How to Survive in a Horror Movie

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how many times have you screamed at the tv while watching a horror movie yelling stuff like no don't go down there you idiot or run jamie lee curtis run well it's time to put your money where your mouth is because now you're trapped inside a horror movie even if you're the fastest the strongest or even the smartest in the world of horror movies no one is safe in fact your chances of survival are even lower than in real life one wrong move could mean a horrifying death the good news is we've got the know how to help you out today we're going to learn how to survive in a horror movie the best horror films stay with you even after the movie is over but what if this was taken literally what if you had to survive a night trapped inside a horror film it would be hopeless right well here's the thing horror films relish their genre conventions this means that within the world of a horror movie there's a list of rules you have to follow there are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie will you survive the night or become another horror movie victim here's johnny luckily for you we've taken the time to watch hours and hours of scary movies and have come up with a list that may get you through this in one piece step one be a good person but not too good ok i know this sounds a little contradictory but it's going to help you make it out of this with your life your sanity and your limbs still intact horror movies love to punish jerks so if you're a mean cheerleader or an obnoxious jock your days are numbered rude characters are usually killed off early and the meaner you are the more spectacularly brutal your death will be audiences love to see jerks get their comeuppance don't give them fuel for their bloodlust it's better to be the kind-hearted leading man or woman because statistically a protagonist stands a much greater chance of surviving a night of terror but here's the thing you don't want to be too good sure doing nice things may make you feel all warm and fuzzy but beware there is such a thing as too much kindness so if you find yourself thinking about picking up that hitchhiker or adopting that little boy with a 666 birthmark just remember the phrase no good deed goes unpunished step two don't investigate what was that strange noise out in the woods hmm i'd better go check it out alone i'll be right back [Applause] don't go into barns basements graveyards ancient burial grounds abandoned insane asylums or anything even the slightest bit for boating anybody here not only are you trespassing but your flagrant uninvited violation of a killer space is a surefire way to being spectacularly murdered step 3 stay together as the saying goes there's strength in numbers so never ever split up if you do well expect the killer to pick you off one by one a safe number would be a group of five or more at the very least when the killer comes you have an 80 chance that they won't off you first so just hunker down together and wait till sunrise as long as we stay here we should be wait why are you getting naked step four no sex okay keep it in your pants for just a second now is really really not the time for some reason sex in a horror movie usually guarantees death better to save yourself for marriage even if you are a pure as the driven snow virgin you'll still wind up a blood-spattered hyperventilating mess but a very much alive blood spattered hyperventilating mess step 5 even the odds now that you've endured a night of pure terror you've grown to be a more confident person and are finally ready to stand up for yourself get away from her you but unless you are schooled in the art of self-defense and your hands are listed as registered weapons don't walk around empty-handed it's time to arm yourself and prepare for the final showdown step six never assume the killer is dead okay we did it we beat the killer oh now let's go home and that happens every time monsters like freddy jason michael heck even the terminator are unstoppable forces of evil that will never give up there are sequels to be made after all chances are if they're down they're never out finish the job or put as much distance between you and them as possible the good news is horror movies are make-believe they're like roller coasters meant to make you afraid in a safe space but real life can be a horror show too if you want to survive a horror movie situation keep your wits about you at all times use common sense and don't go anywhere alone but what if you have to be alone what if there's no one else but you and you are the last person alive on earth well good news is we're here to help you survive whatever life throws at you don't forget to follow us if you liked this episode [Music]
Channel: How to Survive
Views: 875,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survive, how to survive, survival, what if, science, can you survive, could you survive, Top 10 survival, survival guide, survival tips, survival documentary, how to survive in a horror movie, horror movie, surviving a horror movie, horror movie survival, Horror Movie Survival Guide, horror movie survival rules, how to survive a horror movie, horror survival, horror film, Halloween, tips and tricks, survival rules, guide how to survive, survival video, tips how to survive
Id: qHwDhohtEp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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