How to Send a Pdf As a Link

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good day everyone in this video today i will show you how to send a pdf as a link so to do this firstly let's go to my desktop i will be sending this pdf ass link which is all for me so the next thing for you to do is to open any browser on your pc so i'm using this chrome browser so when done log into your gmail account and log into any gmail account of your choice as you can see right here i've logged into these gmail accounts so the next thing for you to do is to click on this icon right here which is the google apps so after clicking on it you can then click on drive so a new tab will be open which is the one loading right here so let's give it time for it to load after it has done loading the next thing for you to do is to click on new which is this one right here click on it then file upload so you can select the location where you have the pdf file so i have it on my desktop as you can see is pdf file it is a all for me click on it so click on open to continue so right now as you can see stating upload so let's give it something to type for you to upload right it has been uploaded so let's close this so right now as you can see here is it all for me pdf file so this thing for you to do is to right click on it then click on get link so let's give it time for you to load so it's loading let's give it time it will load so right now as you can see get link so here's the link on google drive so before you continue with before you copy this link there are some few steps you have to do there are some few things you have to do so just scroll down to this restricted click on it then change it to anyone with the link if it's unrestricted you will be the only one who can see this link but if it's on any one week link you can share the link with anybody and they will be able to view this pdf file the next thing for you to do is to click on anyone with the link so right now it has been changed so click on copy link then click on done so right now you can then go to your gmail or your whatsapp or anywhere you want to send the link to so i'll be sending it to gmail just click on compose then enter the email you want to send it to so when do you know how to subject to heat the pdf file so you can add your description to it here is the link to the file so when done you can paste the link you copy paste so as you can see here is a link so when done click on send you can also place this link to someone on whatsapp or facebook or instagram just listen to an area of your choice so click on send so right now the link has been sent so that's all to do this hope this video hold please leave it down below and don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel see you in the next video
Channel: Ybal Tech
Views: 156,365
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Keywords: how to send a pdf as a link, how to send pdf as a link, how to send a link to a pdf, how to send pdf link in email, how to send a pdf file as a link, how to send pdf as link, how to send a pdf link in email, how to send a link to a pdf document
Id: 5V82IDf_LP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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