How to Teach: Backstroke Kick

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welcome to a new sub series on how to teach in this series I will endeavor to help those who are swimming teachers by giving you developmental exercises to develop certain elements of a stroke and how to demonstrate these elements these techniques will be a pathway in how to teach rather than identifying faults and correcting them if you are more interested in this then watch my videos outlining strokes where I discuss common faults although this is aimed towards swimming teachers it doesn't mean that a swimmer can't learn something here and you never know it may help you save some money on lessons demonstrating the backstroke kick is easy you just need floppy arms start with your arms extended at chest level palms facing downwards then rub one of your shoulders slightly this will cause that arms hand to pitch downwards then you will continue to lift the rest of your arm and flick your wrists and fingers upwards so you recreate the power of the backstroke kick once flicked the shoulder will relax to a natural position therefore letting the arm fall back down to below the chest fingers will be pointed up as during this alternate this motion with the other arm and make sure that it is continuous let's get on to some progressive ways to teach the back straight kick fit in on the side of the pool it is best to start here if you are teaching a completely new swimmer as it allows them to feel how long their legs going to be in the water start by just getting them to practice stretching their legs out as long as possible with their toes pointed then they need to relax their legs slightly but still keeping them stretched out once here get them to start to kick ensure that they aren't bending at their knees or plantar flexing their ankles lifting up their toes when they get comfortable with this it is time to kick faster while still keeping those legs long right they should finally be ready to lay down after this holding the board's with both hands on the chest this method of kicking will allow the pupil to concentrate on their kick without having to worry about their body sinking too low in the water this is usually best for beginners and children when teaching children you can tell them to hug the board like a teddy bear when performing this way of kick in get the people to experiment with different speeds of kick this will give them an indication of where their legs will be in the water during different speeds of kicking make sure when they are ticking that they are not bending their knees if they are bending their knees and you can see their knees coming out of the water you will have to perform another drill in order to correct this first when they feel comfortable that they're kicking position and speed is correct and you can see that is correct get rid of the board and get them to put both hands by their side so they don't have an aid to help them out this will make it slightly harder for them but still allow them to keep balance as they will be able to sculpt with their hands slightly to keep their body in the correct position holding a board in streamline this will be the next progression stage in practicing your pupils battery kick get them to hold their body position in streamline this will make it slightly harder for them to kick as they will have to work harder to raise their hips high in order to keep the kick effective if they are struggling to keep their hips high then get them to look further back in the water so that the water level is between their hairline and their goggles this in turn helps to raise their hips up again once comfortable with this get them to put the board away and perform the same with the hands on top of each other in the cross a streamline position ensure that they keep their feet bubble in the wall to the whole time and again get them to experiment with the speed of their kick so that they can see how their legs drop and their hips drop if they can slow the final developmental practices for the backstroke kick in is to get the pupil to raise one of their hands and arms above their chest was kicking this method of kicking not only means that the pupil will have to kick as fast as possible in order to keep their body afloat it also means that they are forced to engage their core in order to keep their hips high in the water this is also good practice for the actual backstroke stroke as it shows you that when they perform the arm action they will be able to keep their hips and legs high through the stroke I hope that this tutorial in how to teach backstroke kick and helps help all of the teachers watching this video if you would like to see more tutorials on how to teach certain aspects of a stroke give this video a like and a comment to let me know to keep up to date with our latest videos click the subscribe button here and to catch up with the latest video click here I hope that you have an amazing day and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Swimproving
Views: 10,104
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
Keywords: how to swim, backstroke, how to teach, backstroke kick, how to teach backstroke, how to teach backstroke kick, help me swim, how to swim faster, how to swim better, help my swimming, why can't i swim, swimming teachers, asa, swimproving, swim uk, swim england
Id: Z4Qhkaw9L9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Mon May 01 2017
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