Unlocking ULTIMATE Security: Air-Gapped Bitcoin Transactions with Blockstream Jade!

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a block stream Jade is an affordable and easy to use Bitcoin Hardware wallet which I have covered in the show before they've recently rolled out some new features and functionalities which allow this device to be an air-gapped stateless signing device now what does that mean it means that the keys to your money actually don't reside on the Jade but rather externally on a scannable QR code this device now becomes a mechanism only through which you sign and approve transactions today we're going to take a look at how to set up and use exactly what I've just spoken about I am Ben with the BTC sessions this is your daily session [Music] before we dive in quick shout out to sponsors of the show hollowhuddle.com if you're buying Bitcoin and you have some priorities in mind like peer-to-peer trading uh instant self-custody and no kyc this is the place to go you can head there sign up with nothing more than an email address and once you're in scroll down choose a currency a payment method an amount and start viewing offers immediately they also have a lending platform where nothing is ever rehypothecated check them out today links are down in the show notes now of course when you get some SATs you're going to want to secure them in awesome Hardware now in this video we're covering the Jade but I also love everything that is being done by coincite the cold card mark IV is my go-to device and I've got a ton of other great stuff from them including the tap sign the SATs card the block clock the open dimes and coming really soon which I'm excited for is the cold card q1 if you want to reserve that and you want to pick up anything else that I mentioned head to coincite.com use code BTC sessions for five percent off everything in the store up next we've got cedor when you've got your devices you're also going to want to back up those seed phrases very securely and they're robust uh capsule and disk design is meant to secure your seed from the elements their Starter Set comes with everything that you need so you get a capsule all the discs that you need a mallet and all of your letters and a little stencil so that you can get the letters in just the right placements this thing is beastly it absolutely uh beats the hell out of most other options on the market and in terms of what you get with it you can secure two full seed phrases with this package and it will protect your seed from the elements things like fire water corrosion and you'll have that peace of mind that your backups are safe and secure so check them out links are in the show notes down below highly recommend and I will be doing a tutorial on this soon as well up next if you're looking to dive into multi-sig namely assisted multi-sig nunchucks honey badger program is hard to beat I use it myself basically what it is is it's a multi-sig in which they will hold one key for you you hold the rest you set it up very simply on your mobile device and uh it works with things like the tap sign or the cold card even the Jade that we just mentioned on top of that it has baked in inheritance planning and the whole thing is non-kyc I love it highly recommend you check it out nunchuck.io and finally big shout out to start nine your Sovereign Computing solution this is where you can run all of your coin infrastructure I'm running the start 9 server pure which is their top end model but they have everything from uh entry level all the way up to what I have basically Plug and Play device you can run Bitcoin core lightning mempool.space you can host your own data as well files passwords photos Noster relays and clients all kinds of great stuff I've done a tutorial on it check them out and uh yeah start nine is the way to go if you're going to run a node and with that let's dive into the tutorial so once again we're going to be covering the block stream Jade in a way that makes it a stateless signing device meaning it does not retain the information about your keys you keep them separately and the device just becomes a mechanism through which you can approve transactions simply we're going to be pairing it today with nunchuck wallet on mobile now I've done tutorials on this before so let's talk a little bit about prerequisites what are you going to need to know in order to do this well number one you're going to need to get nunchuck wallet on your mobile device it can be found on the apple and and Google Play Store and very simple to get for your phone you're also going to need of course a block stream Jade if you're following along I have covered the blockchain Jade a couple times before because they keep on updating and adding in a new functionality which is the reason we're covering it again today but if you want to take a look at the Jade being used kind of regularly plugged in or using Bluetooth with a mobile device you can go check out those videos they will be linked down below if you want to see the other ways in which you can use this uh so you can check out those as well um the only other thing that I would say that you could check out is um block stream green which is the mobile and desktop wallet in which you would link this to uh we're gonna briefly touch on that in terms of uh software updates at the very beginning because some of you may have a block stream green that you've already been using but you want to be able to update in order to use what we're doing today which will be necessary so you will need to wire it into a computer or use your phone via Bluetooth for that and we'll we'll cover that briefly it's pretty simple outside of that you're pretty much set if you know how to do basic Bitcoin transactions then you should be good if not go back and and watch some other stuff that I have some beginner stuff um but yeah we're basically going to be taking this we're going to be turning it into a device that can create a seed phrase so that can create the keys to your money but then will not store it internally and it will be stored externally to the device as a QR code like this and so then when you want to use it and sign transactions you would set up the transaction in a wallet and say Hey I want to do this and you would basically take this device scan your QR code to temporary temporarily load on the keys to your money to this device and then interact with nunchuck wallet to approve your transaction send it off and then as soon as you turn this off if anybody ever got a hold of it they would have nothing they would have no access to your money because it doesn't even reside on the device it's very similar if you've seen some of my previous videos to the functionality of something like the seed signer and you can go back I'll include that in the show notes as well I will also say that you can do this in a way in which the keys are retained on the device but you're just using QR codes to scan back and forth so it is air gapped we're going to do the QR version First like the external QR version first and then if you watch further into the video we'll do the version where the keys stay on the device it requires a special pin rigmarole that we'll go through and then you can just simply scan QR codes instead of plugging in or using Bluetooth so it is air gapped as well so let's dive in let's get you started and see what is first all right so out the gate here I'm gonna get you to do just a couple of things number one I want you to head over to blockstream.com green and you're going to hit download now for their desktop green wallet that's the one I'm going to be using in this video however you can also get it for your mobile device uh in either App Store and you can pair that to the Jade as well this is going to be used for firmware updates to make sure you're on the latest version so you can do exactly what we're doing here if you're unsure how to pair it with uh your Jade when it comes to your mobile device go back to my other video check that out because this will be brief in terms of the mention of firmware updates the other thing you're going to want to do and I'll link this in the show notes is you're going to head to this Advanced Jade setup walkthrough and you're going to scroll down a little bit I may just include the actual direct link but there's a provided template that they have for these QR codes that you're going to create and it looks like this it's just a printable QR code both for 12 words and 24 words depending on what you're wanting to do and you can just print it off and then you will fill that in and then finally you're going to make sure that you have a Sharpie one of these bad boys so that you can dot it out or some sort of a marker so that you can uh make all your dots on your QR code to use it in air gapped mode anyways uh once you've got that done we'll jump to the next part and we'll talk about the firmware upgrade so now there's going to be two scenarios for people watching this video some will be using their blockchain Jade for the first time and want to set it up in this method if that's the case when you first turn on your device it's going to look something like this and it's going to say setup Jade however if you have a device that you've already been using and you've already set up a seed phrase with it and it currently is housed in the device actively it will look like this and it will say unlock Jade and I should note that both of these on the most recent firmware so the interface may look a little bit different and that's okay either way all you're going to do is you're going to get your cable and you're going to hook it into your computer and you're going to have block stream green up on your desktop like so now I'm going to show you what it looks like for each one so this is the device I'm plugging in right now that is not currently set up it doesn't have a seed phrase linked to it it's going to pop up here and it's going to say oh look you can connect your Jade and use it with green you can set it up you can set up and test net you can check for updates if your device is not updated to the latest firmware you will get a pop-up here that says hey do you want to update and if that's the case you hit OK you allow it to and then it will prompt you on your device to approve the firmware upgrade it's a couple of TAPS and then you're done very basic just do what the screen tells you and that's it I'm going to disconnect this one it's going to look a little bit different now so I just disconnected I'm now plugging in the one that's already initialized okay so the initialized one is going to look like this that means it has a seed phrase on it already and then you're going to unlock it so in some instances you may need to hit this unlock button here so I'm going to hit unlock and on my device it's just going to bring up my pin screen where I need to put in the pin phrase that I previously set up with this device so I'm just putting that in right now really quick and once I put that in it will unlock everything and similarly if you are not on the current version of the firmware it will give you a pop-up ask you to approve it and the pin will be involved there and again a few Taps later you'll be all set up on the latest firmware at which point we can move forward I'm going to from this point I'm going to be using this as if it were a uh a brand new device but it will function similarly uh you may need to if you want to use it in this fashion you may need to make sure you have your other seed phrase backed up and uh and and kind of wipe off the old seed now I want to specify something here if your device is already housing a seed phrase if it's already set up you previously wrote down your words and it currently has a c phrase on it that means that you won't be able to go through the process of the QR creation so if that's the case number one make sure that your seed phrase is good um you hopefully you've already done a recovery process if you want to use it in this method then you will be able to if you factory reset the device but basically we're going to start as if it is completely clear and factory reset on its own however I will say that if if you already have one of these things maybe you've been using seed sign or something like that if you already have an actually written out QR code that is scannable then you can still use it in the air gap method even though there's a seed phrase a set of keys already on the device so this is just applying to if you want to create a brand new seed and create a QR code to be able the scan yeah the device has to be wiped clean and have no seed phrase on it whatsoever at least while recording this video so keep that in mind and we'll forward forward from this point forward we will no longer need a block stream Jade it was only utilized to update the firmware and now we can go ahead with seed creation and utilizing it air gapped with nunchucks so let's go to the Jade and set up our seed okay so here I have everything I need I've got the block stream Jade I've got a printed copy of a QR code which this one is specifically for 12 Words which is what I'm going to be using for this example I've got a Sharpie here so that I can mark this up for use later and then I've got a mobile device which currently has a nunchuck wallet on with no accounts or keys or anything in it currently although you can if you're already using nunchuck it's fine if you already have something loaded into this as well so we're going to notice that it's unplugged we're going to boot up this device and get started with it so I'm just pressing the button for a couple of seconds at the bottom I'll zoom in on the screen here so we can see what's going on okay so option one is to set up the Jade if you scroll to the right using the wheel there is scan seed QR and then there is options and then it Cycles back to the front so we're going to set up our Jade we're going to press the front button it says for a set of instructions please visit this website we're going to hit continue now if we want to use this with the QR Scanner that is an advanced setup so I'm going to go ahead I'm going to go forward to choose the second option now it says technical features will be presented proceed with caution I'm going to hit continue and then it says we can either create a new wallet or restore a wallet so we're going to create a new one we choose between 12 and 24 we're going to choose 12 in this instance then it says these words are your wallet keep them protected and offline so I'm going to hit continue and then it's going to list out 12 words each time that I want to advance past these words I hit the button and it'll go to the next one or if I need to go back see the two little arrows in the top I just navigate with those so I can jump back to the first four I'm going to write down all 12 and then we'll be right back now once I've gotten through and written down all 12 words I'm going to again Advance with the green arrow to the right and it will say we'd like you to confirm your words so it'll show me uh one word a question of what the word is that comes in between and then the final word so in this instance is showing me word number four and word number six and it's saying hey what's word number five that goes between these now you scroll side to side with the wheel up top now um from the words that I was taking at the beginning I accidentally backed out of it so I got a new set of words but anyways nonetheless I have them written down here so I'm just going to cross reference so between number four and six I can see that number five is topic so I can just scroll through until I see the word topic there it is and I select it with the button on front and I move on I'm going to do this for as many queries as it asks and then we'll move forward so it ended up asking me about four of the words once I got through I now see this screen export recovery phrase as a compact seed QR yes this is what you would like to do so that we can transfer it to the paper we're going to say yes and it says would you like to draw the compact seed QR for use with QR mode we're going to say yes and then it says hey you're going to draw the seed QR and we can hit start so what this does is the piece of paper you have is a grid and you can see the letters along this side here and the top here so right now it is showing me grid A1 and so you can see A1 it already has all of the appropriate boxes filled in and so I don't need to make any markings in box A1 if I advance and now shows me a pattern and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put black dots in the corresponding boxes that I have on this blank seed QR now you don't need to fill the entire Square I found that just a simple dot that pretty much fills most of the blocks or a portion of the box is more than sufficient and with a sharpie or a market I found just pressing there there like that I've got the cap on but just as an example is totally fine so I'm going to go through I'm going to fill this all in and basically again you advance forward and backwards with the the two green arrows on top you can go forward or back so if I want to go to the next box it shows of course that one is filled in as well next box it jumps down to uh column B and I can then start to fill that in so I'm going to go back to the first one I needed to fill which was box A2 I'm going to start putting in my dots we'll come back when I'm all done and I'll show you what it looks like all right so I've just finished the last section here and I've gone all the way through the QR so this is what it looks like once you've dotted it out you can see it's not perfect some of the dots are different sizes and everything but in general there's a dot in the middle of the appropriate boxes okay so this is what yours will look or similar to this obviously totally different dots but when I get to the end I'm going to advance past the last grid and then it says seed QR on template and we're going to hit the done button which is the bottom there and then it says initializing camera scan created QR to verify so I'm simply going to scan the QR I've created and then I get this message that says QR code verified and I can press continue on the bottom now it says would you like to add a bip 39 passphrase you will need this to access your funds now why would I add a passphrase to this well because if I have this sitting out as a scannable QR code this is the keys to my money and so I'd like to perhaps add a little bit of extra security to this so you can basically add a secret word on top of your existing seed phrase so we wrote down 12 words it's like adding a 13th word there but you're adding the 13th word also on top of the QR code version of it too so whether you have your words your 12 words or whether you have the QR code you're gonna need this passphrase so I am going to add a passphrase in this instance I'll show you how it works so we're going to choose yes and then it says enter passphrase okay um lots of different options here but I'm basically going to choose just a very simple I'm just going to say ABC so a B C and then I'm going to go to the check mark in the bottom right and choose that and it says hey this is your passphrase confirm it ABC is that right if I hit no I'll go back and adjust it if I hit yes that is now the passphrase that I'm using okay so now it says select connection how are you going to be using this wallet well we want to use it via QR code it's going to be fully air gap meaning it's not going to keep this seed phrase on the device I'm going to hit QR okay so it says would you like to save and encrypt the wallet with the PIN with a pin or would you like to scan the QR every session and so these are the two different ways of doing it that I was alluding to at the beginning we can actually retain the seed information here and then use this kind of as a QR Scanner back and forth but I we won't have to import our seat every time but we're going to see what it looks like as a stateless device that retains no information in between sessions so we're going to say we want seed QR and it says this wallet will be temporary and forgotten on reboot I'm going to hit continue if I want to back out of that I would just go back to the arrow up top but I'm going to hit continue okay here we are so we are officially logged in to this wallet all right so the seed or the key store money is currently on this device however I'm going to show you what it would look like if uh if we weren't currently logged in once we get through the rest of this while we're already logged into our seed while this information is currently residing on the device we want to export it into our desired wallet or interface of choice there are many but in this video we're going to be using nunchuck wallet on mobile so I've got nunchuck wallet pulled up in the background on my mobile device it is blank as I said before and if you need to learn about nunchuck head back to my other video but in this case we're going to go ahead and scroll over to options then we're going to go to wallet and then we're going to go to export xpub and this gives us a an animated QR code now the cool thing about this is the QR code may be a little small depending on what kind of phone you have and how good the camera is so you can actually go down to options and you can choose QR density and you can go to high or low or medium I'm going to go low just to kind of show you what that looks like and it looks basically the same but the QR isn't as densely populated and there's more frames instead switch could be easier to scan with a camera that is not as good on a smartphone okay so what next let's zoom out so I have that QR code animated on the screen there it's it's moving away okay and then I've got nunchuck wallet so what I'm going to do within nunchuck wallet is I'm going to go to the Keys section I'm going to hit the plus sign and I'm going to hit add air gapped key I'm going to hit continue and I'm going to give it a name this will be we'll just say Jade and we'll hit oh I didn't mean to hit add key yet uh so I gave it a name Jade and then down below I can either paste in information I can import a file but we need to scan a QR code that's what we're going to do we're going to hit scan QR we're going to allow the camera that brings this up and I'm going to scan what's on my Jade and just let it gradually populate that information you'll get a percentage kind of adding up to 100 over time so that fills in all the information I'm going to hit add key okay I can now see I have a key named Jade I'm going to hit done and I now have Jade listed under my keys now we're not done we need one more thing nunchuck can be used in many different ways including multi-sig wallets so sometimes you have multiple Keys listed here and then you'll have a singular wallet in which um you know many keys are a part of or you could have a variety of things so we need to specify we want a wallet linked to the Jade that's a regular single Sig uh wallet so I'm going to hit Plus on wallets we're going to hit create new wallet I'm just going to call this Jade single I guess that's an easy easy name for it okay I'm gonna hit continue and then you choose which Keys you want to be a part of this wallet well we've only got one here you might have others if you've been using this previously but I'm going to choose the Jade required Keys one and there's only one selected so it's not a multi-sig it's a single Sig we're going to hit continue all right so wallet name is going to be Jade single it is a single Sig wallet wallet type is a standard wallet native Segway that's the type of address you're using you don't really need to know that and then we're going to hit continue this is your wallet configuration file I would say you don't necessarily need to save this because you can very easily recreate it at any point with your single sick wallet if it's a multi-sig wallet yeah it would probably be very important to save this I'd say you don't need to worry about it I'm going to hit I'll do this later and here we go we've got a Jade single sick wallet in our phone so if I click on it I've got a receive screen sending options uh addresses all that good stuff so we can now basically use the Jade with nunchuck as we see fit okay great so we're all set up here uh on the Jade and I'll zoom in a little bit so you can see what's going on options okay go back great we're back on the main screen everything is all set up and good to go and you know what we're gonna do we're actually going to turn off the device we're going to pretend it was put away for a little bit and we're going to start using it in a moment and uh and see what we can do with it so we'll just turn it off really quick and I just did that by holding the bottom button okay let's turn it back on there's our intro screen and huh interesting we get in it says setup Jade scan seed QR options basically it looks as it was before we did any sort of setup it says uninitialize down in the bottom left and it's basically a blank device there's no information about your seed on it and that is as we intended it through the setup and now we can see how to interact with this as a signing device okay so we have an uninitialized Jade we have our seed QR code ready to be scanned and we want to start using this wallet great what do we do okay well on the Jade You're Gonna Go not to the main option which is setup Jade we don't want that we've already done our setup we're going to go over one to scan seed QR this will open up our camera so we can scan the QR that we have our seed upon scanning the QR it'll say would you like to enter a passphrase now if you didn't add a passphrase all you would do is just go to the to the check mark it will ask if you're sure you don't want to add a passphrase and then you're good however we did add one we did a b c and so I'll go back now to the check mark it says confirm we'll say yes and now we're logged in to our appropriate wallet that is associated with the one we put on nunchuck on the mobile device so this device is now ready to sign and improve transactions with the appropriate seed which is also secured by the passphrase that we entered great let's jump to nunchuck and take a look at our wallet there all right so I'm going to select Jade single uh to this familiar screen that we've seen before and we've got a receive address here and let's say we want to receive funds into that one thing that is a good idea to do is on your Jade to go over to scan QR which is the second option hopefully that's might not focus for me might not like me right now nonetheless it says scan QR the second option we're going to do that why because we want to verify that the QR code within nunchuck wallet is indeed covered by the seed or the keys that are currently housed in the Jade so I'm going to open my camera I'm going to scan the QR on the screen there and it says would you like to verify this address and maybe I'll Zoom a little bit it says hey would you like to verify this address I'm going to hit the check mark it says address verified and it even gives the derivation path for those of you that understand what that is we'll continue fantastic so that means that I'm safe to receive money to this address so I'm going to go ahead I'm going to open up another wallet that I have in fact I'm going to do it on on another uh phone that I have open here and I'm just going to use another wallet that I've got to scan that QR code so I've got the address right there I need to put in how much I'm sending so I'm going to send over a hundred thousand sets which at the time of this video is around 27 28 something like that I'll hit prepare transaction by the way this is Phoenix wallet if you're curious I have a video on it you can go check it out I'm going to hit pay and off it goes and so momentarily what I'll see is I'll see an update to my balance within nunchuck wallet so I'll back out of this I can jump back in if you do need to uh refresh oh never mind I'm not going to even refresh there we go so we can see 100 000 sets or uh 0.001 BTC sitting there and uh actually you know what I feel like changing the settings there I'm going to go ahead I'm going to say display sets okay jump back okay 100 000 SAS that looks better to me anyways so we've now received money just from the receive screen in our Jade wallet if I wanted to receive another transaction I would just hit receive and it shows me my QR code there nonetheless we have funds inside of this wallet now what happens if we want to send them out that is the tricky bit and that is the part that involves using your Jade in uh in a signing manner with QR codes back and forth and we'll tackle that next okay great so you've got money in your Jade wallet you can see the balance within nunchuck and you'd like to make a transaction you'd like to send some money out how do we do this well I've got my nunchuck wallet here I've got the Jade which I've actually now turned off so we can see the full flow of logging back in using the QR code to begin to sign things okay so I've got nunchuck here and I've also got my other Phoenix wallet over here with the Bitcoin address queued up just for easy scanning fantastic Okay so within nunchuck wallet I'm going to choose send okay in the top right there is a little QR Scanner so I'm going to tap that that's going to open up my QR scanner gives me a nice little beep when it scans it actually and then we're going to select how much we'd like to send I can manually type in the amount or I can hit send all which I'm going to do so all 100 000 SATs it will auto configure uh fees and if the fee is coming off the total amount given that I'm sending the the max amount if you want to bypass all of that when I hit continue uh it allows you to customize the transaction and Tinker around with your fees and all that I'm not going to do that right now I'm just going to go the easy way I'm going to hit create transaction okay so it now says hey you're looking to send this amount to this address we need a device to sign this transaction and we're going to hit sign in a moment but we need to make sure our device is ready to sign this transaction so let's boot up the Jade and we'll get rolling on that okay so the Jade is on I'm gonna go one over to scan seed QR once we've scanned the QR we put in our passphrase a b c check mark we'd like to confirm that we'll hit yes and we're now properly logged in okay great so this device is ready to sign we'll jump back to nunchuck so from the main screen we're going to choose sign it now gives us two options import signature or export transaction we want to export the transaction and it gives two more options do you want a QR or a file we want a QR code so this now gives us a uh an animated QR code now what I've found with the Jade is it's best if you make the density of this QR as low as possible so I like to have it super low like this makes it a little bit easier for the camera on this to scan it so I'm gonna have it here it's uh animated below okay on the Jade what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to navigate to scan QR there's a progress bar on the screen in which you can't currently see and once it fills all the way it will say Hey you would like to send this amount to this address now you'll notice it's a little bit less than the initial amount that has to do with the on-chain fee which we'll see says yep there's your fee 976 sets it looks like I think there's a lot of decimals there nonetheless uh I can either cancel or approve the transaction which I'm going to do and then it gives me again another animated QR code so this is my transaction with the approved signature on it okay so what I'm going to do is I'll grab now I'll get this one out of the way I don't need it I'll grab my phone and so we exported the transaction now we need to import the signature which is down at the bottom so this is our approval and we're going to scan it from the Jade once again you just kind of hover it over top there'll be a progress bar it doesn't need to be super close to the screen to be honest and once it goes up to 100 you will have your signature so you can see it now says signed and I can now hit broadcast transaction and off it goes we have an outgoing transaction we have the previous one coming in all that I should actually see it by the way on the Jade you can just hit the back button and uh you'll be back to your main screen and that's all good and on the other phone I can see there's my previous transaction going out but I can also see an incoming transaction here uh waiting for three confirmations to go into my Phoenix wallet and we're all set so we basically were able to receive and now send and use this as a signing device by importing the keys from our QR code and approving a transaction and then using QR codes to communicate back and forth in a fully air gapped fashion all right we're now into method two of using the Jade in an air gap method this time without using a scannable QR every single time so this is the other device that I had going here and from the main screen we're going to hit setup Jade we're going to hit continue we're going to still do advanced advanced setup and we're going to hit continue we're going to create a new wallet and we'll do 12 words for this example and we'll hit continue this is going to list our 12 words again we'll go through it we'll write them down and we'll jump ahead after getting through the 12 words you're going to go through the confirmation process that we did the previous time now this is different when asked would you like to export the recovery phrase as a compact seed QR we're going to choose no now it says would you like to add a bip 39 passphrase you will need this to access your funds we can if we want um in this instance I will just so we see what it looks like what yes and I'm just going to do the ABC example again and we'll hit the check mark we can confirm that and say yes great now it says select connection how would you like to connect we're still going to choose QR we're going to continue now this is different what we're going to be doing is we're going to be utilizing a pin that encrypts our data in our device and it's going to be done in concert with what's called a blind Oracle that is on block streams servers so let's see what this looks like I'm going to choose a pin again for this example just do one two three four five six and we'll confirm it okay now at this point uh and I should have done this at the very beginning of the pin setup but there is a QR code that you can scan that will take you to the block stream website uh which is used basically to do a back and forth blind Oracle pin confirmation with them I'll explain a little bit more about that later but for the time being I'm going to pull it up in my browser and you'll see what it looks like and actually if you do want to get that information then just from this main QR screen you can go over to the question mark and tap that and that'll actually open up the same QR and then just with your phone with the camera you scan that and it will give you a link to go to it'll offer up what type of browser you'd like to use select the one you'd like again for this one I'll just keep it simple and just do a regular browser but Tor is available just so you know uh and it says enter the pin on your Jade to unlock which we already did we'll back out of this little link to block stream and so we're going to hit done on our phone okay it opens up our camera so we can scan this animated QR code on our Jade once it has scanned it will give us an animated QR code and we'll hit the check mark because we did number one of four on the digide we're gonna Now scan what's on our phone this once more is going to spit back another QR code we're on step three of four so we're basically doing some ping pong back and forth here we're going to hit next we're going to scan what's on the Jade again you don't need to be super close to it and now finally we can scan the final set of QRS so on the Jade we hit that check mark once more camera and once successfully scanned which by the way on your phone you can hit done uh you will get the successfully logged in screen so it says session and it says active down in the bottom left so you basically logged in the uh everything is stored on the device but you require a pin and you require this blind Oracle on block stream servers in order to log in properly what this does is effectively it's taking your PIN information plus some information from the server over on block stream combining them to encrypt the key information on your device what this does is because it doesn't have a secure element if somebody were to take it and they were to try and access the key information on the device even if you didn't have a passphrase that would mean that they have no information whatsoever because it's encrypted by the pin that unlocks the device and it's encrypted by something on block streams servers so that prevents data loss and compromising of funds nonetheless this thing is logged in and we can now as we did before we can do things like going to wallet export xpub uh we can use it within nunchuck we can do all of that and we can sign and receive transactions exactly the same as we did before the login process is different because it's pin and blind Oracle but everything else is the same including exporting to nunchuck and sending and receiving transactions it is all the same but you don't have to scan your seed QR every single time because you have your 12 words and a passphrase and with this it's all housed in the device but you get the QR scanning instead of plugging it in or using Bluetooth so let's finish up with some final thoughts here first off um I am very pleased with the new firmware update from blockstream Jade uh it adds a bunch of functionality that was um I think maybe lacking a little bit when they initially rolled out kind of the air gap mode and the interface update makes everything much easier to navigate much less confusion and and additional options that didn't need to kind of be so much of a labyrinth anyways um I find that this has worked quite well and it pairs really well with things like nunchuck um actually I have also used it with Sparrow wallet on desktop and that works beautifully as well in the air gap mode with the QR codes now I think in terms of ease of use my preference is in using the seed QR where you literally scan it to log in and then add a passphrase reason being is I mean as as you saw the the blind Oracle option uh of scanning back and forth it adds a number of steps um and sometimes the the QRS um don't scan perfectly it can take a little while to kind of get through that process and I encounter that a couple times but both ways are quite convenient so if you just want the device to house your keys you have that option or you can again have a separate key and then just use this as a signing device exclusively either way you're pretty much covered now um the blind Oracle thing that we kind of discussed in the previous section again um kind of a cool solution to again the worry of having a seed phrase on a device that is um that doesn't have a secure element of course adding a passphrase also mitigates that risk as well um but again you can kind of balance that the other thing I was going to note is that running a blind Oracle so you know using the blind Oracle option there's a trade-off there in that there's some Reliance on being able to contact block stream servers in that login process the other option would be to run the blind Oracle pin server yourself and so then you have control over that infrastructure you're not reliant on block stream for that that is an option if I'm not mistaken it will be rolling out for some of the Plug and Play node infrastructure as soon as it hits start 9 which is what I'm running I will do a video on that as well um but outside of that uh you know there's your trade out the thing to consider when you're running your own infrastructure is hey if you've got your device in the same place as your node infrastructure and somebody compromises both those those things simultaneously it may not matter if you're running your own pin server because it's all in one one place so you'd probably want those dispersed geographically at the very least nonetheless very very interesting and uh and I enjoyed it but I do prefer the seed QR now I did mention something about scanning and um and the camera and previously I've had some trouble with the camera being hard to scan now a lot of these issues have been mitigated at least um Prime substantively so um and the way they've done that is with the QR density and so you have the option to change QR density in in the wallets and and how you scan it I still had a little bit of Delay from time to time and with some tinkering is fine I also found that if you keep the device still and are just patient it does scan whereas if you constantly try to adjust and do little things it takes a moment to re-center and figure out what it's looking at so just you know pick a spot hold it let it scan if you see some progress then you're doing it right if it's doing nothing then readjust and then stay still for a moment also adjust the density and that will likely solve or at least vastly help the problem you're encountering overall big fan of what they've done in terms of these upgrades and these new features and um and it just kind of bumps Jade further up that totem pole of of usability and and preference of mine in terms of how often it will be used and and um yeah I think it's uh again they've done so much work adding great features and stuff to this thing that I you know I'll give a tip of my hat to the team for all the hard work that they've been doing so thanks to the guys in Block stream that are putting their Blood Sweat and Tears into improving the Jade and adding the latest and greatest for it I look forward to hearing all of your comments on your experiences with the Jade in particular using this air gap method what you prefer what you ran into what you liked what you didn't leave them all in the show notes or not in the show notes but in the comments down below the video thank you guys so much for watching as always please do like subscribe share all of those things they only take a second and uh they really do mean quite a bit so go ahead do it now hit that like button share subscribe if you haven't already uh you can also help out the show in other ways you can check out the previously mentioned sponsors all in the show notes down below also hey do you need a little bit of extra help do you need some one-on-one action in order to get you through setting up either the Jade or something else in and around Bitcoin infrastructure that you just don't want to spend all the time yourself navigating it well hey you can go to my website btcsessions dot CA and you can book me for private one-on-one sessions to get you through whatever hurdles that you're currently encountering and that is just on the main website right on the main page there and finally if you really liked what you saw you can always on the same website bdcsessions.ca up on the top screen look at the menu there and hit the tips button what's that going to do it's going to open up my own btcp server where you can send me SATs if you want to you can do things like send me a dollar you can buy me a copy you can help me run my node infrastructure my streaming infrastructure help me get Hardware like this which I can then review and make videos of for you or just choose an amount and send it over either via lightning or on chain anyways guys that's enough of me here thank you so much for watching I am Ben with the BTC sessions this was your daily session I'll see you guys next time for your daily session [Music] hold over Bitcoin foreign
Channel: BTC Sessions
Views: 25,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bitcoin, btc, btc sessions, bitcoin canada, btcsessions, bullish bit, why are we bullish, lightning session, Bitcoin, Blockstream Jade, Hardware Wallet, Air-Gapped, Cryptocurrency Security, Easy Bitcoin Wallet Setup, Offline Transactions, Bitcoin Wallet Guide, Protect Your Bitcoin, Secure Transactions, Crypto Hardware, Ultimate Crypto Safety, Air-Gapped Mode, No-Connect Bitcoin Transfer, Jade Wallet Review, How to Use Blockstream Jade, Bitcoin Safety Tips
Id: XVKsaPCe260
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 28sec (3148 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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