How To Tell Your Crush You Like Them

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so I've been doing a lot of relationship videos and I've been asked multiple times to do one on how to tell your crush you like them I thought something like this was simple but then when I asked my friends about this some said it's complicated and they said what if I'm shy how do I proceed and this got me thinking you're right there's always more than one way to do something so instead of me just giving you one approach to do it I'm going to give you 10 ways to do it so here's 10 ways on how to tell your crush you like them just in case if the first 3 doesn't work out for you number 1 plan a date there's nothing wrong with planning things out plan out the day when you want to say it plan out the location where you want to say it as such this will give you confidence ahead of time and help you prepare for your big day in addition you're holding yourself accountable if you like someone you don't want to push it off and find excuses like oh I'm busy this week I'll just ask her next week then you just drag it on and on and then you'll regret it when you see your crush mingling with someone else so just do it and that someone else could be you number 2 be confident I know I say confident a lot but how do you actually be confident good question when you are going to tell your crush you like them say it clearly to them don't hesitate or use that feeble voice look them straight in the eyes and tell them you like them also make sure there's no other distractions around you so the person can hear you this might take some time to practice so try practicing with the mirror look right at the mirror into your eyes and tell yourself I like you you bet I'll say it right back to you number 3 use some cheesy pickup lines the cheesier the better you just want to lighten up the mood so you get your laughter and smile in so you can't say I like you make it fun and make it feel like you want to push the boundaries beyond friends but not to the point where you break it here let me give you a few examples hey you're pretty and I'm cute together we could be particularly from material hahaha okay okay as you can tell this definitely doesn't work with me because I'm a little bit too awkward for this so I'll just pass on this one number four make a stress-free you want to be comfortable when you're telling your crush you like them and you also want the person to feel comfortable when you're saying it to them don't make them respond to you immediately they have to decide to but be ready for the worst and best case scenario if they don't like you it's okay it's only awkward if one of you guys make it awkward if they feel differently about you it's okay sometimes it's not meant to be so don't get upset frustrated or mad because you'll eventually find someone else and it doesn't hurt to have a few more friends number five it doesn't have to be in person some people will tell you that you have to do it in person to make it personable it's not always the case this also goes back to making it stress-free you can't let the person know however you want whether it's through text phone call letter email social media it doesn't matter as long as you can communicate your feelings across there's not a right or wrong way to tell someone how you feel about them and you shouldn't let that stop you plus I just think that if you let them know using this method it'll give them time to think about it so the response will be more meaningful number six get your crush to hang out with you one-on-one if you like you crush you'll eventually hang out together in the future if everything goes right so why not start hanging out with them one-on-one the more time you guys spend together and talk it's more likely that they'll be interested in you as a friend or a partner but at this point you don't know so that's when you confessed to your crush during your casual outings but du Pont over something first like music food hiking or over your favorite games this way things are super chill and casual and remember it's only awkward if one of you guys are awkward about it number seven use a friend this is probably an elementary-school tactic but it still works no matter how old you are so you start by telling your friends that you like your crush and have them spread the rumor around or tell your crush directly once your crush gets the message they could respond in either three ways positively negatively or neutral once you gather all your Intel you then proceed to tell your crush directly how you feel about them so if it's a positive response then you're in the clear and you can easily Lander I like you when you get a chassis say it though if it's neutral and they don't respond at all they are probably in shock like wow this person actually likes me in that case you just need to take your time with them and let the idea soak in for a while but if it's a negative response then you'll really have to use good judgment on this because there might be some who are in denial some who don't want to tell their friends or some Rando about their feelings and some who flat-out just dislike you a negative response is not always a bad thing you'll just have to work a little harder to get your feelings across number eight be creative unlock your creative side here are a few examples you can say it with food such as spelling I like you with cookie dough or those alphabet soups or even making your own heart-shaped pizza another creative way could be a scavenger hunt they could be looking for letters or words or you you know these are just ideas by the way then you have your basic poems or song confessions you get the idea your imagination is just at your fingertips number 9 start by showing some signs that you're interested if you've subscribed to my channel you probably have come across a few of my videos talking about relationship signs whether if they're interested in you or not if so simply show some of these signs that you're interested in these signs can range from being flirty to being playful to making eye contact by showing these signs it helps relieve the pressure that's been building inside of you and suddenly let your crush know that you're interested in moving your relationship to the next level number 10 do it ASAP if you've known this person for a while you might as well just tell them how you feel like right now after watching this video if they reciprocate back with the same feelings then that's great if not then you just have put yourself out of your misery if they like you back and feel the same way about you then that means that you can enjoy their company sooner so don't just wait and play the guessing game you'll never know how they feel about you until you ask at the end of the day if you really like the person you just need to communicate it to them no matter how you go about it you don't want to be in doubt and do nothing and miss out on the opportunity just ask yourself if you would ever regret it if you do nothing if so then you probably like them enough to ask to see what they really think about you you don't have much to lose but a lot to gain just by letting your crush know so yeah just some food for thoughts and as always thanks for watching
Channel: True Medallion
Views: 893,948
Rating: 4.9218674 out of 5
Keywords: how to tell your crush you like them, how to tell your crush you like her, how to tell your crush you like him, how to tell your crush you like him over text, how to tell your crush how you really feel, how to tell her you like her, how to tell him you like him, how to tell your crush taht you like him, telling my crush i like her, telling my crush i like them, telling my crush i like him
Id: cA4Xmjn4Snw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 57sec (417 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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