GrandMA2 Tricks - Speedmaster Delay Times

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hey YouTube how's it going today I'm gonna be showing you a quick and easy way to grab the value from a speed master calculate the laying off times for it and use it wherever you'd like so first thing I'm gonna have to do is go down description download the plug-in and the XML file put it into your plugins folder inside of your ma folder and import it in your show once it's in you should have it inside of a plug-in pool imported and this is what the plugin looks like all you need to do for the setup for this is create an effect at line one or wherever we can show you how to modify that later and set up set up the year effect just like this so if speed group is gonna be your preferred speed group that you want to recall from whatever your tap tempo BPM is or your sound input BPM is for example I'm using here set your rate to one and that's it this affects not being run I'll see you being used as a placeholder to actually recall the PPM from so inside this plugin what it actually does so we're gonna get the handles from it and this is essentially just storing the effect into a pool and right here that second line right here is that what the value that you can change if you need to so let's say you want to put the effect in pulled 9,000 you would change this one value right in the center to be 9,000 or if you want 500 put it and change it to 500 this last value is only recalling command line one so if you want to modify this even more and add a bunch of more lines to it to calculate different delay times for different BPMS you create a few just create another one of these plugins and change this to be line two for example and you have to be pm's that you can calculate off times for then the rest of this is just grabbing the number from that handles that speed handle removing the BPM will let letters from it and just storing the value for it so if I set a BPM value right here to let's say 120 - if we were to recall this plug-in type in the value BPM that variable we could see the variable comes up this variable can be whatever we want it to be 144 let me recall it there you go you have to make sure that every time that you were changing the BPM you have to recall the plug-in so it recalculates it and so it just it just keeps knowing what the actual BPM every time is so how do we actually use this well we're first gonna have to recall the plug-in from a macro easy as that you create a new macro I'm just gonna call it get that SM just so to get that speed master that says Lua quotations get that SM Co tape or parentheses put quotation marks that's simply just calling the name of the exact plugin or you could just if you simply want to be Lua plug in whatever value it is then inside of a macro we're simply going to recall that macro that that recalls that plug in just like to keep it separate for data management and then we can assign that value all these variables that are created inside of here eighth note quarter note half note whole note 2 bar 4 bar eight bar to whatever value you want and if you want to add more values to it if you want to add sixteenth note or sixteen bar thirty-two bar whatever you want if you want to add more you simply multiply by two or divided by two depending on which direction you're going to go so if we want to add sixteenth note I'm simply gonna divide this in half so it's gonna be in this line if I copy and paste it call it sixteenth note and it would be 15 divided by B for this variable or if it's 16 bar you would multiply by two here it's simply just calculating all the math for you to get the delay time in sack in seconds so if we're gonna use a coordinate of delay for example on a BPM of let's say we're gonna use let me see speedmaster 3.16 at 120 cool my speed master is now at 120 we're gonna have a coordinate delay which is 0.4 1 6 6 repeating seconds then an example I have a button here it's gonna flash cereal some of my lights 1 2 3 let's see my off-time changes all right let's put bring up to a whole note off times a little longer if you want actually hear that with a metronome at 120 bpm here we go 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 and so on if you want to change that down to an eighth note we can tap it in with that everything's in time or denote in time with a click and that's how you do bpm calculated off times and delay times you can apply this variable to whatever you want you can apply it to sequence Q times you can apply it to fade times you can apply the variable anywhere all it's doing is just recalling these values from that effect and that speed master that you have so if we want to do anything else such as positions positions can also get calculated as well so an example that I can use here we can calculate here I have a bunch of fade times and Q times that we can use for everything so we can use sequence on X Y or Q times before they're actually fade times we can add fade times to positions so if I have a fade time of 1 second for position simply enough I'm gonna bring up these lights again top at and 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 everything's on time okay that's it that's a one-second trade if I want to do a half half bar one - it's easy as that just applying this value wherever you need and to kind of see what I'm actually doing inside of here simply enough I'm just assigning this fade time to a bunch of these physician execs which is just all the sequences that have my position to them and that's all you need to do you just need to run the plug-in can apply that variable to wherever it needs to go if you have any questions just leave a comment I should get back to you and enjoy the plugin
Channel: Josh Gregoire
Views: 1,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grandma2, programming, design, lua, plugin, speedmaster, lighting programming, lighting design, tutorital, tips, script, on pc, ma3d
Id: YnDBzVa1XJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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