you go back to your github repository and you you commit the changes come back here and deploy the changes so that it is updated you know a quick way quick hack and now you're able to do whatever you want for your event for free thank you i appreciate if you need any more hacks um i'll think about more ways to get around the system but appreciate y'all
Channel: Dalvin Digital Design
Views: 64,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UpchlCsWgKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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