How to Take Notes Effectively | Jim Kwik

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class is in session this is your professor your coach Jim quick and in this session I'm going to help you to be able to retain information better both in your classes and in this program and the rest of your life by taking notes isn't it interesting that school automatically assumes you know how to take notes but there's a good way and a better way and a best way of taking notes did you know that for specifically understanding the information and also retaining that information so I'm going to give you an example of what you could do today starting today for the rest of this course and also for the rest of your life now we know that there's a learning curve but there's also a forgetting curve you could listen to your professor tell you about something or you could read about something in a textbook and what happens after a day or two up to 80 percent of it is what it's gone it just disappears and so you want to make sure you retain it by capturing it and then once you capture in a note form in this program I'm going to show you techniques on how to memorize your notes quickly so if you need to give a presentation in front of your class or you're on the debate team or you're giving a lecture at some medical conference whatever your application is you'll have that ability for the rest of your life but it starts by capturing the notes first now we know most people don't take notes properly what do they do they do we learn how to take outlines and you have the Roman numeral ones and the A's and these different letters but the challenge is something on page 13 can be more important than what's on page one and you can't really see it and so there's a way of taking more whole brain notes also as well some of you familiar with the concept of Mind mapping mind mapping was created by Tony buzon where you take the main idea put it in the middle and like spokes coming out of it or tree branches coming out of it you could put this sub ideas and use a lot more of the right brain creativity using colors and images and symbols because we understand things LEP brain linear right brain creative and when you can use both it makes it much more memorable and we'll go deeper in that process some people it's too extreme what I want to show people right now and I want to show you right now is a very simple way that you could take notes immediately and what I call it is capture create capture create method of taking notes and what I want you to do is I want you to grab a notepad a notepad now if you're used to taking notes digitally that's fine also I prefer to take notes by hand because what it does is it forces you they've been they did a study actually the difference between writing notes down with a pen and paper and actually doing it digitally and they found that the people who use their hand handwriting it actually it better on the exams and why part of it was that it forced them to really listen because you can't write as fast as you could type so it forced you to really listen and prioritize the information and write down the things that are most important as opposed to just writing transcription in fact there was a study done at a university where they found out the best way of taking notes and the worst way of taking notes and the worst way of taking notes do you know what it was taking everything verbatim that was the absolute worst way of taking notes was full transcription of the notes now why would you think that was the case because you might think like yeah I would have guessed that but why why is that the worst way of taking notes is because if you have 40 pages of scripts that doesn't help you to identify what's most important and it doesn't show you how everything relates to another and you don't know how to apply that information moving forward so a very simple way to overcome that is to take a piece of paper and what I encourage you to do is put a line right down the sheet write down the page so if you have a notepad what I would do is take a line with a pen and put it right down the middle and on the left side of the page what you're going to do is capture information and so what are you capturing well during this program you're going to capture oh this is how I remember science formulas this is how I give a speech without referring to notes this is how I could remember somebody's name next time I'm at a recruiting event or I'm at a networking function and I want to impress the person that's what you would be capturing or this is how I would build my vocabulary or learn another language the things that we're going to talk about in this program now you understand why I'm covering this first right that makes sense I'm going to show you how to take notes and the mindset of of being a quick student so then the methods you get them really quickly because you know how to capture them and you're also creating what does that mean on the left side of the page you're capturing information but on the right side you're creating it what do I mean by that on the right side you're writing your impressions of the information that you're capturing so in other words on the left side you're note taking but on the right side your node making now what's the difference it's subtle the left side you're capturing the information that you're learning in this program have you ever captured notes but then your mind goes other places the right side is where I want your mind to go the creative side I want you to write your impressions of the information you're capturing meaning I want you to take notes on one side but make notes on the other and specifically though what I want you to make notes about is I want you to say how I'm going to use this in fact here are three questions we talked about questions are the answer I want you to obsess about three questions that are on the left side of this page there's a lie that you've been told a lie that you've been told your whole entire life you've heard it before and it's absolutely not true and it holds you back and what's the LIE when it comes to your education that knowledge is power knowledge is power we've heard that right how many times have you heard that in your life you always hear that you open up a fortune cookie it says knowledge is power you've seen this on bumper stickers and and you see my shirt here it doesn't say knowledge is power right it says knowledge times action equals power because all of the programs and coaching and books and podcasts and University classes none of it works until you work so there are three questions note taking questions that you could capture and create around that will help you to take what you're learning and turning into real power here are the questions I want you to think about relentlessly number one when you're learning something I want you to ask yourself how can I use this how can I use this and this is your creativity these are all the ways you could use this information so during this program every single day I want you to ask yourself as you're taking notes on the right side you're going to capture information I'm going to show you a method called chain linking I'm going to show you a memory method called the basic Association I'm going to share with you a mental Palace I'm what you're going to capture it on the left side but on the right side I want you to think Jim how can I use this I want you to think in your mind ask yourself how can I use this I could use this in my science class I could use this in my in my Calculus class I could use this in in these law classes I want you to think about specifically what subject you're going to apply this to so how can I use this that's number one the second question I want you to ask yourself is a question we ask in our GPA the purpose why must I use this why must I use this we already talked about GPA that you could have a goal of using something but you're not actually using the a action because what's missing the purpose head heart hands what's the heart saying what are all the benefits that are going to come from you applying what you're about to learn maybe it's like Jim I'm going to save All This Time by using your method or I'm going to get that grade or I'm going to get into that graduate score that college or I'm going to get what I need to to get that career that a dream job but you got to feel it if you don't feel it you're not going to do it all right so why must I use this and finally the third question you want to put on that right side is yes you're asking yourself how can I use this then you're asking yourself why must I use this but the third question I want you to ask relentlessly is when will I use this how can I use this why must I use this and the magic question when will I use this because the most powerful productivity Performance Tool you own is your calendar when you have your phone here or you keep an external calendar that calendar is your productivity tool meaning if you don't write it down or put it in your calendar it will not happen you have your classes in your calendar right you have appointments in your calendar you have your doctor's appointment in your calendar you have your date in your calendar you have important events in your calendar you have to put the important things that you're learning when you're going to apply it in the calendar at the very least every single day of this program should be in your calendar and it should be time for you time well spent meaning you won't do it unless it's in your schedule so make sure it's there because I'm going to ask you to start practicing a little bit each day and if you're not putting your practice time in there it gets lost it's just like when you have the intention of working out but at the end of the day you don't do it it's because it you didn't write it down you didn't put it in your phone so make sure so what do you do to get anything done three questions on your notes number one question say it out loud what is it how can I use this second question is what say it out loud before I do why must I use this and finally the third question is what when when will I use this because if you don't write it down it won't get done so in summary your quick summary and your to-do take notes throughout this entire program and experiment in your classes taking notes by using this capture create method it's a very simple way left brain right brain whole brain way of taking notes the left side is The Logical side where you're capturing information this is how you'll remember names this is how you learn a language Jim this is how you give a talk in front of class or at your next conference on the left side and then on the right side you're writing your impressions of what you're taking notes on and if you don't know what to do let your imagination flow not outside but on the right side and you're capturing the information of the three questions you're creating around it number one how can I use this why must I use this and when will I use that and here's the thing this is your homework assignment right now quick student your homework assignment is to do this right now is to capture information in this form experiment with this note-taking method and ask these three questions and I want you to put down below what you think about this note-taking method what did you use before and can you add this as a tool in your quick Student Success tool box this is Jim quick your quick student coach I'll see you in tomorrow's lesson
Channel: Jim Kwik
Views: 149,995
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Keywords: jim kwik, how to take better notes, how i take notes, how to take notes, how to take notes effectively, taking notes, note taking tips, study tips, note taking musts, how to take notes in class, how i take notes in college, writing vs typing notes, mind mapping
Id: jBHLC8dff48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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