How to train for the GS Trophy - Road to Nationals - Day 1

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[Music] so with up and coming gs trophy in albania next year a lot of bmw gs riders have been training very seriously to get ready for this amazing event south africa is no different after the previous qualifier a while ago and nationals in three weeks time every province in esse has been getting ready to send their riders to the gs trophy national event the north west team wanted in on the action and we were very fortunate to be invited to a training weekend in preparation for nationals the team of riders would be training us with an assortment of excellent riders with serious skill sets from a local terrain expert all the way to a posh trophy champion coming from the old northwest team thank you to everyone organizing the training weekend and the sharing of your knowledge we really appreciate your efforts we once again ended up in class at the awesome racing facilities at star raceway the north west team met up at bmw glassdoor we checked that everything was good on our bikes and we set out to start our weekend now then let's get into what we did for our training for the gs trophy national event upon arriving at the track we immediately started exercise one was once again the parallel logs this time with a bit of an advanced curve to it it had a small twist at the end most of the exercises we would be doing would form the same structure so our northwest team consisted of three riders upon completing the exercise once or twice we then had to do it in unison keeping a one meter gap between the three of us we had a small discussion about what we should change to improve our technique [Music] the trick here was before entering the parallel logs we should already be close to each other and that the second trick was that no rider should make any sudden adjustments to his speed if one guy opened up the throttle we would leave behind another guy and thus the squad being disqualified from the exercise exercise 2 was the good old-fashioned log grind the trick with the log grind is entering it at a 45 degree angle and then putting all of your weight on your outside peg meaning in this situation the peg on the left hand side you you then pick up your leg on the right hand side to make sure you don't put any weight on the inside peg i was struggling a bit with this but after some quick help i was doing much better we then also went further and did it together as a team the first time doing the log ride together as a team we had a couple of mishaps but pretty soon after we were doing just fine [Music] balance boy [Applause] exercise 3 was the bike left over log this was something that tired us out extreme amounts so the whole point of this is putting all three bikes in neutral and then lifting them over a big stump two guys had to go down at each of the two forks the special trick as we were taught was jumping on the back of the bike this was a pretty funny twist to the whole thing is at first we couldn't understand how this would work but the amount of weight that it takes off the front end of the bike is just crazy so lifting up and picking up all three bikes over this log was then stop watched our times increased dramatically over the three or four times that we tried doing it [Music] wow [Music] then eventually we set on 45 seconds next up was probably one of the most difficult exercises of our entire weekend exercise four was a straightforward figure eight but it had a small twist it was against a really steep uphill i know in the gopro footage it doesn't look that steep of an uphill but the bikes literally had to be spun to get up that up that massive hill we later thought uh we were later introduced to try something new by entering the frigate from the top doing the difficult bit first but we had some serious drops here and some serious crash ball bins bulk busters yeah it was a it was a pretty fun experience uh it's it's still i guess one of the things i need to practice the most in preparation for nationals the chances of it also being at nationals we have no idea but we trained we did it and we were hoping that we could broaden our skills at least but yeah lots of fun and i took some serious noxian there on top of the uphill figure eight exercise five was break and power slides now these power slides there's something that that are truly difficult to master i feel like it takes a lot of instinct and a lot of skill and training to be able to really perform well in these especially without putting down one of your feet it's a lot easier to come in with a nice and long stretched brake slide putting your foot down and then exiting with your power slide but doing the two of them together really creates a whole new level of skill it's definitely something that did frustrate me a bit thanks mark for some encouraging words there at one point i was i was getting pretty negative but yeah it was it was a yet again a bit of a learning curve and also something that i'm sure the rest of our team was was also going to practice a lot and yeah next up we did a quick lap or two on the track that star raceway always fun to you know just do some straightforward track riding although the gss do perform quite oddly on these tracks they're not built for these big adventure bikes some of those bumps there you can really mess up big if you're not focusing but yeah always lots of fun so yeah we were getting close to the end of day one uh we started to get ready for the gps run where we would be getting coordinates to then decipher into different forms of coordinates and then using that to get our second location third location and then thus tracking down other the other riders we had a quick lunch and as you can see we were getting pretty tired after long they're riding and soon we set off luckily we are jp he was our navigator he by far the most experienced on a gps out of the three of us and not before long we were already at our first location we got our next set of coordinates from one of the lovely ladies over at western ball outside of clarkstort we deciphered them pretty quickly but unfortunately they found out that we used our phones to decipher the first one so our phones got confiscated and with my gopros battery getting pretty low i knew that so i was gonna have to really decide what i wanted to record we set out to our third location and not before too long we raced through the town to get there yeah we were going a bit fast the jdp even did a quick stunt upon arriving at tarantol we had to do some monkey ball swings after admit they took some strength but after having some fun on those we over at tarantol we had to also do some technical stuff there was a massive tire parked outside uh over which we had to pick all three of the bikes yet again it took us quite some time to get all three of them over there but eventually we managed [Music] once we finally got the bikes over that massive tyre we did uh some stay exercises so long ago this place was an old diving school so there were these deep concrete pits that were still remaining and we had to do some stairs climbing and down and also it was starting to get a bit dark so the gopro wasn't performing as well anymore as well but we had had an awesome first day and we were super super tired after all of the riding that we had done once again just thanks so much for everybody training us this was this was such a lovely first day and we were looking forward to the second and third day of our training weekend and then just lastly uh thanks jock for for that lovely vodka lemon twist mix in my helmet i really love smelling that for the rest of the trading weekend never a dull moment in class [Music]
Channel: Pine's Adventures
Views: 4,272
Rating: 4.9705882 out of 5
Keywords: south africa, africa, bmw, bmw gs, bmw 800, bmw 1200, bmw gsa, mpumalanga, touring, motorbike, motorcycle, off-road, off-road biking, andreas van heerden, andreas, karoo 3, anakee wilds, mitas, african plains, rainy rides, motorbike rides, motorcycle touring, explore, adventure, live, gopro, gopro hero 8, sabie, tonteldoos, mariepskop, mountains, country tracks, gs trophy albania, gs trophy, spirit of gs, gs trophy qualifier, bmw klerksdorp, northwest trophy team
Id: hf1e7bBmP6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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