How to TRANSFER PHOTOS from an iPhone or iPad to a Mac or Windows Computer

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welcome back everyone my name is Joel Feld and  today's video is all about transferring photos and   videos directly from your iPhone or iPad to your  Mac or your Windows computer here we go [Music] [Music]   there always seems like there's 50 different  ways to accomplish the same task copying and   transferring photos and videos from your phone  to your computer is no different I want to start   off with an iPhone and going to a Mac computer as  well as an iPad and honestly iPhone and iPad are   so similar that I will switch between the two  for a very specific reason that I'll explain   when I do that let's look at our options first  for the Mac computer there's a couple Wireless   options allowing you to transfer photographs  from your iPhone or iPad to your Mac number   one is iCloud photos iCloud photos allows you to  wirelessly take a photograph with your phone and   it automatically shows up on your computer it's  as simple as that I have tons of videos related   to iCloud and iCloud photos and how it all syncs  that I'll link down in the description below but   the biggest thing is you have to use the same  Apple ID on all of your products that's how your   devices know to synchronize with one another first  we would go into the system settings on your Mac   I'm running the latest Ventura so what I show  you here is going to look different if you're   on Monterey or a previous operating system but  where I want to go is to my Apple ID in the top   left choose iCloud and we have this toggle switch  for photos in the previous versions you'll be   under system preferences you'll navigate to the  same exact spot and you'll have a checkbox for   photos the next thing you need to know is under  photos I need to go to the settings so photos   choose settings or preferences depending on your  operating system and underneath the settings we   have General iCloud and shared Library I need to  go to iCloud and make sure this option is checked   that way it knows that it wants to connect this  apple photo library and then if I go to my phone   here I would navigate to the similar place I would  go to settings go to my Apple ID and iCloud choose   photos and make sure that my photographs  are toggled on here to sync this iPhone   the beauty of this is if I open up photos here  and I just take a picture of let's this is my   setup here it's kind of crazy in the the kitchen  living room space but that's all right let's take   a picture of my zoom recorder so I'll take  that picture like that I'll go into photos   I'll scroll up towards the top go to recents and  you'll notice that down at the bottom on my phone   it says syncing one item to iCloud so right now  it's taking that photograph it's pushing it up   to iCloud iCloud is going to say oh I noticed  you have an iPad over here and a Mac over here   and a Windows computer over here I'm going to  synchronize that photograph to all of those   devices if I go back to my Mac here scroll to the  bottom you'll notice it's got the little cloud in   the bottom here and that photograph is going to  pop right up and there it is so option number one   to get photographs to there is to utilize iCloud  now keep in mind photographs and videos take up a   lot of space and the free version of iCloud only  gives you four gigabytes which is not a lot of   space so chances are with any cloud storage just  like Dropbox or Amazon photos Google photos any of   the cloud Solutions if you're utilizing a syncing  cloud service they all cost money so just keep   that in mind the second option is airdrop airdrop  only though works for Apple products sorry Windows   folks you don't get the ability to use airdrop  but airdrop is really really convenient I'm going   to do it from a different phone because I don't  want it to automatically sync into photos so I   open up my phone here let's go to the camera I'm  just going to take a picture of my bubbly water   I'm going to open up photos navigate to that so  now I have this picture here I want to import   that or transfer it to my Mac but because this  phone here and this computer are not using the   same Apple ID it's not going to magically show up  wirelessly like it did with my other phone here so   I need to airdrop this photograph in the bottom  left I have this little box with an upward arrow   and then I have this option to choose airdrop so  if I touch airdrop it's going to say hey there's   some people and devices nearby so I'm going  to touch people and you'll notice that on my   computer here it says so and so wants to share  this Photograph also on my phone it popped up   with the same message but on my computer here I'm  going to click the accept button and it gives me   choices to either save to downloads or open in  photos now if I chose open in photos it's just   going to directly import it into photos so I'm  going to choose save to downloads that will just   bring it down to the downloads folder here in the  bottom right and then I can choose whether I want   to add that to the library or not and I could  drag it from there directly to the library and   that will import it and because I added it into  the iPhoto library here it will magically show up   on my iPhone that's linked with this computer with  a different Apple ID and there we go on my phone   it just automatically showed up it has a little  cloud in the bottom telling me it's syncing and   it will soon show the thumbnail there so as far  as Wireless options to transfer photographs you   can use any cloud service I highly recommend if  you're already using Apple devices use iCloud   photos the benefit to iCloud photos versus airdrop  is you don't have to manually select photos and I   actually have a whole another video dedicated on  airdrop that I'll link down below so you could   use other Cloud systems to synchronize photos and  actually have a really good video that I made that   describes examples of syncing iCloud photos Google  photos and Microsoft OneDrive photos so check that   out so now let's forget about the cloud I don't  want to use a cloud I don't want to pay extra   money I want to use a good old-fashioned cable  to plug my device in directly to my computer and   copy the photographs and videos that way you're  able to just plug it in and it just works it's   convenient for those that don't want to use the  cloud maybe don't have internet everywhere and   you just want to quickly import and transfer  photos and videos from your device directly to   your computer and what we're going to do here  is grab my USBC cable plug that into the Mac   we're going to plug my phone in to the other  side and on your phone you're going to often   get a message that says do you want to trust  this computer and you have to do this in order   for you to synchronize information to and from  your iPhone to your Mac and or PC so make sure   that you choose trust when you get that message  I'm going to go ahead and choose trust and it's   going to prompt me for my code here when you plug  your phone into your Mac it may not be obvious on   where to go so there's a couple different tools  actually that you can see your photographs and   actually synchronize information a long time ago  we used to use iTunes to synchronize photographs   from your Mac to your phone and they've changed  that to be the finder on the left hand side under   locations you'll probably see your phone it's  going to say hey I see your phone do you want   to trust it and so we will say yes we do and  this allows you to synchronize information from   your computer to your phone it's not necessarily  synchronizing from your phone to your computer   it's more of a one-way sync from your computer  to your phone and honestly if you're using any   cloud service there's really no reason to go in  here unless you're going to back up your phone   which is a nice method other than that and when  we plug it in here it has all of these different   tabs across the top if I go to photos it says hey  it looks like your phone is using iCloud photos   so I'm not going to even show you anything and  that's where I will plug in the iPad so that you   can see what this message says long story short  finder yes your device will show up in here but   you're not really going to use it for the syncing  of photos and videos that you take from your phone   to the computer so finder not what we need right  now what we do need though is Apple photos so this   is option number one when I open up Apple photos  with my phone plugged in it's going to show up on   the left hand side under devices and if I click  on that it's going to show me all the photos and   videos that are on this device that I could sync  on eyes to this computer now I'm not going to do   any of that because everything actually is syncing  wirelessly and you'll notice over here there's a   little Cloud icon with an exclamation point if  I click this it says Hey optimized storage is   turned on iPhone is using iCloud photos with  optimized storage so some photos and videos   may not be available for import essentially what  that means is there's a setting on your phone if   I go into settings and I go to my iCloud and go  to iCloud again and choose photos this optimized   iPhone storage versus download and keep Originals  when I have that set it just frees up information   so that photographs that I don't look at or videos  that I don't look at get offloaded from the phone   they stay in the cloud but then if I want to see  them I touch them on this device and it downloads   the original it's a mechanism to save space and  optimize your storage on your device and actually   have a whole other video dedicated to that that I  will link down below Apple photos here it's going   to be a little little off because it's already  syncing with iCloud and because some of the   photographs are optimized and they're not fully  downloaded it's not going to give a good accurate   Judgment of photographs to import and there's also  a nice little option where every time I plug this   particular device in I want you to open photos  for this device so there's this little checkbox   that gives you that preference now we're going to  come back to Apple photos because I want to show   you the iPad let's close this we'll come back to  Apple photos and the last application on your Mac   is called image capture so if I go to the finder  and I go to Applications I'm going to change the   view here to icons we're going to open up image  capture so image capture if I double click on this   image capture is just a very simple piece of  software that allows you to see not only your   iPhone or your iPad but an SD card from your Canon  or Sony or whatever camera you have if you plug   it in image capture is going to see all of those  devices so when I select on my device over here   on the left hand side I literally just get a whole  list of all of the photographs showing me what's   on my phone here and I can pick and choose what  photographs I want to import and it's just a very   simple straight method there's nothing more to  this it shows you the names of the file the kind   the date the file size height width location the  aperture location shutter speed it shows you all   of this information what device actually took the  photographs and the metadata associated with it   so in the bottom right here we have an option to  either download or download all in the left here   we have the option to say well where are these  pictures going to actually download to I'm going   to choose other I want it in the pictures folder  and I'm just going to say pictures from Iphone   via image capture and choose create and then  choose that folder so now if I just selected   one of these pictures here held down shift on  the keyboard selected the other ones I could   then choose download in the bottom right and if  I open up the finder navigate to pictures go to   pictures from Iphone that I created and here are  those photographs right here so this is another   method for you to import photographs and videos  directly to your computer or to your Mac without   using any kind of cloud with just a simple cable  that you probably already have now I'm going to   go ahead and unplug my phone here let's go ahead  and plug an iPad in and this is an iPad that is   not associated to any cloud system it's not tied  to any Apple ID it just purely has photographs on   this device so on my computer here I plugged it  in it says allow accessory to connect I'll allow   that to notice on the iPad gives me trust this  computer so yes I will say trust then I have the   iPad that shows up here on the left I have all of  the photographs that it shows me on this device   and videos as well also some other options in the  top right I can actually toggle between list few I   can go to thumbnail View and if I right click on  here in this gray area I actually like to choose   icon and text that way I see what these buttons  actually do there's also this action button that   allows me to choose when connecting this iPad do  I want it to always open an image capture or do   I want it to open in photos or preview or mail I  could delete this picture I could rotate it I can   change the thumbnail sizes long story short really  easy if I select a whole bunch of these pictures   I already have that other folder created I'll  just leave it at that and I will say download   and it's just going to transfer those photographs  from this iPad directly to the computer here and   we will see all of those pictures in that folder  they still reside on the iPad they haven't gone   anywhere they're still here so if I open up photos  all of the photographs are here nothing is missing   if I quit out of image capture go to Apple photos  again the iPad will show up on the left hand side   and it says hey there's 39 photos were already in  imported but there is a new one so I could copy   this new one directly to the library as well  the same exact options I have the ability to   select ones if I wanted to and import or import  new photo on the top right I can delete items   after importing but that's going to delete them  off my iPad maybe I don't want that and just like   before I have this another preference to open  photos for this device if I always wanted Apple   photos to open whenever this was connected so the  main tool is to import directly into the computer   are going to be apple photos and image capture  on your Mac now if I close this out we're in the   finder if I go to the iPad on the left hand side  it wants us to trust it and this is where because   this device is not tied to an Apple ID when I  go to the photos tab notice I now have different   options than I did before it's pretty much saying  hey if you want photos to synchronize from this   Mac to this iPad check this box and then it's  saying where are the pictures coming from are they   coming from Apple photos or a different folder  structure that you already have organized and   you'll notice it does give you a warning here if  photographs are not synchronized to download the   original ones for the the preferences in photos  app they're not going to be copied over but this   pretty much allows you to choose either all photos  and albums I could choose selected albums so now   if I wanted all of my travel photographs from all  over the years I could just select all of these   boxes and if I chose apply in the bottom right  it's going to synchronize those photographs from   this computer directly to this iPad but it's  a one-way sync I can't synchronize iPad to the   computer through the finder it's just replacing  it and if you ever were to do this and you plug   this iPad into a different computer that computer  is going to replace what's on this iPad with what   this computer gave it I'm not looking to do that  this is more about transferring photographs and   videos from this device to the computer now the  last option is actually kind of an oddball options   there's an application called preview if I open  up preview if I go up to file there's an option   where it gives me import from iPhone or iPad  and and it actually shows you choices where I   can choose import from jpad which is actually this  iPad and it gives you the same exact option where   I can select this photo choose import and it's  just going to ask me where I want it to go so   it's very very similar to image capture but it's  using it through preview now this other option   here is import from iPhone or iPad but this is  the iPhone or iPad that's linked with your Apple   ID so it won't work on this iPad here because this  iPad is not tied to any Apple ID but if I go to my   phone here that is the learn with Joel iPhone if  I choose take photo notice what's going to happen   on my phone it automatically switches to the  camera and if I just take a picture of this cable   it gives me an option to retake it or use Photo  I'll say use Photo and it automatically copies   that picture wirelessly through preview and  I could go through here choose markup and do   whatever I want I could add texts and all sorts  of stuff so how cool is that and it did it all   wirelessly just because of the same Apple ID so  again that was through file import from iPhone   or iPad I can choose scan documents too which  actually works awesome scan documents let's see   I don't have a document ah let's see here I have a  coupon for the 2022 Minnesota Renaissance Festival   so unlike taking a photograph when you scan a  document notice on my phone here it's trying to   recognize and it has that blue box so when I do  that it automatically just captures just captures   the content so I'm gonna do save it actually  automatically did it so let me touch save here   there we go there is that Renaissance Festival  icon let's do it again here let me turn the auto   off because sometimes that is a little annoying  so again difference between take photo versus   scanned documents scan documents is automatically  going to try and find the edges of something so   notice that blue box oh I did not take off auto  if I touch Auto in the top right there we go so   now it's set to manual and so if I touch the the  center button of the circle it now gives me the   ability to drag Corners so that I can quickly  I want to go around just like that the edges   and I can say keep scan and then I'll do save and  it's automatically going to wirelessly scan those   documents directly to my Mac how easy is that so  look how good that looks on on the computer here   slightly different than taking a photograph but  hey kind of nice so I don't need this file anymore   so I'm just going to choose delete quit preview  and we are done on the Mac side of things so that   is pretty much importing and transferring photos  and videos from your iPhone and iPad to your Mac   now we are jumping to the Windows computer I'm  going to show just what I know with the windows   we can synchronize through iCloud photos just like  we did on the Mac so in order for you to do that   though you need to have iCloud for windows  installed and I will link a video down below   that talks about the whole process of where and  how to get iCloud for Windows and what boxes to   check so that things start syncing and when that  happens you can go into the file explorer go under   the pictures folder and then you'll have iCloud  photos show up right here and if I click on this   and go into photos I'll be able to see all of the  photographs that are on my iPhone as well as my   Mac through iCloud and it synchronizes them all  wirelessly here's that same bottle I took of my   sparkling water before and it just automatically  syncs to here the other option for Microsoft is if   you have a Microsoft OneDrive account Microsoft  OneDrive is just Microsoft's version of Apple   iCloud drive and Apple's cloud system it's nothing  more than you're paying them for all of their   services and when you log into Microsoft OneDrive  and take photos it has the ability to synchronize   that content as well wirelessly similar to Google  Dropbox or Amazon photos all of them are very very   similar if you want to physically just plug your  phone or iPad directly to your Windows computer   you can do that as well and that's where I'll  just use the built-in photos app here so when   I open up photos you'll notice that here it's  already showing up all of the photographs that   are synchronized with iCloud and if I go to  the little dots in the top right I can choose   settings and I can actually tell it to not show  that folder so I'm just going to click X here to   eliminate and remove that folder we can always add  it back because now when I go back in the top left   there's no photographs here and there's no albums  there's no people there's no folders anything like   that so I want to start from scratch and just  take photographs that I've taken with my phone   and import directly to the Windows computer so I'm  going to grab my cable here I'm going to plug in something went wrong we're having trouble  accessing your device oh maybe this is why Windows   users have such a problem transferring photos to  their Windows device all right let's try again   looking for a device to import okay looking for  new photos and videos zero items found so far oh   there we go so it's seeing all of the photographs  and videos on this iPhone and I can just choose   any of them select a couple of these ships here  import choose destination we'll go straight to the   pictures folder and add this folder to pictures  import three of 1400 items and there we go it   got imported into here but you'll also notice that  in the settings it brought back that whole entire   pictures folder so I guess if we actually created  here let's actually take a step back let's create   a new folder on the desktop and say imported  pictures and we are going to eliminate this   pictures in the settings we're going to add this  folder here that we just created on the desktop so that way there's no photographs in here let's  actually plug in my iPad because my iPad is not   associated with the Apple ID that way we're not  mixing up any of the cloud stuff plug my iPad in   a few things happen notice in the bottom right  it gives us a little notification asking us hey   we see you plugged in this iPad what do you want  to do with it every time you plug it in and so   we can say import photos and videos we can import  photos and videos to OneDrive we can synchronize   using the Windows Media Player just open up  the file browser or take no action at all I'm   not a big Windows user so if someone has a good  preference on recommendation of what you should   choose I guess in my opinion if the goal is to  transfer and import photos and videos from your   iPad or iPhone to your Windows computer I would  just choose photos and videos into the photos app   so I'm going to select that and again it just  gives us all the options so I can choose to   select all items because I know they're all  locally on here they're not tied to a cloud at all   and I'm going to choose import all of these items  and they should naturally go into this folder   here located on the desktop so if I double click  this we should be able to see that import process   happen which we currently do all right so it's  importing and it imported all 42 items I don't   see a done button anywhere did it freeze up on me  I guess so what do I do close it open it back up   all right that works yay all right so all of these  photographs are now copied into the computer now   that last notification that popped up when I  plugged in the iPad if you ever want to change   that if you go to the settings of your Windows  computer you can go to Bluetooth and devices and   scroll down to autoplay and this is where you can  change the options of what we originally saw so if   you did take no action accidentally and you wanted  to change that well now you can actually say well   maybe ask me every time and that's for my iPhone  or maybe for my iPad I always wanted to open up   photos or I always wanted to open up the device  in the file view window so then I can close that   and I'll close this so now that I changed that  setting for the iPad in theory if I unplug this   and plug this back in it should open up in the  file explorer shows it on the left hand side I   can see the internal storage I can double click  on this and this DCIM folder is the folder that   actually contains all of your photographs and so  this should in theory be by date so 2022.05 for   the month and 2022.08 for the month as well and  that's that's pretty much what I know for Windows   your device shows up you choose a folder and the  settings here of where you want your pictures to   synchronize by default probably the best place  is your pictures folder I'm just gonna throw   that out there and that way when you put any  pictures in there they're all going to show   up in this one location and you have a One-Stop  shop for all of your folders that you have in   your file explorer window thing and you know what  that's probably why so many windows users are so   wanting folders inside of Apple photos that  probably makes sense now because all of your   pictures are inside of folders upon folders within  pictures now what are these what's a DOT AAE file   okay I don't I don't know I don't know but this is  what I know about Windows so if anyone else wants   to add and comment and add some more information  to help Windows folks feel free to do that because   I would absolutely love your assistance so overall  those are the options to transfer and import and   copy videos and photos from your iPhone to  your Mac as well as to your Windows computer   so thank you so much for watching if you want  to support my channel go ahead hit that thanks   button down below if you like this video give  it a thumbs up and hit that like button and if   you learned something new go ahead hit subscribe  tap that little bell and we'll see you next time
Channel: Learn with Joel Feld
Views: 109,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apple, ipad, iphone, learn, Apple tutorials, iOS, iCloud, how to transfer photos from iphone to mac, transfer photos from iPhone to computer, transfer iPhone photos to windows computer, transfer photos, import photos, transfer iCloud photos, how to transfer photos from iphone to laptop, icloud, windows autoplay, transfer photos using iCloud photos, transfer photos using cable, USB cable to transfer photos, import photos to mac, import photos to computer, transfer photos from iPad to pc
Id: nRDmo6xFez4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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