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hello guys alvin here again from alvin jpeg gaming too today i'm going to be showing you how to run time code without using reaper or any other software because you see most of those videos on youtube talk about reaper and you know some guys don't have a some guys are using low end pc so they're not about run with reaper but but this is now a very critical thing because to run without tripar you need to know the song in your head and you need to know when your time code starts so it's a very crucial thing when you're running time called that tripper you have to pick a song you know the song probably you have to make sure when you're programming you keep the song in your head don't forget the song so let's go to our a new tab like let's go let's make let me let me quickly clear my screen here so that i can show everything so now you want to like make a time code pull real quick um time for that time code is it this so you want to make that then also you want to add a time code like this like this so now you can see i have a time code here but this time code is running without reaper so basically i know when the song starts and okay you know when the song like you know how the song goes and i know when my time could supposed to start so i don't start at the beginning like of the song like you start at some point some part of the song so this stem color is actually for the song over it's called uh it's called wow by the eso tiesto let me let me just show you real quick okay so i'm going to play the song here on the side so you can see now when i play that song now that part that part word like it makes that sound over that beginning t that's when that's when i press play on the on the time code that's when i press play up here for the time code to start so i do not start on the beginning of the song like i don't have to be so keen yes first here just wait i fussy at that beginning raised like such a razor goes up [Music] yeah then when i hear that that's that's when i start that's when i play that uh i think there is that to start so so you have to make sure every time you're recording like make sure you press record on that part so that you can make sure you're on bit and all the time code uh all your lighting programming stuff can go and beat so yeah that's how you can do it without triple so all you have to do is i'll come here to the 10 code slots then after i want to save on your time codes i'm going to clear out the programmer then after you want to come click click store then you're going to press the time call slot here if what you can label that's a a sign that's a yes assign a sign twice and you press and then you name it whatever i want so yeah so yeah just name it whatever i want then after you press ok then after you know what you want to do is click it to select it then you can now make sure you have put on your playback so whatever you want to do into that into the playback section down here then you want to press this to start so you won't wait for that part where you have to have your icon actually actually i actually recommend that you use a separate device to play that song so that you don't interfere with that with the timing of the programmer in your actual computer so maybe get a phone or maybe have that have just have the music somewhere else and after you just press play on that device then after actually just press play then you wait for when you want to like the part where you want the song to start don't start in the beginning because it's going to mess up the whole thing because you know ripper helps you reaper literally hears the sound itself so it's not going to start the time code so even if it's at an actual beginning there's no there's no problem repo ripper helps you out very well so here you just want to wait press play then after you're going to come read the bird at the record button press record and then it's going to start recording everything that you do so like i press record and after i begin doing our stuff maybe because i think these are these i think movements from our previous uh show i was trying to time to to a program so yeah just like that yeah so guys so that's how you do it very simple so guys before you leave consider subscribing like inside the algorithm you can spread the video to more guys yeah i don't know this video is like i think my third yeah and currently i have two subscribers yeah i'm so embarrassing but i know get somewhere so guys consider liking subscribing i'm a light designer like take my news i'll do some thanks for watching happy programming peace [Music] you
Channel: Alvyn Jpeg MA2
Views: 94
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GrandMA2, GrandMA3, MA2, MA3, alvyn Jpeg, MA2 Console, MA lighting Stage lighting, stage light, GrandMA1, lighting, MA2 lighting console, MAlighting, tips and tricks, how to, Grand ma2 progamming, Light console, grandma 2, console trainer, Christian Jackson, timecode, reaper, without reaper, timecode in gragma2
Id: RYi3qKxHuuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 4sec (244 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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