How to Treat Leaf Curl in Peach and Nectarine Trees

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if you've ever grown peaches or nectarines you've probably experienced leaf curl and if you haven't been treating your trees with a natural fungicide during the dormant season it's probably gotten worse every year and eventually that could end up killing your treats i'm kyle from urban farmstead and today i'm going to show you what I do every fall in winter to prevent leaf curl and our peach and nectarine trees [Applause] [Music] leaf curl is an extremely common fungal disease that causes redness and distortion to the leaves and fruit of peach and nectarine trees as they emerge from dormancy and spring leaf curl is actually pretty simple to prevent and control but it has to be done during the dormant season so I spray our peach and nectarine tree once in late fall after all the leaves have fallen off and again in early spring before bud break I use this natural product called liqui cough that I get at my local nursery with a lot of other options out there so use whatever product you find at your local nursery I mostly use this product to control piece leaf curl which is what shows right here in the picture but as it says it also controls many diseases that attack citrus fruit nuts vegetables and ornamentals and if you flip it over there's a little pamphlet that explains that here it shows the diseases that it controls the application rate instructions and the fruits are nuts you flip through it it shows everything from different fruit and nut trees to vegetables it's all in alphabetical order it's got miscellaneous and even ornamentals here at the end so depending on what you're applying this for what disease or even pasture fungus flip through to find the right one today I'll be using it for peach leaf curl so I'm folding the instructions for that alright so here we are peaches leaf curl and as it says here reapply up until late bud swell do not apply after a full bloom so today we should begin of course it's extremely important to follow the directions of whatever product you're using today I'm going to be mixing three teaspoons into a half gallon of water so mix that in [Music] it's top on my sprayer shake it up we're good to go this product is natural but even natural products can be irritants so I always wear long sleeves high protection whoops [Music] and an n95 mask any time I'm spraying anything in order for this stuff to work properly you have to spray the entire trees all of it every inch and it has to be dripping off of the tree to kill all those spores [Music] but I'm not here to tell you exactly how to use this stuff that's what all this great reading material is for so be sure you read all that fine print stuff before you use any of this stuff because it's important all right that's it my trees are done they've both been sprayed and that should keep the leaf curl pretty much at bay these trees will usually still get at least a little bit of leaf curl each season even when I spray them twice but it won't be enough that it'll affect their crop and it certainly won't be enough to kill them now a lot of you might be finding this video in spring after your trees I have already buttered out and already have leaf curl and you're probably wondering well Kyle can I spray my trees now that I'm seeing the leaf curl and the answer is no I mean you can spray your trees after you see the leaf curl but will probably happen is that will cause a lot of those leaves to fall off and can actually end up doing more damage to your tree in the long run so my recommendation is if it's already spring and it's too late it's not the dormant season anymore to spray these trees then go to your phone right now marking your calendar for late fall to remind yourself to spray them with liqui cop or another natural fungicide in late fall and then again in early spring and in the meantime just keep your trees healthy feed them with a foliar spray with liquid kelp or fish emulsion keep them well irrigated and generally healthy and then also thin the fruit more than you normally would it's a good idea to always thin the fruit on these trees to reduce that burden for them but especially if they're having issues like leaf curl that's going to reduce their photosynthesis ability this is going to make them harder to bear that fruit so thin the fruit a little bit more keep them generally healthy and then next season during the dormant season be sure to spray your trees I hope you all enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up if you want to see more videos like this hit subscribe below and we'll see you all next time you
Channel: Urban Farmstead
Views: 29,769
Rating: 4.9697952 out of 5
Keywords: How To, Treat, Prevent, Kill, Fix, Cure, Peach Leaf Curl, Peach, Nectarine, Leaf Curl, Disease, Fungus, Organic Funguside, Organic, Natural, Spray, Liquid, Copper, Monterey, Liqui-Cop, Orchard, Pest, Prevention, Stone Fruit
Id: LwDmsd-nOrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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