How to TAME a TREX in Minecraft!

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dudei ladies and gentlemen maybe the most excited I have been for a video in a very long time I don't know if you guys knew this but if you knew the channel a couple days ago I was actually able to get my hands on a Tyrannosaurus Rex egg I just got a word that I'm pretty sure the egg has hatched and in today's video ladies and gentlemen I'm going to be building an enclosure and Tammy the t-rex hopefully doesn't eat me we would like for you to enjoy and without further ado let's get into the action I don't have time for this Rodney just stole nobody cookies okay rowdy I don't have time for don't get back out of here I have a code I have a t-rex I have I have a big t-rex Tana or maybe it's a small t-rex I really don't know yet what the t-rex has flippin hatched no sir but she waiting why am i going to the sea of the t-rex is back there it's in that incubator oh my gosh dude it's so magnificent and beautiful and it's also really really tiny how does the t-rex fit in that whatever dude let's see if it hatched oh oh my gosh dude we have a Tyrannosaurus Rex egg and apparently it's female let me just grab that and let's go see if Betsy has some materials me today because I'm sorry am i interrupting something no that's fine you guys can finish that conversation it's fine I'll have a t-rex or anything that I need to hatch now oh my gosh Tyrannosaurus Rex Kingdom I don't know am I allowed to steal this okay no that's kind of stuck there it looks like inside this chest we have a ton of materials in order to build an enclosure for a t-rex today and we also have a book called it's a girl the t-rex egg hatched bless the coochie Chad's now weighs it we just have one problem we don't currently have a place to put the t-rex I'm going to need you to make an enclosure enclosure details make it a big enough for a giant flesh-eating dinosaur but several feeders add water make sure it can't escape are we are all doomed lava Bessy I was really hoping that Bessie could build think closure today up okay fine it's cool Betsy it's cooled me I guess you know I'll make the enclosure I mean I did build this beautiful enclosure over here you know has velociraptors it's a little bit tiny so I don't think I could put the t-rex in there I'm probably gonna have to make it like ten times bigger than this thing most you guys ate some of you commented it down below in the last here X video a ton of name suggestions now the top one I think was Rexy but I want to make sure I get the name right so if you guys can leave a like on today's video and comment some more name suggestions down below what for a brand new t-rex I just realized I don't have anything to build an enclosure with always take robotics call it grab the cookies grab the cookies wait I'm pretty sure oh my gosh dude stop following me no these are my cookies this is my special day I get to eat all the cookies bro you have to be kidding me he has an inventory full of them I'll deal with you later Rodney we have some more important matters like you know finding stuff to build being closer with oh my gosh okay this this looks promising I was thinking of building it over here this is an entirely empty giant area there's a chicken in here to that our t-rex could definitely 100% eat in one single body step number one in building at your t-rex enclosure you're gonna need to make this thing extremely flipping it's secure I think I just start off with these base fences here I need to make sure that they all line up perfectly gets the blue render uh I guess we'll do one right there in that corner we'll do one over here where I'm pretty sure Inferno will burned an entire area of grass and then I'm we need to match it up perfectly I want to make this a nice giant rectangular square alright this reinforced glass I didn't mean to place it here and it takes like hours and worth of break it I guess that's a good thing because it'll take a t-rex possibly a couple hours to break it as well hopefully or maybe it just smashes right through it we're gonna find out after that we're gonna eat some fence security poles this is what's gonna hold the entire enclosure together I don't know exactly how tall t-rex is get I'm gonna say anywhere from like five to ten blocks tall but just to be careful let's just make this thing absolutely huge at the top of this I want to put some security fence wire this is so you know it's like barbed wire the t-rex even though it probably can't jump like the velociraptors if it does try and jump it'll just you know get cut on this law fence wire for the this thing I wasn't entirely sure what to do the baby t-rex is going to be super tiny probably tinier than a stick of fake Bessie so we need to make sure it's not able to sneak out through the cracks in order to make this happen I was thinking just reinforced glass right at the bottom this way if the t-rex is not able to get through any leg cracks or anything in our build so this should hopefully work and we should have a t-rex that is just completely secure the baby t-rex is probably gonna be able to jump just a little bit so thinking if I make this three blocks high it should hopefully be enough instead of having the entire thing to be made out of like full blocks of reinforced glass I decided it looks kind of cool if you go up the sides with the full glass blocks and in the middle in order to have a little bit of depth to it we'll add in at these reinforced glass panes which I mean they look really really skinny but I'm pretty sure they have wires inside of them so it should be able to hold out a full size of mega t-rex I hope please if it breaks out guys it's not my fault Bessie told me this will work I think we officially have the first wall pretty much almost done I'm thinking of adding one more layer of security wire right in the middle here just in case you know it gets past this one it'll have a second layer and if it can get past all of this dude we're doomed the t-rex is just going to destroy everything hopefully my dragons can take it out I don't know cuz the t-rex is pretty massive has giant teeth I guess dragons do too though now it actually be a super interesting battle to see dinosaurs first dragons a comment that down below if you guys do want to see that in a future video and leave like boom there we have it first mega wall complete it looks absolutely amazing you can see through it too so I'll be able to check on our little tiny baby t-rex I'm able to hopefully get in and out through a door somehow I really didn't think that far through I'm gonna need a door I guess we could just figure that out at the end where I'll like take a tunnel underneath or I'll just I can actually just fly in because I have wings and just like that he's a gentleman wall number two is complete now I just need to connect them up in the middle and then I think we have some decorations we have some saplings we need to add in the feeders the water and last but not least a little tiny baby t-rex another wall is complete let's go it looks absolutely amazing so far I don't know what you guys think just let me know but just imagine looking up there we can kind of get like top-down view we can come around and we should probably actually do a quick perimeter check to make sure that there's no secret tunnels or like holes in my entire enclosure I don't know for certain how small a baby t-rex is uh Lana me we're gonna find out soon and if it's tiny enough to know fit through a tiny little miniscule crack I want to know about it also no fake best is allowed seriously alright fine you can come in but I'm gonna trap you inside and the t-rex is gonna eat you did you just kiss me we should probably also get rid of all of this grass at my house here X's feel about this and ladies and gentlemen just like that every single wall is complete we're not gonna have any doors because I could just use my wings and I could fly out and around I can look up here at the t-rex when it's becoming giant but for now we need to add in water feeders and I think Betsy included some saplings as well that I can place in there this is sweet dude I've never heard of these saplings before but I'm guessing if they are prehistoric you know super old saplings ax I just don't know if they'll fit I guess we could try one in this corner first one I would guess I'll try out is a Phoenix sapling let's say oh wow that looks amazing it almost looks like a super old acacia tree I think anyway it kind of looks decent you know hopefully t-rex is like this tree we also have another tapping over here I remember when I used to play zoo tycoon that dinosaurs would love it when I would have like certain trees and plants inside of their enclosure so these yo should be good I don't know if they're too big though like this tree is absolutely massive and it actually grew through the enclosure let's try a tiny one right here hopefully it works look they just look so tiny and they sprouted become massive please be tiny please be okay that was easily the biggest one yet are you joking I'll probably destroy some of these trees you know chop them down when it make them nicer maybe use all the same tree cuz right now it kinda just looks a little bit weird next up though we need to make a little tiny pond for our little tiny t-rex - you know swim in and get some water so I'm guessing I guess right here looks good died grass died though we don't eat grass we need a pause Rodney get you put out there I just make an infinite water source and then I can expand it from there so let's see we can have go right here we can make it just a tad bit bigger than normal I want to make it somewhat deep I guess that's you know the t-rex when it's massive it can at least you know dip one foot inside of there so far so good but I kind of just realized I messed up my infinite water source so let's makin that one over here and I can fill in all the empty gaps there we go water for everybody up still up there I guess right there - a little bit of water over here in this corner I think that's infinite now somebody should just be able to finish this off give me all the beautiful water which one isn't filled yet okay so let's go this way that's going out away that's going this way Rodney Burrill why are you looking to be I have no idea of doing Roddy's mate could be nervous haha I think I got it it only took like ten hours good I guess we don't need this anymore now all i gotta do is place down some feeders fill them up with you know go to some fish maybe some pork chops i can also try cookies i do not know if dinosaurs like cookies let's plop one over here in this corner we'll fill each one up with some fish and some raw goat do one in this corner as well there we go we'll have a pork chop left fish will have some go in this one as well and then I guess we could finish it off one in this corner it's aligned okay we only have raw pork chops left and I'll put some cookies in there too well ladies gentlemen I think that is officially it it's a very basic enclosure if you guys have any suggestions for it comment them down below definitely gonna fix up the trees and then maybe add some different blocks from the Jurassic raft Mada not a hundred percent sure though maybe add some more decorations but ladies and gentlemen without further ado we have our hatch t-rex egg hopefully this works here we go three two one welcome to the world oh it worked it worked no no oh are you gonna get food hopefully it's going to get food this is awesome okay it's actually really tiny it's probably about the size of one of my legs it's so cute let's see if we can use our engine field guide in order to get some stats on it so it's an infant female Tyrannosaurus Rex it's die normal insectivorous I didn't know that carnivorous as well so it'll basically almost eat anything to put plants looks like thirst levels are good hungers good health is good zero days old it looks like we have some stats the Tyrannosaurus Rex would say the Tyrannosaurus Rex was a huge theropod that lived during the Late Cretaceous in North America that's where I live it grew to be about 12 to 13 meters long and six tons in weight healed fight wounds from t-rex found on herbivore bones suggests that it was indeed a predator however it also scavenged they led violent lifestyles and were fiercely territorial t-rex is magnificent but it is not to be taken lightly well that just made me super scared to own a t-rex bro it's gonna eat me oh is it drinking the water No please only be ok I just read a book about you and it says that you're probably gonna eat my face what ladies gentlemen we have officially done it we have a t-rex we have a successful t-rex enclosure now all I have to do in a future video is feed it a ton of food and then potentially have this thing be a full size at t-rex I'm hoping it doesn't get too big because I just realized that my enclosure could possibly be a little bit tiny well ladies gentlemen that is going to wrap it up for today's video leave a like if you did enjoy comment some names for a little tiny baby ish but ladies gentlemen I think that is going to wrap it up for today's video we should have leave a like comment down below with some names as well for a brand new baby t-rex dinosaur that's gonna be it my name is backrow dinosaur t-rex master and I'll see you guys all back again tomorrow for a brand new video peace out dudes [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: BeckBroJack
Views: 844,677
Rating: 4.9176898 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, best minecraft mods, minecraft map, beckbrojack, beckbro, mini game, mod, map, crazy, spotlight, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, maps, secret, mini-game, traps, trolling, glitch, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, minigame, troll, beckbrojack minecraft, top minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft dinosaur mod, minecraft dinosaur, minecraft dinosaurs, dinosaur mod, jurassic world, dinosaurs in minecraft, dinosaurs mod minecraft, dinosaur minecraft, dinosaurs for kids, tyrannosaurus rex
Id: v3r_r0HPxb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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