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I don't know really this is good you prefer black conceals mallalieu hi I'm young Norfolk tutorial I make whiskey tutorials while the booth tricks on keys now we're making a couple of experimental episodes where can get talks I have been certain in a bad personal interview look like in 2008 neasha to do like left waves turn a little bit and to see how good I am at surfing I've known here to help you right now the doctor here you can padlock over there and surf down there and hopefully I'm going to hit that left wave we later on them go through the footage of me surfing and the coaches here drives off surf camp they're going to teach me how to surf Sudama [Music] [Music] Oh Africa so well I almost went tried surfing for the first time it just rented a board and one off to tribes because of this approach and never learned how to surf properly it's now time to fix my surfing technique now we can have a look at what I was doing wrong and maybe I was doing something right as well with my body Alejandra he's the head coach at the right of serve and I hope you told master PLO what are we doing right along here mister footage of is your happy Bank and it's really important when you go sir we can see removing your body giving your shoulders very long and you are not keeping the power and the basis of your stroke is not going to be when you need to arch your back keep your hold tight there and go with as long as you can another party put your chest over the board because that you lose power when you're moving of the board all the time so if you're always flowing with all the body movement you're doing so how far does it go as far as you can but you keeping your body in a comfortable position if you go too far you don't have the control we don't have mantis trained at this point so it served their hands and doing this movement is going to help you to control much more - for your body stroke that you are giving in every moment this is more money choosing got a hundred of choice for many beginners slightly smaller than hello bow that's a - first of all the right position and again as you keep your feet around the tape and your chat window today every single way is going to improve the horse this way is their way to turismo the movement it will be very small but if the way to speak you will activate the rhythm of no time look depending also on which type of which are you taking you can go a little bit further or closer to the pan now it's very important to see if your nose is bleeding okay we should go a little bit closer to the nose to come to better balance and to be Roberta pants Lisa's aunt is experiencing the concessional March or is a board you have to keep all the time it doesn't matter the type of cord that you are usage the force should be level with the world this port are going to happen let's go entry there's a stability and you will leave the reference of the tail for your people work okay this isn't a bad week but we could improve it a little bit going also yeah this closure you can see smaller board is much more demanding now and a filler the collar will balance everything always and try to arch our back up mattresses the gives a very hard position in the very beginning I think I got a lot of work but arching the back you bring higher your shoulders and then you have better the Google is it good but how you are looking for a better bounce open in your life yep you should keep your late I really will do that true how's that by the boat now try to keep your shoulders higher yep this one with my defender you can keep the powers coming from your body tell me that it's really for very to the galloping in a level travel meaning only grant and abusive attack super important people for the time and use the strength in this group of marketable happen is super popular so the summarize what I've just learned body position mr. the floors source and we need to in a boat like this keep the case together I find it not natural nicely read them all really use the back muscles to come up and just go off all right that's perfect as they used to go ahead and it's so exhausting to do this I guess I will take maybe a few week to reduce it [Music] here I think young you are using your batteries you are in a Romero system and your shoulders are straight all your body is fighting to the notes at the bottom this doesn't allow you to land in the best position to land with the best a normal straight like that should have been more weight to absorb our shoulders but in the rotation well it and this will allow you to can with the back foot on top of the board and not there right there back knee okay you will be this position and you will have the possibility of push the board and land with more speed and better balance it's better to go in the very beginning try to build a body muscles memory and go step by step we try to beat doing three steps it will not the only way of standing up but if you go with three steps very far it will look like an attempt but it's not the same to be one down without control with landing in a wrong position who's not trying to go with the proper technique first of all you lie on the board you should be in the right position in the very beginning we can use our elbows to make the position more comfortable when the weight is coming up before popping up we should follow when we start to follow the way what we feel that weight is pushing us we can do the three steps one should be put our hand under our shoulders completely on the deck of the board we call this chicken wings position and push our turn high in this position then we bring our back to it in my case is the right foot I'm Greg I bring my back foot and at the same time I treat my shoulders my toes are pointing to the rail rule of the world and then I bring my front foot as far as I can between my hands then you can see the board is moving forward moving and pushing the board to the front and in this position I have given push and better balance keeping one hand more or less right side and the other hand on the light side will you do arms first putting your body weight on your shoulders and your hand pushing the board to the front look good very good and the frontal as far as you can that's very good it feels like I have a lot of weight yet you have grown a little bit too much for words please relax your body think your and try to keep your from me level with a at the same level of your front foot or a little bit shorter now all your body weight is between your feet try again but yeah I will put 45 degrees more or less the front foot what going so fast and for a moment all your weight is on the back alright you do it you through this a little bit you will be with all your weight going to the front moves data on this process they will be holding your body on the back this moment your nose lifting with your weight on the back foot and you are slowing down and you don't want when we are in the second step will bring all our weight and strength to the front of our hands and shoulders arching our back so when we land push them to the front here then you have perfect to separate and also your if you are not turning to the front of your hip you can see how you are forcing the position of your body weakness your shoulders want to go to the front and your hips are not following them in other words that should move your hips a little bit we have smashed you will feel much more comfortable very light so I drop them in bring the knee a little bit account will allow you to make all the maneuvers I just feel so electric for me to be low but there because it makes up all your body you are altering your shoulders we will make you my River thank you all of your body teacher bringing your values front and course you can so I can wave my the light that's how I will do it again please see your ramps does look good looks like yeah this is perfect for a huge way but now we are running smaller waist should control more our arms our hips should be pointing to the front our test will be lower and we should be fully in our arms they're bringing your patterning a little bit and this position it's done much better and allow you to keep the balance and speed up around turn your body if you want to do any maneuver play it straight and after if we can see your front foot you are losing the contact with the ball you press in and you are kind of jumping on the horse instead of pushing your body with your way fresh when you want to to the cross and just spend your body right leg extend Emily you sound surprised your front door in this moment you are losing the battle you're both lifting through this moment even if you just one second but I did it for the world to the speed up yeah but have been any export is more important than if that is strength perfect you have technical certificate of domestic open Polytechnic is much more important and all this energy that need insist properly for innovative instead of moving your front foot use your body weight and the compression of your body like that my phone where discipline great researching the egg [Music] pretty how then or straight bring your chest to the front not too fun well I think this was a hideous like really deeper sign yet bring your test to the front over your front back over here coming because we are not too much not too straight we can have better balance better control of the board we look at that with you and with the first thing of the hip it will feel weird to them as much from running here now I really thought those better surfer than this video shows to be different how do you like my riding skills pay attention to your hands yeah you see your front hand your right hand the other and without counsel it makes using the balance the control of the court it's precision bending engineers that moving all your body to one side to the other giving this freedom to your shoulder and not keeping the contract you should keep the control of your a solution of course you can move your arms but always in the control procedure in the control way not leaving your hands to go for once I lose them yes you always help return of course but maybe look if you do this like lamps are keep surfing are super important be on behind your help but always in control and not moving from one side to the other without any in this case you are dancing right in the way so you should run the way up the top to bottom going up and going down keeping the position so if I understand your rights if I'm like just bridle it away like that it's just like up and down Isabella yeah cuz I gotta leave them back but if I want to do one of cool looking bottom turn then it would be roll up her with the hips and shoulders handoffs yeah but it's like strict control fashion lot of yeah it does make sense yeah cool company in China now that I feel like you found a loan mistake of course unique we are working on Ethan but yeah we're going to get a better aunt is we're right to tell you later level we couple of jumper I hope you enjoyed this summer surfing experiment if you did so a second part is coming out soon we're going to have a look at of exercises and for the journey I've been going through since my first day of surfing here Nicaragua and if you enjoyed this video please let me know and maybe next summer we'll make more videos like this but there another sport but just they know the channel focus will always be homologated thank
Channel: Stomp It Tutorials
Views: 1,954,146
Rating: 4.9254422 out of 5
Keywords: how to surf, surfing, beginner surfing, how to pop up on a surf board, surfing stance, beginner mistakes, common mistakes in surfing, Aug 20, 2017, rise up surf, surfing nicaragua
Id: c6yOxWf3A6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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