How to transfer an image onto wood

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hey what's up guys welcome back today I'm going to show you how to transfer an image onto a piece of wood so not everybody can airbrush I know I can't particularly draw or anything like that so sometimes it's good to either be able to put in a base for an image so that you can fill it in after and like shade it in and whatnot or be able to completely transfer an image onto a piece of wood now there are ways to do this with fancy equipment either by burning it in the laser and pointing over there because we have one or printing it right on there stuff like that but you know not everybody's got that stuff it's pretty easy actually to be able to transfer an image that you've printed off on a laser printer right onto a piece of wood if you do it properly so that's what we're gonna do today no specialized equipment required there's really not a whole lot to it all we're really going to use in terms of products and equipment is this Minwax polycrylic here so I'm gonna put a link to that an affiliate link in the description below if you're looking for some I'm sure you can get it at a hardware store or something like that near you but if you want to buy it offline sorry online off the online I don't apply you know if you want to buy it on Amazon I'm gonna put a link to it you can check it out there so now that we've covered what we're gonna be using let's open this guy up and get to work [Music] in order to get this on here nice and even this is just a chunk of scrap wood it's bent and everything but you'll still get the idea so in order to get this on here nice and even and avoid brushstrokes and everything this is a waterborne paint or water-based rather I'm going to just use a foam brush and try and put a nice not particularly thick layer on here I probably should have sanded this the piece of wood is reasonably smooth as it stands so I'm not too too worried about that now you don't you need a reasonable layer of this stuff you can't just at least I don't just brush on a very very thin layer I need something to be able to you know push that image down into but of course you want to get it as smooth as you can avoid a bunch of brush strokes and stuff like that we're gonna have to come in and topcoat over this later at least for a finished project or product we would definitely be doing that for the purposes of this one I'm not sure I'm gonna bother but we'll see the nice thing about this water-based stuff is it's pretty damn easy to apply gives a nice crystal-clear look if you want some ambering you're gonna need to go oil-based but don't do that for this because you won't be able to transfer the image quite the same [Music] you'll notice I'm coming back now and putting on a little more that didn't get much build-up the first time and this stuff dries slow enough that I can do this as opposed to if I were brushing on a lacquer and coming back in like this would just mess it up alright so I've got my layer on there now it's looking pretty good I'm I'm happy with it so I'm gonna move this out of my way and now you want to be able to line this up so if you need to fold the corner or something to get it lined up you're gonna want to do that before you put your finish on but for the purposes of mine it's pretty straightforward just straight bottom so I can just pull it down there and then I want to push it down smooth it out make sure there's no air under there always start at the middle when you're doing this and push to the outside it's nice if you have an image that covers the entire surface that you're working on but it doesn't need to be done that way as you can see I'm just using a small piece of paper that only takes up a portion of this so what I'm finding there's like a ridge here I'm trying to get that out right so you want to want to try to avoid having those underneath and this stuff is gonna wrinkle up a little bit as it absorbs that paint and it's water going in the paper right so that's just kind of to be expected but you want to try and limit that to some degree if you can because you don't want that to come through in your final image all right so this is pushed down on here now it's looking pretty good I'm not not gonna do anything else to it for now I'm just gonna let that sit for probably an hour an hour and a half and then we're gonna come back remove the paper backing and see how our image transferred onto the wood all right so this has been drying for about an hour now it's got kind of a satiny Sheen to it it's not you know it's it is what it is as far as how the quality of the clear coat papers stuck on there good so what we're gonna do now is take some warm water and a scotch pad and we're gonna take off this paper we're basically just gonna rub it off rub off the backing and see if the ink is transferred on here properly let's get started [Music] for the curtain gets a lot any way at all against the byway [Music] [Applause] for the curt part gets a warning on anyway the game is gone for the last town for the home I'll let you well there it is I threw a quick coat of lacquer on this at the end and I think it is looking pretty good you can see if you look in here you know right there there and there that's where the wrinkles were so when you are doing this be careful about your paper all right get you a little bit better focus here so you can see where the wrinkles are you know here and here you know they're basically just didn't transfer because the paper wasn't touching in those places so that's an important aspect of it you do have to make sure that you're careful about how you thin down or how you press down your paper rather sometimes it's worthwhile they usually a credit card or something they also have to be careful not to tear it so there's a balance to be found there but all at all I think this turned out pretty good remember start at the middle when you're pushing it out and try and get it as flat as you possibly can well guys I hope you enjoyed the video please find an excuse to give it a thumbs up if you wouldn't mind I would appreciate it and thank you for watching subscribe if you haven't already and I will see you next time have a good one [Music]
Channel: Brad Angove
Views: 70,714
Rating: 4.9602385 out of 5
Keywords: image transfer, wood transfer, image onto wood, Brad Angove, printing on wood, image on wood, printed image transfer, gel transfer, how to transfer an image
Id: cTXWjmonOrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2018
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