How To Thicken Acrylic Paint | Thickening Gel, Talcum Powder, Flour, Sand & Cornstarch?

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*Intro Music* Hello everyone and welcome back to my channel. Today I'm gonna be testing out some painting hacks. There are tons of painting hacks out there designed for changing the texture of paints, thickening paints, thinning paints, and doing a whole bunch of other things with paint. But today I'm gonna be specifically focusing on thickening acrylic paint. And I'm gonna do it as a little bit of a competition, so I'm gonna be thickening some black acrylic paint. And I'm gonna be testing out how thick each material makes the paint, whether it changes the colour, and what's the final consistency / durability of the finished product. So the contenders that we have today are talcum powder, corn flour, I was going to use corn starch but I couldn't find any anywhere so I got corn flour instead. Got plain flour, sand, and I'm also going to do sand with a little bit of PVA glue because I have a feeling sand on its own might be a little bit brittle but I'm not a hundred percent sure so we'll soon find out. We're going to do paint alone just as kind of a base to start off with, and a specific medium for thickening acrylic paint. So out of all of these we'll see which one does the best. If it's worth the money, and see which one wins! Right so I've got my chart here so we can see side by side, how well each of these hacks do. But first I'm just going to put some normal acrylic paint down, so that we can compare that to the rest of the things that we put in. Next up is flour, I think I added a bit, a bit too much flour to this because it's incredibly thick, it is really thick. It's kind of got.... I don't know whether you can see that properly, but it's really kind of lumpy and gross, but I'll give it a go, but it's definitely thick by the looks of things. But it's got a very different texture, it's a lot less smooth, and a little bit more grainy, but I'll see how it goes. And the next one is cornflour, and I I'm not sure whether I've done this right, I don't think I have. Unless cornflour is completely different than corn starch or whatever it was called, but as you can see it is incredibly runny, it's almost like water, it's had and the opposite effect but I'm just gonna put someone anyway and let's see what happens you never know. But I don't have high hopes for that one! And the next one is sand on its own, and there you go, it has, it's thickened quite well actually and it's got, it's got obviously a grainy texture to it, but I'm kinda liking it so far obviously we'll see what happens once it's dry but at the minute, I don't know, I'm kind of impressed. But yeah it's definitely not smooth, it's very coarse, and textured, but I do quite like the texture of it. And then the next one is sand and glue, and yeah it's, it's smoother than the sand on its own, I don't want to drop any of it. It's got a smoother consistency to the just sand alone, but um it's, it's not as thick, it's more... actually no, no, it is quite, it's quite thick, it's just not as, not as textured as the sand alone. Quite nice actually, I like that one so far, obviously it might change once is dry but for now it looks alright. And the next one is talc, and it mixed in really well, it has thickened the paint, and it's gone really smooth as well, so it's got a very smooth texture to it, and it smells amazing, so that's another plus to using talc in your paint. But I'm quite, I'm actually quite impressed with this one as well, I didn't think this was going to do much, but if you want a smoother consistency it seems like talc is quite good at thickening paint. And giving a smooth finish. It smells delicious! And then finally we have the medium, which was from liquitex, and I put quite a lot in by accident and I don't think you're supposed to put as much in, and it's it's become so thick that it's almost like mud, it is so, so, thick, but it's definitely doing what it's supposed to, and I can imagine with this, although it doesn't have the smoothest consistency, you could really do some quite sculptural paintings with this stuff, it is super, super, thick and super... oh what's the word.. kind of like dense. It's really, it's really, it changed the paint really dense, but I have a feeling that might change the colour of the paint, because it's already looking slightly lighter than the other ones. But the other ones will lighten anyway ,so we'll see on that one. But yeah so they are the tests right there. So we've got the acrylic paint on its own, flour, corn starch or flour whatever the hell it was called, sand alone, sand and glue, talcum powder, and the Liquitex medium. So what I'll do is I'll leave that I think I'll leave it for a good 24 hours, to give each one a fighting chance, and then we'll see the results once they're all dry, and set, and see what happens, see if anything's changed. Okay so it's the next day, I've left all of them 24 hours to set and dry, and I've finally got the results. So here they are right here, so you've got the acrylic paint, the flour, the cornstarch, sand sand and glue, talc, and the medium. And to be fair a lot of them have done quite well apart from the cornflour, the cornflour was absolutely horrible It's just so flat, it's like it just had the opposite effect, it didn't, it didn't work how I wanted it to. The medium worked really well, it's very raised, and thick, and like I said you could get some really nice sculptural effects with that. And surprisingly I thought the color had changed quite a lot, and out of all of them I think the medium hasn't changed the colour as much, which is quite strange because once it was applied, it looked as if it had lightened the colour quite a lot, but it hasn't, it's mattified it, but it definitely hasn't really changed the colour much. Talcum powder's worked very well as well, and that's got a nice smooth consistency. Both of the sands have worked really well they've got a nice texture and a granular kind of feeling to it. And the flour has worked really well as well. The medium though isn't fully dry yet so I think it might take a little bit longer for it to dry, but after reviewing everything I can say that the winner of thickening acrylic paint isssss.... Talcum Powder! And the reason for this is because I never thought it was going to work, I didn't think it was going to thicken the paint, I didn't think it was going to have any effect on it. There it is up close, it's got a very smooth consistency and yeah I just think it did a really good job, and really surprised me, and it's such an unusual material to thicken paint, but to be fair I would say that flour, sand, sand and glue, and the medium all worked really well for different reasons. So you get different textures and stuff with it, the talcs obviously a very smooth effect, they all have mattified the paint quite a lot so that is something to think about if you are going to use any of these. And also with flour and corn starch, or corn syrup, or corn flour, whatever it was called... It's a food product so I'm not sure whether it will end up gone mouldy, or what the longevity is of it, so if that is something you're worried about I would stick to the medium. I think talc would last quite long and I think sand, and sand and glue alone would last quite long as well. So yeah I think, I think they're the results and it was quite interesting to find out, and I think I'll be using sand and the medium as well, I think I'll use them again because even though they didn't win this competition, they still did really good results, and could be used for different kinds of paintings and different things so that is something I'm definitely considering with, and obviously talc, I think I'll use that again as well. And you have to think with talcum powder, flour, sand, these are really inexpensive items to use to thicken acrylic paint. Whereas obviously the medium is a lot more expensive, but the medium does do a very, very good job, and it's something you can trust, so it's up to you what you do with it and whether you will use any of these, or whether you'll just stick to the medium. But if you have enjoyed that then subscribe to the channel, give the video a like, and comment down below if you have used any of these, especially if you've used them over a long period of time so we know kind of how long they last, and what are the lasting effects especially with using flour and stuff like that. And let me know down below if you plan on using any of these, or whether you just gonna stick to mediums, or if you have any other kind of ideas too thicken paint that you already use. And I'll see you in the next video, alright. Byeee!.. There are a bunch of different painting hacks..No. But after reviewing everything, I can say that the winner of thickening acrylic paint isss.... talcum powder. No, wait there. And the winner is.... and the winner is.... what am i doing!?
Channel: Anthony Crammen
Views: 32,575
Rating: 4.8419452 out of 5
Keywords: how to thicken acrylic paint, how to thicken acrylic paint with cornstarch, how to thicken acrylic paint with household products, how to thicken acrylic paint with sand, how to thicken acrylic paint with flour, how to thicken acrylic paint with talcum powder, how to use acrylic paint thickening gel, acrylic paint thickening medium, thicken acrylic paint tutorial, how to thicken paint, how to build texture with acrylic paint, acrylic painting, painting techniques
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 06 2018
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