How To Switch Hardware Wallets

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so you've got yourself a hardware wallet and suddenly the vendor that you use to trust implements something worrisome perhaps there's potential for tracking or censorship or even seizure of your funds how do you migrate to an alternative today we're going to take a look at exactly that and provide you the tools and tips to get your funds safe and private I am Ben with the BTC sessions this is your daily session foreign [Music] [Applause] before we dive in big shout out to sponsors of the show if you're buying Bitcoin and you have a few priorities in mind like peer-to-peer trading instant self-custody and no kyc then this is the place to be you can head over to and sign up in minutes with nothing more than an email address once you get in really simple scroll down choose your local currency choose your payment method and your amount and start viewing offers right away and stack in non-kyc SATs you can also use their peer-to-peer lending platform in which nothing is ever re-hypothecated the link to check out how to huddle is in the show notes down below now when you do get your hands on those non-kyc SATs you're going to want to secure them with some of the best damn Hardware on the market and I love everything that coincide is doing the cold card mark IV is awesome it can be used very simply but it can also be used in very Advanced ways for those of you that are leveling up I highly encourage you check that one out also they're pumping out a ton of other great products like the tap signer the SATs card the block clock the open dime all of it's great and if you're really excited I know I am coming down the pike here cold card q1 drops later this year and it looks like an absolute Beast so if you want to reserve that or if you want to pick up anything else that I mentioned head to and use code BTC sessions for five percent off everything in the store now if you're looking to go beyond just single signature devices for your security setup I highly recommend you check out and their honey badger assisted multi-sig setup it is all done via your mobile device it's super easy to set up so you basically have multiple devices securing your stack you can use coin kite products like nunchuck they're a tap signer as well as the cold card and you can also use a variety of other Hardware all options out there and furthermore baked into this is an inheritance plan an assisted inheritance plan so that you know your next of kin will get access to your sets should anything happen to you so it gives you that peace of mind and it's super easy to use I've done a full tutorial on it and finally one of my favorite things about this is that it also requires no kyc no personal information so that you know there's not a Honeypot of information out for somebody to potentially get a hold of so check them out and uh their honey badger program and finally big shout out to your Sovereign Computing solution I love what these guys have made and what they continue to build upon you can basically get pre-made devices to run your digital life so your Bitcoin stack Bitcoin core lightning join Market all those great things you can also host your own data passwords files photos all that stuff you can furthermore host things like Noster relays and Noster clients so uh be sure to check out uh they have some uh beginner kind of entry-level devices as well as the uh the start server Pro which is the beefiest option they offer uh so you can really host your life on that thing so again and finally if you're diving through uh all of my content whether it be this tutorial or others and you find that the free content online is not quite enough you need a little bit of additional hand holding you can book me for personal one-on-one online sessions uh an hour at a time and you can just do that through my website BTC over on the right here there's an option to book yourself a zoom or Google meet and uh yeah we can level you up that way anyways guys enough of my rambling let's dive into the tutorial so I think it's important that I start off this video by prefacing it with the reasoning for this video which if you're watching it upon release will be abundantly obvious but for those that are looking back at this video some point in the future well recently Ledger announced that it would have a new feature rolling out in which you could uh take your seed phrase your 24 words and effectively split them up into pieces and upload them to the cloud so that you can recover them later and it also would require kyc so ID identification all that kind of stuff in order to recover there was immediate pushback to this a lot of worry about how this would work and potential issues with tracking with censorship with uh in particular the main worry was around seizure of your funds could somebody get access to your funds well at the time of recording this um yeah there's been a lot of coverage of it there's been a lot of feedback there's been if I'm not mistaken a suspension or a delay in the launch of this product all of that is besides the point the point of this video is what do you do if your Hardware provider starts doing something you don't like how do you migrate to something new in a safe private and efficient manner and so we're going to be going through that and so obviously you know I I worry anytime I see something implemented in hardware and software that includes things like tracking how you're using your funds or includes the potential for censorship and most importantly seizure of your Bitcoin we just don't want this to be a possibility at all and um you know the one of the things that allows that to be a potential is if your software and Hardware is closed Source AKA nobody can actually look at and audit the code of what's going on and um you know this is the case of The Ledger at the time of recording this video it's it's you're kind of just trusting uh that it's doing what they're saying it's doing and of course they have been around for a long time and there's not been um a major breach or anything of people's funds there's been other issues in the past with people's data but there hasn't been a you know a mass hack of the devices or anything like that nonetheless we're going to be going through kind of the considerations and the actions that you can take to move from any vendor and I think it's important that people know the steps and know things to look out for that may not be in their best interests down the line and so yeah we're going to walk through okay you got a device you're using their wallet their app uh their proprietary app whatever it may be what's next and so let's dive into that right now I think it's important to note that if you're worried about having funds seized because your keys or your seed phrase is in the cloud then this isn't a simple process of migrating your seed phrase to a different device because remember seed phrases are just like a key if you make a copy of the key and somebody still has the original it doesn't mean that they can't still use it they can still unlock with the key unlocks and if there's a copy of your key in the cloud than just having another copy of it on a different device doesn't do anything to increase your security so in the instance here if that's your concern you don't want to just take your seed phrase get a different device and then import your old existing seed phrase that will not do the trick you need a new seed phrase on a new device and you need to send to it so here are the steps that I would follow in order to move from a device that I no longer trust to a new one that I do step one if you cannot immediately afford a new device then consider at least using your old device with a new software interface in this case Sparrow wallet is an easy import that you can use step two get yourself a new device and learn how to use it import it into Sparrow wallet play experiment learn how it works and back it up step 3 create a hot wallet in Sparrow move your funds from the old device to this hot wallet and use the coin join function to increase your privacy moving forward step four move the funds from coin join into your new hardware wallet and this can be done in an automated fashion so that you don't even have to think it will just end up where it's supposed to at the end of the day if privacy isn't as much of a concern to you you can omit the coin join step and move directly from your previous device into your new device no need to create a hot wallet and have that in term step okay so here I am on my desktop and I've got Ledger live and I've got my ledger plugged in and everything and I put a little bit of demo funds on this and so you know let's say I I here there's some new feature coming out to which to me doesn't sound like a feature I would like to partake in well in this instance again and I'm just using ledra as an example because this is kind of the current news but please input any literally any vendor that you can purchase a hardware device from and that may have a proprietary wallet okay so I'm looking at this and I'm saying all right more or less without jumping through a ton of Hoops I pretty much have to plug in this device and I have to use this software uh to to update to keep my device updated and I also have to use this software to initialize it in the first place to set it up and again there there may be depending on the wallet you're using there may be variations of that but if it's not easy to set up without their proprietary software then most people are are more or less shoehorned into using this using Ledger live okay fair so what do I do at this point you know maybe I've got a bunch of savings sitting on this device and maybe I'm worried about using it and I want to migrate well first things first is as long as you don't want to do more updates moving forward the first thing you can do is actually use alternative software you do not have to use Ledger live um and in a lot of instances when there is an app that is the official app for a particular wallet you actually don't have to use them um unless updating the firmware or or initializing the device so if you want to migrate to something else that can actually help a little bit in the interim so you can be a at least away from the proprietary app which you you may not trust anymore okay so Ledger live goodbye okay so we're out of that what what can we use so there's plenty of options here this is something called Sparrow wallet now if you haven't used Sparrow wallet I highly recommend checking out and learning about it it is um it gives you a lot of granularity and a lot of control and it shows you a lot of stuff that you may not see in the the basic interface of Ledger it can also be a little bit intimidating your first time using it but that's okay you don't have to fully move away from Ledger live as you start to Tinker with Sparrow wallet you can run them side by side so obviously I just had Ledger live open my ledger is still quote unquote linked to it or if I log in I can see my balance and interact with it I can also use Sparrow wallet so let's see how we would do that by the way my ledger is plugged in right now I'm assuming if uh you are watching this video then you may be using a ledger but if you're not using a ledger and you're using some other device the steps are going to be largely the same so you're going to go file and you're going to hit new wallet you're going to give it a name so I'm gonna give this this is like LED Ledger Nano S Plus you can name it whatever um I'm just gonna do this and I'm going to say demo so I can delete this later anyway so I give the wall a name okay I'm gonna hit create wallet it's going to take me to this screen now there's a lot of stuff in front of you don't worry you don't have to know everything that's going on here you just need to know the basics all right it's a single signature I'm not doing any fancy multi-sig things here I don't need to worry about the script type and changing it and all that more or less I should I'll mention it there's a drop down menu here okay if you're in Ledger live and uh your your addresses start with bc1 uh you're likely using native segwit in which case you don't need to change anything so by default you can just leave it and not do anything now if your address is in Ledger start with a three you're going to be clicking on nested segwit and very unlikely if they start with a one you'd be clicking on Legacy but more or less odds are if you're watching this you're not going to touch anything with script type you'll know that something is awry if you don't touch it and then you load it up and you don't see a balance it's just checking the wrong type of addresses and is unaware of your balance so don't freak out okay so what we've learned so far is so far do nothing down at the bottom now you have a ledger it is plugged in you're going to make sure now you're going to make sure you enter your PIN on your device which I'm doing right now really quickly and uh you also want to make sure that you have the Bitcoin app open and this is specifically for ledger so you're going to go to the app that says Bitcoin and you're gonna hit both buttons mine is already open here and it just says Bitcoin is ready on the screen if you're unfamiliar with that navigation I will link to my ledger tutorial down below I'm going to click now in Sparrow it says connected Hardware wallet because we have a connected wallet we're going to click on that we're going to hit scan and look it pops up right away hey there's your Ledger Nano S Plus I'm just going to hit import key store it loads up all this information I don't need to do anything with it I'm just going to leave it and I'm going to hit the apply button down in the bottom right and then if I want to I can add a password and what this password protects is it doesn't protect the funds the device is meant to protect the funds this is meant to protect the interface so what that means is you don't want somebody going on your computer opening up this app and seeing your balance this is why you would add a password you don't have to do this for this video I'm not going to okay and guess what congratulations uh uh that's it you are now using your Ledger with Sparrow it's all linked up everything is fine if you want to go back to Ledger live you absolutely can but now you have access to everything so let's just quickly take a look at what's in front of us I go to transactions and you can see I've previously used this device for a couple demos so that's why there's old transactions here but hey uh there's the same balance that I had in Ledger live and it's all in front of me right here I've got a receive screen exact same thing you would probably see in Ledger live very similar looks a little bit different but nonetheless you have a QR code that can be scanned you also have an address that you can copy and then paste into a message to somebody they'll be able to send you money furthermore you're able to give a label to this address so that when you receive funds uh you know where it came from all right what about the send screen very much the same here um you basically have the ability to paste in an address you can give it a label as to where you're sending it to and you can put in the amount that you're sending either in SATs or in full Bitcoin if you want to use decimals you also have a fee slider it looks a little bit different in Ledger but instead of high medium low I think they say in Ledger you basically just have a slider and you can slide up and down based on how fast you want it to go it'll say okay this is a high priority transaction at the moment this is median priority this is a low priority meaning how fast will it go through okay so you can kind of find The Sweet Spot wherever you like all right and then when you fill that in it will let you know what your fee is going to be um and that's more or less it so you basically have your main screen that shows your balance you have your receive screen for receiving fonts and you have your sunscreen for sending and that's all you really need to know and then you can start learning a little bit about some of the other options here in Sparrow but it at least migrates you away from using Ledger live or whatever proprietary software you were previously using and in this instance I wouldn't I I what I'll say is if you're worried about privacy odds are um or at least in terms of what you want to bank on there's a possibility that you're receiving addresses may have already gone back to the server of the proprietary software you were using so if you're using a ledger there's a possibility that they know of all of your addresses and a general idea of how much you're securing with their device so this won't necessarily help with that and that's why you might want to migrate fully but nonetheless um we're going to dive into the next section which is getting money out of the Ledger and uh into your own hands with a different device now one other note I would be remiss if I didn't mention that of course there are other options that you can do this with all of which you can import things like your ledger to uh and so some of these I mentioned this one off the top of the show nunchuck it doesn't have to be used in that multi-six setup you can use it as a single Sig option and you can use it with your Ledger on your desktop you can also use uh Specter which you can also get for desktop you can use blue wallet also available on desktop and mobile and I believe you may have to actually plug into your phone to use that don't quote me but it's still an option and uh and Ledger also does work with block stream green both desktop and mobile uh the last I checked so there's just a handful of other options just so you're aware but let's jump forward now Okay so we have our Ledger imported to Sparrow we're no longer using Ledger live and we can still interact as we always did but now perhaps you have a new device and you'd like to migrate your funds to that and perhaps maybe you like sparrow and uh and you'd like to manage that other Hardware device with Sparrow wallet well you can actually have multiple devices allocated to Sparrow wallet in the in the same manner and you can see all of them simultaneously so you can send from one to the other so I'm going to go file I'm gonna open up a wallet now the wallet I'm opening is actually a hot wallet and so that means that the keys to this wallet reside on my computer itself all right I use it for tutorials all the time and so you know that that just so you're aware I'm not using a hardware device however you can manage your cold card your TAP signer and a variety of other Hardware devices from Spirit wallet and you can switch between them there are tabs up at the top of the wallet so I can go okay there's my ledger and then I can go click there's my tutorial wallet and it's balanced and its previous transactions so I can actually just switch back and forth between them I can have multiple wallets open at the same time which makes it very easy to send from one to the other so let's click on my tutorial wallet here which could just as easily be a cold card and I'm going to hit receive okay I'm going to uh type in a label of where this is coming from I'll just call it uh Ledger Nano S Plus I'm going to copy this address okay so I've just given it a label so I know where it's coming from and I've copied the address the information I need to send to well let's jump back to our Ledger okay so my ledger is here I'm going to hit send I'm going to paste in that address and I'll double check it hit the tab looks exactly the same to me perfect uh and where is it going to where am I sending to well I'm sending to my tutorial wallet how much do I want to send I'm just going to send all of it out I don't want it sitting in my ledge anymore so I'm going to hit Max that sorts it all for me and then finally what is my fee what am I looking to spend I can slide it up and down um I wanted to confirm quickly so I'll go for high priority looks around a dollar 42 or so around 49 SATs per byte great and then just for your own information just so you know uh down below this little graph it just kind of shows the flow of funds um if you're unfamiliar every time you receive Bitcoin it's actually more like receiving cash so if somebody sent you a million SATs and five million SATs you don't just have a six million sat balance you actually have two distinct pieces of Bitcoin in your wallet and you'd see it as one million and five million SATs as like a one dollar bill and a five dollar bill kind of thing it's just showing that here I have a single bill most of it's going into the tutorial wallet and then I'm paying my network fee right there so it just shows that split so something cool that you may not have seen in Ledger live before I should also know you can just send directly out of Ledger live into your wallet on Sparrow that's totally fine too I just wanted to give the example here great so we put in all our information where's it going what's the label how much are we sending what's our fee we're going to hit create transaction we're going to hit finalize for signing and then we're going to hit sign Now give me this error because uh I my ledger locked because the pin timed out so I'm just going to put in the pin one more time okay I am in and I'm just gonna rescan there we go okay now I give the option I have the option to sign I'm going to hit sign and it's going to bring up on my ledger it's going to say and I'm you're you'll be familiar with this but it says review output number one which hopefully you can kind of see I know it's kind of Blinky uh and it says the amount that I'm sending where what amount are you sending and then it says the address that I'm sending it to this will all be the same of what you experienced with your Ledger normally and then it gives me the option as I scroll to the right to approve with both buttons I'm going to do that now and then it says confirm transaction again it shows me the fees that I'm sending and it gives me the option to accept and send so I'm going to do that now and I'll bring up my screen as I do it except and send both buttons okay and then we get this fancy little animation it shows hey you just signed the transaction your Ledger just approved it it has not gone out yet it just says hey you got that signature we're ready to go now I can hit broadcast and that's actually going to send it and we should see a couple notifications pop out because we have two wallets open we're going to see a notifications saying transaction has been sent and we're also going to see a notification saying transaction has arrived into our tutorial wallet or whatever wallet you're sending it to all right and there we see uh a couple different there we go all right so we have what are we looking at here by the way um your transaction just so you know it is in a separate tab which you can X Out of uh when you start getting the notifications that it's been uh sent so nonetheless I've xed out of that within Ledger we see there's our transaction going out you see minus 607 000 SATs roughly uh our balance is now down to zero up here and uh there's a little Circle here that's actually a little pie and as you get a confirmation on the Bitcoin blockchain it will fill in part of the pie after six confirmations it will fully fill but nonetheless um you know the transaction has gone out and if I go over to the receiving wallet my tutorial wallet here's that transaction again same thing but it's coming in this time and we see uh same amount well different amount because minus the fee that was used and same little circle chart and that will fill in and once it confirms then then everything has gone to plan nonetheless we know it's there and we're self-transferring so we're pretty much all set here once you've moved your funds out of the previous wallet and into a new one uh that at that point you are effectively safe from seizure if that was your concern if you're worried about the idea of your private Keys being out there and uh that somebody may be able to steal your funds you've now moved them to a new set of keys that are now as long as you've taken care of them secure and will not be able to be obtained remotely by anyone however uh uh there could be issues around privacy and so if you've been using proprietary software there's a possibility that um there's knowledge of all of your receiving addresses all of your funds everything that you own how much you have and furthermore there's potential for them being tracked As you move them and then co-mingle them with other funds that you may have if you want to get privacy then there are a few things to consider number one it's important to know that if you've already purchased from an exchange meaning that you've used kyc information you've given ID all of that you can't undo that there's a record that somebody else holds that you have previously purchased Bitcoin okay if you want to undo that effectively you have to sell your Bitcoin and then purchase them again through other non-kyc means however if you want to move forward and get forward facing privacy meaning let's say it's possible that somebody has a record of your previous addresses and the funds that you had even if you've moved them to a new wallet in one Fell Swoop that's pretty easy to track and then continue to track from there if you want to break that link and then let's say a wallet provider knows what you own but also knows your addresses if you want that track to stop if you want that trail to stop completely then you can coin join you can use coin join and you can actually do it from Sparrow wallet well I'm not going to go through all the steps here I thought it would be good to get you familiar and uh and I also wanted to kind of show you the video that I'll be referring you to so this is a video that I did and it's called using Whirlpool coin join in Sparrow wallet retain your Bitcoin privacy and it walks you through all of the steps necessary to uh to to utilize this tool within Sparrow to actually break the link between where your coins were and where they continue to be moving forward um I will note that if you look at the interface here in this video it's actually going to end up looking a little bit different in the current iteration of sparrow wallet so I'll show you what what I mean over on the left here there's all those blue tabs that we were using before and then on the right there's these additional tabs it now looks more like this I'm going to show really quick uh all the additional Tabs are over here on the left and each of these are individual wallets and I'm gonna try not to get too detailed here if you want to go into coin join the link to this video will be uh will be down in the show notes below but nonetheless you're gonna see uh four different distinct wallets here and each time you click on one they're gonna have their own tabs of transactions send receive depending on which wallet you're dealing with you can switch between them all right that's all I'm going to say here slight update to the interface but other than that it's all going to be the same and you can go through this and you can obtain forward facing privacy and as a matter of fact this video will show you how to coin join it has to be a hot wallet and it will show you how to coin join and then automatically mix into your new hardware so let's say you had your Ledger you have another wallet for coin join and then you have a final resting place of your Bitcoin for long-term savings which might be a cold card on Sparrow you can send from your Ledger into your hot wallet for mixing and then it will automatically mix into your cold card all right so you can go through this video it will teach you all of those steps and if you're worried about forward-facing privacy this will happen in between moving your from your ledger to your cold card or whatever device you've decided on don't forget I have full tutorials down in the show notes I'm going to include this one for The Ledger Nano S Plus just on on desktop uh just for the ability to be able to send out if that's something that you've forgotten or need to be reacquainted with uh there's a full tutorial for Sparrow wallet and it goes through all of the details of how to use it in the various ways in which it can be used I also included the sparrow wallet Whirlpool tutorial so that you can gain privacy if you're worried about that from you coming from your Ledger or whatever other device that you were using and then I've got a full tutorial on the cold card so that you can learn how to use that and use it alongside Sparrow wallet too so if you have any questions or comments about that again drop them down below and hopefully all that material will get you through just fine so I want to move into kind of this final section here and it's going to be kind of a mix of what to look out for that is actually worth considering being worried about uh with with Hardware or or you know When selecting hardware and um my recommendations in terms of what to look for and what you would want and what I like to use so um number one you you want to know uh if the device is open or closed source and what I mean by that is are there eyeballs on the code can people actually tell it's doing what it says it's doing if the answer to that is no then you're pretty much going in blind and you're just trusting the company that creates the software and hardware and um you know that that's kind of the antithesis of what Bitcoin is for uh you know there's there's an ethos don't trust verify and even if you yourself can't audit the code it is in my opinion important to know that somebody can that somebody is looking at it and going okay I see how this works and it's possible that they could point out something malicious in each new release because right now it's kind of like all right you know in the latest announcement from Ledger it's it's kind of like all right we we built software that is capable of you know taking uh sensitive information and more or less uploading it to the cloud and in this case it could be your your private Keys which are the keys to your money now the way in which they've done it it is supposed to be split between multiple companies and you need two of the three pieces to it's besides the point if you don't like that you want to make sure that your device is not doing that and right now at the time of recording this video there's no way to check if that stuff is like already on there or not okay so that's important um number two I'd say does your device have proprietary software that is required in order to initialize it or in order to update it can in other words can you use the device without having to use the app created by the company at any point I prefer this I prefer a device that if I choose to I can start it up I can set it up and I can use it with a totally different app and the company never even knows if I turned it on that for me is ideal okay um obviously it goes without saying given given the video but offering some sort of tracking uh or data collection or cloud storage of important information as as a service I realize it can be opt-in but like that that is something I am not interested in and um that I think it's completely reasonable that people are worried about if their device can do that and at the very least it should be it should be opt-in and you should be able to audit that you haven't that your device hasn't opted in on your behalf um Cloud key backups things like that uh I I think it's a slippery slope I think it's dangerous and I think that in a pinch um in a world where a government goes to a company and says give us this information otherwise your guys are going under you know you have to trust that the company will be altruistic in that situation um and you shouldn't have to uh and then the other thing is does using your device require kyc do you need to give up your personal information in order just to to use the device and the features they're in um if so maybe don't anyways those are kind of the things that that you know should be at least like mini red flags or large red flags in in your mind and maybe things to avoid Okay so what are you looking for what do you want out of out of the device well basically the opposite of what I just said in my opinion um I want to know that the code is open and people can audit and see it's doing what it says it's doing um I want something that I can set up without being required to use a particular app and I don't want the company to even necessarily know that I've used it if I choose not to divulge that information I want a device that's Bitcoin only because again with more complexity comes more attack vectors or potential attack vectors and I also want a device if possible that's supported by multiple different third-party software vendors so that I have my choice and it's easy for me to hop from one to the other if I prefer the interface now in terms of what I'm using uh I'm using cold card I'm also using tap signer for On the Go stuff and so I mean it's no secret that I'm sponsored by Cold card but what people also don't often know is that I pursued them they did not pursue me I went to them and said hey I use your stuff all the time and and I love it and I would love it if you guys sponsored the show because I'm already using your stuff uh every waking moment so um you know take that for what it is uh that's my preference um but I do I mean I have everything here I I have all of the devices and um and in trying many of them uh this is what I've landed on so take that for what it is um make your own decisions consider the the pieces that I said before in regards to what to look for what not to look for um and and test things out get feedback from other people don't just trust me out the gate make your own decisions and um and yeah and if anything ever goes sideways you can still use this General format to migrate from any device to any new device uh yeah so I'll leave that there if you do want to grab a cold card or a tap signer or anything from coin again those links are down below it does help the show when you use them in the code BTC sessions but you're in no way obligated to um and also if coincide ever does something shitty then don't use them I don't think that they will uh you can audit the code and make sure that they don't uh but nonetheless I I the number one takeaway I want this video to give is that um nobody should be Beyond scrutiny and uh we should always be able to uh vote with our wallets and our feet and um I hope that wallet providers and and device manufacturers take it deeply into consideration when there's massive pushback to things that they would like to do uh as to why that is and and uh with that we'll get more options uh we'll get better security and I think the whole ecosystem will be better for it thank you guys so much for watching as always please do hit like subscribe share all those things to help a ton getting this content in front of more eyeballs uh I'd also love to hear your feedback in the comments down below let me know um perhaps what you think about the Ledger debacle but also let me know if you have preferences for hardware and what you think is best um and and highlight it for other people as well um if you want to help them show in another way you can hit up the previously mentioned sponsors that was hollow hollow coincite nunchucks start nine uh you can also hit me up for a private one-on-one sessions at my website and if you really liked what you saw you can always uh tip me on the same website BTC if you scroll down a little bit uh there's a lightning QR code and you can just scan the send there or you can click you can actually click on the QR code it'll pop up my geyser fund and you can drop some stats there as well it all goes to the same place either way thank you guys so much and I'll see you guys next time for your daily session foreign [Music]
Channel: BTC Sessions
Views: 43,034
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bitcoin, btc, btc sessions, bitcoin canada, btcsessions, bullish bit, why are we bullish, lightning session, ledger wallet, ledger nano s plus, ledger nano x, ledger keys, ledger recover, ledger seize funds, ledger leak, coldcard wallet, switch hardware wallets, should i get rid of my ledger
Id: 9SLijVthmfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 44sec (2624 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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