How to Survive Battle of Los Angeles

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hi friends welcome back to another episode of generation films my name is Alan and today we're going to be continuing our how to survive series with the very underrated battle Los Angeles based on a true story this film gives us an in-depth look at how the US military would respond to an all-out alien invasion on our west coast as always this video will be separated into four different sections first who are we looking at the background of the battle the location where it's taking place then we'll be looking at the enemy combatants followed by the type of equipment and training you should bring along with you followed by how you can survive this kind of engagement August 12th 2011 several meteors are detected on a collision course with earth most of these meteors are projected to land near major coastal cities because these projectiles were detected at the last second evacuations are called only as the meteors make their final approach but before striking the surface at terminal velocity these objects actually slow down on their own which shows us that they potentially could be manned soon after touchdown of these objects alien forces emerged out of the impact zones across the plants and start a worldwide textbook military invasion their primary goal is to establish beach heads all across the planets and cut humanity off from the coasts humanity's defenders are initially caught off guard but quickly mobilized to counter the enemy threat although the aliens weapons and Technology were more advanced than ours they weren't invincible and our soldiers could still take them down but because these aliens were able to arrive on to our planet pretty much undetected major city centres were not evacuated completely and high civilian casualties and damage to the infrastructure are expected Los Angeles which is known for having terrible traffic becomes one giant war zone full of refugees trying to flee eastwards with so many civilians still in the city each infantry fighter on the ground also doubles as a first responder to a major disaster Los Angeles Beach is quickly overrun aside from the gym rats at Muscle Beach and the crazy cyclists who think they're Lance Armstrong the alien landing forces face very little resistance and hundred miles to the south San Diego is overrun and 400 miles to the north San Francisco is also overrun Los Angeles command is the last known standing force on the west coast and it is extremely important that they are able to hold on this will give the rest of the US military time to regroup for a counter-attack lovely for Los Angeles just south of the cities Camp Pendleton one of the largest Marine training bases in the country and as we all know there is no better killer of extraterrestrials than a human Marine very little is known about these aliens but they clearly are more advanced than humanity after all they are space foreign species unable to hide their approach to our planet with some kind of advanced stealth technology they are bipedal and roughly the same height as humans but their Anatomy is quite different from ours and highly evolved or perhaps modified for combat purposes first their bodies are covered in a hardened exoskeleton which allows them to easily absorb multiple five five six rounds before getting knocked out internally of their bodies are covered in redundant arteries and blood vessels they also have clumps of stem cells which can regenerate limbs and heal gruesome injuries what looks like a head is actually one giant sensory organ and their brains are actually located in their chest behind their hearts all the fighters are further heavily modified with a variety of different bolt-on machines this includes communication devices cooling systems and weapons attachments the alien soldiers are separated into four different castes the infantry cows are the most common these aliens are slender and stand at around eight foot tall on each arm they have weapons grafted to them and said that the alien invasion included 25 million of these infantry soldiers leading them in small squads were the officer castes who were generally taller and had augmented the brains and keen eyesight to allow them to better lead their soldiers into combat then you had the smaller operations caste which served as combat engineers and the intelligence castes who gathered information on humanity the aliens also deployed combat medics so there is emphasis on recovering injured soldiers the alien infantry is armed with grafted on hand cannons which fire projectiles in a similar way to a railgun most of these weapons platforms also have underslung grenade launchers or anti-personnel rockets some infantry units are deployed with the walking gun which provides artillery and indirect fire support for air support the aliens have drone ships that are extremely maneuverable and use pulse jets to either hover or move around like a more traditional aircraft the drones are quickly able to control airspace over Los Angeles putting humanity at a huge disadvantage still despite their advanced technology their weapons and vehicles seem to be slapped together and relatively old there are some theories that these aliens have just escaped some terrible war from their own home planets and now are running low on resources which kind of explains the state of their equipment it could also explain why the alien forces lack more heavy vehicles and heavy weapons now the only military strangely functions in a very similar way to our own they have a clear chain of command their military forces separate into small units which are effectively led by junior officers who all have their own objectives the alien commanders were capable enough to launch an invasion on earth without us even realizing what's going on on the ground they favored using their maneuverability and elements surprise to quickly overwhelm enemy forces this could also be why there are very few heavy vehicles in their arsenal mostly what we see are just lights alien infantry they're basically armed like a very light Expeditionary Force this is also why the aliens have to rely heavily on drone support to take out and pin down human heavy armor and once the air support is gone the aliens aren't able to operate nearly as effectively the US Marines are a light infantry fighting force at their core this is built into every aspect of how they are trained deployed and equipped compared to their army counterparts the Marines are more dependent on the individual wife woman this is why marine rifle squads are generally larger and include three fire teams although the Marines are well versed and combined arms tactics because they are considered an expeditionary force they generally have less heavy weapons and fire support at the small unit level a much heavier emphasis is put on the individual rifleman and his or her ability as a marksman in an urban combat situation like Los Angeles the Marines are more likely to go house-to-house engaging in CQB with small arms rather than using artillery or tanks the store enemy positions from afar and in this case against an alien force with superior technology and complete dominance of the airspace having a force that is essentially designed to fight low tech and without vehicular supports if necessary is an advantage for the Marines this is only compounded by their warrior-like mentality and culture which is probably why the Marines are able to take the news that they are fighting aliens so calmly to them is just another enemy to outsmart and kill as far as equipment goes the Marines are deployed at m16s and fours and m249 saws although these weapons are able to take down enemy combatants it seems like the enemy exoskeletons are able to absorb multiple rifle rounds a large-caliber around or an armor-piercing round might be more effective in this type of situation the Marines body armor also seems to be quite effective at stopping enemy rounds because this is an urban environment I do recommend doubling up on those trauma plates because again the aliens are using freaking rail guns I also recommend you keep your pack lights other than ammo and weapons you can find food water and anything else you need on the battlefield because you are in a major American city make sure your gear is also prepared for tight urban spaces zip tie or dummy cord down anything that is loose and keep those radio antennas folded down look no matter what this is gonna be a terrible situation for you you're gonna be in a target-rich environment full of friendly civilians your job is to extract those civilians and engage the technologically and numerically superior enemy with complete control of the airspace so my advice in these kind of terrible situations which can be applied to almost anything in life is you know fall back to your training and then focus on just one objective at a time let's go over some basics here for operations in urban terrain spacing and communications are extremely important in this kind of environment is going to be a very complicated 3d environment with a lot of verticality and plenty of ambush points one lone rifleman will not be able to cover every angle and vector so make sure you stay alert and discipline and move well as a team avoid bunching up and when advancing down a street stay away from the walls as counterintuitive as that might seem take special precautions and crossing doorways alleys and especially intersections be prepared at all times for incoming sniper fire and be prepared to carry out counter sniper fire drills and extract your team from an ambush point when moving from one location to another keep your head on a swivel and scan the sectors you are assigned to also make sure to always know where the nearest exit and cover is in case you aren't immediately ambushed you're gonna be at a severe disadvantage and you will have limited fire support and heavy weapons at your disposal because of the enemy's air superiority keeping off of major avenues and highways will be essential to your survival I recommend you keep the secondary roads and if necessary make your own entrances and exits through buildings and walls so you can avoid deadly intersections and potential ambush points because you are outnumbered and manpower is limited there will be no traditional frontline no clearing houses in occupying them and securing your rear expect to be engaged from all sides the only safe place is your fob and that's many miles away getting bogged down in this kind of environments most likely won't lead to the destruction of your entire unit so only to be ready to exit a location and use whatever methods possible to disengage from combats also remember the aliens are not familiar with your surroundings use your knowledge of human cities to your advantage know that gas stations can be to create massive explosions use your knowledge of cars to know exactly where you can take cover behind one near the front where the engine block is use your knowledge of the subway system in sewers so that you can bypass enemies from underground or use your knowledge of the rooftops that bypass the enemies from above be realistic and cautious when exposing yourself an engaging enemy forces you will have limited backup and your enemy is heavily armed and will outnumber you they're also quicker and more mobile than your own marines now usually we recommend you guys act like cowards and immediately run away from the fighting but that's usually in pointless battles against other humans where you're fighting over resources or political ideology but in this case you are defending earth against aliens so you know it's actually pretty important that you do stand up in fights in my opinion you can do whatever you want but anyway guys I hope you enjoyed all of our information here don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content as usual my name is Alan mining you that life is a movie and you are the protagonist
Channel: Generation Films
Views: 274,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Survive, Battle Los Angeles, Battle of Los Angeles, United states Marine Corps, Alien Invasion los angeles, staff sergeant nantz, michael nantz, Lieutenant Martinez, How to survive Star Wars, Space Marines, Aliens, Alien invasion, How to survive an alien invasion, Battle: Los Angeles, Echo company First Platoon
Id: GN2XSxiKwF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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