How to think in your target language ... and stop translating in your head.

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hi everyone julie here so today i have a bit of  a weird trick to give you um on how to actually   think in your target language and not be  constantly translating in your head before   you speak before i give you my advice uh don't  forget to subscribe to the channel like the video   share it comment you know the drill right so how  to actually think in a different language so what   you want to do is you want to train your brain  basically you have to flick that little button   that will make your brain think in that language  and and speak without thinking because when when   you're speaking your mother tongue you're not  thinking before you say stuff right i mean at   least i don't think before i speak um but you  know what i mean like you know actually making   a sentence in your mind before you say it you  just you know you just say stuff and this is   what we want to activate and so for that you are  going to put on your phone five to ten reminders   throughout the day okay and when your phone rings  when you when the alarm rings you are going to   speak for 30 seconds to one minute depending  on your level in your target language without   thinking so you can't stop talking for 30 seconds  and don't talk in your head like out loud okay   um you will feel ridiculous and you will feel  like you don't know what to say it doesn't matter   just push through it okay the first few times  might be a bit difficult and you will feel a bit   weird but push through it and say whatever it  doesn't matter you can say you know my name is   and i'm 26 years old or whatever non-stop just  don't think just say whatever comes to your   to your mind you know in the talking  language and you can also do this exercise   in a written form which also works pretty well  um again you know for 30 seconds you write down   anything at all it could be your shopping list it  could be anything just write non-stop don't give   your brain the time to translate stuff okay and it  might seem like a really dumb and simple trick but   trust me as a language learner i've done that many  times and it's allowed me to be thinking in arabic   after just a few weeks of studying the language  and as a teacher i recommended this to some of my   students who i could hear i could genuinely see  they were translating in their brains and those   who have actually done that exercise have told  me wow it's incredible i'm actually thinking in   french so it really really really works so try it  and let me know if it worked for you as well bye
Channel: French ramble
Views: 5,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to learn a language, how to learn a language by yourself, how to learn a language effectively, how to learn a language fast, how to learn a language for free, how to learn a language from scratch, how to learn a language in 6 months, how to learn a language on your own, how to think in French, how to think in a different language, language tip, learn languages, polyglot, stop translating in your head, think in a foreign language, think in another language
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 30sec (150 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 04 2022
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