Creating Line Group, Hunt List and Hunt Poilot in Cisco Call Manager

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hello friends welcome to voice guru youtube channel today we are going to discuss how to create lion group hunt list and hunt pilot on cisco called manager so first you have to login to the cisco call manager then you should navigate old outing route hunt and you can see line group hunt list and hunt by that least there first you have to create line now you can click add new button to create new line through so I'm going to put voice guru - ng s by line group name I will copy this one and I will put this as my line group name so R in a reservation timeout if you want you can increase so and the distribution algorithm I will put as a top down you can put circular long as idle time nu anything which you want so I will put this as a top down and you have to add what are the line group members basically in here we are going to add directory numbers which should contain in the line group so I have directory numbers called 9001 so you can put your directory number and you can click the find button and you can see the directory number with the partition so you have to click this one and click that add to the line group but so likewise I will add another DN number you can see being number with the partition at the line group and three find we big time it is there so we have added these three numbers as a line group members so when you put top down call with first inning this number after that this and this number in order so now you can click the Save button done actually we have done line group configuration so I'm going to now configure the Hartley's for this you have to go to the same place go rooting now turn and the hunt list so you can pull click add new button ok so you have to put the hunt list name I will put this is my hunt list voice guru hunt list and you can put some description I will put this one as my description and you can see like coal manager crew so I will select default on if you have pre-configured coal mines your group you can select that and save it so after saving the hunt list configuration you can add the line group into the hunt list so for that you can click Add line group and you can select this line group and you can edit so from the drop down list you can see our line group is there this is our line group name you can select this and save it okay so you can see lying groupies added to the hunt member is the information you can review the line group from here also now if you want you can save it again and we are done with the hunt list now you have to create hunt pilot so for this we also go into the same place cause routing how hunt and hunt fighter you should follow this order so it is easy for you I think now I am going to create new hunt Island so click add new button in here you have to put hand pilot number so I'm going to put 9500 test my hunt by that number and you have to put the combination so I will put internal PT that means internal partition and description so voice guru hunt pilot I will put this as a description you can put any description as you need and you have to put this hunt list you can see the Huntley's is there so what we did is first we have create line group so then create the hunt list inside this hunt list we have called this line group after that we are creating hunt spider inside this hunt pilot we are calling this hunt list so I will put this one if you have pickup group you can put it here I don't have any pickup group and I will put the alerting name so you can put any name and pace so basic configuration we are done if you need you can put the forwarding and you can do so many stuff in here so now I am going to save it okay done so what is happening here when you are calling to this number 9500 it will ring these line Roop members in top-down order I will search my line through this one so once you call 9500 first string D 9001 after that appearing 9000 M - after that it will ring 9003 this is what happened in Hunt pilot and list and line group for this we have we need all three configurations in Jupiter I think this is helpful for you and you can try it from your own call manager or left setup thank you for watching thank you very much
Channel: Voice Guru
Views: 2,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco, call manager, hunt list, line group, configurations, hunt poilot, voip, voice, uc, guru, srilanka, sinhala, how to, create, unified, pbx, top down, list
Id: ynVpgLckwN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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