How to Transfer Photos & Videos from iOS to Windows with USB in 2019

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Today I'm going to show you how to take your iPhone photos and videos and transfer them over to a Windows machine using a USB cable what is going on everybody hope all is well and welcome to another tech tip style video today we're going to be showing you how to take your videos and your photos from your iPhone or your iPad and transfer them over to a Windows machine using a USB cable now of course this method is a little bit older as far as a transfer method but it works really well if you don't have the ability to wirelessly transfer those files over to a different machine or if you currently don't have service for any type of cloud services now before we begin you're going to need three things in order to do this process first and foremost you're going to need your iPhone your iPad or your iOS device that has the videos and files on it second thing is you're going to need a Windows machine in order to transfer them to that machine and of course in order to do that transfer you're going to need a USB cable one that supports data transfer some third party cables will only support the ability to charge and typically using the one that came with the device is going to be your best bet once you have all three of those things mentioned it you are ready to go the first step is to of course take your USB cable take one end of it and plug it into the computer and then take the other end and plug it into the phone so in this case I'm going to take this end and plug it in to my computer's USB and then I'm going to go ahead and take the lightning end and plug it into the phone and you're gonna get an audible tone from the computer letting you know that something has been connected now on the phone you're going to need to unlock it in order to complete a full connection so if you have a security code you're gonna need to type that in if you've got facial recognition whatever it is that you have set up to unlock your iPhone or your iPad go ahead and do that in order to complete once you've done that you're going to get the message just like this it might be a little hard to see but it says trust this computer your settings and data will be accessible from this computer when connected wirelessly or using a cable you can either click trust or don't trust in order for us to transfer the files you will need to go ahead and click on trust once you've done that it is going to ask for your pin code or your passcode in order to confirm computer trust type that on in once you've done that the passcode is going to go away but it's going to make a complete connection to the computer and we're ready to find the files to begin the transfer process if for any reason your device is not recognized by the computer there's a few different troubleshooting steps that you could take first try a different USB port because allowing you to swap to a different USB port may prompt the computer to reinstall the drivers of the phone or the device and actually get a better connection that way the second thing is is if you have a secondary or another cable that you can try try plugging that in and trying different various ports as well to see if you can get the computer to recognize your device if your device still isn't recognized by the computer there's a good chance that you can go in and reinstall the drivers of the device in order for the computer to see it to do this go on down to your Start menu in the bottom left or wherever you have your Start menu located right click on it and then left click on device manager this is going to bring up a new window that's essentially got all of the different devices connected or drivers installed on your machine you're going to want to look for something that says portable devices and then click on the arrow to the left kind of drop down the drill down and then you can see right here I've got the Apple iPhone in there yours might say Apple iPhone as well or it may say Apple iPod or Apple iPad whatever it is what you're gonna do is right-click on it and then left click on update driver this little window is going to pop up where it's gonna say how do you want to search for those drivers and you're gonna choose on search automatically for an updated driver software and you're gonna want to of course make sure that you are connected to the internet because it's gonna go through and check for a new driver if it doesn't say anything and it does say this where it says the best drivers for your device are already installed go ahead and click on close go back to the Apple iPhone and then you're gonna want to go ahead and click uninstall the device and then click uninstall one more time from here you can either either unplug the iPhone or plug it back in or you can come up here to this little icon right here where it's got like a computer monitor with a magnifying glass and left click on it to scan for hardware changes as you can see in the bottom right-hand corner it has now detected my Apple iPhone and it's already reinstalled the driver of that particular iPhone by now if you're still not seeing any type of connection information there's a chance that the phone may have timed out in this process just look on the phone and verify that it is still unlocked so two things are gonna happen when you first get the device to be recognized by the computer first iTunes may come up and if it does feel free to go ahead and close it the second thing is pops up in the bottom right hand corner as you can see where it says Apple iPhone select to choose what happens with this device from here I'm just gonna actually go ahead and click on this dismiss button because I'm going to be opening up my own file explorer window we're gonna be creating a new file to send the photos to etc so I'm just going to go ahead and click on the X from here go ahead and find the file explorer icon and if you don't see one again right-click on your Start menu and then left-click on file explorer and this is going to open up a file explorer window like you see here from here if you notice you may be under the quick access on the left hand side what you're gonna want to do is actually come on down and select on this PC from here under the devices and drives you'll notice that the Apple iPhone is listed right there yours may say that yours may say Apple iPod or Apple iPad just like when we were troubleshooting the device drivers in any case what you're gonna want to do is left click or double left click on Apple iPhone because Apple products don't typically have a slot for a micro SD card you're going to only have one option in here and you can see that it says internal storage we're gonna go ahead and double left-click in here again and on this particular phone I only have one folder that says DCIM this stands for digital camera image and this is typically where your videos and your pictures are going to be stored that were taken from the camera on the device so again we're gonna go ahead and double left-click in there and here's where things might be different for your guyses devices just depending on how many folders or how many pictures and videos you have you may have one folder that says a hundred Apple yours might be named slightly different you might have multiple files so this is the part where you're going to have to go through each one of those and determine the files that you're looking for and what folder they're in in order to transfer them over to your Windows PC so in this case and today's demonstration is super simple I don't typically use this as it was an old phone and it's just kind of sitting around I only have one folder but I'm going to go ahead and double left-click on this hundred Apple folder in order to get to my files once you've done that you can see that there's some files in here for today's demonstration but before we do anything here what I'm going to want to do is find out and figure out where I want to store these photos that are going to be transferring from the iPhone over to the computer now what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to open up a new window because this will allow me to drag and drop the files that I want to in the folder that I want so if you look over here on the left hand side I've got something called a my book this is an external hard drive that I'm going to be transferring these photos and these videos to so what I'm going to do is I'm going to right click and then left click on open in new window this is then going to open up a dry or another Windows Explorer window but it's going to be in the drives or the my book directory as you can see right here with all of the different types of folders now Windows has something really cool and if you're unfamiliar with it it's called windows snapping and this allows you to move your windows around and works really well for such as today's demonstration so what you're going to do is if you just click and hold on this window and I'm just gonna drag it over to the right hand side you'll notice that it gives me a great outline of what's gonna happen to this window once you've got that outline release the left hand or the left click and you'll notice on the left it's gonna say okay we found these other windows that are open what would you like to do with it well since there's only one right now we're going to left-click on it and it's going to fill up the left half of this monitor not in an even manner in order for us to be able to move the files back and forth which is really convenient so we're just gonna go ahead and left click on it now you'll notice that each window it just takes up a perfect half of the monitor and will allow us to kind of work between the two really easily now there's a few different methods that we can use in order to transfer these files over into this drive first I'm going to come over on the right-hand side and I'm going to make a new folder either by clicking on right clicking on going down to new and then left clicking on folder or a keyboard shortcut is ctrl shift n is Anansie and that will allow me to create a new folder and we're just gonna do demo tests for today's demonstration from here this is where I'm going to transfer the files on my iPhone over to my book external hard drive so now that I've got this here I can either leave the demo test in this directory or I can double left-click into it and of course since it's a brand new file it's going to be empty what I'm going to do is there's three different methods that you can use to move these files over as I was mentioning first off you can left-click and hold and then you can drag and copy you can see where it says copy - demo test you can drag over here and then release the left key and that will transfer them over to the new folder you can also highlight them like this you can right-click and you can click on copy and then you could right-click on the folder and then let click on paste and that will move them over as well there's also a few keyboard shortcuts that you can use if you left-click on one hit ctrl and select another one this allows you to individually select or deselect an image in order to transfer over so say we wanted to do picture number one and we'll do picture number two and three you'll notice that these two are JPEGs which is a picture format and you'll notice that this one is a movie format which is a video we're going to go ahead and click on those and you can drag them over once you have the appropriate one selected the next thing that you can do is if you click on one and hold shift down and then left click on another one it's going to select the first one and the last one but also everything in between the third option that you could do is you can hit ctrl and the letter A is an alpha and that stands for controller selecting all and you'll notice once I type that or once I clicked on that it's going to select all of the files that are currently in this folder so as you can see there's a few different methods that you can use to transfer these files back and forth depending on how you want them to transfer or which ones to transfer you can use the keyboard shortcuts to make that happen so for today's demonstration we're just going to use the control a method which allows us to copy all of the contents of this folder and then we're going to go ahead and right-click and click copy and then let right-click in the folder on the external drive and then left click on paste you can see a little transfer bubble is going to pop up here and then quickly disappear mainly because these files aren't terribly big so it was a relatively quick process another method that you can use just to kind of see in action is again we'll do the ctrl a but then we're also going to do ctrl + the letter C on the keyboard and this tells the computer to copy everything that is selected we're then going to move over to the external drive folder and hit ctrl V is in Victor and this is going to tell the computer to paste the copied file contents that you just copied so if we hit control V you'll see once again the transfer bubble is going to pop up real quick but you'll see that the files have been moved over another thing that you can do to make the transfer process a little bit easier to manage is if you come up to view on either one of these windows and then select extra large icons you'll notice the thumbnails of those images or those videos are going to be extra large to allow you to see what that photo is and see if that is one that you do want to select and again we'll go over to the external drive click on View at the top here and then click on extra large icons and you can see that they are exactly the same because we've made a direct copy of those files and put them on the backup folder that we have on the external drive so just a kind of a quick thing here again it's ctrl-c ctrl-v I'll actually be leaving the keyboard shortcuts in the description below so if you have a hard time understanding or do you need a quick refresher on which ones are which I will go ahead and list those out in the video description so you can guys can kind of use that as reference and that brings our rap to today's video bringing us into our question of the day and we're going to be a little bit creative with this one I want to know what the largest are the biggest file transfer process that you've performed leave your answers in the comments below if you enjoyed this video and found it useful be sure to give it a thumbs up and share it on all of the social media platforms check out some of the other videos that we have on this channel we are tech focused here are a few examples for you subscribe if you're not already and enable the bail notifications so you guys got miss out on any type of future content and we will see you on the next one
Channel: HelpCloud
Views: 294,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helpcloud, go-to tech resolution hub, how to, transfer iphone photos to pc, how to transfer photos from iphone to pc, iphone photos to pc, transfer ipad photos to computer, ipad photos to pc, ios photos to pc, how to transfer photos from iphone to windows 10, microsoft windows, how to transfer photos from iphone, usb cable, windows 10, tutorial, transfer, ipad, photos, transfer images, transfer photos from iphone, send photos from iphone to pc, backup pictures from iphone
Id: lj9TqMHKI7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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