How to Survive a Limnic Eruption

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[Music] you're fishing in a lake on a nice sunny day when suddenly you begin to smell rotten eggs and before you know it the lake explodes your boat starts rocking violently and you begin to feel dizzy in the distance you see a 20 meter high wave coming towards you now you better get out of there before it's too late here's how to survive a limnic eruptions a limit eruption is an incredibly rare and dangerous natural disaster it happens when a lake sits near a pool of magma since the magma gives off carbon dioxide it builds up underground over time eventually the co2 bubble bursts creating a massive explosion in the lake when this happens carbon dioxide gases spread everywhere and tsunami like waves pop out of nowhere luckily this has only happened a couple of times but when it does the results are devastating in Cameroon olymic eruption occurred in 1986 killing 2,000 people and wiping out entire communities if you were near a lake during a limb occur up ssin how would you survive how much damage can eliminate eruption cause how can your nose be your best chance for survival and why can breathing be dangerous step 1 smell before the liquor up pay attention to your nose if you smell rotten eggs that means an eruption could happen soon also check to see if the water is warmer than usual that's another sign of an imminent eruption as this is happening move away from the lake as quickly as possible this will help you survive the initial blast step 2 don't breathe when the limnic eruptions occurs hold your breath immediately the magma chambers underneath this lake are erupting millions of cubic meters of carbon dioxide carbon dioxide can be fine at low concentrations but high concentrations greater than 10% will occur from the eruption if you start breathing it in you'll quickly pass out and die so hold your breath for as long as you can step 3 drive away now that you've survived the initial blast it's time to get out of there don't run away on foot instead get in a car and drive away you'll want to move fast as both the water and the carbon dioxide will cover some serious ground anyone within a 25 kilometer radius of the eruption will either get hit by the tsunami like wave or suffocate from the carbon dioxide step 4 get to higher ground when you begin to drive immediately move towards higher ground this is the quickest and safest way to avoid the aftermath of the eruption you see since carbon dioxide is denser than air it will sink to the ground and breathable air will be pushed upwards not to mention reaching higher ground will also help you avoid the rushing waters step 5 call for help you're on higher ground but now you're trapped below you are carbon dioxide and rushing waters from the tsunami you'll need to call from help and might be rescued by a boat or a helicopter depending on how severe the eruption is now you can finally leave these treacherous conditions phew that was a close one but probably not as close as surviving a pyroclastic flow right well with our help you'll be able to conquer anything on how to survive don't forget to Like and subscribe if you've liked this episode and if you are in danger or think you have an emergency call your doctor an ambulance or the police immediately
Channel: How to Survive
Views: 462,204
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Keywords: survive, how to survive, survival, survivalguide, what if, science, survival guide, how to survive a limnic eruption, limnic eruption, survival tips, life hacks, safety, what to do, tips how to survive, lake eruption, lake explodes, natural disaster, limnic activity, limnic eruptions, specific circumstances, catastrophic incidents, guide how to survive a limnic eruption, documentaries, possible scenario, volcano eruption, eruption, action movies 2020 full movie english
Id: 9U0uvqPxSFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 25 2020
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