How To Train Your Dog to STOP Pretending You Don’t Exist!

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today we'll go over some ways to teach your dog to listen to you when you go to a brand new place this is way harder than it sounds isn't it I'm Zach George I train dogs this is my new dog and I'm going to show you how I train her from day one things definitely won't always go smoothly you can start from the beginning or you can pick up anywhere subscribe and hit the Bell notification so you never miss an episode when you put into motion an approach based on love and respect your results will forever remain in motion this is inertia welcome to the dog training experience now more than ever we have to have our supplies shipped to us it's safe and it's actually a lot more convenient let's see what peplus sent us this month hey look at this we got fruitables have you noticed how so many different dog treats taste the same okay you probably wouldn't I've noticed how they taste the same but these don't you could totally eat these so check this out we have a Kong toy here they actually have a roping and how Innovative is that this is what's known as a high value currency for a dog that likes to play this looks cool it's like glow-in-the-dark ball so you can finally play at night but what makes Pep flow the most amazing company on Earth is that they have figured out a way for you to order your dog food one time and have it be there whenever you need it you just tell peplo the brand of food you want and how often you want it shipped and it'll be at your front door enter code Zac 30 and you'll get 10 off your first three automatic shipments I'll have that link in the description ah taking your dog to a brand new place can always be an adventure I mean dogs are almost certainly going to be considerably more excited when they arrive somewhere new this can make communicating with them much more challenging so I'm going to keep in mind that I need to adjust my expectations here and balance her desire to explore and check out this new place with asking her to listen to the various requests that I'll make inertia come I got a parallel park you like a Cadillac hey that was really good let's see how she does out here I mean again a brand new place this is a good sign that she's starting to generalize because she's not overwhelmed by her environment where she won't pay attention to me on a basic stay or stay by my side so that's pretty good Sit Stay pause up good so randomly encouraging inertia to do some tricks like putting her paws up on the Rocks it's a good way to keep her mentally sharp and make sure that I can get her attention it's not something that's so monotonous that we're doing all the time hey not bad like leash walking for example where she's like okay this is boring can we do something else so giving her alternative things to do to also get her accustomed to paying attention to me in new places is something I like to regularly do nice work she recently learned speak let's see how she does with that let me try just a hand signal on speak and see how she does guitar shop wait okay let me try just a verbal speak more responsive to the verbal out here depending on the environment she kind of gravitates to one or the other a hand signal versus a verbal and with your own dog if you want them to learn both just practice both over time inertia come look at you all tangled up that was good though your dog's friendly yes she right you said gotcha cute dog say hi hi nice what's her name all right see ya come on please let's go good job come on you did so well with that dog dogs find it so stimulating going into new places like this and smelling and looking around and just seeing what is new in the world interesting look at this bridge easy can you back up good back up stay look at me okay and there's just still a little bit wound up and everything you can see how she's like really curious to check out her environment even with that excitement compared to a few months ago when we would arrive at a new location she's doing much better you can actually see too that she occasionally acknowledges my existence which is really great that's something that she wasn't very good at many months ago so teaching a dog takes time and patience and lots of consistency and understanding anytime you train in a new place something unexpected is bound to happen today is no exception I do not see a snake oh yeah look at that wow it's a big one too huh is it a cobra I mean you can see we got a big snake crossing our path right now good girl a nurse has never seen anything like that that is a large snake good girl she wants to go up and smell it wow that was crazy yet another unexpected thing that she gets to encounter oh my God all right I'm gonna run so I've got a long lead on her because I want to let her explore a little bit more and this lead is 50 feet long she's not too experienced with water at this point given our city dwelling life but I think it's important that she get comfortable with new places like this she's never jumped into water before and she may not today I just want to see if she wants to so mom's decided to get into the water I told you Chattahoochee water is the coldest water ever hahaha do you like if I get in here I can't maybe convince right but honestly it's better here's a dog suddenly approaching let's see how inertia behaves when a dog passes us at close range I'm gonna pull off to the side and let her observe the dog walking by in a way that's socially acceptable with the long lead on her now I can give her more free reign to explore the area while still having good control over her but I really want her to be able to explore pretty freely right now just because it's a new exciting place for her but I also want to be careful that I have control over her because there's the occasional dog out here you know I don't know how a dog's gonna react to her also various forms of wildlife are out here as well and even if there weren't other dogs or animals like that I still wouldn't want to let her off leash because I want to make sure I have control of her in a public place like this I mean there is no safety net otherwise even if your dog eventually does listen to you when you call them if they're off leash in this type of situation you don't want them getting in the habit of routinely ignoring you and having her on lead like this really prevents that bad habit from becoming ingrained she's enjoying just going off here and looking at the water she's getting more and more care serious about that here's an example where she's really distracted by her environment it's a good time to practice come when called although I fear she's gonna come straight to me and get tangled up in our should come here we go look at that yes good girl you want this here I'm gonna reward you for that that was great even when you're giving your dog a chance to explore like this and give them more freedom it's a really good opportunity and I highly recommend that you practice come when called when they're not expecting it often so that way when a real life situation emerges where you need them to come to you you'll feel more confident that they'll actually come to you so right there she's licking the mud I don't like that inertia come so I'm giving her the incompatible behavior of coming to me I'm not even going to reward her because she seems content to listen inertia cup come on yes good look at you look at you come here that's it I love it nice Extra Touch I really like when she comes into that heel when she comes to me so okay she saw a squirrel and thought about chasing it I was able to call her off the squirrel I mean you can see before your dog is ever going to be perfect about not chasing squirrels or whatever their bad habits are it needs to happen less and less you don't just go from chasing squirrels to not chasing squirrels you go from chasing squirrels all the time to trying to chase squirrels less and less and sometimes you have relapses in the middle there you're just trying to put those puzzle pieces together over time with your dog oh it looks like another dog is coming around the corner on short notice this is why managing your dog in places like this is so important if inertia wasn't on a lead right now she would almost certainly go up to the other dog nonetheless she's not barking or lunging which is a great Improvement and look she's just naturally checking out the water over here and this is healthy I like this so give her an opportunity to do that that's the second time she's naturally just gone up to check out the water must smell so interesting over there as well you can hear the sounds of the Rushing Waters in The Distance as well and this looks different than what she's used to seeing every every day inertia come yeah come on good girl good you want this or do you just want to continue on see right now the currency is kind of vary between giving her a treat and just allowing her to continue to advance so those seem kind of equal right now I'm choosing those two things the food and her access to continue the walk as my reinforcing events here there are times where dogs are so excited to be in a new place that they won't even take Treats but if you give them access to the new place they're like I would much rather that every dog is different so always keep that in mind she's distracted by a ground scent and I really like how she's following right now so that's good lie down yes stand stay lie down stand stay and lie down lie down and okay it's not always just about teaching them constantly and making them a robot and it's not always about letting them do whatever they want so you kind of have to balance those things all right let's test come when call ready inertia come come on yeah good girl oh she got snagged up over there but that was good okay so now we're off the beaten path and I'm sure there's no way there'll be any unexpected distractions here that's okay this obviously startles inertia and me too for that matter in that case what I had to do was fall back on management she was too over stimulated to just say oh I'm going to ignore that so I had to hold her to make sure that she didn't throw off the hiker it's my responsibility to manage my dog when I'm in the real world like this so that's what you do in lieu of actual training and also a really good example of why we're keeping her on lead always prepare for the unforeseen come on yes good good girl hey inertia come one of the most valuable things I'm getting from a training session like this is really practicing come when called and a strange foreign alien-like environment to her and her should come there you go good girl good girl okay let's go walking with your dog on a long lead like this really allows you to test their natural tendency to stay with you or their train tendency I mean has your training been working or does it need work long lead will help you know where you stand in terms of having a reliable dog off leash in the future inertia should come let's throw our wild card this time stay lie down girl that's that's very good okay come all right good girl that deserves a treat that deserves a treat you're gonna give me a heel too come on all right thanks I appreciate it let's see how she does with frisbee good so yeah it looks like she does show interest in the Frisbee even out here which is neat haven't you noticed that with your own dogs they'll do some things in some places but not others that's why we constantly test and expose and desensitize our dog to new areas like this and train them there's so much repetition involved when you're raising a dog if you really want them listening to you everywhere and there's no way to fast forward life experience at all for them so it's not that they don't understand the skills it's that they don't understand that they need to listen to these skills everywhere that's the hard part but it's really not that hard it's a lot of fun actually as long as you have the right attitude get 10 off your first three automatic pet food shipments from pet flow when you enter my special discount code Zac 30 at checkout subscribe to my channel and get both of my books if you want the maximum amount of help training your dog follow us on Instagram and Tick Tock to see how inertia is doing in real time every single day all of the links are in the description of this video in the next episode we're celebrating inertia's first birthday what do you think we should do tell me in the comments below thank you
Channel: Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution
Views: 257,618
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Id: SLLFyQwp1Qo
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Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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