How to Take Control of Your Finances in One Weekend

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foreign hey guys welcome to this episode of the Rachel Cruz show so I know it is so easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out about money especially these days I mean there is so much right now whether it's high gas prices seeing the stock market like well going down high grocery prices housing prices it just it feels like a lot and if you are already on a really tight budget and feeling like oh my gosh are we going to make it month to month this has only put that much more stress on you and so when people think about hey I want to start new habits I want to actually try to figure out this money thing there still can be a lot of Shame and caution and oh it's like you don't know where to start and feeling like I should be better off than this or I should know more than this all of that so I want you to take all that off your plates and tell yourself hey you've done what you think is best up into this point but if you don't like where you are currently with your money then you got to change some stuff right and that's not bad that's not a shameful thing that's actually a really great thing when you learn and grow into something new a new part of your life and start these new habits man it can help you so much so I want to give you a few tips that I think would significantly reduce your financial stress and some of these you can just do over the weekends that's right just a few of these things and you have to do all of them that'll list out but choose maybe two or three and what ends up happening is you say okay I'm doing this new stuff with my money two three four things that she mentions and you might see some traction you might get some wins and then it might really encourage you that hey I can actually do this and then again it goes into feeling like I know more and can do more when it comes to my money because guess what you can you can so let's list out a couple of things that I think would be really good things for you to think about and possibly do over the weekends so one of them is look at your debt yep in order to have the big accomplishment of paying off all of your debt you have to know where you're starting and so many people want to avoid this or they feel stressed out when they see a bill come in or they don't want to look online or log into their account and they just feel overwhelmed so it will feel overwhelming especially if you don't know what's going on and the idea in your head is probably more magnified than the reality right just the question mark of not knowing sends you into a whole new stress point than actually knowing and bringing logic and facts to the situation so I want you to list out all of your debt every credit card bill you have every car loan every student loan every personal loan if you have medical debt anything that you have when it comes to owing someone money even a loan from your mom that you had three years ago that is still looming in your head like right anything and everything listed out put it down on paper and then do the the second grade math if you will love to the smallest number to the largest number and just do that and look and see and even doing that I know sounds scary but it really will give you peace when you have logic my friend Dr John valoney says facts are your friends when you can have facts in front of you it actually helps calm you down another thing that you can do is make a budget and I would say do this before you even make your weekend plans for this coming weekend okay make a budget that's your income minus your expenses equals zero and what's included in your expenses I count giving and saving as well so make a budget go back to your to your checking account the past three months uh or if you use credit cards cut them up look at your credit card statements and add up hey how much do I spend on food how much am I spending on gas how much am I spending on shopping how much am I spending all these different categories get a get an idea but then the goal is your income minus all those categories should equal zero so every dollar coming in is assigned but the numbers that you pull from on average last three months they're gonna probably be a lot larger because you weren't living on a budget so even you're probably gonna be able to shrink that down because the more intentional you are the more likely you are to save and when it comes to your budget one of my favorite apps is every dollar Winston I use it and it's so easy it connects to your bank you can drag and drop your transactions and it keeps you on track so I really recommend that but if you just love paper or love Excel you can do that too so again the math part of it is easy but getting the information it's a lot of work and actually sticking to it is going to create some new habits but it is so worth it all right next put 50 away in savings like right now right now if you don't have a savings account open one and just hit 50 away that's it oh it's gonna feel like well I have savings account over there with money fifty dollars but there's money there and again it's a quick win just to get you in the practice of doing something like this and even opening up a new account can feel like oh kind of kind of scary intimidating you can do it online or an online banking go down to your local bank or credit union but this is great to yes create a savings account put 50 bucks in right now also cancel a subscription yep I don't care if it's Disney Plus Hulu Amazon music Amazon Prime Apple music apple plus I mean there's so many subscriptions out there and if you don't have cable then you probably have showtime at HBO all the stuff just cancel one listen if you if you're dying a month later you need a bag you can go back and subscribe if you want okay but more than likely you're going to cancel the subscription that you don't use very often you're going to realize really quickly oh I really didn't need it in the first place but it's a good feeling it's part of cutting expenses so cancel one subscription this weekend next use my two three five method so go run your house this could be maybe in your nightstand even in your closets your bathroom throw two things away sell three things and give five things away do it because when you start to do it you're gonna feel like oh I'm gonna do more I'm gonna do more it's addicting I'm telling you getting crap out of your house feels so good it feels so good that minimalist living oh it gives you peace of mind so this 235 method helps you get there next find one way to be generous okay this can be with your time I would say this could even be with your words this could be with your money I don't care but find one way to give to someone and again I could be buying them something maybe a cup of coffee this could be saying a word a kind word of something that you've been thinking about and you just haven't sent that text send it or if there's a place to to serve and it's your time and you're like hey I'm gonna just spend a few hours here do it find a way to be generous because I always tell people give a little until you can give a lot but start from somewhere now I want to tell you guys about one of our sponsors slick deals when it comes to saving money you've got to shop smart and slick deals it makes it really easy it's a crowdsourced shopping platform that helps you save you can find verified coupons codes and awesome prices and all things that you need on Rachel okay something else to do this weekend listen to one episode of a financial podcast I mean I would recommend the Ramsey Network because I believe in what we teach but it could be a smart money happy hour it could be the Ramsay show I don't care what it is but listen to a financial podcast because part of winning with money is learning it's a small part it's about 20 understanding its knowledge 80 is behavior so a big part which is most of these tips is changing your behavior and doing something different but actually understanding how money works is really important what's great you guys is you're going to learn it's not rocket science you don't have to have an MBA to win with money a lot of it so much of it it's pretty much common sense pretty much common sense so again putting good things in your brain and learning is really important also plan a get together with friends or family that doesn't cost money so whether this is a game night or you have everyone come and bring dinner maybe you get some pizza dough and everyone brings toppings have a movie night do something that does not cost money I feel like especially on the weekends there's this pressure to like go out to eat or go do something fun because it's the weekend and you want to celebrate that stuff can cost you tremendously so again those things aren't bad but to practice new money habits which is our goal this weekend do something different and do something free and then when you go to sleep on Saturday night you can be like huh that was so fun and it didn't cost me anything it's good it's good it's good all right next unsubscribe from at least five five marketing email newsletters yep whenever you buy something type in your email address and guess what you get all of these emails and they're like 20 off buy one get one free have you checked out the sweaters that are on sale um it's like marketing right to you and if you're like me you tap that mail icon on your phone and you go into your email and you're like oh my gosh and I sit there and delete half of them so I need to go through and just unsubscribe as well because these newsletters you guys man they can tempt you to buy things it's like a sale you never knew existed until it hits your inbox so by unsubscribing you're gonna be less tempted to buy things next run your Amazon order history report from last year this is like a therapeutic time it's gonna be really hard to see because we buy everything on Amazon and be like oh my gosh but it's really important to take note of all the patterns that you see are overspending we look to say okay what am I overspending on what do I tend to buy that's too much or not enough and you just can really see your spending habits so much so get that history report and look at it next challenge yourself to see if you can spend fifty dollars Less on groceries than you normally would you could actually use my meal planner and grocery savings guide to help you do this I'll put a link in the description but again if this is just being aware I feel like sometimes too with grocery shopping I can get in this like oh my gosh inflation's killing me throw in more Oreos in my bag and I just blame the high cost of groceries on inflation which plays a big part don't get me wrong but also I'm like I don't want that to be excused sometimes I am going to have to make decisions or actually look at prices more carefully and and again make choices through my grocery shopping so do that and just play the game just play the game just saying hey I want to go thirty dollars or fifty dollars Less on my groceries and it's a fascinating what ends up happening because I think you can do it I think you can do it all right make sure to share this video with a friend who may want to join you in getting rid of some Financial stress this weekend and yeah you guys simple tips some of them harder to do than others but take take three of these and just try it this weekend and start to get traction when it comes to taking control of your money because remember that's what this is all about taking control of your money and creating a life you love [Music]
Channel: Rachel Cruze
Views: 27,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rachel cruze show, the rachel cruze show youtube, money, budget, how to save money, budgeting, personal finance, rachel cruze, save money, how to budget, debt, saving money, save, how to make money, ramsey, finance, how to get out of debt, debt free, How to Take Control of Your Finances in One Weekend
Id: PhAS1kpiiSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 36sec (696 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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