How to track Your Website with Google Analytics

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yo yo yo what's up what's up this your boy mr. solo 3,000 and I'm here with you today because I want to show you how to track your actual business which is your actual landing page that you create it down to the T and Google Analytics is fun I'm going to walk you through step by step and it's just a short story so let's get started you what you want to do is type in slash analytics inside of your web browser and to make this main page will pop up you want to go right here in the right corner create an account click on that and go to the upper right hand corner with your sign up click on that and you just put your name like I said this is the example name people John Williams I'm just creating it straight from scratch so you will know what you're doing and all you can walk with me when I walk through with me you know what I mean as I'm doing this so now John doc Williams three ninety four at create my whole look another account so I can walk you through step by step a lot of people don't do this people that's this is how you bring yourself as a leader because you showing people information so why wouldn't you would want to pay if you was looking for business opportunities to get into I mean it's that simple whatever you show people that's how much money you make show you make the money all you have to do is show first and I got the Camtasia description this is a beautiful lovely way to show you know what I mean lovely way to show people so now I'm going to type in a password for this let me speed this up too because I don't want this to be so long what sings 1990 put it in a mobile number now you don't put in Mobile MLS RTS oh that's funny I get like a weird word and it's done like that's good but you have to agree to the times that you know services next boom you have done now I already have my yahoo account pull it up and often all I have to do is look for the email you're not that they shot me and this is a beautiful beautiful business people to get in so I'm just going to show you straight straight from scratch straight from scratch okay agreed so we can verify this so we can get this going you know what I mean so now you're ready to search create and collaborate okay back to Google because all you have to do is create a Google account that's why I walked you through step by step how to do that but go sign up for Google Analytics start analyzing start using move analytics sign up on the website now this is the whole breakdown people what would you like to track website up we like to track your website because you are affiliate of a website you know what I mean Apps is for like androids and you know iPhones and stuff so this is Universal on tracking event tracking basic GA features you know all the stuff look through that stuff people and if you're really serious then you got this pull it up and you you know you're ready but you actually have to join first I mean if you have a business you can do it and walk through with your business and see if they work on your business first but this is the website named Big Idea mastermind HTTP colon slash four slash four slash I'm going to go with join group Dave because that's my example on comm that's my example website URL that I have for you guys just to show you as an example we've added more industry category select one that best represents your business you go to we actually go to home Computers online communities you know what I mean it really don't matter what you put in that people so the United States cific time whichever time zone you're in account name all you'd like to get that now you just button oh yeah yes you do okay so I'll counts all the topmost level of organisms contain one or more tracking IDs my little count name David P is something like that so go get tracking ID go get tracking ID oh other stuff okay I excel success now I just enter you know what I mean just my simple landing page that I created in GoDaddy and not pointing the name service to my actual business which that's like the second or third video people so you need to watch that in order for you to get Heidi's goals and get how to obtain the arm your personal house which is your personal you know business that you promote you know so you go down this is your tracking code now this this where it gets you know to the Grenada gritty this way you need to really pay attention because you have to do this right so now I'm gonna pull up my other tab I'm gonna pull up my business that I am in which is Big Idea mastermind calm you know what I mean see how much time I left six minutes okay we cool so long 3,000 sign into my back office and in this business is beautiful because this allows you if you have a business right now any business out there don't allow you to actually you know what I mean put the actual tracking code inside of your personal business that you're promoting this business is lovely people when you want to go down to autoresponder and tracking setup if you get inside them which will be 48 hours like I say all the descriptions in below if you want to join now with the 25 and get your business for 25 bucks you can its the description below just hit my arm link and say do you want you your so arm your sponsor to be subtle 3,000 you just type check yes you know what I mean because you need to know all the information you need you know and I'm a really tell you the secrets on what I'm doing and once you get inside you know what I mean so I want to go down to see see I love you this is now this is a different arm Google Analytics that I'm tracking so I don't want to mess with that because that's my original tracking page that I have get going I'm outside my own personal account with Google Analytics so you press enter and all you have to do is go back select this you know what I mean just copy paste people I mean it's real simple copy this go back to your original business and just paste it right on the script right under the last word or it'll be just blank for you because you don't have original landing pages that your track is all you have to do is just paste it you want to mean paste it like that save and it's going to actually save your arm your Google Analytics account so you want to go down see if it's saved right okay now your profile been updated so now what I want to do is go back to Google Analytics you know what I mean go to go to your actual you know where page David I picked a VP as my account ID you know what I mean so you type in BAM you get your website data you know what I mean and you just go to all website down go through your stuff like this I don't waste the report yeah that's what I'm looking for okay now here's the meat and bones you see I created you know go took to the upper hand calling up the Google Analytics and um hit reporting tab once you get in and get signed in you know what I mean some go to real-time and go to overview you know what I mean and this is the overview this is the blueprint this is the meeting to take those people so now what I did was I copy and paste it that that script and copy and pasted into my back office in Google Analytics so let me show you the blueprint and I'm going to get up off here people like I said add me on Facebook if you have any questions you can personally Skype me my skype information it down there at the below scription on description and you can get started people in join for the 25 at least and my platinum members you know what to do once you join you just join for the 25 then go up to 15k formula inside of empower and you're going to get on your 30 days to 10k 30 days to $10,000 people real-life stuff in 10,000 dollars ain't nothing to make because you work 1600 so all you have to do is get about five sales including the upsells you know what I mean so now what I want to do is I'm gonna actually test my on landing page now so the actual um the actual landing page that you bought from GoDaddy and which is in the previous videos that I made you just type it in and see for yourself you know what I mean joint group David like I created inside my own Google Analytics and boom I pointed my name service so you'll know how to do that in my previous videos also you know what I mean you see your own unique landing your unique ID will be at the end of your website you know what I mean so now you are officially on here you see I mean now look at the beauty of this boom this is real-time people that are actually on your page so when you drive people in drive your traffic you know where they're coming from you got the overview got the locations you know what I mean see look United States look I am an active visitor on my own website so it'll show you to let you know offhand if you did it right you know what I mean if you copy and paste it into your back office it'll let you know but this is all what's inside of them look you could actually track the landing page tracking code the landing page conversion code which means if people aren't typing their email you can track that you know the pages that's on Victor's outs on sales videos you know the sales conversion pages track code so when they actually buy from being back up on you you know you can see if you got three four sales out of five hundred clicks you know all you have to do is obtain the UM hyper tracker um thing and that's it hyper tracker landing cold hyper tracker you know what I mean so I'm previously I mean I'm I'm actually on my page you know Israel is real simple see look I'm still on my page you know what I mean my actual landing page that I created and all I had had to do in my back office was point the name service through my actual landing pages in my back office you know a lot of businesses have landing pages in their back office all you have to do is point to name servers you know what I mean that's it people that's it get you a unique URL track it I see you on the other side like I said join now you know I would be having special promotions over the course of these videos just subscribe to my channel hit a like button hit the facebook like button add me on Facebook you know all the descriptions is below people all the descriptions are below the actual YouTube video now that's it for this I will see you on the other side people
Channel: davieo phillips
Views: 111,455
Rating: 4.9327216 out of 5
Keywords: Big Idea Mastermind, Big Idea Mastermind is a Scam, Big Idea Mastermind Review, Big Idea Mastermind Update
Id: 5Ip_Ttkhqwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2013
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