How to Survive Being Lost in the Amazon

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[Music] you finally made it the trip of a lifetime wild nature lush scenery and exotic animals galore it's all good as long as things go as expected [Music] but in a matter of seconds everything goes wrong you're suddenly left alone in the amazon what do you do here's how to survive being lost in the amazon you are surrounded by the amazon basin the largest rainforest on earth sprawling across nine countries is 6.9 million square kilometers of harsh unfamiliar ecosystem it's overwhelming and you have nothing but your wits what's waiting behind this lush green jungle dehydration hunger heat stroke sunburn mosquitoes carrying yellow fever dengue and malaria waiting to suck your lifeblood then there are the animals the black caiman bullet ant the poisonous dart frog the most venomous spider found anywhere the brazilian wandering spider also known as the banana spider some of the world's deadliest snakes the green anaconda the boa constrictor and the south american rattlesnake and lurking in the waters piranha and the most dangerous shark on earth the amazon river bull shark you are terrifyingly vulnerable in this strange land and you know it so what's the first thing you should do how can you protect yourself and how can you get out step one use the stop method [Music] first things first stop think observe plan the next choices you make could either save your life or end it so stay calm take a breath and get your bearings this is where you decide to stay put and wait for help or find your way back if you abandon your initial point a location leave a note telling when you left and what direction you're heading if available take anything you can that will help you survive maybe a compass a water filter a lighter a knife something to cover your face or a mosquito net step 2 mark your trail break certain branches or drop something distinctive every so often this will assist the rescue team in tracking you and also ensure that you're not walking aimlessly in circles walk downstream of any water you find since this could lead you to a river and give you a better chance of being found if you can't find water look for animal trails the sound of birds or swarms of insects following their movements can help guide you to a water source step 3 find water water is the single most crucial thing that will help keep you alive humans can last for up to two months without food but only a few days without water dehydration symptoms can occur within an hour in humid conditions if you don't have a proper water filter or you can't boil water avoid drinking from streams and stagnant water the last thing you need right now is to get sick from bacteria and parasites look for fresh water alternatives such as droplets on leaves in the early morning specific plants like bamboo stalks and tree trunks will also collect water for you to stay hydrated step 4 find food forget about trying to hunt for animals this will expend too much vital energy avoid anything that doesn't look familiar stick to citrus fruits and vegetables such as squash and cucumber which are in abundant supply so are coconuts peanuts and cashews to maintain your strength step 5 find shelter you'll need to shield yourself from the environment especially at night if you can't find a covering create one using jungle leaves try and stay on higher ground in an open space to avoid falling trees and branches to protect from mosquitoes rub sap from the eucalyptus or camphor trees on yourself and try to sleep with a fire to ward off any bugs or curious predators step 6 protect yourself from the elements the amazon is full of creepy crawlies with over two and a half million species to keep you company more than fifty percent are thought to live in the dense canopy and bugs are attracted to dark colors so stay low and expose lighter colors which can also help you spot nasty critters walk carefully and use a stick to test the ground in front of you to make sure you don't encounter anything skulking beneath the mud avoid using your hands to touch things instead a machete is a useful tool to help clear your path and don't get your feet wet if your shoes aren't waterproof wrap your feet in plastic too much exposure to moisture will leave you open to bacterial infections and fungus also protect yourself from the sun wear as much clothing as possible to protect your skin and if you don't have sun protection cover your skin with mud step 7 signal for help by far your best chance to survive is to build a signal fire if that's not doable leave an sos for any planes passing by go big and bold using tree branches leaves clothes or rocks carve a huge message in the sand and if you spot a plane use a mirror or anything reflective to shine sunlight towards it because it may be a search party attempting to find your distress signal however if you can start a fire be aware that amazonian trees are very flammable especially in brazil fires have been the leading cause of deforestation so try and find an open clearing no need to be trapped in the middle of a raging forest fire to top it all off but don't worry we've got ways to help you get out of that alive too it's all here on how to survive [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: How to Survive
Views: 1,478,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survive, how to survive, survival, what if, science, can you survive, could you survive, Top 10 survival, survival guide, survival tips, survival documentary, how to survive being lost in the amazon, amazon forest, lost in amazon, lost in amazon forest, survival video, what to do in case you get lost in the amazon forest, rules how to survive, life hacks, tips how to survive, being lost in amazon forest
Id: rQVF4G7sxY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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