How to Survive a Car Chase

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[Music] in the last few blocks you can't help wondering am i being followed oh no your worst fear has just been confirmed here's how to survive a card chase celebrities aren't the only people dealing with stalkers and followers this could very easily happen to you an ex-lover a stranger with road rage or even a crazed stalker could be approaching on your tail how can eye contact help you get out of this situation can traffic work in your favor and should you speed up to get away well the situation is about to get real so if you want to survive buckle up and follow these steps step one confirm you're being followed does the car behind you look familiar have you seen it before according to xcia officer jason hansen seeing the same person one time is an accident seeing the same person twice is a coincidence seeing the same person three times is an enemy action he adds that often you'll intuitively know when something is wrong so listen to your gut feeling turn left turn right or whatever direction you can if the car is still behind you you're likely being followed if you're on the freeway get off and then immediately get back on you're probably being followed if the other vehicle is still with you you can also try switching lanes or slowing down to a safe speed and allow the cars around you to pass you if the suspected car is still behind you you're almost definitely being followed if you're on a highway such as country back roads you can still make multiple turns depending on where you are or you can pull over and let the car pass you if you do this make sure you lock your doors in case the other car's driver tries to get to you this is also not a good time to go to your destination it could give your follower more information about where they could find you if they decide to give up and try another day it would be best to keep driving until the person chasing you loses interest or until you have police assistance step 2 let them know you know now that you are sure you're being followed it's important to let your tail know you're on to them rather than stopping and confronting the person maintain your speed take note of their license plate or the type of vehicle in case this escalates and you have to call the police if they get close enough make sure they see you make eye contact this alone could scare them off you do not want to confront whoever is chasing you because they could be armed and dangerous step 3 stay in traffic even if you're alone take comfort from the strength in numbers and those numbers will be the cars around you you'll want to be in an area where there are rarely any stops try to keep with the flow of traffic no slower or faster a freeway or major highway will be your best option as long as you keep moving your follower will have fewer chances to get to you don't try to outrun your tail by picking up speed and high speed car chases usually don't end well mainly because uncontrollable traffic situations and poor driving skills in short speed kills according to a nine year study that ended in 2002 police car chases caused 3146 fatalities in the u.s what's even more unfortunate is the study found that 1088 of the deaths happen to innocent bystanders step four get out of sight without driving at dangerously high speeds try weaving through traffic and use larger vehicles like big trucks as a visual barrier between you and your tail if you can tuck in front of a large truck and then exit quickly onto a different road your tail could completely miss your turn and lose you step 5 shoot the gap this term means making a quick left turn before yielding to oncoming traffic as the light changes from red to green keep in mind that this only works if there is no advanced green light for left turns this causes your tail to get trapped behind oncoming traffic and it's likely a move they won't even suspect you'll make because it's pretty risky and rare if you are successful and you're able to put cars between you and your tail get off the road right away step six call the police keep an eye on your tail call 9-1-1 and let them know the situation in your location hopefully during this whole ordeal you are able to remember your tails license plate number and give the police as many details as possible it's all about staying calm and being smart rather than recklessly trying to outrun your tail because the last thing you want is to end up in a serious car crash but if you do don't worry we've got the perfect video to help you survive that to be prepared and stay alive keep watching how to survive [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: How to Survive
Views: 155,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survive, how to survive, survival, what if, science, can you survive, could you survive, Top 10 survival, survival guide, survival tips, survival documentary, car, car chase, police chase, chase, chasing cars, chasing, survival tactics, survival skills, survival kit, survival rules, science documentary, survivalist, survival gear, life hacks, survival videos, how to, survival tips and tricks, survival training, car crash, man made dangers, survival gadgets, cars, car crashes
Id: W7KkwOeeQac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 45sec (345 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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