How to Throw the Rear Uppercut in Boxing | 3 Range

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step back uppercut on this video i'm going  to talk all about the rear uppercut we've   got three different variations of the  rear uppercut we've got the short range   the mid-range and then the long  range i'm going to show you   exactly how to throw each one and tell you  when you should be throwing these punches my name is tony jeffries olympic bronze  medalist former undefeated professional boxer   seven times national champion european champion  welcome to my youtube channel so the rear uppercut this is actually a very hard punch to land when  you're leading off with it especially when you're   throwing the long range or even the mid-range  it's super hard to lead off that punch and land   it and i'm going to get into the long range  lead uppercut first this is what it looks like and as you can see i got quite a bit power  into that punch it was pretty fast and i   stepped with the punch as well to get my weight  and the full force of my body behind it so when   you're doing this you're going to step then  punch immediately after and if you think that   i've got an opponent here and i'm out of range  i'm stepping in range but i'm still throwing   that long punch and when you walk from that long  uppercut the finished position will look like this   going out there i'm not on a 90 degree angle or  i'm not on the short range side this is the long   one so your arm comes out and you want to drive  the force forward a common mistake with thrown   uppercut is people will throw it and they'll and  they'll try and bring the power up and go back   over there don't do that you want the force to  go forward and punch straight through it again and that's where the power comes in  so when would you throw this long lead   uppercut in a fight well if you are in with  an opponent who let's see throws a big long   sloppy right hand and he puts his weight  over his front foot and his head forward   he's in this position here he's in a perfect  position to hit him with that long lead   uppercut so i'm moving the bag is that as  if that's him coming in and as he comes in   big long lead uppercut and again  if he's moving on to that punch   you're going to get more power into it because  the force of him moving into it and you punching   through it increases the force a lot now moving  on to the mid-range uppercut it looks like this and as you notice how how i'm throwing  this i'm really turning my hip   and punching through that target again  like the long range one i'm not punching   up and trying to come up like that or i'm  going to end up punching myself in the face   like you might have seen tyson fury do  that one time on his youtube you want to   really drive through the punch turning your  hips and getting your body weight into it so when would you throw this in a fight i like to  think about if i'm fighting someone who's shorter   opponent than me if you think like a little mike  tyson who's marching forward like this he's the   perfect guy to blast them with that uppercut  so with this one you can do it move them back   which looks like this step back uppercut then you  can do it stepping forward which looks like this   wait for the bag to go come and step forward step  forward and then as well you can do it just on the   spot here turning that hip getting the power  in and like i said the best time to use this   if you aim with a smaller opponent who's marching  forward wrap that in and with this you can't just   only throw it off the jab you can throw it off  the hook or you can throw it off a one-two hook   and put it all together until you kind of perfect  it and now before we get on to the most popular   version of the uppercut what you should  definitely learn to master the short range one   a quick thing if you're enjoying this video please  subscribe to this channel hit that like button and   leave me any comments below it will really help  the channel that really helped me continue to   put content out like this so if you like it please  do that and also i've got the world's best boxing   drills video package click the link below check  that out i've got over 50 of the best boxing   drills from around the world all packed into one  video package that will 100 help you improve your   boxing so moving on to the short range uppercut i  absolutely love this punch and it looks like this such a good shot and when would you throw  this well i'm guessing you know when you're   inside with an opponent you would throw this  punch and every single fight in the history   of boxing just about ends up inside the  pocket where you can give you that chance   to throw that shot and the reason why i love  this punch so much is because you can set up   so many different punches with it if you think  i'm in front of you i threw that uppercut there   what you're going to do chance are you going to  block there so it leaves you open for the body   so i'll throw uppercut hit the body i can  throw it uppercut your hands come forward i   can hit you around the side there the short  range uppercut is one of my favorite punches   in boxing it's something that you should  definitely definitely try to perfect and get   better at i hope you enjoyed this video please  hit that subscribe button for more like this
Channel: Tony Jeffries
Views: 76,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to throw the rear uppercut, rear uppercut, how to throw uppercut, how to throw uppercut in boxing, uppercut variation, types of uppercuts, boxing uppercut, how to throw an uppercut, how to uppercut, uppercut punch, uppercut technique boxing, lead uppercut, short range uppercut, mid range uppercut, long range uppercut, how to land the uppercut, how to uppercut a heavy bag, how to properly throw an uppercut, how to throw an uppercut to the body, boxing uppercut combo
Id: iInkodqd5pE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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