How To Test For Blown Head Gasket

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you got white smoke coming from your exhaust and you think you're blew your head gasket here's what you do to test it they make what's called a block tester kit and this is how you use it yes i own two subarus i don't want to hear it you're gonna have your vehicle cold pop the hood open up the radiator cap you're gonna get a turkey baster to get a little bit of coolant out to make room for this guy you're going to place this guy right on top of the radiator you're going to fill this guy up with block tester fluid to the first line indicated on the tester as the sky is placed on top of the radiator you're going to grab this guy hook it up to the top and hook this up to a vacuum source they also make these guys where you can hand pump it you're going to start the vehicle and what you'll notice is if your head gasket is blown the fluid will actually turn from this blue to a bright yellow like this now if you see the fluid change color that means there's hydrocarbons in your coolant meaning that your head gasket is blown
Channel: Alexander Vargas
Views: 213,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Mk1EvXuJ4mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 56sec (56 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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