How to tackle a leaky basement in a home over 100 years old

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well with me today is charlie begley he is with everdrive waterproofing and charlie i've been in a lot of basements with you this is a unique basement at least for you know modern age it's unique yes sir gary this is a stone foundation it was a technology back in the days this home particular home here is about 111 years old is there lots of problems you know and uh they called us in yeah i see one of the problems is the mortar and the sand i mean between the stones is just literally falling out is there any mold i know this can be pretty unhealthy and very very typical for a stone foundation the moisture causes mortar deterioration of course if you have moisture you're going to have other conditions dry rot molds different type things and of course epa states if you want to get rid of the mold you gotta get rid of the moisture absolutely and of course ever dry you do a complete system when it comes to waterproofing and you start on the outside of the home we will actually get outside we'll open an inspection trench we hand dig everything what we're looking for is any damage in the foundation any cracks damage we find we will dig all the way down make necessary repairs once we've got all the cracks dug we bring that all back up to that inspection trench level then we're going to slope it downhill to convey the water away from the home we'll actually put a black mastic tar on the walls uh put in an industrial-grade visqueen and form what we call a j-channel then we'll put this uh perforated corrugated tile in there we'll put the one inch yeah put the one inch wash riverbed gravel i actually put a filter paper over top of that to keep sediment from getting into the system and backfill the thing properly well i'm sure there's a lot of waterproofers out there think that's all you need to do but i know with everdry again a complete system we're down here in the basement i notice you have a trench around the entire perimeter of this basement in fact i see some standing water what's this for outside systems are for outside water the inside systems are for the water table in the ground water's coming up absolutely we will go ahead open a narrow trench all the way around the perimeter of the foundation get the concrete out of there then we start cleaning out the trenches as you can see you were talking about the water in here these still have to be sloped right now we're getting them cleaned out and everything and then we'll show you the finished product so you're catching that water where are you taking that water we'll slope everything downhill to our pressure relief pumping system and of course we convey that to wherever code allows us to run it to we also go ahead and install a battery backup system in case of any power outage anything to make sure that basement stays dry for you very nice now you also again a system you incorporate the easy breed ventilation system why this is a whole house ventilation system you know people were calling us years ago saying man my basement is so dry but but it still kind of smells like a basement well you're you're underground humidity cooking odors pet dander mold spores dry rot spores anything heavier than air will work its way to the lowest level of the home which is the basement so our research and development department came up with the easy breed ventilation system this thing will exchange the air in your home about eight to ten times a day and gary that unit actually takes all that bad air shoots it right outside unlike a dehumidifier dehumidifier would just recirculate the same air i noticed the wall they're not exactly the look of a finished basement but you actually do put a panel over it where it does look kind of finished yes gary the the dura shield paneling is a vapor berry it's not meant to be a finished product but as you can see it looks very very nice yeah it takes that dungeon look out of these stone foundation it gives you a nice bright basement so you use that just on the stone foundation yes sir now tell me about your warranty we offer a lifetime warranty it is transferable you sell the home the warranty goes right along with it you pass it down to the children it goes right along with it so these folks will end up with a healthier home a salable home if that's the case and certainly some good dry storage area yes sir gary all right good job as always charlie thanks
Channel: EVERDRY Waterproofing Cincinnati
Views: 106,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foundation repair, Basement Waterproofing
Id: vO7HGzxhqSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 23 2013
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